...and goodwill to all (?) men.
With thanks for your support and contributions throughout the year, Watchers.
Coming soon: The 1st Annual 2006 LawsWatch Awards. Check back here next week!
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A shadowy group which gathers with but one purpose - to analyse, and occasionally mock, the reign of The Diva of the Ditch, His Worship the Mayor, Michael Laws. Fuelled by scurrilous rumour and innuendo, The Watchers shine the unblinking spotlight of scrutiny on the ambitions of the Man Who Would Be King, of Wanganui and beyond...
With thanks for your support and contributions throughout the year, Watchers.
Coming soon: The 1st Annual 2006 LawsWatch Awards. Check back here next week!
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Laws Watch
4:48 pm
Labels: Christmas 2006
It is said that power corrupts, but actually it's more true that power attracts the corruptible. The sane are usually attracted by other things than power. David Brin, American author (1950- )
Allan Anderson has been telling friends that he is running for mayor in 2007. He was named this week as River City Press "Man of the Year".
Allan Anderson isn't a man, he is a wet wimp who would do nothing whatever for Wangas. Give me a break.
Whats wrong with you people? Must be great having nothing better to do that mock someone online whom you don't even know. Try having sex.
Merry Christmas Laws Watch
Here's an excerpt form the Wanganui Chronicle article titled:
"Council poised to blow port development out of water" 25.07.2005
"....PoW said it had requested a meeting with Mr Laws to present the development proposal but the mayor had refused to meet with them.
The group had recently met with Port of Taranaki and they had indicated that while council refuses to support PoW they were not prepared to proceed.
“They are unclear as to whom they should be dealing with although they do acknowledge that PoW have a mandate on the project and recognize PoW as the initiators.
“The Mayor of Wanganui on the other hand has told Westgate that the council won’t deal with PoW and that they need to deal direct with council.” The statement said PoW and the council had a binding contractual agreement that clearly outlines an agreement in principle for the development of the port.
PoW said a result it had enough material to bring legal proceedings against council on the grounds of breach of contract.
“Legal recourse would represent a last ditch attempt to bring council and the mayor into line. It is hoped that support from the community and groups such as the Rate Payers Association will bring pressure to bear on the council and encourage it to get this project back on track.”
"...mock someone..."
Finally, one of Laws' lackey's who gets it. What's the matter, haven't you had your weekly dose of hate speech from your leader?
It must be just awful for such a polite and pleasant man as our mayor to know that he's constantly being represented here by such an uncouth and offensive person like that low-life at 7.30pm. Poor Michael. Spare a thought for him at this season of peace and goodwill.
And let us open our hearts and share poor Michael's sorrow and distress at not being chosen for the cover of that woman's magazine after he went to all the trouble to get his delightfully happy family featured.
Hey Mayor Mickey...Who would want to shift to Wanganui knowing that there's an egocentric maniac Mayor Laws who has all the attributes of Adolf Hitler,Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels, and George W. Bush combined into one nutter?
Who would want to shift to Wanganui knowing the Mayor is a RadioLive talkback host that talks shit about the city residents and fellow New Zealanders, where they can't do anything about it?
Plus, a mayor Laws who can't do anything better than to waste ratepayer's hard earned money on nonsense issues and financially impractical city "Heart" project. And, give the citizens of Wanganui the choice to screw themselves with 6 "Heart" options with the added $4 million underground car park no matter whether they choose the logical "Status Quo" or not.
And why does Mayor Mickey have to monitor Laws Watch? Just to take pleasure out of harassing people who are exercising their democratic rights?
You're just a communist, Mayor Mickey...I'll tell you what, I'll drop off a couple fifty cent pieces at city hall so you can ring someone who really gives a shit on what you have to say..How's that? I recommend a psychiatrist be your first call Phone number: 0-9-520 2576
on your next trip to Auckland on a Wednesday afternoon.
Merry Christmas, Mr Laws.
Thank you for giving all these sad broken arses here a reason for being. Without you, they'd be even sadder.
On behalf of real Wanganui, festive tidings to you and your family. We appreciate all that you've done for us.
oooohhhh the power...oohhh the influence.
Does anyone take this shit-stained clown seriously?
I mean, leaving aside the fact that to debate with Brian is to insult him enough, how could you entertain the idea that it would be worth the effort? You might as well come out for intelligent design as root for Mickey.
7:01 PM, December 23, 2006
Hey Mayor Mickey...
The idea is that the only job you have in Wanganui is being a talkback host for the Canadians..you Hoser
Merry Christmas, Mr Laws.
Thank you for giving all these sad broken arses here a reason for being. Without you, they'd be even sadder.
On behalf of real Wanganui, festive tidings to you and your family. We appreciate all that you've done for us.
Hey, when did they give internet access to the nutter ward at Wanganui Hospital?
Hey Mayor Mickey...
Have you heard about the passing of your brother, Saparmurat Niyazov?
Merry Xmas Michael and all the oher LW commenters. We will always disagree violently on most things, but without this debate there is nothing but the violence. The answer is good argument, and here's hoping Laws' supporters come up with one. Just one!
On behalf of real Wanganui, gas the rest of those sub-human scum. We are the true leaders of the new reich. Only we have the efficiency to destroy all degenerates. Eternal vigilance, ultimate power. Mickey rules bow down scum.
Hey Mayor Mickey....Here's a "blast from the past" for you.
Laws did not remain in parliament much longer, however, due to the 'Antoinette Beck' political scandal. Laws employed a company part-owned by his wife to conduct a poll, using public money. Laws claimed that "there had been no profit to either company or individuals", and an official inquiry confirmed that there had only been a minor and unintentional breach of regulations. However, Laws' conduct during the matter attracted strong criticism, with Laws misleading the public on a number of issues, and he eventually resigned from parliament.
Sound familiar to you?
Michael Laws has three jobs that I know of, and performs his mayoral duties as charity/community work.
I would think that was 3 more jobs and a lot more community service than most of the losers associated with this blog!
As for Allan anderson: when did any of you losers do the work Allan has done for the community? Yes, never.
Lovely city, great mayor, great improvements these past couple of years. Happy New Year to my old home town. You look awesome these holidays.
On behalf of real Wanganui, gas the rest of those sub-human scum. We are the true leaders of the new reich. Only we have the efficiency to destroy all degenerates. Eternal vigilance, ultimate power. Mickey rules bow down scum.
Hey Mayor Mickey....
We'll gather the allies to take down the new reich. And watch history repeat itself.
Hey Mayor Mickey....
With all this jibberish from the Chron, you, and the council on how much money the city is "gaining".
There is nothing reported on the "balooning debt" of Wanganui. Increased, decreased, or otherwise.
Or are you going to treat us like mushrooms (Keep us in the dark and feed us shit) on the issue?
Allan Anderson for Mayor!!!
C'mon LW this is getting boring. Come up with something ML has done seriously wrong. One thing, just one. No?
As someone who is spending Xmas etc out of town to escape the oppressive nauseous feeling of living in a town being shat upon by Mickey, I'm fed up with people always turning the conversation to our Mad Mayor, even though they are by turns sympathic and incredulous that he's been able to continue his mad reign this long.
BTW: Does anyone (Mickey maybe) want to tell us what the break-even crowd size was for the Cooks concert, whether it was reached, and what the size of the ratepayer bailout will be? The Chron's website story at least doesn't mention such unsexy stuff.
Hey Mayor Mickey...
You made the News!
Scumbag Laws drags Wanganui into the dirt again in the NZ Herald reader's poll voted worst insult of the year for his King of Tonga trash talk. THe people have spoken, Mickey, you're a low life scumbag and it's no wonder the poll told you to pack your bags and leave the mayoralty to someone with a modicum of decency.
NZ Herald readers vote that Michael Laws delivered the "insult of the year" - just eclipsing Helen Clark & Bob Jones. Makes you proud.
It's apparent from anonymickey's comments here that he's got the hots for Allan Anderson ... not surprising after the way he used him as a stalking horse in the buy-election and Anderson's silly enough to go along with it, like he did with the use of Mickey's front page advt in the River Shitty Press. Watch for a repeat of that sometime soon...and guess who "nominated" him for their Twit of the Year?
Trouble is, the only thing they have in common is born to rule arrogance and the assumption that the people are stupid.
There was NO poll, moron @9.24am - that was established from earlier posts. Laws "insult" was spot on - he called out the "royal family" for what they are and has been enjoying repeating the comment on national radio today.
He's enjoying himself and we're enjoying him.
Hey Mayor Mickey,
According to the New Zealand Herald readers poll (National News Section)…you’re numero uno (number one) at making a total arse out of yourself for the year of 2006.
LOL…Congratulations, you’re such a moron.
Anonymous said...
C'mon LW this is getting boring. Come up with something ML has done seriously wrong. One thing, just one. No?
7:34 AM, December 27, 2006
How about going to the link below for starters...LOL
the worrying thing about that herald poll is that 3 out of 4 of those polled did not regard it as an insult!
Anonymous said...
the worrying thing about that herald poll is that 3 out of 4 of those polled did not regard it as an insult!
10:14 PM, December 27, 2006
Where did you learn Maths from, George W. Bush?
Anonymous said...
There was NO poll, moron @9.24am - that was established from earlier posts. Laws "insult" was spot on - he called out the "royal family" for what they are and has been enjoying repeating the comment on national radio today.
He's enjoying himself and we're enjoying him.
5:43 PM, December 27, 2006
Hey Mayor Mickey....
Even the BSA agreed that your comments were..."calculated to offend..." (Insult). So yes, you dragged Wanganui, once again, in the dirt, scumbag.
But, congratulations on making an arse out of yourself once again and again.
There was NO poll...that was established from earlier posts.
No it wasn't. An anonymous commenter made vague assertions that Vision didn't "commission" one and asked for "proof". Squealing (like a girl) for proof is one of Mickey's ways of telling his beloved lies. Perhaps there was a poll, perhaps there wasn't, but nothing's been "established" beyond the incontrovertible fact that Michael Brian Laws is a complete asshole.
Laws has been unrepentant about the bloated brown slug comment and said yesterday on radio that the Tongan royal family have "blood on their hands" and he'd continue to insult them at every opportunity. He even corrected the radio host and said that the dead king wasn't just a "slug" but the rest of the descriptions.
I can't help getting the feeling that most people agree with him which is why 3/4 of the sample didn't see his comments as insulting.
Michael Laws knows exactly what he is doing. That Tongan insult was planned and executed for maximum publicity and to boost his radio ratings. It worked so expect something similar in April next year.
I subscribe to the theory that Laws not standing is not good. He has lost the restraint that the 're-election imperative' brings. That means he never intended standing again if you think back. He never cared.
As someone in local government and interested in escaping the rat race I noticed what sounded like a promising job at Wanganui District Council but then became aware that it is effectively "blacklisted" around NZ thanks to the mayor and the way his hired hands have behaved. I was told there is something like 16-17 vacancies and no one will touch them with a barge pole, much to the detriment of the staff who are left behind with the result that morale is probably the worst of any council in NZ.
I hear the hospital there is also having trouble getting staff thanks to the way Laws is portraying Wanganui.
It's been interesting to find this blog and to see that everything I have been hearing is true (sadly), especially the crazy commenter who seems to think that Michael Laws is justified in his abuse and insults.
My sympathies to any Wanganui council staff who read this website.
This tosser doesn't exist: yet another example of a few wankers creating persona for themselves.
My sympathies to any Wanganui council staff who read this website.
4:08 PM, December 28, 2006
The council happens to have picked up major kudos from everybody from the NBR to Local Govt magazine to the audit Office to Waitakere City Council who want to follow their model on democracy.
Morale is a lot better at the WDC since the losers left.
To the abusive poster who can't add.
If only 24% of persons found ML's Tongan insult insulting, then, ergo, 3 out of 4 did not.
It's called mathematics and I'm sure it is still part of the national currciculum.
May I make comment on the alleged "poll" that, it is claimed, was conducted by the Vision party sometime in the latter quarter of 2006.
Since I read that comment and then read some of the connecting threads, I have made inquiry of virtually everyone I know in Wanganui and asked them whether they were polled. It is not a complete sample, perhaps 60-70 people.
I haven't found any were polled on anything related to the council or Wanganui politics. A number were polled in election year by, as it turned out, the people backing Vision.
This leads me to the conclusion that no poll was conducted or myself and my acquaintances (all of whom have other acquaintances) would know of someone. That conclusion is supported by the fact that the original claimer has not provided any proof.
This is a very good blog. Please let us not ruin it with misleading and inaccurate claims because it makes it so much harder to get the intelligence required to fight in 2007.
Thank you.
Anonymous said...
Laws has been unrepentant about the bloated brown slug comment and said yesterday on radio that the Tongan royal family have "blood on their hands" and he'd continue to insult them at every opportunity. He even corrected the radio host and said that the dead king wasn't just a "slug" but the rest of the descriptions.
I can't help getting the feeling that most people agree with him which is why 3/4 of the sample didn't see his comments as insulting.
9:48 AM, December 28, 2006
Was the late King of Tonga ever tried and found guilty of the accusations that Mickey alledges he had done?.....LOL..Shake your head from side to side and say.."No".
3/4 or not...Mickey is still number one in the NZ Herald polls. The number one asshole in the country...LOL
uAnonymous said...
Michael Laws knows exactly what he is doing. That Tongan insult was planned and executed for maximum publicity and to boost his radio ratings. It worked so expect something similar in April next year.
Whoa, LOL..that's a good one. It seems that his combined "ratings" earned RadioLive a wopping 2%. Yeah Right..A "rating" of epic proportions...LOL. Keep smoking the weed, Bro.
We won't be holding our breath for anything in April from Mickey, the number one April fool of New Zealand 2007. Hey Mickey..you going for a second year as New Zealand's number one asshole?..LOL
My sympathies to any Wanganui council staff who read this website.
4:08 PM, December 28, 2006
Your apologies would be better because you have it all wrong.
Hey Mickey...
You and your pundits are sure on the defensive about this NZ Herald poll of Laws being the number one asshole in New Zealand.
I think I'll use this as an advantage later on.
I expect the 76% who didn't find Mickey's plop insulting are simply used to ignoring anything that comes out of his mouth. The 24% who found the effluent insulting should reflect that the words of an incontinent loon can hardly be taken seriously enough to be called an "insult". The BSA agrees with this position. In effect their opinion is that yes, he meant it to offend, but that's what the few who're still listening expect.
What about the 2% who find him entertaining? Maybe they're mostly mental patients, or something.
It would be nice if the commenter who spends so much time here giving us insights into the mind of the mayor, the business of the council etc could tell us just how much the ratepayers are going to have to fork out to bail out the Boxing Day bash. 2500 doesn't sound like a break-even turnout somehow, so please enlighten us oh enlightened one?
Don't know where anyone got that 2% figure from.
According to the latest radio survey, Radio Live gained 17,000 listeners and has 122,000 listeners. For some reason whoever edits this blog has been suppressing posts with those numbers. What happened to free speech?
Here are the figures from the Radioscope website for October 2006. If Laws wasn't working then would Canwest have signed him up for another 5 years? Doubt it. the rumoured salary is $200K-plus pa.
National Commercial Radio CUME
(in thousands of listeners)
Comparison: 2/2006 - 1/2006 (Monday to Sunday, midnight to midnight)
Ratings courtesy of Research International - www.radios.co.nz.
Download this table as Excel.
All listeners aged 10+ 2/2006 1/2006 + / -
Newstalk ZB 407.0 423.1 -16.1
Classic Hits 381.6 383.1 -1.5
The Edge 378.7 409.8 -31.1
The Rock 374.5 351.2 +23.3
ZM 359.1 349.8 +9.3
More FM 335.8 332.9 +2.9
The Breeze 230.2 136.1 +94.1
Radio Hauraki 198.1 219.9 -21.8
Solid Gold 189.2 214.0 -24.8
Coast 173.3 156.4 +16.9
Radio Sport 167.2 193.6 -26.4
Mai FM 154.7 168.8 -14.1
Radio Live 121.9 104.2 +17.7
Flava 96.3 95.9 +0.4
Radio Pacific / Trackside 85.4 104.0 -18.6
Viva 79.3 83.5 -4.2
Niu FM 46.6 33.4 +13.2
Kiwi --- 43.0 ---
2/2006 1/2006 + / -
CanWest Combo 1214.4 1195.8 +18.6
TRN Combo 1326.9 1346.5 -19.6
All Radio 2092.3 2083.2 +9.1
Potential (000) 2473.2 2464.4 +8.8
Sample 16718 17013 -295
Error Margin +/- 0.80% 0.75%
Its a matter of public record (all right it was in the Chronicle but that is close enough innit?) that the WDC underwrote the Cooks Concert for $70,000.
the question is how much additional dough did WINC do? Micky has been looking for a reason to bring them back under council control and I'd say they have just given it to him.
Its a matter of public record (all right it was in the Chronicle but that is close enough innit?) that the WDC underwrote the Cooks Concert for $70,000.
the question is how much additional dough did WINC do? Micky has been looking for a reason to bring them back under council control and I'd say they have just given it to him.
Ooohhh!!!! You heard it here first, Watchers. This year's cold Xmas turkey is none other than Mickey's ex mate Ron and the stuffing must be litle Quiggles.
Anonymous said...
Don't know where anyone got that 2% figure from.
Thanks Mickey, it's touching to see that you haven't let family stuff get in the way of your blog time:-)
Where it all went wrong in 2006
NZ Herald:
In September Wanganui's mayor Michael Laws called the late King of Tonga a "bloated, brown slug".
A member of the Tongan royal family who was studying in Wanganui at the time was insulted, along with many others.
Despite an outcry Mr Laws would not back down.
For those not offended, Mr Laws unleashed a total assault sure to capture everyone.
One day after the news the Overlander rail service would be saved, in September, Laws said he would dash through Ohakune wearing only carrot-coloured undies.
He has not yet set a date for his streak, reason enough to keep a wide berth of the town.
If only it was just 2006 -- but Wanganui's nightmare continues, as does the nightmare of Mr and Mrs Laws snr who used to be quite well respected in Wanganui but now have to put up with this sort of crap in their daily newspaper.
So true regards WINC. This is the excuse Laws was looking for as he acquires an empire. The question is, was WINC set up to fail?
Don't know where anyone got that 2% figure from.
According to the latest radio survey, Radio Live gained 17,000 listeners and has 122,000 listeners. For some reason whoever edits this blog has been suppressing posts with those numbers. What happened to free speech?
Here are the figures from the Radioscope website for October 2006. If Laws wasn't working then would Canwest have signed him up for another 5 years? Doubt it. the rumoured salary is $200K-plus pa.
2:32 PM, December 29, 2006
If CanWest is willing to keep Marcus Lush, the Canadians will keep anyone. Including Laws..LOL..
CanWest is nothing but a Canadian owned group of cheeky buggers.
Can you provide us, "ol' radio guru" with more specific data about how many people just listen to Laws on RadioLive and forsake all other RadioLive talkback hosts?
The information you've provided is surely unfounded. However, LOL.. the fact that Mickey is New Zealand's number one asshole for 2006, you can't deny or correct.
Anonymous said...
Its a matter of public record (all right it was in the Chronicle but that is close enough innit?) that the WDC underwrote the Cooks Concert for $70,000.
the question is how much additional dough did WINC do? Micky has been looking for a reason to bring them back under council control and I'd say they have just given it to him.
2:35 PM, December 29, 2006
The problem with your comment is, you can't seem to come up with any "additional dough" numbers.
LOL...you attempt to persuade but, fail to convince.
"Smells" like Mickey "Damage Control" is at play here...come back when you can submit, if any, supporting statements to your claim.
But since you seem to have some money info about Mickey, explain how the 6 options of the "Heart" project have "Total Costs" already? When, any person with building sense knows that no total cost of any project can be known until 80% of the project is completed..entertain us with your thoughts about this issue.
Morale is a lot better at the WDC since the losers left.
5:52 PM, December 28, 2006
This is a very disinegenous and self-serving comment. Morale at WDC is in appalling state and that is well-known in local government circles around NZ (and probably beyond). In just two years Michael Laws has turned WDC into a pariah organisation with no hope of recruiting good staff till he and the CEO etc are driven out. The question is, will Wanganui recognise the dire state of affairs till the local media comes clearn?
In just two years Michael Laws has turned WDC into a pariah organisation...
That's because he's a twat.
Morale is a lot better at the WDC since the losers left.
5:52 PM, December 28, 2006
This is a very disinegenous and self-serving comment.
No it isn't. It's random bullshit from an asshole.
Morale is a lot better at the WDC since the losers left.
5:52 PM, December 28, 2006
This is a very disinegenous and self-serving comment. Morale at WDC is in appalling state and that is well-known in local government circles around NZ (and probably beyond). In just two years Michael Laws has turned WDC into a pariah organisation with no hope of recruiting good staff till he and the CEO etc are driven out. The question is, will Wanganui recognise the dire state of affairs till the local media comes clearn?
8:37 PM, December 29, 2006
So provide some proof. Service levels have improved according to the latest Audit Office approved Annual Report.
To LOL - we're laughing at YOU.
Any other adolescent slang that a middle aged old man wants to throw?
This is the blog of raging little people upset that no-one listens to them. Its great you twats have an outlet other than your usual medication.
Laws still runs Wangas, writes national columns, hosts radio & Tv shows.
Thanks to the poster with the radio ratings info and website. It was very revealing to see that Radio Live had gone from a 2.0 rating to 2.8 and to have a look at the regional variations.
It is obvious that the Laws trick over the Tongan slug comment had an effect and who is to say that it was not premeditated?
But has anyone noticed in this morning's Dominion-Post that the comment makes him a "newsmaker" and that it is relatively humorous coverage. It is not just the Chronic giving Mr Laws a soft chair arm-ride: the Dominion has been doing so all year as well.
Happy New Year to everyone.
PS Alan Anderson is not a wimp. He has wonderful community service and would make a fine mayor. He also abhors Mr Laws.
Anonymous said...
To LOL - we're laughing at YOU.
Any other adolescent slang that a middle aged old man wants to throw?
10:28 PM, December 29, 2006
LOL...But we're still laughing at you Mickey.
I just want you to know that I'm laughing at you.
"LOL"..is appropriate here because how else are you going to know that I'm laughing at you with just text? ...LOL..Gee, you're stupid.
Anonymous said...
This is the blog of raging little people upset that no-one listens to them. Its great you twats have an outlet other than your usual medication.
Laws still runs Wangas, writes national columns, hosts radio & Tv shows.
10:30 PM, December 29, 2006
But you're still New Zealand's voted number one asshole in the country too....LOL..Don't omit that
from your list..The people have spoken, Mickey.
Mickey, you're idiotic comments here place you in imminent danger of disappearing up your own orifice ... no not the one from which you deliver your childish, self-serving insults and abuse though even you must be hard-pressed to know which is which.
Yawn Yawn. Nothing changes in here. The sickos are still sick and now the illiterates need to use LOL rather than expressing themselves intelligently. Go Mayor Laws! All the best Wanganui, with your new vibrant approach
But has anyone noticed in this morning's Dominion-Post that the comment makes him a "newsmaker" and that it is relatively humorous coverage. It is not just the Chronic giving Mr Laws a soft chair arm-ride: the Dominion has been doing so all year as well.
The Dominion gave ol' Don Brash a soft chair too...Must be something about disgraced National MP's...Mickey knows the feeling too...LOL.
If you also noticed that, the Chron never published Mickey being voted number one asshole in New Zealand in the Chron's "National News" section. No freedom of the press in Wangas.
Anonymous said...
Yawn Yawn. Nothing changes in here. The sickos are still sick and now the illiterates need to use LOL rather than expressing themselves intelligently. Go Mayor Laws! All the best Wanganui, with your new vibrant approach
2:32 PM, December 30, 2006
LOL...Only people who don't like to be laughed at would write an illogical comment, Mickey.
Admit it, you just got "slammed". Plus, you're behind the times of "cyber-expression".
LOL...So, not only have you been put down, but you've displayed that you're retarded too.
And, New Zealand's number one asshole...still.
How far can you put your foot into your mouth? Keep trying to "harass" me and I'll show you how far..LOL..You must be distance relative to George W. Bush.
Plus, we keep you coming back to the Laws Watch blog, so we can mock you more...LOL
I enjoy making fun of you, Mickey.
Hey Mickey...
LOL..you should know these...BoRA 1990 s.14 & HRC Chap. 8...Remember?..LOL
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