Bemoaning the "moaners"
Displaying the sort of nonsensical syllogism which only Mickey can spew forth (bad parents harm their children; some Maori harm their children; therefore Maori are bad parents), his latest
free election advertisement column in the Chron targets people who "moan". Indeed, such is his disapproval of such people that he spends well over 500 words... well, moaning about them.
The particular syllogism of this column runs: many people oppose me; some of those who do have a tendency to moan; therefore anyone who opposes me must be a "moaner". To support this argument he draws on opinion pieces evidently written by former Mayor Chas Poynter and former MP (and chairman of the council's economic development committee) the late John Lithgow.
Both men chastised the "moaners, groaners and whiners" who criticise every new council initiative - and want to keep Wanganui in a developmental straitjacket. They considered that there was a "negative element" in the city who never saw any good in anything. They were right.He doesn't, of course, offer the thinnest shred of evidence that either man held such opinions: we have to take his word for it. And the phrase "moaners, groaners and whiners" is wrapped in quotes but not attributed to anyone in particular. Which wouldn't be a huge problem, except that he devotes some of the rest of his space to moaning about people who make statements but "offer not a skerrick of evidence". But that only applies, of course, to people who disagree with the Mayor.
Wanganui does possess a "chip on the shoulder" brigade who can't conceive that the district can ever prosper without their direct imprimatur or involvement... They tend to express this irritation through... nonsensical submissions to annual or long-term plans. If one was to distil their advice into a phrase, then it would be this: don't do anything unless I, personally, can gain a direct benefit.Again, not a skerrick of evidence to support this remarkable assertion. Certainly not on the Council website LTCCP section, the most obvious place to make them available, where it would have been a simple matter to compile the submissions received. After all, they've had since 12 May. Just how many of the submissions were "nonsensical"? Why? And most importantly, how many failed to declare some conflict of interest, admitting that if their submission was accepted, they would "gain a direct benefit"?
So we have the Mayor of Wanganui alleging that an unspecified proportion of those citizens who made a submission to the Annual and LTCC Plans were fruitcakes and/or crooks. But not a skerrick of evidence - this too we are expected to take entirely on trust.
Then there are the heated imaginings of some letter writers that council has a secret plan to sell Wanganui Gas. Unlike most conspiracy theorists, they offer not a skerrick of evidence. Nor even the shadow. If we were going to sell it, we would have put it in our 10-Year Plan to be formally adopted this week. We haven't... It is currently a good investment. It is staying a ratepayer-owned asset. End of story.We're meant to have confidence that an asset won't be sold by a Council which recently "found" additional surplus properties which were, in fact, for sale but weren't on the register. Okay... make a note, Watchers. That's as close to an unequivocal assertion from Mickey as you're ever likely to see. But given that if the Splash Centre budget looked any more pear shaped it'd be in an Alison Holst recipe book, start deconstructing that "promise" for loopholes now, just in case.
On to a predictable but somewhat unwise spray at Rosemary Hovey, which we won't repeat here as the whole business is likely to end up in messy litigation and we're running low on rupees here at the Cave. But then this... didn't stop a former councillor coming out in support. Who would not have had a clue as to the redundancy process at council, nor the individual case.So former Community Committee chair Vivien Eyers burst forth with a statement to the Chron without knowing even the basic facts of the Hovey case? She never discussed the circumstances of Hovey's redundancy with the person concerned, let alone read any of the many public statements made by the CEO, Cr Higgie and others putting the Council's point of view before offering an opinion? Then either she is incredibly stupid, or the Mayor of Wanganui has just made a baseless accusation of stupidity against a former councillor without a skerrick of evidence. We know which option we're backing.
Little wonder then that I smiled in empathy at the comments of Chas Poynter and John Lithgow. And a few other councillors sitting around our table would have done so as well.We're sure Michael Laws was smirking - after all, that and a scowl is pretty much his full range of facial expression. But as for Dotty, Muzza, Nicki and the rest: someone should tell the Diva the difference between a smile and an idiot grin.
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I found the loophole in his promise: he says Wnaganui Gas is currently a good investment. As soon as he decides it's not (ie when he needs the money for the Mayor Mickey Memorial Boulevard through the city) he'll decide it is underperforming and trumpet about how the council will not prop up lame ducks etc etc. You can see it coming, can't you?
Now you've done it, LawsWatch. Mickey will have to explain the meaning of such a big word to Nicki and Marty and the other Vision simpletons. After all, he chose them all because their vocabularies are limited to two words, YES MICHAEL.
Sad to say, Bearhunter's prophesy has the ring of truth to it. First, he has to get through the next election though with just the fantasy drawings of his memorial boulevard to blind the masses.
And when the Chron sends its best and brightest to ask how much it will cost, he can reply:
"It won't cost much. Not as much as it would have if we'd built two of them."
One wonders how long it will be before the fuhrer and his Vision High Command introduce Wanganui's own version of the Yellow Star. They would seem to already have the perfect propoganda minister a la Goebbels in place in the editorial bunker on Taupo Quay.
Didn't good old Ron James ( all alone ) suggest the selling off of bits of the gas company?
I also like the way he has lined himself up on the same side as Chas Poynter who, for all his faults, still carries a fair bit of mana. This of course would be the same Chas about whom Mental Mickey has had nothing but vitriol, lambasting the old-boy network and lax financial management... Such an agile backflip from such a rigid man. Incidentally, I was talking to Ken Mair one day and he told me that the whole Moutoa Gardens/Pakaitore confrontation would not have been resolved had it not been for Chas. He also said that it would have been a lot worse had Mickey been at the helm. God, could you imagine the carnage if it happened while he was mayor?
Reading Mad Mayors Monday column nearly had me spitting out my muesli. As far as a "negative element" goes it is laughable that he should be waxing lyrical and boo-hooing about how hard done by he is - considering the man is the King of Negative- his whole pre-election campaign (and subsequent post-election media ramblings to justify everything he does) has been based on sticking the knife into Chas/previous Council from whatever angle his deluded mind could come up with. Aside from exceedingly boring and predictable (need I say mediocre), his column is nothing but a re-write of the same old populist "Waah waah waah" rubbish - the man(?) is so see-through it is embarressing. Our Mayor is nothing short of a Class-A plonker. LawsWatch - please start up a "Weak of the Week" award - what with the intermittent musings of Vision members and His Worship, you have plenty of material to work with.
God, could you imagine the carnage if it happened while he was mayor?
Mickey, who never had an original idea in his life, seems to me to be angling for just such a scenario. He probably drooled his way through the tv news during Moutoa and seeing Chas in the limelight thought that was as good a reason as any to come and f--k over Wanganui. Everything he's done since, ie the H, Maori ward and especially the plan to flog off "under performing assets" (read land that will eventually come under claim) is designed to provoke a confrontation.
Let's face it, he's running out of time and that would be a dream for a racist bully like our Mickey. When is the next radio ratings period? Who cares if Wanganui goes up in flames again? Not the division dwarves. Might be fun to watch Rangi squirm though.
The mayor is an "under performing asset" for Wanganui,
I found the other loophole: this from Mickey's lies-at-the-beginning section of the LTCCP:
"There are some projects that are not included in this LTCCP because
further and extensive research is required...Heart..UCOL coverage... "Similarly we have not included potential revenue from likely commercial initiatives."
my emphasis.
Here's how to asset strip Whanganui Gas: start by declaring that one of its arms (perhaps the left one) is underperforming. Have the arm surgically removed. Sell it on Trade Me. A post op infection then requires a lengthy stay in "restructuring". Injuries sustained during "rest" then require the further removal of a leg. Sell that on Trade Me. Announce astonishing recovery from first post-op infection and launch the "new" "slimmed down" version into a pool of sharks.
Keller (of the NY Times) stood by the decision to publish.
"We spent weeks listening to the administration's case. I personally spent a long time in Secretary Snow's office and spoke on the phone to (Director of National Intelligence) John Negroponte," Keller said.
"I believe they genuinely did not want us to publish this. But I think it's not responsible of us to just take them at their word."
Oh Mr. Maslin...
Here's how to asset strip Whanganui Gas: ... Love it, anon. And who better to have administering the anaethestic than that old silent killer Mr Janes? What a great team he and Mickey make.
Oh Mr. Maslin...
6:00 PM, June 27, 2006
Given that Mr Maslin obviously believes he is backing a winner, one wonders why he doesn't just come out and make public declaration that the Chron is backing Laws and Vision into the next election. It would get him and the Chron into the news, win him Mickey's everlasting gratitude (and the peace that would come with that) and save him having to lie to his bosses and cover his arse day by day. It can't be easy living a lie, even for Mas.
It was interesting to read at the weekend about the days when Wanganui was a two-newspaper town and there was no place here for two-faced sniveling cowards like Maslin.
Who could have predicted that 20 years on, the Chronicle would have sunk to such depths?
God knows why they have given the Diva back his column. Hadn't it all gone to custard and the mayor had sent his lawyers into bat, what happened to that.?
The mayor himself said there might be a need to sell Wanganui Gas, way back at one of his first public meetings, that's when there were more than five people in the room.
what happened to that.?
Greater love hath no man than that of a has-been (or should that be never-was) editor for a mayor who has got him by the balls and is squeezing hard.
Oh come on! Mr Laws, you've got to be joking!
The mayor's latest, "One redundant manager complained of the process, and falsely alleged that she was intimidated and bullied."
But wait, there's more: "It was hysterical nonsense – but it didn't stop a former councillor coming out in support. Who would not have had a clue as to the redundancy process at council, nor the individual case."
The only one who has demonstrated that he doesn't have a clue about the process or the individual case is the Mayor.
Doesn't he have a lawyer or someone to shut him up? How much will those words cost the ratepayer? He talks as if this whole unfortunate incident is in the past.
He wishes.
Anonymous said...
The mayor is an "under performing asset" for Wanganui,
5:12 PM, June 27, 2006
...I think you mean "asshole".
As for the Gas sell-off proposal above, it's a masterstroke. Reminsicent of the doctor who gave the patient both good and bad news.
"The bad news is that we aputated the wrong leg. The good news is that other one is getting better."
Another gem of spin in this mornings Chronic from Mickey.
After saying Mr Cashmore had a responsability to attend the Harbour meeting, Micky himself a member of the harbour committee didn't attend as he was at another meeting for the council out of Wanganui. He would make it more clear to the committee on how to organise their meetings in future.(another committee in the S--t)
Well Mickey I challenge you to post in this coloum what out of town meeting you attended that was more important than Harbour. Also why Warburton wasn't present if you weren't able to attend. Surley one of you should have been there.
Wasn't this an important meeting if Mr Cashmore was supposed to attend?
Now, now we mustn't be too hard on the Chron, they do do a good chicken story.
After seeing that terrible photo in the Chronic of the Deputy Mayor, I'm wondering if Vision has started their new re-election campaign already? ... shame about the sweaty forehead.
anon said ..
He would make it more clear to the committee on how to organise their meetings in future ...
Well, that's all right then. He must be missing Helen the Enforcer because that sort of thing would have been right up her alley.
You've got to feel sorry for him, with all these mayoral commitments clashing with meetings and other events. The poor man can't be everywhere at once, can he?
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