Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Double the Debt = Half the Vote

Sadly, dear readers, the inconvenient scheduling of last night’s Mayoral Forum meant Watchers were gathered round Shortland Street on the gas-fired TV set at the LawsWatch Cave, where Sophie, Nate, Tess, Durville, Justine et al were going about their non-business, oblivious to the drama being played out at the Prince Edward Auditorium. Other Watchers, though avid Wanganui Chronicle readers one and all, missed the drama … the conflict … the applause … simply because the Chron managed to forget to tell anyone it was on!

So we are forced rely on reports from no less than the collective geniuses from the Chron, and to piece together comments to this blog (scroll down for the prize snippets) from Watchers who passed up Shortie Street for the night. To summarise:

Mas and Kirsty put together a macabre collection of questions for John and Michael and Russell and Randhir but not Chandra because she was staying home and sulking about something that happened ages ago and sent someone who looked like her Mum to make a nuisance of herself. It got so bad that Mas told her off and then Michael behaved badly and Kirsty made a fool of herself by letting him have his own way. Suddenly Kirsty was being booed and jeered for showing her organ’s Visionary bias in public and then Michael got even more angry and Kirsty was glad when it was all over and she could go home and watch the video of that night’s episode of Shortie Street which she’d had the foresight to tape …

The morning after hang-over must have been a shocker in the Maslin household when he saw what he’d written the night before and waited for the phone to ring with an early dose of mayoral abuse from his buddy Michael:

Martin tops mayoral forum poll

WE CALLED it "forum feedback" and if that decided the outcome of Wanganui's mayoral election race, then we’d have a new mayor! John Martin.

Of those who took part in our ballot, 64 said they'd vote for Mr Martin, 41 for incumbent mayor Mr Laws, one for Mr Fleming and none for Ms Osborne or Mr Dahya. And did the forum help in the voters' decision-making? Sixty-six said it did and 38 said it didn't.

So diVision apparently managed a turnout of roughly the same number of candidates and Bob Walker's fellow realtor Catherine Kennedys as they did at their damp squib launch a week earlier, while Randhir Dayha’s apparently undentable ego got the bash.

But the Cave’s discerning followers of the TV soaps were delighted to find the Chron(ic’s) new soap queen Lin Ferguson, editor Kirsty MacKnucklehead’s fellow Southland Times graduate, writing in the style to which they have become accustomed in a gushing review of Episode 981 of Vision Street in which Wanganui Mayor Michael Laws stars in yet another a crude election special down by the riverfront, specially funded by the Ratepayers of Wanganui …

"Michael Mayor's here! yaaay," a small group of children whispered as the opening of the Riverfront Walkway got under way on Saturday. The balmy, spring day attracted a crowd of more than 300 people to cheer on Wanganui’s latest community project.

Meanwhile, back to the Vision Street reviews provided courtesy LawsWatch’s anonymii:

ML goes Surreal on debt
Anyone who missed the forum this evening passed up the chance to listen to Mickey explain how the $31.5 million we owed in 2004 was actually less than the $67.5 we now owe and the $48 million peak we were predicting in 2004 for 2010 has now actually been reduced to $74.6 million. It was surreal

Jokers, pretenders & losers
Tonight’s mayoral forum illustrated clearly that we have a two man race. Russell Fleming is a joke and Randhir showed us all how badly he is out of his depth. Ms Osborn chose not to attend, but sent a heckler to represent her. Wonder how Randhir Dahya feels this morning? The world's biggest loser maybe?

Business as usual for Chronic
What the Chron didn't say this morning was that it didn't take long for the editor to abandon her presence of neutral chairpersonship and give ML a second crack at a question. Sure, he went through the motions of appearing to throw a wobbly at her but it was plain he was going to get his own way. Why should Monday night be any different to any other day of the week?

Vision lacks numbers
The numbers in the chron say it all - from where I was sitting down the front there appeared to be a formidable chunk of paid-up vision party candidates and their hangers on at the back plus the seriously weird Catherine Kennedy and her long-haired companion. They must have accounted for most of the 41 pro-mickey "votes" between them!

Cornered rat
Laws was really in cornered rat mode last night. The neering/shouting/snarling act probably made some of the Visionaries think wistfully about a change of mayor. I wonder if they are allowed secret votes or if they have to hand over their voting papers for mayoral inspection before putting them in the box.

Poor old Randhir While Russell Fleming turned out to be a worse buffoon than expected, one couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for Randhir. He was so clearly out of his depth and fumbling ... then with his quote about how "when he is mayor" he'll appoint the highest polling as his deputy he went and spilled the beans on his three bitter years and the deal that Mickey dangled before him to get him to make such a dick of himself by standing for mayor. If he wasn't so old, you'd want to tell him to grow up!


Anonymous said...

The other members of the Vision party might be starting to realise that Michael Laws brand of politics may not get them a council seat. If they want to make a difference around the council table it might be a good idea for them to declare that they could work with any of the Mayoral candidates.

Anonymous said...

Whoa! Mickey really got dicked by the Chron photo's today. In the group shot he looks utterly disinterested and in the much more candid mugshot he looks like a hollow eyed zombie. Still he can't complain, he really his fucking ugly, in appearance and behaviour.

Anonymous said...

Given the Vision party's non-achievments and financial mis-management of the last three years, which they tried to conceal by shouting loudly at every opportunity "HAVEN'T WE DONE WELL...?", I sincerely hope every last one of them follows their inglorious leader out of local body governance and into the depths of obscurity.
Bring back flogging....!!!!!

Anonymous said...

anonymous said
Whoa! Mickey really got dicked by the Chron photo's today. In the group shot he looks utterly disinterested .

Actually, he looks like he'd considering his chances of getting into the editor's ample knickers! And that's not surprising given the nudge nudge wink wink exchanges between them on stage, and the overt favouritism she showed in giving him his own very special right of reply. Still if it was Maslin up there would anything have been different?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I have a clear memory of an hysterical laws shouting out to a few people who dared walk out on the shambolic process led by Kristy. At least the Chron published the results of the pseudo poll. Hey, seen the laws' new re-branding signage around town. I don't think anyone would associate the word 'positive' with laws. But having said that, imitation is the biggest form of flattery as he obviously is taking off of JM campaign. Pathetic and obiviously running scared....

Anonymous said...

Has anyone asked Kate Joblin if she actually wrote to Laws saying all of those flowery bits. Anyone can wield a bit of paper from afar and say it says anything, especially people who conjure up their own reality. In other words, lies laws lies...

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Madame Editor's curious brand of neutrality, in today's candidate questions she notes she lets Barking Hogan run "over the word limit but represents the views of six candidates". And this apparently is an "Eds note" (sic - haven't they got an office copy of Eats Shoots and Leaves or some other guide to basic punctuation?)

Anonymous said...

The poll report in the paper is rubbish. Obviously there were more Martin supporters among the 120 people (how many thousand people in Wanganui?) than there were ML supporters.
Durr!!!!! think about your comment.
And why is it you think that there may have been more JM supporters than ML ones? Perhaps coz JM has more support? It was, after all, a candidate debate not a JM sponsored evening

Anonymous said...

Is that the same Catherine Kennedy in today’s Chronic asking a patsy question for Bob Walker to bullshit over? Don’t they work together flogging real estate? Couldn’t she just have leaned over the listings and asked him? Are they really that desperate? Is she really that mental?

Anonymous said...

Jeez Michael, things haven't looked this bad since Winnie pulled the rug your little Antoinette Beck scam, have they? May we suggest this is as good a time as any to concede defeat, do a great big mea culpa (you could pick any combination or all of the 5,397,283 lies you've told Wanganui in the last three years) and spend the next decade or so "atoning" and writing more trash books for the remainder shelves before coming back from the politically dead to screw another democratic system. We won't think any less of you (well it has to be said you couldn't possibly go any lower in our estimation anyway).

So, how about it, old chap?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"Mayor Michael's here! Quack quack. Let’s vote for him!" a small group of ducks quacked as another cheap mayoral electioneering stunt got under way in the Duckshit Vision Daily. The barmy mayorduck attracted a crowd of more than 3 mallards to cheer on Wanganui’s latest election rort.

Anonymous said...

Especially for Anon at 7.18am - broken promises - where do I start - not wanting to hog the forum forever the most glaring is the claim that Laws would get rid of the old boy network -really- of course he didn't include his mate in the RSA in that claim did he?

Anonymous said...

Say Laws Watch,

Can we have that list of Mickey "achievements" starting with the "Cheeky Darkie" Award?

Anonymous said...

If Mickey wins the mayoral again, we'll see exactly how many more sheep are in Wanganui.

The Jaguar said...

Can anyone direct me to some of nasty comments he has made to different people and groups? I want to ask his new Vision members what they think of aligning themselves with a social plonker.

Anonymous said...


How about the most transparent, least believeable load of shit:

"I love Wanganui..."

Anonymous said...

The Jaguar said...

Can anyone direct me to some of nasty comments he has made to different people and groups?

Watch this space, Jaguar. We'll get our researchers onto a list for you over the next few days ... rich pickings, we're sure.

Anonymous said...

What a pack of bitches you all are. Newsflash, no one knows who John Martin is and no one gives a shit. The voting papers will go out, 50% of the voting public will vote Laws and your little sad pack of no hopers will spend another three years bitching. Come October the 13th I’ll proudly post on this site, THREE MORE YEARS HATERS, THREE MORE YEARS.

Anonymous said...

The voting papers will go out, 50% of the voting public will vote Laws
2:22 AM

Election keeping you awake at nights is it? Or is it the nightmare of obscurity beckoning?

Anonymous said...

What a pack of bitches you all are. Newsflash, no one knows who John Martin is and no one gives a shit. The voting papers will go out, 50% of the voting public will vote Laws and your little sad pack of no hopers will spend another three years bitching. Come October the 13th I’ll proudly post on this site, THREE MORE YEARS HATERS, THREE MORE YEARS.

What happened to ML will piss in? now your desperate to make 50% ? Go and get some sleep!

Anonymous said...

Golly - hope it wasn't a small child that caused the nasty one at 2.22 am to be so out of sorts. Still, let's just hope that he took it all out on the blog rather than the child. It would be too tragic if the pressures of electioneering led to family violence.

Anonymous said...

Ouch! Why would anyone vote for the misogynist sleepwalking serial abuser @ 2.22am? Better look out people, cos he might send Richard Moore round to get ya!

Anonymous said...

The Jaguar said...

Can anyone direct me to some of nasty comments he has made to different people and groups?

Why sure :)

Anonymous said...

ML doesnt use the word bitches.
He uses the word morons.

Anonymous said...

You missed "philandering" (and probably a few other adjectives....)

Anonymous said...

anonymous said:
.... he might send Richard Moore round to get ya!

Oh no!!!! Not scary Richard Moore!! Didn't Mickey sic him onto some guy at the St John's Hill meeting? Come to think of it, he can't be that effective because hasn't he got a "shiner" presumably from someone taking exception to his thuggish threats?

Want an enforcer? Give me Tony Soprano anyday!

Anonymous said...

No, forget Moore and Soprano -- Mickey needs to maker more use of his not-so-secret weapon Catherine Kennedy. She doesn't seem the type to back off with a black eye.

Anonymous said...

ML's support looks like it's disappearing. Remember 20 odd thousand invites went out in the Rivercity Press to attend the opening of the walk-way, three hundred turned up many with the other guys balloons ... but nice free ice-creams. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Whoa pro-Wanganui folks. It's only politics.

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one who was prepared to give Randhir the benefit of the doubt till reading in the chron after the forum that he equates "democracy" with him being given the deputy mayoralty?

It seems to confirm what LawsWatch has been saying about him doing a deal with Mickey to stand, ie "stand for Mayor, Randhir (you dickhead), because it will help you get top vote for the council and then I'll pretend I have to make you deputy (bugger Dotty) then when I bugger off to gut NZ First (oh doesn't Vision First sound like a great new name!) you, Randhir, can be the mayor (no less).

Only Randhir could fall for that one and be dupe enough to try to split the vote to ensure Mickey gets back. Well, Randhir darling, it seems Mickey's grand plan has misfired and you're a non-entity, consigned to oblivion and worse, contempt, in the city you profess to care about.

Time to hit the road, old buddy!

Anonymous said...

Who remembers MickeyMayor rabbiting on about how he was doing soooo much for the Cancer Society by dicking himself dancing with the stars? The ghastly truth has been revealed today by TVNZ - Loser Laws raised just $3346.32 for the Cancer Society! And boy, don’t they regret being associated with such a reject.

According to Stuff today … “Laws was voted off next after setting a new low for total points scored, gaining only nine points out of a possible 40. He earned his charity the Cancer Society of New Zealand $3346.32.!”

(But don’t let that stop you delivering puke-producing brochures of your freaky family and freaking dancing demo to the voters Mickey).

NB: Tim Shadbolt, butt of Mickey’s nasty little bouts of penile envy, raised $67,435 for MS in his time on the dancing show. My calculator says that’s more than 20 times what New Zealand’s biggest loser raised when “the people” voted with their credit cars. What hope has he on October 13?

Anonymous said...

Yes but of course it wasn’t Mickey’s fault that he was such a flob – blame his partner for that ... and look forward to his glorious return next year with Catherine Kennedy as his new partner. Wow do those two look great together!

Anonymous said...

What hope has he on October 13?

8:48 PM, September 20, 2007

He is going to win, you losers

Anonymous said...

7:18 AM, September 19, 2007

Here's one, from a Chron article by Maslin on 12/6/07
Mayor Michael Laws told Monday’s meeting that the museum board had cost ratepayers $60,000 because of its “intransigence”

(the museum board had cost ratepayers$60,000 because of its “intransigence”) was repeated in a second article in case anyone missed it the first time around.

I think the repeat puts it right up there on the heinous scale with extra points for laziness on the part of one’s press agent.

Anonymous said...

THREE MORE YEARS HATERS...is Michael only good for three more years? Does he expire after that?

Anyway, if opposing an insecure, insincere, incapable and inept Mayor makes me a 'hater', then I'm proud to wear the badge.

A Hater.

Anonymous said...

Great to see the non Vision councillors sticking it to Mickey for his unilateral approach to the smelly lake. About bloody time....

Anonymous said...

Regarding the new river walkway, Mickey said the following:

"The total cost to the ratepayer will be just $800,000."

"The total budget may be $2.2 million, but $1.4 million of that sum has come from sources other than the Wanganui ratepayer."

The funding for the project is:

* $1.3 million from Development Contributions. (This is a special pool of Council funds set aside for projects that benefit the whole community).
* $100,000 from Powerco Trust.
* $24,000 from Whanganui River Enhancement Charitable Trust (Genesis).
* $18,000 from the Ministry of Tourism.
* The balance (approximately $800,000) loan funded.

So, does that mean that the loan of $800,000 has come from the ratepayers. Did I lend my money to the Mayor? Will I be getting interest?

Also, that little $1.3 million from a special pool of Council Funds...where did THAT come from?

Can someone please tell me what is going on here? In plain English.

If you remove the spin, the Mayor has spent $2.1m ($1.3m + $800k) of Council money on the walkway.

Council money. Our money.

Ho humm...

(I don't mind the spend on the walkway, I just wish we'd known the true cost before and now...)

Anonymous said...

The vision meeting in castlecliff was a good one last night. The candidates all spoke very well. One very arty heckler who finally made herself very unpopular with the audience. That meeting helped make my mind up.

Anonymous said...

$3300 for cancer, can anyone work out how many votes that was ?

Anonymous said...

To Anon 6.36am

The financing of the walkway is perhaps the most cynical act perpetrated by M Laws and his Vision muppetts since taking office.
Development Contributions is a fund that is built up through a levy of $1800 per section paid by anybody who creates a new subdivision. It is set up by all councils to provide funding for future subdivision infrastructure.At 30th April 2007 Council minutes show that the fund had a balance of $1,120,627. I believe that Laws sought a legal opinion on whether he could divert the funds away from the purpose it was supposed to be used for- future subdivisions- and into his pet project.
In the agenda preamble council officer Natalie Cowper said" Special Funds are Council's monies that can only be spent on expenditure for which the fund was originally set up.They are termed "restricted equity" according to the Local Government Act 2002."
The redirection of these funds is a scandle, and would not happen in any other Council.

Anonymous said...

7:18 AM, September 19, 2007

This is a pretty good one about the rates. From the Chronicle 12/6/07 (Maslin, of course)

Laws was adamant the rate increase and impact of the levies could not be considered in percentage terms

Cr. McGregor said it was "misleading" to keep the items separate. But Mr. Laws said ....”You can’t, because it could then be argued we’ve delivered something like a minus 3% rate”

Mr. Laws said...for the third year in a row Wanganui was on target to effect the lowest annual rates increase in the country

Anonymous said...

I'm still trying to find somebody whose rates only went up by 1.7%

Most of the properties in my area had about a 10% increase even before the bullshit levies are added.

Anonymous said...

Voting papers arriving in mailboxes. Remember to post your return in on a Tuesday. Laws will have less chance of tampering with votes that arrive on Wednesdays.

Anonymous said...

7:18 AM, September 19, 2007

Here’s a nice promise from Wednesday’s Chron. Virginia Lake will be algal bloom-free this summer. “in the short-term, and for a cost of around $20,000, we can ensure Virginia Lake is healthy and algae-free this summer”

I wonder if our $20,000 will be listed on his campaign expenses statement.

Anonymous said...

That is the sort of promise you can make if you are willing to bypass democratic process completely. So much more efficient to just have a word with Leo and Dave. And why not. The timing’s perfect. Campaign in full swing. All those pesky meetings are over and YOU CAN GET AWAY WITH IT!

Anonymous said...

Rangi Wills can obviously see the writing on the wall and has decided it’s time to be the first rat to desert the sinking vision ship … after three years of being Mickey’s best mate outside the caucus. In his River City Press profile this week he’s suddenly decided the splash centre should have had an Olympic pool as a priority and tut-tuts about the cost overruns on projects including the splash centre.
But in April when he was doing his best to climb up Mickey’s backside he couldn’t contain his enthusiasm for spending as much money as it might take on dumb water slides etc. To wit:
Splash Centre Extension - Friday Council meeting: "Build it now" - 26/04/06
An extraordinary meeting of the Wanganui District Council this coming Friday will debate a recommendation from Mayor Michael Laws and Cr Rangi Wills that the council should fund the outstanding amount for the Splash Centre extension and call for tenders immediately.
Mayor Laws and Cr Wills say that Council should fund the additional funding from the sale of council assets and property. Most of those have been identified in the draft LTCCP (long-term council community plan) recently released for public input.
"We are aiming to build the facility to be one of the best in New Zealand. It will have the capacity to generate extra revenue from the twin hydroslides, the café and a small gym. In short, this will be a family-friendly facility of which all Wanganui will be proud."
And ….
In discussion with deputy finance chairman Cr Rangi Wills, we both reached the conclusion that Council can afford the additional capital – and that we can earmark the revenue from asset sales (land and property) already flagged in the LTCCP to meet the shortfall. We will be jointly co-sponsoring a resolution on Friday to proceed with the project forthwith.

Anonymous said...

I hope he has a Resource Consent to dump chemical into the lake. If he does, I suspect it will be signed by "Antoinette Beck".

Anonymous said...

Rangi Wills won’t be getting my vote, or that of anyone I know, after his appalling collaboration with Mickey’s cynical bid to rig the vote on reducing the number of councillors.

It would be a serious crime against democracy of that two-faced slimebag got voted back, especially if he squeaked in at No 11 or 12!

Anonymous said...

Looks like Dr Warburton has taken some spinal Viagra and told Mickey to keep his nasty little outbreak of councillor abuse off the WDC website. Cue yet another mayoral tantrum – for him and the Chronic for daring to run the story in the first place. Must be hard for a CEO to have take a two year old to the office everyday.

Anonymous said...

MickeyMouth says:
Urgent action was required (on the slime) and the chief executive could have acted on his own authority in addressing that

So tell us, Mickey, why it wasn't left up to Warburton to act? Oh that's right, it would have cost you a major grubby little electioneering/politicking grandstanding opportunity!

Anonymous said...

Michael Laws Cries:
“Their actions can only be condemned as the worst kind of politicking. It is dishonest, and clearly designed to bolster their profiles ahead of the election.”

Funny, I thought that's what you were doing in the first place Mickey. On the back foot are we?

Anonymous said...

Dopey Marty Lindsay hasn't had an original idea in his life, which of course is what makes him so attractive to ML, and why he gets sent along as Mickey's boy to spread the division word. But it doesn't stop there - heard he's now also doing Bog Walker's dirty work and made a dick of himself at the Horizons forum, presumably because Mickey decided it's just too risky to let Bog off the leash in public!

Anonymous said...

Hey Dr Warburton! Why not let Mickey have free rein on the council website?

After all, you're not planning on sticking around after it all turns to custard next month are you? Won't someone else have to clean up the mess you and Vision have left?

Doctor, heal thyself - sounds like good advice, doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

Thank you anon 10:33am...excellent clarification. Can you now please write to the Chron to point out the scandal and the Mayor's lies.

If Mickey gets re-elected, how far in our condemnation of the Wanganui Chronicle should we go? Picketing? TV news media? There must be some other way we can get the truth out there!

Anonymous said...

Does anyone seriously believe that Laws will win?

This is an election that is already over and the Chronicle poll has previewed the outcome - Martin 60%, Laws 39%, Others 1%.

To John Martin: a classy campaign and Laws is already privately conceding that he has lost according to council staff. He is clearing out his office already.

Congratulations John Martin!!!!!!