Monday, May 15, 2006

A matter of record

When does the revolution start? an anonymous commenter asked yesterday after reading Michael Laws’ latest bilious attack on staff and studying the emerging casualty list from CEO Dr Warburton's ongoing massacre.

Readers with long memories (and nine months is a very long time in any place subject to the daily indignities associated with Michael Laws’ presence) may recall that at the time Dr Warburton put down the boning knife at his meat plant in September 2005, an assiduous Googler at the LawsWatch cave discovered the good doctor was no stranger to mass redundancies or the Employment Court. We provide a refresher below particularly for the edification of those of his latest victims now talking to their lawyers.

A seemingly well-placed but somewhat shy anonymous commenter has said there’s more to come and that all will be revealed tomorrow. Meanwhile, the toll of those getting the Warburton Handshake almost certainly includes the following:

Rosemary Hovey (Community development manager & long-time friend of organisations struggling to make Wanganui a better place);

Keith Smith (Community liaison officer & in-house union man);
Philip Shackleton (Economic development manager surplus to requirements with the rise and rise of Wanganui Inc);

Irene Pearson (Shackleton’s executive assistant & former PA to Chas Poynter);

Jenna Lees (plucked from the Chronicle less than a year ago by the mayor as his inaugural events manager then flicked off to Wanganui Inc; not even being Little Lucy’s godmother could save her from the chop when she apparently didn’t measure up to the standards for WINC’s newly advertised Events Czar job).

Librarian Sally Patrick is being tipped to continue to rise like a souffle and add "community" to "culture" in her portfolio. Though in a city where both concepts are being laid waste by the Vision barbarians one assumes she’ll have plenty of time to read her magic million worth of new library books and join the mayor and his favourite developer in poring over plans for the grand new library/museum he wants to build her on the Queen’s Park forecourt, the likes of which haven’t seen since the Mugul emperor Shah Jahan knocked up that nice white marble edifice in 1631.

Meanwhile, Dr Shipman’s sorry Warburton’s list is not the only list being talked about by LawsWatch commenters and folk about town. It seems these times are not only stressful for the CEO but the mayor himself is exceeding his usual quotient of offensive interactions with staff and even a councillor. The reason for the hasty departure of Helen Lawrence two weeks ago from her media post at the mayor’s side is but the tip of the ice-berg it seems and on Saturday the Chronicle reported a terse exchange at the council table when Cr Sue Westwood took exception to an "objectionable" comment from his worship and his subsequent cleverly crafted apology for "any offence he may have caused".

And as the sand continues to pass through the hourglass at 101 Guyton Street … in the CEO’s office, Dr Warburton’s busy denying any political influence on his choice of victims and Mickey Mayor is singing the same tune in his usual out-of-key register.

So, when does the revolution start? Perhaps staff could consider a buy-out of the council’s remaining assets before Mickey flogs them all off to fund his swimming pool, and have a shot at running the show themselves. They’ll have to be quick though as the Northern Advocate revealed a little over a year ago. Now, gentle readers, for your edification here’s a little refresher from LawsWatch 9/11 2005 edition:

It seems Mr Warburton is no friend of the union, having recently laid off about 60 workers at the Kaitaia Timber Company. While Warburton's company, Tanner Group Ltd (TGL) announced it was closing its three mills at Kaitaia, Kerepehi and Tairua because it couldn't make a profit, EPMU timber industry organiser Megan Jones said the workers believed they were capable of running the plant profitably and wanted the opportunity to do so.

According to MP Sue Bradford, TGL told workers on a Friday that they had until Monday to come up with a way to keep their plant open. "So over and above the simple fact of the closure, local people have every right to feel bitter towards the way the Tanner Group has gone about this... we have a company that has obviously kept its workers in the dark for some time and has then attempted to make itself look good by offering a fig leaf of consultation."

The Union also tangled with Tanner Group last August, when the company lost an Employment Relations Act case in which it was alleged to have "threaten[ed the] applicant with disciplinary action over [a] term of employment that had not been directly and expressly negotiated and [the] contents of which remained uncertain between parties".

So hopefully Council staff have dotted the i's and crossed the t's in their employment contracts.
Update (7.40 pm): Idly surfing the web, we came across this example of how Mickey's mate and mentor rewrites history to suit himself. Said with an air of certainty and a "I dare you to doubt me" demeanour, it does alas fool enough of the people enough of the time - at least long enough to ensure Winnie and Mickey stay in power. It's a tactic employed frequently by Michael Laws - promulgate an absolute distortion of history with an air of unimpeachable certainty, then watch as it's picked up and repeated ad infinitum in comments on this blog and elsewehere as though it were true. But inevitably there's someone round with a long memory...

Comments on this post are now closed.


Anonymous said...

Irene Pearson given four days to suggest a place for herself in the new structure, but not allowed to know what that structure is. If anyone still believes Warburton is a benign force in WDC, this example of his cynical approach to staff relations should relieve them of their delusions.

Monkeywrenching is a term first coined by North American environmentalists in their on-going attempts to halt the widespread destruction of native forests.

I think that the culture of abuse and verbal violence at Guyton Street is out of control, and that unless it is derailed further damage to this community will ensue. Onerous though the duty may be, whistleblowing and monkeywrenching may now be the only tools the staff can employ in self-defence.

It could only result in one thing: an independant inquiry into the whole sorry mess, and from WDC staff comments on the blog of late, it would seem that such an enquiry is long overdue.

Or you could just let the little boy bully walk all over you some more. So what's it gonna be, Wanganui?

Anonymous said...

Yes I accept that Laws and warburton are leading the charge but Warburton's comments in the Chronicle this morning are the most disturbing (and revealing). That ALL of council - all the councillors - had signed up for the restructure of their staff. Thats not only vision councillors but all the rest as well happy to make their staff redundant. If the revolution comes it needs to sweep through every elected member.

Anonymous said...

Cr Sue Westwood took exception to an “objectionable” comment from his worship and his subsequent cleverly crafted apology for “any offence he may have caused.”

In case anyone may have missed this, Mickey's "Mein Kampf" goes into great detail about how he constructs insincere "apologies". What he's saying in effect is that Councillor Westwood is too sensitive, and he's done nothing wrong.

Why do you people put up with it? Where's your self-respect?

Anonymous said...

Laws watch wrote -
" Michael Laws’ latest bilious attack on staff ..."
you are not surely saying that his latest e-column was a bilious attack? are you? What part?

Anonymous said...

By the way, how is it that the mayors current receptionist can take 6 weeks leave when she has only been in the job (current contract) for a few months?
Apologies in advance if it is for medical or personal reasons.

I work at WDC and yes, apparently it is for medical reasons. She is not a Receptionist, she has been the Mayor's PA since Oct 04

Anonymous said...

Nice to see Mr Maslin is now rushing to the blower to give his mate Mickey right of reply to letters before they've even appeared (John Nolan talking in today's letters about the mayoral snub to Rotary).

But of course it just wouldn't do to ask just what was in the mayoral diary last Wednesday, would it Mas? Presumably that's because would have taken the gloss off Mickey's spin to have to admit he was out of town, chasing the celebrity dollar at Prime tv.

But perhaps Mas will generously extend this pre-emptive comment (bullshit in Mickey Mayor's case) privilege to those citizen letter writers who get abused by Mickey and his nasty little (often fraudulent) Dad's Army of racist whiners. Yeah right!

Anonymous said...

Just read Mickey's e-coli and have spent the last 10 minutes convulsed with laughter. I mean, what about this gem?

"As regards which staff go where, and who might be surplus to requirements … those have never been issues for the decision of elected representatives. Thank God. The Local Government Act makes it explicit that while we may employ the CEO and hold him accountable, it is the CEO himself who employs and is responsible for all other staff. Council has neither input nor interest in which staff get appointed where, nor whom is made redundant."

I can't remember whether it was Hitler or Stalin who said the bigger the lie the more people will believe it. And there is a very Stalinist twang to the idea of changing the LTCCP to the Ten Year Plan, is there not? And as for Hitler, well Marshal Laws's insistence that everyone wants a swimming pool comes under the heading of Kraft Durch Freude, surely. How long before Guyton St HQ is adorned with the legend Arbeit Macht Frei?

Anonymous said...

Apparently Environment Manager James Low is also on Warburton's hit list which is surprising given that he's been tasked with trying to bring some sanity to the earthquake buildings drama, Mickey Mayor's litter hysteria etc.

Given said Mayor's expansionist determination to lay waste to Horizons you'd think it might be advisable to someone on hand who's qualified to manage the city's responses to trifling matters like climate change etc.

Oh well, perhaps our regional councillor Brookhammer can drop into Guyton St from time to time and do all that stuff.

Here's what the council spin-sheet said about Low when he replaced Richard Munneke just six months ago:

"James Low recently returned
Wanganui from the Bay
He has worked in a number
planning roles in unitary,
and territorial authorities
has also worked outside
government as a programmer, spatial analyst and ranger.
James will be overseeing
and other activities to manage
district’s environment."

Anonymous said...

Interesting that Warburton gave a risk management report to council on 2 May, and the top risk was "loss of corporate knowledge".

Anonymous said...

joan street writes-

irene pearson must be looked on by many long-term residents of the city as the gracious face of mayor and council.
she always made people welcome,explained things `official`,welcomed you in when you went to see chas and served both him and us with honesty,loyalty and warmth.
how can such a person be treated so appallingly--on our behalf?
i hope wanganui people will let the `departing` know that they were/are valued
with most of them,goes caring,integrity and reliability

may i also ask councillors if the statement thet they approved the restructuring(ihate that word) LAST WEEK is true-i really doubt it and feel they should say so.

Anonymous said...

Re Mickey Mayor's "apology" "for any offence he may have caused" to Cr Westwood for remarks she considered offensive.

In the Demon Profession he talks about how he and Paul Holmes cooked up a stage-managed apology to PM Bolger for Mickey's caucus-wrecking tactics.

Here's how Mickey explained it on page 230 of his Mien Kampf:

I then apologised to the PM 'for any offence taken' - a classic Clayton's apology which suggests that those offended are far too sensitive for their own good but, hey, if it makes them feel better then here is my most insincere effort’.

Anonymous said...

Please somebody take a voice-recorder in to the Warburton meeting tomorrow. I'm sure the Watchers could do something with it, and I would bet they'd preserve your anonymity, too.

Anonymous said...

It's pretty clear from comments on this blog that there are WDC staff ("I work at Council") who are have sided with the "mayor" against their colleagues.


Anonymous said...

Cool blog, I'll come again...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Please somebody take a voice-recorder in to the Warburton meeting tomorrow.

Don't worry anonymous. I work at the council and that will be taken care of .... but I just hope Micky Mayor doesn't get the security guy to strip search (body cavities included) everybody. Now that could get nasty.

Anonymous said...

And of course, if Warbuton or Mickey ask any one in their office "are you carrying any kind of recording device ", we will know they read Lawswatch

Anonymous said...

but I just hope Micky Mayor doesn't get the security guy to strip search (body cavities included) everybody

The one person they won't search is the Mayor. They keep finding his head up there :-D

Hey anon, if you're worried about that, I'd suggest this:

Just pop in before the meeting, drop your little package, tune a nearby radio/cassette to the right frequency, and hit "record". That way a friend can even turn the tape over for you ;-)

Anonymous said...

Crikey, another bit of foot in mouth by Dr Dave today in the Chron …

This man is starting to look a lot like his namesake Dr Don, the Nats’ fast-fading favourite and fast growing embarrassment. They’re both walking the plank. Like Dr Don, Dr Dave needs a minder, Mickey, before he takes you into the drink with him. Splash!

Anonymous said...

Do you think Dr. Dave should have his stuff ghost written for him too?

I have this image of Mickey getting to work every morning and handing a sheaf of press-releases to his U.C.:

U.C.: what are these for?
M.L.: What are you stupid. I told you they're the next three Councillor comments, and Dr. Warburton's interview for the Chron.
U.C.: Oh they called earlier and moved it forward. He's there now.
M.L.: Oh you're really living up to your title today. I told you he's not available 'til I get here!
U.C.: I tried to tell him that but he said he's my boss not the other way 'round.
M.L.: You insolent little @#$!$# How dare you answer me back!

Anonymous said...

WDC probably is a bit overstaffed when it comes down to it. Sorry comrades but that's life.

Having said that, blatant political interference in the employment process in the middle of a restructure is doubly damaging.

Mickey isn't the first politician to try and get a sympathetic crew around him, nor will he be the last, but that doesn't relieve him of his responsibility to be a good employer, and it is that responsibility which he has so arrantly ignored. It is childish in the extreme to imply as he does that Local Government employees are lazy and complacent. My experience of WDC workers is that they are neither, unless you catch them on a bad day. And that's life too.

So go and get some anger management therapy, Michael. Or just grow up and own your own behaviour. You could try honesty once in a while too if you feel up to it.

Anyway, that's just my 2c worth.

Anonymous said...

Anger management? What about insanity management? Anon, your argument contains an underlying assumption: you're assuming that the mayor is sane.

Anonymous said...

Barking mad?
Having trouble keeping your temper?
Lycra shorts?

Try new! improved!!!

Mayoral straitjacket!!!!

Fits like a glove.