Porkies on pork
As at least one commenter has already noted under the previous post, the story in today's Chron about the departure of Rosemary Hovey from Council after 21 years of loyal service highlights the fact that promises were made - including by Nicki "I don't read unsigned emails" Higgie in the Chron as recently as May 30 - regarding a community development position being established in the
Luftwaffe sorry, the Sally Patrick wing of the Council.
A promise that was subsequently broken. "I did not expect to be restructured out completely," Mrs Hovey is quoted as saying. Nor, we suspect, did she expect over two decades of loyalty to be rewarded with a "don't come Monday" notice on the first day of her holidays. But that's the way it is around Council nowadays. Any number of things - including people - are being sacrificed to find the money, not to reduce debt, but to pay for diVision's pork barrelling of projects such as the Splash Centre.
Commenters have been quick to blame Mayor Michael Laws for the way in which the layoffs were handled, especially since Mrs Hovey reveals that after she wrote to CEO David Warburton asking for written answers about her future, his response "necessitated a letter from her own lawyer". Mickey's record on industrial relations is, after all, less than perfect, having - as we've pointed out in the past - already cost the taxpayer a wallop at least once in the past. And it certainly seems like his modus operandi.
"All further correspondence was then between my lawyer and the council’s lawyers. I did not find any pleasure in this way of resolving matters," she understatedly tells the Chron. "I am disappointed with the tone of the letters I received throughout this process, especially as I felt threatened by them", ominously adding that "It would be fair to say this caused me much angst and may require some follow-up in the future".
Not so fast though, Watchers. LawsWatch has already revealed that Dr Warburton also has an equally appalling record on human resources management, especially when it comes to getting rid of people.
It was Warburton's company, Tanner Group Ltd, which announced it was closing its three paper mills at Kaitaia, Kerepehi and Tairua because it couldn't make a profit. TGL told workers on a Friday that they had until Monday to come up with a way to keep their plant open. Local MP Sue Bradford said at the time that local people were "bitter" towards the company because it had "kept its workers in the dark for some time".
That whole "four days to save your own backside" line sound familiar, Watchers? It ought to. Back in May, that's precisely what was told to Irene Pearson, who was called into Warburton’s office on a Monday and told the council was restructuring and her job was gone. As the Chron reported at the time "Dr Warburton gave her four days to suggest somewhere else in council where she might fit in. She asked what the master plan was, and was told he could not discuss it. That left her at a loss to know where she could fit in."
And then, when the workers get bolshy, the threats begin. For it was Tanner Group which, just a month before decimating the three timber towns, lost an Employment Relations Act case in which it was alleged to have "threaten[ed the] applicant with disciplinary action over [a] term of employment that had not been directly and expressly negotiated and [the] contents of which remained uncertain between parties".
Now the treatment of Mrs Hovey et al may well have Mayoral fingerprints all over it. But in this case it's just as likely to have been Dr Warburton who trained the big lawyerly guns on the first person to peek over the parapet, and blew their head off.
Mickey, Nicki, Dotty et al knew all about his record before he was hired. They knew he had no local government experience, yet according to both Dotty and the Diva, "over fifty people applied for the top job including CEOs of three other councils and the heads of two government agencies". So he was picked for a reason. Now we know what it was. He's a codependent:
Codependent personalities evolve from attempts to keep some type of order in a hurtful relationship. The term codependency refers to a relationship where one or both parties enable the other to act in certain maladaptive ways. Many times, the act of enabling satisfies a need for the codependent person because his or her actions foster a dependency from the other person or persons in the relationship.Still, we're sure Dr Warbond (© Bearhunter, 2006) has "shared with the full council" the latest decision to not have a community development staffer after all, as promised in the e-coli of 15 May:
Codependency is reinforced by a person's need to be needed. The enabler thinks irrationally by believing he can maintain healthy relationships through manipulation and control. He believes he can do this by avoiding conflict and fostering dependency. Is it rational for someone to think that he can maintain a healthy relationship when he does not address problems and he lies to protect others from their responsibilities?
Unsurprisingly, Dr Warburton is restructuring the current council to make it more efficient and effective. He has shared his restructuring plan with the full council, and those plans have been formally approved.Perhaps he'll also "share with the full council" (in open meeting, of course - it's our money he's spending, after all) just how much that highly paid Wellington employment lawyer is hoovering up to deal with all this.
So... Nicki? Dotty? Anyone? Prepared to step up and take responsibility for this? Or content to let the not-so-good doctor continue to "not address problems and protect others from their responsibilities?"
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How come the mayoress is only offering $13.50 an hour for someone to clean up after Mickey when the CEO gets about $100 an hour for doing the same thing? And lord knows how much is going to the Wellington lawyer.
Unless someone brings this stuff to the attention of the employment court they're just going to keep on doing it.
Watch for the out of court settlement complete with gagging order.
Maybe the good doctor should go back to playing in his million dollar yacht up in Auckland, I'd shout him the fare.
"Don't use the conduct of a fool as a precedent"
Did anyone else see this lovely comment under the mayor's ravings today?
Morning .... just read the Chron online, yet another 'shitty' day for the Diva. He must be wondering why '" the people' don't like him after all the trouble he goes too.
Perhaps we should put a ring round October 17 as the perfect date for a Whanganui anniversary day.
That’s the day in 2007 that this city will be freed from the mad grip of Mickey and his trashy mates, and it’s a date that our children and grandchildren will need to be educated about so they never fall for the bullshit of a psychotic travelling snake-oil salesman with a dodgy past.
The Heritage Committee is a 4:4 split between Mickey and his hand-picked drongos Lindsay, McKinnon and Wills, versus four independent free-thinking non-elected people who care about Wanganui.
Presumably at least one of Mickey’s drongos (or even Mickey himself) didn’t bother to turn up for the meeting that said no to his latest grandstanding photo op. But watch for this one to be overturned at the next full council meeting and stuffed onto the referendumb anyway, just like the H.
If hiring and firing are two key responsibilities of the CEO, he’s proving spectacularly incompetent at both.
A month is a long time in this council's bungling, but his handling of the spin fairy’s departure and more importantly the side-door entry of her replacement hasn’t been forgotten by anyone interested in employment law.
Compare and contrast Philip shackelton's reaction in the Chronicle today with R Hovey's bleating yesterday. A manager with no staff and she expected to keep her job??
perhaps the mayoress could do it herself given that she hardly ever shows up at her real job.
how long can she realistically hold up her head in front of the ratepayers and her fellow councillors and say she is actively representing Wanganui's interests and deserving of the salary we pay her?
Still it cant be easy living with Micky.
This Mayor has to be devoid of any real marketing knowledge and experience [ although ,given he does seem to be good at doing it for himself], first he says Waanganui has to get out there and market itself and then when an established event The Masters Games successfully does just that and gains a 300% increase in Aussie visitors, he blasts them for going on a 'junket' to Australia, give us a break!
Oh diddums did you want them to send you instead?
Nice little free advert for Mr Shackleton’s new business (competing with Wanganui Inc) in today’s paper. Consensus is a rare thing in Wanganui but everyone seems to agree he was a waste of space and no amount of sucking up to Mickey could save him, while there’s also agreement that Rosemary Hovey has done a superb job. Her only crime was believing in the idea of a council that works for the community, not for the mayor’s self-aggrandisement and the nest feathering of the new boys network.
Anonymickey at 11.36:
What a steaming great pile of shite you are, Mickey. One would think you’d be too busy trying to figure out why things all around you are turning to custard, and how to save your butt and that of your pet CEO, to find time to spread your lies on this blog.
R Hovey as you call her was quite up front about expecting to be restructured out of the management team but was naïve enough to believe the lie spun by Higgie et al (who no doubt was told the lie by you) about a community development officer position being retained, reporting to the librarian.
Do you really think you can come here and be taken seriously when you lie about what was in black and white in yesterday’s Chron? Better get some new heavyweight strings for the CEO, because the way you’re jerking him around they’re in danger of snapping.
Now, just for the record, why don’t you remind us all about how you’re not Mickey …
Anonymous said:
"the spin fairy’s departure and more importantly the side-door entry of her replacement hasn’t been forgotten by anyone interested in employment law."
Well, I certainly hope not. Has anyone asked the question of council? Perhaps the council's vaunted legal minds? Or maybe a better avenue would be to ask the audit office, since MM thinks they are responsible for everything from rural hall divestation to the murder of Rasputin....
The problem with Mickey and the story yesterday about Rosemary Hovey was that he was so shocked to see a council-related story in the paper that he hadn't written, he was just unable to understand it. Poor self-deluded fool.
Looks like anon at 8.33am had it nailed. Mickey has just done a big dump on the cute notion of democracy and left no doubt that anyone who thinks they’ll be taken seriously as a side-dish to his fascist dictatorship is deluded.
Wonder how Marty, Rangi and Dotty are feeling now? Not to mention the “civilian” members of the Heritage committee.
Here’s Mickey’s latest spray on the council website (shades of When the cat's away after the Tonga expedition last year):
"In my opinion, the heritage committee got it wrong yesterday. They missed a unique opportunity to celebrate and promote Wanganui's unique history. That is their job but I think they fluffed it.
"They were also politically naïve. The nature of both central and local government in this country is that most proposals draw negative rather than positive submissions. That only nine opposed the concept is not reason enough to abandon this excellent initiative."
Look, you know me, I'm not one to swear usually, but is MM fucking nuts or what? I refer to this from WDC's website:
"Mayor Michael Laws today said that today's 'Wanganui Chronicle' front page story insisting that there would be no separate Wanganui Anniversary Day "is wrong and misunderstands the committee processes of the council".
He continues:
They were also politically naïve. The nature of both central and local government in this country is that most proposals draw negative rather than positive submissions. That only nine opposed the concept is not reason enough to abandon this excellent initiative."
Mr Laws said council would ultimately determine the council's policy stance at its full meeting on Monday, July 3.
So. That's about wraps it up for democracy then, doesn't it? Firstly, if submissions are only from the negative, how the hell did any of the referendumb get through? Or does he think that everyone will believe only what he says this very minute and forget everything he has said in the past. The man is laughing at you, Wnaganui. He is secure in the knowledge that he could get himself elected, make a shambles of the democratic process once in the chair and do whatever the hell he likes for three years. Then he'll write a book about what a great laugh it all was on the gullible burghers of the Whanganui district. Such absolute and unwavering belief in the self is a very dangerous thing.
Wankers. 55% of wanganui voted (11,000 people) at the referenda not 9. Suck on this - the mayor and his team will do what they like democratically and all you'll do is whinge and whine and watch them all get re-elected. You're all losers.
So the other Councils following Micky's lead on Wanganui day are?...Are they by chance the same ones purported to be following our lead with the gang patch bylaw, or is this just a line added into evry Mayoral press statement to add some credibility?
You may fool some Micky but you dont fool me!
"Mumble grunt stupid Wanganui doesn't know what's good for it stupid democracy people don't really care until I tell them what to think anyway stupid consultation why can't I just do what I want and yes Leo I'll do it now..."
That's a pretty poor effort at impersonation, anon @ 5.34 pm. As anonymickey @ 3.14 pm has reminded us, it can't possibly be a comment from the Mayor himself (or one of his knuckle-dragging supporters) unless it includes at least one obscenity ;-)
Isn't democracy where elected reps get on with it? This council is and they are doing a fine job. They were also endorsed at both the by-elections and the referendums. Also the abuse on this blog actually starts with LW - anonymous abuse at that. You're not very brave are you?
Why is it that the vast majority of comments on this blog that support Michael Laws are abusive and incoherent?
LawsWatch and its commentators often go to great lengths to present intelligent arguments and observations about the Mayor's behaviour.
I challenge Michael's supporters to provide coherent and compelling evidence that he is actually doing a good job.
And for the record, being elected (or re-elected) doesn't necessarily mean you're doing a good job.
or is this just a line added into evry Mayoral press statement to add some credibility?
Hey you wankers don't you know that National Business Review think I'm just soooo terrific, so there losers. Luv Mickey.
anonymickey said
This council is and they are doing a fine job.
Michael, Michael, Michael. That nice lady from the North Shore was right. You need DNA testing, and you really shouldn't go round with that basketball-sized object on top of your neck stuck up your ass.
Well, NBR do think he's doing a terrific job and today National radio were extolling Wanganui's rares restraint compared to other councils.
Anon 7,40pm wrote:
"Why is it that the vast majority of comments on this blog that support Michael Laws are abusive and incoherent?
LawsWatch and its commentators often go to great lengths to present intelligent arguments and observations about the Mayor's behaviour.
I challenge Michael's supporters to provide coherent and compelling evidence that he is actually doing a good job."
We would but all you get here is hysterical abuse for your troubles. If you want a real debate, then let's cut out the crap.
Jerome K
"anonymous abuse"
Which is so much worse than Mayoral abuse, eh?
The fact is that anonymous comment is the lifeblood of democracy. Why else would it be necessary to make law to protect whistleblowers?
One thing Lawswatch has proved is that in any real democracy Michael Laws is out of his depth.
But there has been no whistleblowing on this blog. Months its been going now and there is all the anonymous comments have contributed is spurious gossip on private lives (which turned out to be wrong), none of the promised PGs, no intervention from the minister or the Audit Office, no inquiry, no national scandal and instead Vision two elected members better off, popular referendums completed and the council sailing on its merry way.
I'd say that represents categoric failure, LW and that's why the abuse is here because the frustration keeps getting cranked up that you can't do anything to stop, hinder or hurt the council's progress.
Also the abuse on this blog actually starts with LW - anonymous abuse at that. You're not very brave are you?
Ahhh that old red herring of the anonymity of Watchers. It's stinking to high heaven now, it's been wheeled out into the light so often. But why not, we'll bite, because perhaps there are some new visitors here who don't know the history, and every time you raise the issue simply provides us with another chance to remind people of Mickey's not-so-finest hour when the dummy went flying across the room one morning and landed up on the front page of the Chron.
Fact is, anyone Mickey even remotely suspects is a Watcher is dragged out for public ridicule of the lowest and most scurvy kind.
Thus we remain anonymous. What we say is important, not who we are. The precise opposite of Mickey, who assumes he's so important people will overlook the incongruity between what he said yesterday and what he'll say tomorrow.
And yes, for the record, some people who've stuck their necks out on the other side of the debate (we're thinking Morgs, among others) have come in for flak based on things not especially germane to the arguments they've advanced.
That's why we're happy to accept anonynous comments from anyone. Even from you, anonymous-with-no-sense-of-irony.
Not to forget that you've alienated all the mainstream media in town and abused them too. Now they studiously ignore you and this blog in all their research and stories and theyve even given the mayor his Monday column back.
I'd say that represents categoric failure... you can't do anything to stop, hinder or hurt the council's progress.
Setting up a straw man, then knocking it down.
Let's look again at the blog's raison d' etre shall we?: "to analyse, and occasionally mock..." That's been there beside every new post from day 1.
What Wanganui chooses to do or not do about Mickey is their choice. We're not aiming to hinder or hurt the Council's "progress", just document and comment upon it, and allow others the chance to do so.
A second, unspoken, aim is to ensure he doesn't get to rewrite the history of this period, as he has been wont to do in previous incarnations.
We've been doing it for almost a year now, exposing Mickey's excesses to public scrutiny and providing an enduring record of the truth behind his term as Mayor. No more, no less. And we're not about to stop.
Well its not having much effect then, is it LW? Vision get stronger not weaker at the council table and now have the other councilors joining them on most occasions.
Go Lawswatch !! We make a point every day to look in even if we rarely post.
And for the record, being elected (or re-elected) doesn't necessarily mean you're doing a good job.
7:40 PM, June 13, 2006
Agreed, after all Chas was in for a very long time
I support LW 100%. This is my first blog and I have only just started frequenting this site because I have been increasingly appalled at the shit that has been going down at 101 Guyton Street. I knew that I wasn’t getting the full story (i.e. controversial FACTS) from the Chron and not only does LW pull out some fascinating FACTS regarding the perpetrators in this tragic story featuring the denigration of Wanganui (particularly appreciated the history check on the CEO at the helm of the "Death Star" (see Star Wars))…LW goes one step further and gives concerned citizens such as myself a voice and subsequently an opinion.
I am quite disturbed at the intelligible comments coming from the Pro-Michael blogger(s), if the Mayor is the actual author or has sanctioned this verbal diarrhoea then this shows bad form indeed. I am also disturbed by reports I have heard regarding the Mayor's abusive behaviour towards WDC staff and others. BAD FORM INDEED!
I have one thing to say to you Michael, particularly in response to your "bad form" (i.e. wheres your bloody manners, boy!) if you actually do read this site, personally if I was the subject of this criticism I wouldn’t "get off on it" as many have suggested you do. I wouldn’t be surprised either if you check this site constantly, because if one thing is clear about "Our Wordsmith"…he really hates to be ignored.
"An inadequate leader achieves great things and makes many enemies along the way.
An exceptional leader achieves great things and gains the respect of all."
i`m back in penang michael and your actions would go down a treat in the non-democratic malaysia
you are getting in over your head,methinks!
The National Business Review you say? That wouldn't be the same NBR that still maintains Rogernomics was a good thing, would it? The same NBR that praises Australia to the high heavens (even though they never "reformed" their economy) while running NZ down (but only under a Labour government)?
The same NBR that has a readership of 97,000 (Feb 2006)? That would be a whole 2.4% of the population then. I suppose it's better than 1.6% but...
The mayor would be flattered that he gives so many people a reason for living their otherwise petty lives.
Has anyone else noticed that when things aren't looking good, ie the Hovey business, etc, the mayor turns to his old tired trick of blaming and shaming the previous council? Reading between the lines in the story today, this council isn't lily-white either, espcially the librarian who got a big promotion thanks to the mayor.
Shouldn't that have been the main thrust of the story instead of just repeating the mayor's ridiculous histrionics?
Just looking through the messages from yesterday it seems that LawsWatch must be doing something right if only because it is obviously a bit of an obsession with Wanganui’s “first citizen”.
I wonder if the job description for the cleaner that they are seeking to employ includes cleaning the anti-blog spittle off our first citizen’s computer screen.
To 11.24, could I just ask how you heard about this blog? I am keen to get more people involved in the 'Wanganui problem' but it's difficult to spread the blog details, so how did you find the address?
Marty Lindsay mightn't be the brightest bulb on the tree but he's really showing how dim he is when he asks
Would somebody please tell me what's so attractive about moving to Australia?
1.It's a Michael Laws-free zone
2.It's a diVision-free zone
3.It's warmer.
After yesterday's little gem in the Chron's quote of the day it's nice to see them keeping it up today with
"When a man is wrong and won't admit it, he gets angry".
It's a very appropriate choice on the day that both page one and page three have big stories featuring our awesomely angry aggro (but oh so wrong) mayor.
Fancy this .. page 10 of the MidWeek today (ironically they have a page with the quaint banner “Community” features 29 responses to a call for readers’ opinions on the (now out of date) question of whether the Queen’s portrait should be in the council chamber. Only one of the 29 agreed with the mayor that the portrait should go but what’s really interesting is that about 10 took the chance to take the Mickey out of Mickey.
It’s really the average Jo and Josephine Bloggs taking the chance to have their say without fear of getting their heads kicked in by Mickey and his letter writing bovver boys.
This shows LawsWatch is right to say that this mayor is about as popular as a pork chop in a synagogue. He started out with less than a majority and people can see right through all the histrionic headline grabbing and pork-barrelling.
•“ … should be placed above Michael Laws as a symbol that he is a servant. A rich, celebrity servant maybe, but servant non the less”
•“ .. the council has already decided and for once voted against the mayor.”
•“… the mayor is just rying to change the whole town”
•“… we need the queen a lot more than we need the mayor”
•“..Michael should be concerning himself with loftier matters”
•“ .. would the Chron care to survey other local bodies to see if any of them have a life-sized portrait of the mayor in council chambers”
•“it’s real arrogant of the mayor to pull down the queen’s picture and put up his own.”
Reply to Anonymous(8.55AM)
Well the Mayor shouldn’t be flattered he has a website dedicated to him! He should be ashamed…because his abysmal behaviour has positioned him as the biggest tyrant this side of the Bombay Hills. And Laws should be worried because more and more folk like me have had enough…A lot of people have been sitting on the fence until recently, but now our “wait and see” optimistic attitude has been eroded well and truly.
If you read between the lines Anon, you’ll see that the blogs here aren’t just about giving Mickey a good ribbing...this forum is about what is happening in our community…in particular the erosion of social capital, which is obviously something the Mayor and his cohorts have no concept of.
PS. To the resistance…May the force be with you!
Hey Mac...11.24pm here. I have been on the Laws Watch site twice before, around about the time it was launched (info courtesy of the Chron) and early last year. How did I find it again, I google(d) it. LW is actually not that easy to find...and I was thinking along the same lines...up the readership (or similar).
Only one of the 29 agreed with the mayor that the portrait should go but what’s really interesting is that about 10 took the chance to take the Mickey out of Mickey.
This just shows how out of touch Mickey is with the Wanganui electorate. He clearly needs someone with the polling skills of Antoinette Beck to help him here.
Regards your thoughtful article pointing to Dr Warburton's past misdemeanours re the Employment Court. Surely this was the most important qualification he had to offer for a job that we were led to believe was contested by a large number of other candidates with local government experience. ie he had no knowledge and/or no respect for either natural justice or employment law, so that was no doubt why the deputy mayor put him forward as the perfect recruit to be hand maiden to a mayor and party that sees itself as a law(s) unto itself.
That's just my two cents worth as someone who has been an interested observer of local politics for many years in many places. I have to say, though, it's hard to think of any precedent anywhere for just how contemptous the key players in Wanganui's tragi-comedy are of democratic process.
Don't you ever stop LW - this is my one and only vehicle to get things into the open after witnessing jaw dropping tactics in my daily work life.
I could always call in the Chron but then that would be like trying to sell ice to the Eskimoes.
Well, NBR do think he's doing a terrific job and today National radio were extolling Wanganui's rares restraint compared to other councils.
Well, do you think gets him off the hook for being down right rude and abusing people, do you? I am particularly concerned with reports from a cross-section of the community regarding the Annual Plan oral submissions process. The reports say that it was an embarrassment due to the Mayor's incredibly rude behaviour towards many citizens who took the time to "have their say." Guess you’re just a monologue man Mickey…or your too enamoured with boxes and ticks (referendumbs).
Come to think of it, I don’t know anyone that’s has been intimidated by the Mongrel Mob, but I know several people who have been terrorised by the dictator of the "Michael Mob". Maybe council should be working on a bylaw to get Mickey to take mandatory medication or anger management at least.
Havn't you Vision gang got any backbone…pull the creep aside and tell him to stop being so bloody obnoxious…guess your all afraid you'll be the next target for his venom. When your own people let you behave so badly, then you really know that you have lost touch with reality. Nobody in the court wants to tell the king he's naked, but just remember Mickey, they can all see.
Thank you for your reply (11.24), so how do we Watchers get this blogg out to more people? A leaflet drop maybe? Or posters? Start with everyone telling one friend ....
Who wrote this drivel ...
"And Laws should be worried because more and more folk like me have had enough…A lot of people have been sitting on the fence until recently, but now our “wait and see” optimistic attitude has been eroded well and truly"
The lies told on this blog are innumerable but the best is from those anon folk who are the same people posting all the time pretending to be Mr & Mrs Wanganui.
Newsflash: you convince no-one.
And here's another one ..
"Don't you ever stop LW - this is my one and only vehicle to get things into the open after witnessing jaw dropping tactics in my daily work life."
You mean as an unemployed artist??
Michael Laws is popular with the NBR?
Would that be the same NBR that did an appalling 'hatchet' job on Dick Hubbard in an attempt to prevent him from ousting the *popular* John Banks in the Auckland mayoral elections?
The very same NBR that lost the subsequent legal case and was required to publicly apologise for false allegations and, under Hubbard's instruction, pay a large sum to charity.
They say you can tell a man by the company he keeps.
Sob sob ... even poor old Mas has had enough and has been driven to editorialising about the constant mayoral blame game. Pity he didn't think about that before he rolled out the huge headline yesterday and ran a story that read just like a mayoral press release with the bad news about the library well buried.
Saints preserve us, but the WDC site now has a new chapter: New adventures in economics with Dotty.
Yes, the deputy gobshite has gone forth publicly with her "thoughts" on the world of finance.
This scintillating essay begins:
"Economics is a fascinating area."
And it just gets better as she skilfully dissects the current fiscal situation and comes to the conclusion that:
"Guess what? It isn't going to happen this year as property values are not going to increase so much again."
To quote Keynes: "No shit Sherlock."
Why this arse-faced gibbon of a deputy mayor feels the need to share her "thoughts" with us like some primary school "what I did on my holidays" essay escapes me. However, her gift for the dramatic hasn't failed her as the bumptious bunny gets all heroic towards the end:
"Look after yourselves during these winter chills and look after our community. Councillors cannot do it on their own."
Sweet Jesus, can someone please edit this moron's copy?
For the record Anonymous (10.11PM):
I wrote that 'drivel', as you put it. I ASSURE you that I have never written a blog on this site prior to this week. I am not a regular "Watcher" and I AM a regular Mr/Mrs Wanganui. Anyone with a slightest degree of intelligence can see by the tone and language of my posts that I am a newcomer. And if your fooled into thinking the bloggers here are the total sum of people that are highly disgruntled by your BULLSHIT, think again, because while not everyone prefers the pen to the sword, they do read and they sure do TALK. You can choose to be unconvinced at your own peril.
Newsflash: WAKE UP LAWS! You are not as popular as you think.
The lies told on this blog are innumerable but the best is from those anon folk who are the same people posting all the time pretending to be Mr & Mrs Wanganui.
Newsflash: you convince no-one.
While politics is not ever ones cup of tea, every one has an interest in the way people behave. It is the Mayor's beastly behaviour that has driven "Mr & Mrs Wanganui" to get in on the act here, people that would otherwise give politics a miss.
Consider this Mickey and Co…take some time to reflect and try and remember how many people in this community have actually been insulted, attacked, ignored, disrespected and abused by the Mayor in person (or through his self-gratifying columns) throughout his tenure…then bring to your mind all of the people that may have witnessed these vile acts first hand…I suspect we already have quite a high number of citizens that think the Mayor is a un-fit for civic leadership (and that’s putting it mildly)…then continue and consider that everyone of these people has told at least 10 other people about these encounters and those 10 people tell 10 more people and so on. Do the math…its really no surprise that Mickey's support has plummeted and that support for this blog has increased, because no one likes to be treated like shit.
Let's not forget though, that the Mayor's disregard for democracy and his shoddy governance style is the real issue here and after the latest fiascos I suspect you'll see a lot more "Mr & Mrs Wanganui" here.
From Mr/Mrs Wanganui (no lie!)
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