Monday, May 29, 2006

Just click your heels together and say "patsy"

Michael Laws, Alan Taylor, Sue Pepperell, Wanganui, Mayor Dorothy Dixer: name given to a simple question asked of a minister by a backbencher from their own party. Often the question has been written by the minister or their staff, rather than by the questioner. Such a question is often referred to as a "Dorothy Dixer" and is used to give the minister a chance to promote themselves or the work that the government is doing in their area, or to criticise the opposition party's policies, or to raise the profile of the backbench member asking the question (named for Dorothy Dix, an advice columnist suspected of often writing the questions she then answered).

Alan "Dorothy" Taylor did sterling work asking the first patsy question of Mickey in today's e-coli e-column. Taylor's status as a paid-up diVisionary and member of the Community Board was not, of course, revealed.

Just as his connections to Vision weren't revealed when the Chron published his letter, headed "Chilling" on May 17, asking precisely the same question about forestry investments. Obviously he wasn't happy with Rob Vinsen's response three days later which asked whether Taylor himself did not in fact know about falling forestry returns. But Dorothy is in the business of asking questions, not answering them. We'd be interested, for instance, in answers to questions such as who provided the loan he admitted had funded his campaign expenses, despite his self-described success as a farmer? How much was it? When is it due for repayment? Will it, in fact, ever be repaid? Or is it being repaid in kind in some way?

Then on May 23 Alan Taylor of Westmere (could they be related? - Ed) and his wife Bronwen pen a lovely letter thanking the organisers of the Mayoral Mile (who could they mean? - Ed), as they have just returned from a very enjoyable weekend in Sydney that they won there.

Obviously, to perpetrate such a transparent deception upon his readers for his own self-aggrandisement isn't in Michael Laws's nature. No, in keeping with tradition, if he merely wanted to make himself look good he'd have done away with truth altogether and simply invented an entirely fictitious person (a la Antoinette Beck and many other correspondents to the Chron who, upon investigation, appear in neither the electoral roll nor the phone book), with which to launch the e-coli upon the brown waters of the Chron's editorial page.

That can only mean one thing: when it became known that his weekly wafflings were to grace that fearlessly independent though somewhat withered organ of Mr Maslin's, the diVisionaries' hands shot skyward and cries of "pick me, pick me!" echoed round the secret "caucus" meeting.

Those readers who've ever had their offspring come home with an excruciatingly badly drawn picture looking like week-old roadkill, lovingly crafted by a somewhat simple child who clearly has about as much aptitude with a crayon as Dotty has with a dictionary, will sympathise with Mickey as he metaphorically pins the diVision children's embarrassing efforts to his very public refrigerator door.

So, dear readers, we'd like to enlist your help. We're making up not one but two lists of questions for Michael Laws to use in future columns.

List One: Questions he can expect to receive in future from adoring members of diVision.
List Two: Questions you've always wanted to ask, but just couldn't be bothered because... well, basically because you knew the answer would just be a plate full of distortion, obfuscation and deception, sprinkled with a dusting of vitriolic abuse.

We've come up with a few from the first list to help you out:

Likely future questions from diVisionaries

Don McGregor: Look here, old chap. Much as I completely admire and respect everything you do, Michael, I really must have a straight answer. This question is simply too crucial to be dealt with by your usual tactics of avoidance, attacking the questioner, randomly abusing the nearest staffer, and so on. In fact it's a question that I am quite certain is on the lips of every resident; a question that they have long wanted an answer on, not just from this administration but for many many years. A question that is critical to the very essence of democracy in Wanganui. And that question is: when the hell is the Mayor going to put me forward for the Queens Birthday honours list?

Muzza Hughes: There's nothing that can't be made better with discount whiteware, just remember that, Michael. I don't really have a question, since you said after that last Councillor Comment I wrote, that if I ever wrote anything again you'd take my pen and shove it... oh, my wife made me rub out that bit. Which is bloody hard. I keep telling her, crayons just smudge, they don't rub out.

Rangi Wills: Michael, I really hope you can help me out here. There's a rumour going round I might be Maori. Surely that isn't true?

Sue Pepperell: Hi Michael. Look, here's a picture of me and Sam in front of Te Papa. Ooo look, that's us going into the Michael Fowler Centre. And this is us outside Parliament. This is the lovely new home we have in Wellington. Here's my new office. And this is Sam's new office in Police HQ. Hopefully I'll see you in a month or so, if I can find time to pop up for the full Council meeting. Thanks for understanding why I can't make it any other time. So anyway, my question is: Why do the people of Wanganui doubt my commitment?

Nicki Higgie: Hello Michael. Ummm... just wondering if you remember me, actually? Small, blond woman? Very quiet? Bit dim? Hello...?

Dot McKinnon: Look, Michael. We had a deal. Sure, I was prepared to let you have your fun. You know I don't give a damn what you do with art galleries and museums and things because as long as the library is open so I can borrow the latest Jackie Collins, I'm quite happy with that and watching "Dancing with the Stars"... oops, sorry, I forgot, I won't mention it again... but anyway, the deal didn't say anything about leaving Wanganui with millions of dollars of debt, with an infrastructure wrecked almost beyond repair. It's not going to do much for my chances of taking over, is it? It's nothing short of an absolute betrayal of me personally and Wanganui as a whole. It's unprincipled, dishonest and dangerous. So my question is... oh wait... just give me a minute and I'll think of one... it was right on the tip of my tongue... oh never mind, just don't forget to tell me what you want me to do this week, and I'll follow it to the letter, as always.

Over to you, Watchers...

Don't forget to scroll down to the next post - the "Mickey for Manukau" poll is still open for votes!!


Anonymous said...


Mr Mayor, it's interesting that Alan Taylor's campaign exes were funded by way of a loan. If you were his benefactor (and heaven forbid no one is suggesting you are) how many patsy letters do you think he should have to write before the debt is wiped?

Anonymous said...

What a laugh to see Mickey's well trained little Yoof Circus act stumble when challenged to explain why they want $100 grand. Even simpering Sue didn't quite not which way to look. But it was sooo good of her to honour Guyton St with her presence. Well worth the journey, eh Sue?

Anonymous said...

list 1

Mr Mayor, what question should i ask now??

Anonymous said...

Dear Mickey

Over a month (21 April) ago we all remember how you were “incandescent with rage” at Mr Goldsbury’s failure to claim the $20-30,000 of costs in the Bergman logging case. So incandescent were you that you ordered Dr Warburton to conduct “an immediate inquiry into why it happened”.

Can you please get Dr W to explain to the Chron the result of that investigation?

Thank you

Anonymous said...

Mickey says the Audit office suggested we "divest" the community assets.

Where's the proof? I'm calling you out, Mickey, you're a liar.

Anonymous said...

Well here's a question, Mr Mayor: When exactly did the Audit Office tell WDC to divest interest in rural and community halls? The date and the report would be helpful, as I can find no trace of any such order in the Audit Office's records. I only ask because you flannelled the submitters on halls according to Belinda Feek in the Chron:

"He reassured submitters it was not council’s initiative to get rid of halls – rather Audit NZ."
(Nice one, shift the blame elsewhere. When it comes to that kind of quick passing, you should really be lining out in black against Argentina next month.)
Since when has it been the audit office's business? Isn't it just "a subsidy" by townsfolk to the country cousins, as MM suggested in his e-coli of 8/05/05Or perhaps we can go back to Patsy Taylor again: "Oh Michael, why are you sooooo good and kind to us undeserving scum?

Anonymous said...

Reading my Chronicle this morning, could I be forgiven for thinking that the people of wangas are happy with this council especially when even the grumpy ones walk away happy.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes the Chron seems to play the same role in relation to diVision’s reign as the Red Cross and Hitler's propoganda machine did to the Nazis.

Mickey and his lackeys are using Mas and his lackeys to portray Wanganui as a kind of latter-day Theriesenstadt (the “model” concentration camp in Czechoslovakia) full of happy, smiling,well-fed citizens, especially the arties and musicians) who are depicted having fun and being blissfully happy with their lot.

Of course the reality was that the transports to Auschwitz regularly called. But that didn’t stop the Nazi propaganda machine and it certainly doesn’t stop Mickey’s propaganda machine.

Anonymous said...

God, this is starting to get ridiculous. Nickie Heggie, another cheerleader having a pop at the Chron says that:

"I've always thought the media should report facts and, where there's a grey area, ask questions and promote the positive, rather than predict doom and gloom unreasonably."

Where, Nickie, does it say that the media should do anything even remotely like that? The media has absolutely NO duty, nor should it, to "promote the positive". That's the job of council's spin fairies, not a responsible media. Although the Chronic is hardly a newspaper in any case. Given its slavish reproduction of mayoral rpess releases, I'm frankly amazed that Higgie has the brass neck to have a go at it.

Meanwhile, she continues:

"The Community Development Committee is all about good working relationships between community stakeholders and Council."

Given her Glorious Fuhrer's attitude to good relationships, even she should know bette rthan to wqrite such meaningless drivel, surely?

'"Can anyone seriously suggest the committee's redundant?" Cr Higgie said.' the release went on. Yes., Nickie. Michael can and will as soon as it pisses him off.

Anonymous said...

Dave Lawrence reports the growing alarm in this community, so Nicky Higgie shoots the messenger.

She really is a little bit dim, isn't she?

On the other hand, given that most newspapers these days seem to do precisely what she says they're supposed to, perhaps she's right. Brutal honesty from the boss always is a breath of fresh air. You've been told, Mas, now chop chop. Better get DL writing another of Mickey's red herrings up pronto, unless he gets on to the Hugh Rennie/Museum/Mickey Mayor/Strawman Wurburton story.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, LawsWatch, I'm sure Mickey's Minnions will bound out of the diVision weekend workshop just brimming with letters and questions.

Isn't that what it's for, after all?

Anonymous said...

Perhaps a series of letters to APN's frankly scary "bloke in charge of newspapers" Rick Neville might jog the Chronic out of its trance. It is clearly failing in its editorial duty to inform, educate and investigate, relying on some of the most incredibly lazy journalism, an utter unwillingness to actually secure the substance of the matters at hand and a slavish cowardice in the face of Mickey. I know Neville had a hand in the removal of another provincial newspaper editor in his time at INL under similar circumstances, including allowing letters to the editor to be vetted by council first. Mr Neville can be reached at: APN New Zealand, PO Box 32, Auckland Central, Auckland 1030. Since editors are ten-a-penny in NZ (and overpriced at that) it shouldn't take too many letters of complaint to make Mas sharpen up his act.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, LawsWatch, I'm sure Mickey's Minnions will bound out of the diVision weekend workshop just brimming with letters and questions.

Isn't that what it's for, after all?

Well maybe. It could also be Mickey's time to tell the little diVisionites that daddy might be going to leave them with Mummy Dotty 'cos he's going to be Mickey Mayor of Manukau.

Anonymous said...

It remains a curious oddity that the despised Vision team was able to get two more of its members in the recent by-election. Democracy is a bitch, n'est pas?

Anonymous said...

Yet more evidence of the strange diVision filter through which the Chron views life in Whanganui.

When Wanganui citizens turn up to tell their council what’s what, it’s all HOPEFUL and they have a spring in their step and no one mentions the mayor being a pig.

This sychophantic suck-up brought such a smile to anonymickey’s dial that he broke his uncustomary silence and gave himself and the Chron a pat on the back here:

“Reading my Chronicle this morning, could I be forgiven for thinking that the people of wangas are happy with this council especially when even the grumpy ones walk away happy.” -- 9:31 AM, May 30, 2006

By contrast, when Rangitikei citizens turn up to vent, the Chron can’t wait to put the boot in and declare the council is UNDER FIRE.

Good one, Mas.

Anonymous said...

Mon dieu, Michel, How desperate is this?

Democracy is a bitch, n'est pas?
2:39 PM, May 31, 2006

le maire est un imbécile

Anonymous said...

Friend in Auckland who’s an inveterate knob-twiddler (of the wireless variety) reports being delighted to come across a “nice young man” occupying the Radio Live nine to noon slot at the moment. Wonder if they’re trying him out for a permanent position?

Laws Watch said...

It remains a curious oddity that the despised Vision team was able to get two more of its members in the recent by-election.

You really believe that they were elected as some sort of resounding cheer for Mickey's modus operandi rather than because they ran the best funded and therefore highest profile campaigns, anon? If so, Mickey thinks you're a fool.

"To be honest, the only people who find local body elections interesting are those who are involved. For most of the populace, it’s all a bland bore. And the reality is also that profile and name recognition are everything – people tend to vote for names they know." - Michael Laws, 12 July 2004.

We couldn't have said it better ourselves. So having dealt with that red herring, and with the backing of Mickey's strategic plan as outlined above, we'll ask again: who funded Taylor's (and possibly Baker-Hogan's) campaigns? What did they have to gain? And what are they getting in return?

Anonymous said...

B-H (aka diVision) got 26%
B-H (aka diVision) got 26%
B-H (aka diVision) got 26%
B-H (aka diVision) got 26%
B-H (aka diVision) got 26%
B-H (aka diVision) got 26%
B-H (aka diVision) got 26%

eat that, Mickey!

Anonymous said...

who funded Taylor's (and possibly Baker-Hogan's) campaigns?

Add to that, who gave Allan Anderson his nice little front page campaign ad slot in RCP and did the same person put some $$$ into his election slush fund?

Anonymous said...

Democracy is a bitch, n'est pas?
2:39 PM, May 31, 2006

‘ere, ‘ere, ‘ere? What’s all this, then, Mickey? Serving up Latin to the masses at Guyton St one day, French to the peasants here the next.

Forget Manukau, LawsWatch, this mayor is looking to Paris, or Rome.

And who could blame him, poor thing. With role models like Napoleon - The Little General Who Could, and Caligula, who made his horse a Vision candidate … sorry senator.

According to Paul Johnson’s biography:
“Napoleon was an opportunist, who believed in nothing but power.

Napoleon's legacy was nothing other than 'the totalitarian state of the 20th century' his manifold personal defects include being a 'ruler of exceptional treachery and mendacity' and a 'a French cultural racist'.

Perhaps we could short circuit the rest of the madness and mayhem and rename Rabbit Island St Helena. I’m sure the good folk at the museum would be happy to let the waka out for the day, and there’d be no shortage of volunteer paddlers to make the delivery.

Anonymous said...

Russ Hay for Mayor!

Now, that has a nice ring to it.