A rash of spinelessness
What has happened to Cr Don McGregor?! First off he criticised the Diva's plan to "divest" (i.e. get rid of) community halls. Then he was heard to opine that "It could also be argued that ratepayers were not fully informed on other items voted on in the referendum". Could he have snuck off to some exotic plastic surgery clinic and had a spine-ectomy?
His concern over the lack of information provided to tick-happy voters in Mickey's referenda was motivated by the fact that whilst 75 percent of country ratepayers (who could be said to have some intrinsic knowledge of rural needs) voted against doing away with wards - and thus separate rural representation on Council - the votes of their city cousins (who were given no information on the impact of such a measure) tipped the balance to 53 percent in favour.
That it's taken him a year to realise what Watchers figured out before the first voting forms ever landed in their mailboxes - that a referendum is only as good as the information provided to the voters - we'll leave aside for the moment.
Because Cr McGregor has now done what no other councillor on this Michael Laws-led Council has done before - he's stood up for the people who elected him - those who live in the rural ward.
At yesterday's Strategy Committee meeting he spoke against reducing the number of Councillors from 12 to 10 saying there was "no valid reason" for doing so other than that such a move would be "politically popular". That sounds dangerously like a statement of principle to us.
Pointing out that ten was an arbitrary number, McGregor asked, rhetorically, "why not eight, nine or 11?". Or perhaps just one - Mayor-for-Life Field Marshall Michael Laws? (we said that, not Cr McGregor, though we suspect he may be starting to think it...)
He was supported by Cr Randhir Dahya, who said the reduction wouldn’t provide better decision making. Of course it won't - but then it was never designed to. Ten is simply an easier number for the Mayor to control than is 12, but represents a high enough number so as not to unduly alarm the populace about the erosion of democracy.
Cr Dahya also pointed out that less councillors meant less opportunity for a wider spread of community representation on council.
Of course the Diva immediately resorted to his old refrain - that Council was merely implementing "the will of the people". Sixty percent of people who voted in the referendum agreed with a reduction in councillors and 40 percent wanted numbers to remain at 12.
We've no doubt that's the case, just as it is if people are asked if they want to reduce the number of MPs. Because what springs to mind when asked that question is whether people are happy with the ineffective, greedy, scheming, lazy, stupid or just plain bewildered nincompoops who seem to make up the majority of people who manage to get themselves elected. Could we lose a few and not suffer? You bet we could.
Which neatly avoids the real question (just as it was designed to do) which is, what can be done to ensure that these people perform their duties properly once they're there? And how can we ensure a better quality of person gets elected in the first place? This isn't the place to canvas answers to those questions; but the point is, most people will vote in a knee-jerk way for a reduction in the numbers of elected officials, most of whom they see as ineffective for various reasons, and especially when they're unaware of the negative effects such as reduced public access to decision makers, less opportunity for talented people to contribute, less diversity, and so on.
However Cr Marty Lindsay soon came riding to his boss's rescue in a scene which wouldn't have been out of place in "Brokeback Mountain". Just as the injuns were looking dangerous Marty said, a tear welling in his eye, that voting for a reduction in councillors wasn’t something he wanted to do, but he had to, to honour the referendum result. A brilliant piece of logic, that - only the Mayor is elected to lead (after all, it's he who makes all the running on the issues), while councillors... well, they're just there to do what someone else tells them to do, even when it's against their better judgement.
Hopefully Don slipped him the name of the spine-ectomy clinic.
In the end Council was split, six votes for and six against. Chairperson Dotty used her casting vote to see the motion was passed. Now there's one elected representative who's absent even when she's present. Note to Mr Maslin: Not a good idea to accuse our firemen of having rashes, especially when the first line of the story opines that they were "probably lucky they didn’t have time to jump in the shower yesterday morning"... If your house catches fire, you might be left scratching.
This follows Saturday's headline: "We can doe trhe job, says community board". UK paper The Guardian is so famous for its typos that it's almost universally known as The Grauniad. It surely can't be long before Wanganui's local rag becomes known as The Crinhocle?
Update (6.40pm): And while we're on the subject of elected people who could well be dispensed with... thanks to Murray McCully's newsletter we're thrilled to report that our bauble-eschewing Foreign Minister the Rt Hon Winston Peters MP has chosen a crack team of Official Observers to... well, observe, we guess... the elections in Fiji. The unfortunate three chosen for this tough, thankless assignment are none other than:
- NZ First MP, former NZ First President and longtime Winston buddy Doug Woolerton. Considering his hand was on the tiller while at least two NZ First party lists were thrown overboard with concrete shoes on, he certainly knows how to spot a dodgy election.
- Susan Baragwanath, just pipped for MP-dom by being ranked number eight on the NZ First list, now given a consolation prize.
- David Major former Salvation Army officer and now a "Polcy Advisor" to... you guessed it, none other than the same Winston Peters.
And while these three reject the baubles of office in Fiji (forecast temperature tomorrow: 30 degrees), we do hope you enjoy your weekend in wonderful Wanganui, Watchers (forecast temperature tomorrow: 15 degrees. And raining by Sunday).
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I'd like to nominate Squire McGregor for mayor of Ohakea. We don't need his two-faced run the hare, hunt with the hounds games here. We've got enough problems with the Vision tee-shirt wearers without wondering just what McGregor does have under his kilt.
Have I got this right, LW? Going through the comments on the earlier posts the list of those getting the Warburton Handshake seems to be:
Rosemary Hovey
Keith Smith
Irene Pearson
Philip Shackleton
Jenna Lees
Does anyone know of any others?
I hear the lawyers (nthe employment law specialists, not Mickey's lapdogs downtown) are busy.
How could they...do you suppose the six who voted to reduce councillor numbers are feeling underworked?
Wanganui already has a higher representation ratio at 2515:1 than average (1825:1).
I came across a woman presently working on a study on local government. Her emphasis is the role of the local council member.
I wonder if she would be interested in our town, where the local council's role appears to be window dressing.
Most people think that a reduction of councilors will save some money. What rot, and micky knows that fact but it was ommited in the referendumb to mislead the people.
The money alloted for the payment of councilors is set by central government and is based on the number of people residing in the Wanganui district.
Less councilors only means the money that was paid to twelve will be divided between ten.
My guess is that micky is hoping with ten he will have a majority of division councilors.
I don't call that democracy,
It's starting to look as if Rosemary Hovey was given the shove in order to make way for Mickey's favourite librarian.
On the subject of Councillor numbers, we seem to be missing one around the table lately.
I hear Cr Sue Pepperell is working and living? in Wgton of recent times, is this correct?
If so it would be interesting to know how she intends to fulfil her responsibilities during the remainder of her term.
Are we heading for another byelection here?
Reducing council numbers may be self defeating, after all it took 4 of them to write a submission to the horizons LTCCP plans!
Does anyone know of any others?
Yes but am not prepared to say this side of Tuesday when all will be revealed to the public
The Crinhocle...LOL
It will always be the Chronic to me :)
Anonymous said...
It's starting to look as if Rosemary Hovey was given the shove in order to make way for Mickey's favourite librarian.
6:44 PM, May 12, 2006
Someone will write the book one day about Mickey's women ... their coming and goings. But no one will believe it. Truth being stranger than fiction, after all.
Sue Dudman must be feeling extremely relieved to have escaped Dr Warburton's axe and for that reason she’d be not averse to becoming the public face of Mickey's spin. So relieved and grateful in fact that she allowed her name to go on this piece of crap on the wdc website yesterday afternoon announcing what Mickey had already announced in his e-coli on Monday.
"We're looking forward to Kate (mickey’s latest recruit to the U.C. aka spin fairy position by another other name) joining the communications team – her skills and enthusiasm will be an asset to the Council," Communications Co-ordinator Sue Dudman said.
Can Dr W be trying to keep her out of Mickey’s web? Has Mickey been told to treat her with the respect due a replacement for the woman he misused then abused?
Looks like it's hands off this one Mickey.
It’s good to see Keith Smith speaking out in the chronic this morning. But won’t the union be knocking on the council’s door? It looks like the CEO hasn’t learnt since his last encounter with shonky redundancy procedures (in Northland wasn’t it?). Picking on the union rep is a good way to get yourself (and your mayoral string-puller) in deep shit, isn’t it?
Didn’t LawsWatch have a story about his dodgy past dealings with the Employment Court at the time he was appointed? Can we please have a refresher on that, Watchers?
You have NO power, LW. Here are your "successes";
1. Lost the 2004 election
2. Lost the Sarjeant extension
3. Lost the Code of Conduct
4. Lost the referenda - 50%-plus always vote
5. Lost the 2006 by-election
6. Lost credibility suggesting imminent legal action against the mayor (when there never is any)
7. Lost any and all attempts to stop the Vision team doing what they want to, when they want to (that goes for the rest of you losers as well)
8. Lost the plot.
Bet you won't post this.
We never did find out just how dismal Talkback Mickey’s Auckland ratings were last month but since he’s been quiet as mouse about it we can assume it’s not something he likes to mention in polite company, or even here on LawsWatch. Must be even worse than the humiliation in November which provoked this comment from Ian Wishart:
Ah well, it had to happen. The Michael Laws show on Radio Pacific managed to attract 33,000 listeners in the Auckland market alone when he first joined the station in early 2004. His ratings dropped later that year, but Canwest pinned their hopes on the ageing roue gaining points once the new Radio Live format was up and running.
Now, the first survey in his new Radio Live guise has confirmed the worst: Laws has managed to attract only 35,000 listeners nationwide. Radio Live have not yet released the Auckland market ratings but one can probably assume they are somewhere in the region of 15 to 20,000 people tops.
Posted by Ian Wishart at November 15, 2005 07:13 PM
From that fierce defender of democracy, the Chronhickle … All the news that’s fit to print (buried under a stupid headline at the bottom of page four):
Mickey wants to send Dotty off for a knees up in Welly at the Local Govt conference. Everyone else (including even Hater-Bogan) thinks Cr Westwood should also go. But not our Mickey, and once again he resorts to offensive bullying to try to shut down the debate and get his own way…
“If we’re going to send someone else, does it have to be a councillor? Shouldn’t it be someone who has a function,” Mr Laws said.
“I find that objectionable,” Cr Westwood said in response.
“I don’t care what you find objectionable. You’re interrupting my speaking,” Mr Laws replied.
“He said it was ridiculous to assume who the second person to go should be.”
However, later ML apologised to SW for “any offence he may have caused.”
Wonder if this is the start of a trend. And if so, has the spin fairy had her apology yet for being called a U.C.?
Does anyone watch “My Name is Earl” on TV3? By the time Mickey works through the list of everyone he’s offended and shafted, there’d be enough material for a series called "My Name is Mickey" that would run at least till the next century when no-one will even remember the mess he made of Whanganui.
Watchers, I don't think you get it: these three useless wastes of oxygen (NZ 1st MP's) will do no harm in Fiji, and Parliament will be the better for their absence in the interim.
Imagine if we'd sent Mickey, Leonie and Bob Walker. Fiji would descend into chaos again, and it would later emerge that the toxic triplet had spent the entire time there as paid advisers to racist Rabuka. Political soul-mates, those four would be.
Does anyone know of any others?
I'm curious to know why casual staff are kept on while permanents are being put off. Is this legal?
anonymickey's morning dump:
8. Lost the plot.
blah blahblah blah blub blub blub boo hoo ....Bet you won't post this.
10:28 AM, May 13, 2006
Looks like anonyMickey can only count to eight. Must be because he's got two fingers up his arse again.
But seriously, Mickey, is this the best you can do??? What's happened to the master of the insult, the abuser par excellence? Oh that's right, what with the spin fairy and assorted females at council and even Westwood, it's enough to exhaust even your seemingly inexhaustable reservoirs of hate.
Take some time out and smell the roses, mate, before you follow those missing fingers and disappear right up yourself.
LW. Here are your "successes";
Bet you won't post this.
10:28 AM, May 13, 2006
Point of Order, Your Worship!
You overlooked LawsWatch's true success, ie getting you to make a complete dick of yourself at 10.28am today is just the tip of the ice-berg.
I move and second a vote of thanks to LawsWatch for posting this report from Mickey Mansion, and even more effusive thanks to His Worship the Mayor, for giving so generously of his time on a Saturday morning to keep us entertained here between his more public bouts of foot in mouth.
Major success of Lawswatch: letting everyone know just exactly what you are, Michael Laws.
I posted the Loser 1 - 8 points and i'm not the mayor. Your paranoia does you credit, its got to the certifiable stage, losers.
Shit youre easy to bait, I'm going to come here more often.
Bet you won't print that!!
Oh, come on, Mickey, don't tell me you wouldn't miss Lawswatch if it weren't here. You must be enjoying yourself a little bit! Surely even you can't be sour and miserable the whole time. Surely.
Please lay off Michael. It must hard for him to keep a sense of perspective at the moment with all the news on the grapevine. First HL being promoted to UC, then the revelations about all the other women he's attacked (verbally).
He must be feeling like a real big hero, giving those women a piece of his mind, and you just go and spoil it.
Even Mickey's wikipedia entry makes reference to his corruption. We should bring them up to date, eh?
If Mickey can keep Sue Pepperell's Wgtn domicile secret till October presumably he can appoint someone and spare Wanganui the cost of another by-election. Would it have to be the next highest polling candidate ie Margaret Campion LawsWatch, or can he go for real quality like his old mate Bog Walker for instance?
The day Mickey's baubles lose their shine for the librarian is the day things will really get interesting.
re the "Loser List" as it' affectionately become known... do try to keep things in perspective, anon. You'll be blaming us for the rain next. LW had nothing whatsoever to do with 1,2 or 3. In fact the blog didn't exist at that time.
4. We also weren't here for the first referendum. As to the second one, we never ever predicted an outcome any different to the one that eventuated. We campaigned against a "yes" vote on some of the options it's true. But just as we doubt that everyone who voted "no" did so because we suggested it, we doubt those who voted "yes" did so because they love your hero half as much as you do.
5. You're confusing us with someone who stood. Nor did we back any candidate.
6. Wait and see, Mickey. Wait and see. These things can take months or even years to percolate.
7. It's not our role, or within our power, to "stop" elected councillors doing what they want to; we've never claimed the ability to do so; and don't believe anyone should have that power - that'd be called a dictatorship (that we have one by way of Mayoral caveat is anoher story). What we have stopped is the uncritical, adulatory, unquestioning "reportage" of the local three-ply substitutes being the only coverage of Mickey's carryings-on. And that's precisely what we set out to do.
8. Whilst your hero has lost his credibility and any impression of competence he'd managed to create.
Anon 10 .28 spilt the beans nicely with no. 7
"7. Lost any and all attempts to stop the Vision team doing what they want to, when they want to (that goes for the rest of you losers as well)"
sounds a bit like the bush team ?
Ten years ago blogger Russell Brown reported how ironic it was that Mickey was dishing the dirt on a New Zealand First colleague whom he announced had had a ‘failed office romance’. Oh how the irony quotient of this man’s life has increased since he handpicked the spin fairy for his loyal lieutenant.
A wee belated Sunday history lesson from Russell Brown’s blog for you Helen, wherever you are:
One thing which unites almost all our MPs is the fact that they despise Michael Laws; who continues to operate from beyond the political grave. As large chunks of New Zealand First's party structure continue to fall off, Laws snipes at his enemies - including the hapless Terry Heffernan, who Laws revealed as having had "a failed office romance" at NZ First's parliamentary base. Even from such a dedicated poisoner of the waters as Laws, this is pretty nasty - and given the notorious predilections of the party leader, very bloody ironic indeed.
'twas at least five years ago IIRC. A certain fax was sent about saying that Michael Laws had been assasinated and that the police had a list of over several thousand suspects.-- December 6 1996
Mickey’s picked an interesting topic to opine on in his Sunday paper rant today. Now perhaps he would like to put on his relationship counsellor hat here on LW and tell us why some of us are just so damn slow to learn from our mistakes.
"Most relationship breakdowns are messy. Especially those involving children, because you're still required to interact with a partner who may have rejected, betrayed or disappointed you - or whom you may have rejected, betrayed or disappointed."
Update on advice to WDC staff: if you want an insurance policy against the treatment that has been meted out to the U.C. and others, Dick Smith voice recorders are only $54.
Anonymous said...
The day Mickey's baubles lose their shine for the librarian is the day things will really get interesting.
8:26 PM, May 13, 2006
I’m sure Mickey’s mother must have warned him that Hell hath no fury like a librarian scorned.
Flash: At brunch this morning and council source not a million miles from R Hovey says there is likely to be a by-election but not S Pepperell. Sue Westwood & Barbara Bullock are thinking of stepping down to draw attention to vision running the show and they having no influence despited being elected councillors.
anon said... the only resistance heroes are those who stand for public office like Alan Anderson.
12:42 PM, May 13, 2006
Since outdoor entertainment is out on such a wet Sunday it's amusing to catch up on the week's activities at LawsWatch Carnivale, especially the mayor's more fruit-loop comments like this one.
In my experience "resistance hero" Anderson is a true double agent in the best 'Allo 'Allo tradition. Hoping no one would notice he had temporary squatting rights in the mayor's advert in the River City Press, for instance.
'Allo 'Allo! With Corporal Laws and Sargeant Anderson in the same resistance cell they could shoot themselves in the foot and then start on each other.
Has everyone seen the new column on his website? Now he's slagging all the staff. When does the revolution start?
Michael's e-coli is certainly a bunch of self-serving lies this week. Tell us again why the new U.C. position wasn't advertised, would you?
Oh, and an advanced welcome to the new U.C., Kate Gilpin. Buy a voice recorder, girlfriend.
ml`s e-column this week is almost unbelievably nauseating-required reading tho!
Mickey's e-coli contains this little gem:
Welcome to Kate Gilpin – the council’s new press secretary ...
It is a very demanding workload – ... ghost-writing the weekly councilor comments and the like.
What's this Mickey??? You mean Dotty and Nicki and Marty and the rest of your resident geniuses -- the ones with all those degrees that you chundered on about during the election campaign -- can't even write their own trite, mindless missives. Hope your new UC is good on the weather du jour and Middle East politics so she can rise to the occasion of impersonating Dotty!
It's all starting to happen again eh Micheal?
Just slowly comming down around your ears.
I think we should start calling you Panteen Mike. "It won't happen over night , but it will happen"
Anonymous said...
And know one has mentioned the young lass who started as a temp on the mayrol reception desk.
One contact with the foul mouthed mickey mayor and she walked out.
Must be the shortest time anyone has worked for council, She stayed a whole one and a half hours..
I quess she was not in the building long enough for many to notice.
6:44 PM, May 14, 2006
Anonymous said...
I wonder how it feels to be thirteen, and to go to work every day in a building where most of the staff despise you.
Poor little Mickey. Try not to be such a joke in your next life, eh.
7:47 PM, May 14, 2006
Anonymous said...
And know one has mentioned the young lass who started as a temp on the mayrol reception desk.
Oh yeah, forgot about her!
By the way, how is it that the mayors current receptionist can take 6 weeks leave when she has only been in the job (current contract) for a few months?
Apologies in advance if it is for medical or personal reasons.
8:42 PM, May 14, 2006
here`s hoping more and more council(disenchanted)workers will rally to the support of rosemary hovey as they must all know how hard she works and how much the staff and the city need her
any sign of a written protest to ml(via the c.e.o. of course!)to prevent her dismissal?
courage,mes braves!
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