Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Walking the plank

Michael Laws, Mayor, Wanganui, Dot McKinnon, Sue PepperellFirst, before the squawking starts, let us be clear. LawsWatch thinks the Riverfront project looks lovely. We agree it's a desirable addition to the town. But, like the Splash Centre, we wonder just how we're going to afford it and we're concerned that people were induced to vote for it without having the foggiest idea how much it would actually cost.

Here's what the punters voted for in Referendumb 2005:

Central City waterfront development

Year 1 $130,000
Year 2 $130,000

Reconnecting the riverfront to the city will turn the Whanganui River's edge back into the thriving commercial hub it used to be and reinforce our arts, culture and heritage strengths.
And here's what Mickey wants to do now (as per his latest e-coli) and presumably without further consultation with said punters:

My preference? The $1.6 million alternative. Do it once, and do it right ...that's my view.
Not surprisingly, given the increasingly ovine behaviour of our elected "representatives" on Council, he's likely to get his way.

That's a cost escalation by a factor of over six in just one year. Would all the people who supported it, making it number two on the list, have done so if they were in possession of the actual costs rather than a grossly underestimated guess? Who knows? And that's the point.

Yet again, people supported something on the basis of one set of figures, and that project is now going ahead on the basis of a completely different set - with Mickey all the while claiming this is the "will of the people". It's no such thing. It's the will of Michael Laws and diVision, aided and abetted at every turn by their "independent" lackeys. And - right or wrong - they, and only they, will be responsible for the outcome, including the effect on Wanganui's net debt and any future impact on rates.

You can bet your last dollar - and it's almost getting to that - that any project which is a success will see the credit delivered solely to Mayor Michael Laws and his diVision council. While anything that turns to custard will have the blame placed elsewhere.

Council has already made the policy decision to fund the development from asset sales...
...says Mickey. Ahhh those assets... Who knew Wanganui had the real world equivalent of magic beans?! No matter how grandiose the spending plan, no matter whether the reality is six times the original budget, those beans will keep on growing in value till they pay for everything. And if they don't... well there'll be a Finance Manager or a valuer or perhaps even a CEO (are you listening, Dr Warburton?) on whom the blame can be heaped.

Or there's always central government. They're already being set up to cop it if Vision's spend-now-hope-we-can-pay-later plans go wrong. Mickey musters all the false umbrage he can to inform us that:

I would surmise that a good 2% of your projected 3% rate rise this year is due to increased responsibilities placed upon us by the Beehive.
It's not "our" rates increase, Mr Mayor. It's yours. We didn't ask for it. And if you'd reined in your spending, we might have avoided having to pay it. These unreasonable imposts include, he says:

...micro-chipping dogs, earthquake-proofing buildings or paying six figure sums to the Audit Office to run the ruler over our draft LTCCPs...
Tsk, how unreasonable of central government to expect councils to be subject to audit when their estimates are only out by a mere $1.3 million or so. Per project.

But that's not the point (lest we fall for one of Mickey's red herrings and start debating the correctness or otherwise of central-to-local government, and vice-versa, cost-shifting). The point actually is, that unless Wanganui can do something about these rising costs, they have to be factored into the budget and - to use the Diva's own terminology - the town's cloth must be cut to suit.

Like the family facing the rising cost of petrol prices, we can moan about the injustice of it, blame big oil and greedy government taxes, and generally rail against our misfortune. We might even be right. But regardless, we're going to have to make fewer trips to the fast food joint and waterslide heaven, wait to see that new movie on DVD, and generally scale back our expenditure. Not put in a new backyard pool, re-lay the garden path, and hope the garage sale will pay for it.

And certainly not obtain the agreement of our significant other to take on the cost of such project by telling him or her fibs about the actual cost.

Comments on this post are now closed.


Anonymous said...

Since WDC is financially paddling up a smelly brown river (according to Mental Mickey, anyway) isn't it refreshing to see his "damn the torpedos" approach? It reminds me of a mate who had blown $8000 on booze over a few months and realised his bank balance contained a mere $300 . What did he do? He went out and had a piss-up, on the basis that "something will turn up." It didn't and he is now in penury and AA.
So, back to MM. Why advocate the spending of $1.6 mil? Sure people want it, but wouldn't it be financially prudent to do it bit-by-bit? That way you don't have to sell off all the available assets in one fell swoop (and doubtless for a bad price, as usually happens with councils). And you get a walkway by the river, where teenage thugs can hammer seven shades of sh*t out of you in the evening time.
And as an afterthought, wouldn't it also be financially prudent to hold on to a few assets at least to ensure the liability column doesn't outweigh the asset column? Just a thought.

Anonymous said...

What does anyone expect from this Laws character anyway - here is a man with no practical skills whatsoever, obsessed with looks to the extent that he wears makeup or whatever that eyeliner stuff is(ewwwww!). Of course he won't concern himself with practical considerations (like some actual fundraising). The liabilities column, the assett column? What are they except stupid numbers to be hidden away in corporate overheads.

It's the image that counts, to the extent that he's even trotting out that old lie about "private sources" as though he's actually going to do some fundraising or something.

Of course when the financial shit hits the fan he'll be long gone. And good riddance to him when he goes.

Can you keep the flim-flam up for the next 18 months, Mickey?

Anonymous said...

anon ...wouldn't it be financially prudent to do it bit-by-bit?


Well no, anon. Don't tell anyone, but we're only 17 months out from the next election and Mickey's got a lot of votes to buy between now and then. After 19 months of relentless spin and bullshit there's absolutely nothing he can claim to have achieved.

He needs this more than Wanganui needs it.

Anonymous said...

It's interesting but not surprising to see that the Chron found the mind-blowing cost escalation so insignficant that it managed to keep it off the front page. And didn't mention this is the second referedumb project to turn pear-shaped.

It's hard to imagine another newspaper anywhere in the real world doing that.

Anonymous said...

Good point anon. All he's done is helped Chas Poynter's vision a little further along the road.

Look at what Chas acheived - the complete turnaround of Victoria Avenue, the stormwater separation finally getting started, the water treatment plant, the cleaning up of the river, the glass cluster, the huge increase in skilled manufacturing, etc. etc.

Got a long way to go before you can even start to say you've done something, Mickey, because all your doing now is tidying up Poynter's loose ends.

Anonymous said...

Mayor Michael Laws will today lead a council delegation comprising of himself, Deputy Mayor Dot McKinnon and community development chairperson Cr Nicki Higgie to meet with the Prime Minister in Wellington this afternoon.


Gosh, lucky old PM. Yesterday it was the Queen of the Waikato, today the Queen of the Whanganui and her hand maidens.

Wonder what sort of mess Nicki and Dotty had to scrape off the tenth floor carpet. Hope they took along their mayoral pooper scoopers (free with every referendum voting paper).

Anonymous said...

Let's see -- depending on Mickey's menstrual cycle the Sarjeant Gallery collection is either "crap" or a "strategic asset" ripe for selling to bail out his latest Think Big plan.

Neither of those suggests a worthy cause for a dollop of govt funding.

So what's he been telling Helen today?

Anonymous said...

"Mayor Laws will today lead a mayoral delegation to the mayoral prime ministers office to discuss the mayoral needs for mayoral reelection. Mayoral expenditure is the most expensive component of Wanganui District Council's budget, and it is mayorally ridiculous to expect the citizens of mayoral Wanganui to foot the bill. The Mayoral Gliding On cost plus mayoral mentality must cease forthwith."

Mayorally yours, the Mental Mayor.

Anonymous said...

Bitter little people.

Anonymous said...

I think John Maslin has some explaining to do re Dave Laurence's story. Since the story was a rehashed press release (check the quotes from Mickey against the press release, they're identical), why was Laurence's byline on it? All he did was type in Mickey's words. In the interests of journalistic integrity (yes, I know, a quaint concept these days, esp in Wangers) the story should have pointed out that Laurence clearly didn't talk to MM at all. I understand the need to use press statements for quotes if the person won't talk to you on the record (I know of one journo whose last interaction with MM was being hung up on with the words "I haven't got time for this shit")but to present the mayor's inane witterings as some kind of journalistic effort is risible and quite possibly against APN's code of ethics.

Anonymous said...

Would someone please tell Muzza to use a ghostwriter.

Anonymous said...

I love the riverfront plan and it will be great to have the riverbank as a major recreation and entertainment area. You grizzle too much LawsWatch: the mayor is on the money on this issue.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Bitter little people.

5:27 AM, May 24, 2006

Oh dear, Mickey. Wet nappy, was it??? Don't kids do the darnedest things!

Anonymous said...

anonymickey said..
Anonymous said...
I love the riverfront plan ....the mayor is on the money on this issue.

11:12 AM, May 24, 2006

Yeah that's a really useful contribution to the debate. The mayor is on the money all right, and the money should be being used to retire debt rather than buy votes.

Anonymous said...


New spin fairy appointed!! Read all about it. Another Chron scoop!!! Go Mas!!! Go Mickey!!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Bitter little people.

5:27 AM, May 24, 2006

At 5:27am, the dawn hasn't even begun to happen. Cold, with a light drizzle outside and the odd work-gang van doing the 'rounds. Pick up the lads and go to the dairy/takeaway for some chips for breakfast.

Deep in the bowels of St. John's Hill, a figure stirs. Aged beyond his years, haggard, whine-lines clearly visible, the Mayor stoops over a glowing computer screen.

You sad old fart, Mickey. Five in the morning and you've started your day with hate. Again. Its the 144th time this year and it's only May. What's with the obsession with size, anyway? I like the riverfront drawings: bet you had to pay some artist a shit load to CAD those up for you.

Don't you wish you had some talent?

Anonymous said...

Oh when the shit rains down and leaks through Mickey’s roof
And his lies get so hot, he wishes he was fire-proof
Under the Boardwalk, up Mickey’s creek
Changing nappies for his baby, is where he’ll be.

(Under the Boardwalk)
By Taupo Quay
(Under the Boardwalk)
It’s plain to see
(Under the Boardwalk)
Votes don’t come free
(Under the Boardwalk)
We’ll be deep in debt, under the Boardwalk,


Under the Boardwalk, by Taupo Quay
Neck-deep in lies is where he’ll be.

Anonymous said...

Michael Laws is the best thing to happen to you sad, bitter little people (right on, anon!). He gives you a reason for living your sad, lonely, desperate lives.
But the best part is that he ##### all over you every day and that makes Wanganui thank him daily for our entertainment. Onya Michael!!!

Anonymous said...

I also liked his reply in the letters column yesterday saying that he was C Webb's and M Dutton's "obsession" and then added "and what a magnificent obsession it is". The guy is witty.

Laws Watch said...

3.08, 3.09 (which we dumped... but if someone wearing their bow tie too tight explains an over-active imagination, then the Mayor's lycra shorts also explain a great deal) and 3.16...

What can account for this cluster of Mickey worship. School's out? No... no one experiencing the joys of youth (computer games, cigarettes and unplanned pregnancy) would bother themselves with Council business.

Must either be that they allow internet access to the inmates during afternoon tea, or Mickey's multiple personalities are having a cabinet meeting.

Anonymous said...

"what a magnificent"

yes, riiiight, a man who's obsessed with size writes about how big he is.

You don't suppose Cr. Brookhammer's being short-changed, do you?

Anonymous said...

You don't suppose Cr. Brookhammer's being short-changed, do you?

3:37 PM, May 24, 2006

No, anon, I'm sure she's being handsomely remunerated for her Horizons duties. In fact, if anyone cared to calculate her hourly rate for the actual time her bum is on a seat there, you'd be very impressed. And she doesn't even have to write her own press relases and letters.

Anonymous said...

Artistic nihilist activist loser single issue nutter malcontent scumsuckers with sad, lonely, desperate lives, if you don't mind.

Anonymous said...

if anyone cared to calculate her hourly rate...

it'd be "the paid paid job {she's} ever had." Unquote.

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be nice to have a Mickey?
You could bring him out for parlour tricks,
Make him rant and rave about those bastards from the cave,
And how they're all so terminally thick,
And when he grew just a little tiresome,
As he is so wont to do we know,
Put him back into his box,
And then gag the little fool,
With a pair of Tana's used up footy socks.

Anonymous said...

Give up on the crap, guys! You're all getting bloody boring. Your comments reek of tall poppy syndrome!
I thought this blog was supposed to be about informed commentary, not nasty, pointless gossip and innuendo from a pack of spiteful and hateful people.
You all criticise Michael Laws yet this blog would have to be the worst advertisement for Wanganui EVER! Don't you know people outside of Wangas are laughing at YOUR small-mindedness? You're all making us look like a bunch of country hicks who have nothing better to do than sit around and gossip.
PLEASE put your energies to better use in Wanganui. I'm sure you're all capable of much more.
If you're so discontented with council, why don't you get off your backsides and stand yourself? Isn't that what democracy is all about?

Laws Watch said...

Don't you know people outside of Wangas are laughing at YOUR small-mindedness?

Actually anon, we have it on excellent authority that no one outside Wanganui cares a fig about Michael Laws (and thus about this blog). Not even the inbreds in Raetihi care what he thinks or does. Sad, isn't it, considering how hard he tries?

Anonymous said...

anon at 6:05 PM, May 24, 2006

And why don't you, anon, attempt to get your mind around the points raised in the post here about the truth-discrepancy between what the referendumb said ($260K) and what the mayor now says ($1.6 mill). Crucially, you could explain why, for a man who constantly bleats about how his mission is to rescue Wanganui from debt and penury, Michael Laws is so keen to NOT use the proceeds from asset sales to retire debt.

For someone like you to be bleating if you've got nothing to say about the above, and if you don't like it here, just bugger off please.

Anonymous said...

Isn't that what democracy is all about?

No, it isn't. Next.

Anonymous said...

Bearhunter said...
I think John Maslin has some explaining to do re Dave Laurence's story. Since the story was a rehashed press release (check the quotes from Mickey against the press release, they're identical), why was Laurence's byline on it? All he did was type in Mickey's words.
Bearhunter has a good point. The paper is really a bit like the council. Its reporters (and especially Mas) are really just Mickey Mayor by another name. Just like the councillors showing their true grit by every now and then voting “independently”, someone like Mr Laurence writes a half-arsed piece like the bit about two big items missing from the LTCCP (earthquake proofing the waterfront). But of course he neglects to mention the swimming pool, the SS (Sally & Sharon’s) new library & museum, and anything else that Mickey tosses out as a pretty bauble for the masses over the next year or so.

Anonymous said...

Oh what a wonderful new friend and ally Mickey has in Aidan Work, submitter extraordinaire on the gang bylaw. Perhaps he’ll add Michael Laws to the pantheon of mortal gods he most admires, including QEII and the Ians -- Paisley and Smith. Maybe he’ll even strike out the ex-GG from his Wikipedia entry and call himself “a retired constitutional ally to former Queen of the Whanganui Michael Brian Laws”.

Anonymous said...

This mayor and council march so fast and on so many issues that it leaves you giddy. One of the reasons they have disarmed most of their critics is that by the time you have reacted, they have already moved on. It is the Lange/Douglas tactic and it has been refined expertly.

Anonymous said...

Dear Dotty

Since you seem determined to remain outside the real world (“I wonder how many LTCCP submissions we will hear which will support the positive, congratulate the authors and thank Councillors for their honest reflection, control and frugality") you might care to contact Virgin Galactic and book a space fight.

For just $300,000 (about one day’s worth of spending not mentioned in the LTCCP) you could become a paid-up space cadet and get a certificate to hang alongside your portrait of Michael.

Anonymous said...

Pollyanna McKinnon says today on the council website that:

"A scowl uses fewer muscles than a smile. People prefer to talk about inclement weather rather than the good. And there are always the doom merchants who foresee rain on a perfect day, a sharemarket crash in boom times, faults in winners and problems where none exist."

Yes, Dotty, there are doom-mongers amongst us, and those who blame everything on others (like blaming things on Horizons and Central Govt). There are also those among us who know sod-all about physiology. It takes a roughly similar number of muscles around the mouth to smile and frown (11 or 12 in each case), however, the smile also affects the eyes, meaning that in total it takes more muscle movement. So it's easier to frown, really. Especially when you're mayor iof a provincial city filled with such appalling ingrates. He's doing all this for your own good, you know!

Anonymous said...

anon said ...The paper is really a bit like the council. Its reporters (and especially Mas) are really just Mickey Mayor by another name.
Right anon and it just keeps getting worse. Instead of Mr Maslin telling his reporters to ask the hard questions and refuse to fall for Mickey’s spin, he’s now going to give Mickey another platform by letting him answer patsy questions with his free-form bullshit.

How come Mickey wasn’t Mas’s dance partner at the ball the other night? They make such a lovely couple, and Mas has shown he’s perfectly happy to let Mickey lead.

Laws Watch said...

Goodness, anon @ 1.55 - the first compliment for Mr Maslin this blog has ever published! So you're saying that anything Mickey can do, Mr Maslin can do backwards and in high heels? :-D

Anonymous said...

Dot McKinnon, is it really you who writes that embarrassing drivel? Tell me it's a ghostwriter, someone.

Anonymous said...

Jesus, MM has finally found an ally even more demented than him. I urge you to check out the talk:Aidan Work page on wikipedia. A ranting, foaming at the mouth orange, anti-semitic, anti-catholic homophobe of the first water. Between the two of them, they'll clean up Wangers in days. No more homosexuality, no more catholics, no more blacks, no more Maori, just Aidan and Mickey, sitting in a tree definitely NOT k-i-s-s-i-n-g.