Saturday, February 03, 2007

Art for publicity's sake

New arts wing opens at UCOL

Monday, Somtime in the not too distant future

UCOL Chief Executive Paul McElroy was today delighted to announce the formal opening of the Michael Laws Memorial Arts and Culture wing. Formerly a dilapidated cowshed on a nearby dairy farm, the newly renovated "open plan teaching area" - reportedly refurbished at a cost of several thousand dollars (including transportation) through a generous donation from Mr Laws, who went without gas in the Mayoral racer for a week to fund the project - boasts an innovative free-flowing design.

"Since there's not any actual walls," Mr McElroy explained, "lots of things can flow freely through it. Wind of course. And cows. We couldn't actually afford to pay the farmer enough to decommission the shed, but as long as we don't have classes too early in the morning, and students bring along their own brooms... Oh, and other students will pass through on their way to the courses that actually make us a profit... because of course that's what educational institutions exist to do.

"As our PR person - yes, of course we can afford one of those," he snapped at a quizzical-looking reporter, "anyway, as she said, we've had $7 million less income over the last few years through all this cross-subsidisation. By making each course a stand-alone profit centre we're better able to provide facilities for those courses which produce graduates who go on to well-paid jobs, join our alumni association, and get badgered for donations for the rest of their days so we can employ even more PR people," he explained.

Pointing to the gleaming glass tower far on the other side of campus, Mr McElroy cited it as an example of UCOL's new "invest in jobs growth" philosophy, inspired by Mr Laws. "That's the new home of the Business School's Communications Studies, which is devoted almost entirely to training new press secretaries for the Mayor's office. They seem to go through three or four a year. Plus the new Human Services course. There's a grave shortage of really skilled HR people in Wanganui," Mr McElroy explained, "the kind who can recruit people to a dysfunctional organisation and figure out ways of making them stay there despite receiving no recognition at all unless. Unless you count being abused, of course," he chuckled, drawing what looked like a warning frown from the guest of honour.

"Now some of you may have been surprised by the fact that it was Michael Laws who stepped in to provide this wonderful piece of architecture," the CEO went on, "given that he issued a statement which seemed like it was dancing on the grave of our glass course, saying that 'if tertiary providers are going to offer courses then potential students need to be assured that there is a job or career at the end of it'. But by the simple expedient of changing the headline once he realised there was some publicity to be had, the Mayor managed to make it sound like the statement said the exact opposite, so the Chron could dutifully report him as 'looking for a lifeline' rather than looking for a length of rope.

"With form like that we naturally asked Mr Laws to be a guest lecturer in the advanced module of our Business Communications course, but prior commitments to ongoing photo opportunities make that impossible. He needs to be on standby in case Paris Hilton or Victoria Beckham aren't available and the Womans Daze needs a cover photo. However, he's kindly offered the services of his personal pollster, Miss Antoinette Back and we're looking forward to her arrival. In fact I know many people who've been longing to meet her for years."

Duncan Milne, Chair of the UCOL Council, wasn't available for comment. He was believed to be ramming through a motion to rename UCOL "Universally Cherised - Our Lawsy". "Same initials see, so we don't waste money on signage," he was heard to say upon heading into the meeting.
Comments on this post are now closed.


Anonymous said...

Very dry and droll, LW. we knew there was a reason that you existed.

To the poster wondering about that police case v the mayor - ML wrote about it in today's SST. While the HoS reckoned that he was solely responsible for Wanganui's property boom.

Anonymous said...

Well at least he's at the top. Some of the gutless 'anons' in here are way down in the gutter.


On the top of the hill ... durrrrr

Anonymous said...

the HoS reckoned that he was solely responsible for Wanganui's property boom.

That's right, of course he was. The glass replacement work at Porrit St. has created a glazing boom too. And the River City Press is seeing record profits. With glory like this who needs ridicule?

Anonymous said...

I read that Herald on Sunday article yesterday which had the following headline - "Wanganui has taken its head out of the sand to become the regional winner in property prices, not least thanks to its mayor Michael Laws".

So that's who I thank for my CV rising 100% over the last three years?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Very dry and droll, LW. we knew there was a reason that you existed.

To the poster wondering about that police case v the mayor - ML wrote about it in today's SST. While the HoS reckoned that he was solely responsible for Wanganui's property boom.

8:24 PM, February 04, 2007


Well Mickey can add the ever increasing, and still counting, Wanganui city debt to his "Mayoral" list too.

Anonymous said...

Since when has Wanganui been called "Sports City" by anyone but Hater-Bogan? Seriously?

Vision are such a joke.

Anonymous said...

That's right, of course he was. The glass replacement work at Porrit St. has created a glazing boom too. And the River City Press is seeing record profits. With glory like this who needs ridicule?

8:24 AM, February 05, 2007


This sort of SH** was meant to be moderated & no personal attacks on the mayor and his family.

Its just made up CR** by someone who is coward enough to post it anonymously.

Remove it now LW.

Anonymous said...

Love the new 'snap'.

Anonymous said...

The mayor and his family have always been fair game for this blog. It started with high hopes but is now just a bitter rant. Still trying to think of any council story it has broken despite an appeal to council staff for leaks.
where are the solutions to the UCOL glass crisis? there are none and if a so called anti-arts activist like ML is required to pull their arses out of the fire then what use is collectivism in that community?

Anonymous said...

That's right, of course he was. The glass replacement work at Porrit St. has created a glazing boom too. And the River City Press is seeing record profits. With glory like this who needs ridicule?

8:24 AM, February 05, 2007

Cut it out LW this isn't funny or even true. Keep yourself out of the gutter.

Anonymous said...

Mickey seems to have moved on to greener UCOL pastures, from his headline grabbing bullshite about Horizons and how he’s saving the ratepayers million in flood protection. But it’s strange that the honourable Horizons member for St John’s Hill, who usually so steadfastly stands by her man when he’s “engaging” with the regional council, has been uncharacteristically NOT standing by her man this time. Wonder why that is?

Laws Watch said...

despite an appeal to council staff for leaks.

Whooosh... <--- the sound of anon's straw man going up in smoke.

Please point to any post in which we've 'appealed' to 'council staff' for 'leaks'.

where are the solutions to the UCOL glass crisis?

A straw man and a red herring in the one response.

1. This isn't UCOL Watch. The posts's topic is your hero's self-serving flip-flop on the proposed cancellation of the glass course, not the course itself.

2. Nonethless, even a perfunctory reading of the post makes it obvious that we agree with Mickey's second position - that UCOL ought not to put profit ahead of people and cancel, at the 11th hour, a course in which people had enrolled in good faith. Thus the 'solution' is to maintain the status quo in the interim and explore longer term solutions.

Exactly what Mickey proposed - but only once he figured there were more headlines to be had opposing the closure than applauding it.

It's evident that supporters of the Mayor try to deflect the comments on every post from the topic (i.e. the Mayor's actions) onto the supposed shortcomings of this blog. Must mean there's no defence for Mickey that doesn't involve attack.

Anonymous said...

anon ...’s strange that the honourable Horizons member for St John’s Hill, who usually so steadfastly stands by her man when he’s “engaging” with the regional council, has been uncharacteristically NOT standing by her man this time. Wonder why that is?

9:37 PM, February 05, 2007


Wonder if she's going to stand for another term. Might be time for the Chronic to ask her, if they can find her. No point in them looking at Horizons HQ, by all accounts.

Anonymous said...

Here's a leak from council. ML met with UCOL CEO on Monday. Watch this space. And no, paranoid LW, I am definitely not ML. Just an employee.

Anonymous said...

In response to the mayoral squeals of delight about the ridiculous claims in the Herald on Sunday one could say, “A rising tide lifts all boats, even ML’s ship of fools.”

Anonymous said...

Masters Games organisers have closed Victoria Lake for games swimming events, which are to be relocated to the Whanganui river. Pollution levels in the lake have increased dramatically over the last three years. Inspectors searching for the source of pollution have pointed to a river of raw sewage and broken glass from Porritt St. as the most likely cause.

In other news, a bunch of hypocrites squealing foul over Lawswatch comments make me wonder if the offending remarks touched a raw nerve. I hope so. Scum like you deserve it.

Anonymous said...

You ARE very negative, Laws watch.

The ONLY person who can save the Whanganui school of glass is, ironically, the mayor. He is the only one with the political smarts and the money if he chooses to use council funds. I'm interested in his solution and I know that there a lot of people involved in the issue who are desperate for him to succeed.

For once in your life, pray the mayor succeeds.

Laws Watch said...

The ONLY person who can save the Whanganui school of glass is, ironically, the mayor.

Gosh, anon, we're only sorry we haven't yet found the technology to allow you to accompany such comments with the sort of heraldic trumpet music they deserve.

Allows us to amend your claim to reflect reality: "Of the many people who could save the Whanganui school of glass (anyone from the UCOL council to the CEO to central government to a private benefactor, if only Mickey's scorn hadn't driven them all away), it appears only the Mayor is making an effort to do so".

That assumes there aren't other behind-the-scenes negotiations going on at UCOL about which none of us know.

If it happens to be the case, then let us distil the point of the post into one sentence for you: Right action, wrong motive.

Anonymous said...

anonymickey said

Here's a leak from council. ML met with UCOL CEO on Monday. Watch this space. And no, paranoid LW, I am definitely not ML. Just an employee.


Oh dear Michael, you appear to have sprung a leak and on this blog, of all places. Clean yourself up dear boy, or find someone to do it for you for $15 an hour and all the abuse they can handle.

Anonymous said...

Well, if it wasn't for Laws Watch to keep a fire lit under Mickey's ass to do his job.

I wonder how much it's going to have to cost us ratepayers to keep the glass course afloat to make Mickey look good in the public eye?

And just think, the major financial blow to the city isn't here until June, called the Heart of Wanganui project. Time to tighted your belts Wanganui.

Anonymous said...

The Chron story made it clear that the "save UCOL glass" initiative came out of the Chamber of Commerce, although it's not as though they would've had a monopoly on the idea any more than Mickey does. Spearhad? Isn't that the prick up the front?

Anonymous said...

Where's that Standard and Poor's rating WDC?

Anonymous said...

Hey Mickey...I'm a radar repair technician. You've got any specialised professional jobs in Wanganui?

Probably not, if all I'm mostly reading is group of people that "glorify" a mayor for increases in glass replacement work and local newspaper profits.

And supporting a course for WHAT?....Glass Blowing? Whoa, that's really high tech. Big money in that profession. There's alot of glass blowers in third world countries. Shouldn't be much trouble learning in those places.

Hey Mickey, there's a place in the United States called Mayberry RFD that might take you on as mayor. Except the rednecks there lynch mayors that get them upset.

Anonymous said...


Lawswatch blog users have been warned to avoid reading contaminated comments emanating from the area of Porritt St Wanganui after the comments were found to have dangerously high bacterial counts, so high that they could cause vomiting, diarrhoea and infection.

“The guideline is about 550 E.coli per 100ml ands our first reading was 3100 per 100ml,” said an anonymous blog comments analyst.

“We have been seeing unusually high readings from the suspect area for several years now, but the E coli count seems to reach dangerously high levels whenever the mayor comes down with a bout of headline-itis.

“The present outbreak of Ucol-itis is a good example and the mayor once again seems to be failing to observe the correct hygiene guidelines and is again indiscriminately contaminating the blog with his vomit and diarrhoea,” he said.

Anonymous said...

You people are truly pathetic - none of you have ever done anything positive for wanganui except whinge. we enjoy laughing at you losers.

Anonymous said...

Sh*t some of your posters are DUMB.
Lake Virginia (not Victoria Lake you tosser) is polluted because it is home to ducks, geese and swans. Water fowl foul their surrounds and I don't know anywhere in the world that allows swimmers in duck ponds. Are the Masters Games organisers going senile?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
You people are truly pathetic - none of you have ever done anything positive for wanganui except whinge. we enjoy laughing at you losers.

5:00 PM, February 06, 2007


What the hell have you done for Wanganui? dim wit.

Anonymous said...

Whatever has happened to your sense of humour, Mickey?

Anonymous said...

Whether we like it or not, the future of Whanganui's hot glass school is in the hands of Michael Laws. He is the only person in a position to influence Ucol and I will be interested in his "solution" that required "lateral thinking". For McElroy not to dismiss the idea out right gives a little hope but it is only ML and not the Chamber of Commerce or staff who is able to bring any real pressure to bear.
Why is he doing it? Unlike other commenters I cannot see any gain in it for him at all. He is not standing for re-election and some of his greatest critics have been the more prominent of glass artists.
In any solution the question is going to be the future role of Ucol. They are obviously wanting to be rid of the school so as long as ucol are involved in any "solution" then the threat will remain. I am aware that Laws is talking to some glass artists so they must have been taken into confidence? perhaps one of them could provide us with more?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Whether we like it or not, the future of Whanganui's hot glass school is in the hands of Michael Laws. He is the only person in a position to influence Ucol and I will be interested in his "solution" that required "lateral thinking". For McElroy not to dismiss the idea out right gives a little hope but it is only ML and not the Chamber of Commerce or staff who is able to bring any real pressure to bear.
Why is he doing it? Unlike other commenters I cannot see any gain in it for him at all. He is not standing for re-election and some of his greatest critics have been the more prominent of glass artists.
In any solution the question is going to be the future role of Ucol. They are obviously wanting to be rid of the school so as long as ucol are involved in any "solution" then the threat will remain. I am aware that Laws is talking to some glass artists so they must have been taken into confidence? perhaps one of them could provide us with more?

6:41 PM, February 06, 2007

UCOL or a court judge will have the last say in anything. All Mickey can do is talk, like everyone else...

Anonymous said...

All Mickey can do is talk, like everyone else...

7:54 PM, February 06, 2007


Well no. What Mickey can do is spend ratepayers money buying publicity by propping up one of those elitist art forms he so despises.

Anonymous said...

Nice to see in today's paper that the mayoral bike will be coming out of retirement to head up the mayoral bike ride.

Anonymous said...

the future of Whanganui's hot glass school is in the hands of Michael Laws

Yes, of course it is. And the moon landings. This load of drivel is so self serving it can only have come from Mickey.

He will trip over his dick and force people to work around him while he humps the ground.

Anonymous said...

I am aware that Laws is talking to some glass artists

Have they managed to get the bad taste out of their mouths? If the HoW is anything to go by Mickey's "solution" will be worse than the problem. If I were anyone associated with Wanganui Glass I'd be looking for a solution that didn't rely on Mickey Mayor, that's for sure. Everything he touches turns to shit.

Anonymous said...

He is the only person in a position to influence Ucol

Not to mention that he walks on water and never goes to the toilet.

Bearhunter said...

In regards to ML's column about journos and contempt of court, while he has a go at journos for being rapacious, vile and usually wrong, he then goes on to do, well, the same thing himself. In the Rickards/Schollum/Shipton paragraph he refers to Steve Rickards. His name was CLINT Rickards was it not? I only ask because Michael sees fit to berate others while his own failings have presumably been left in on purpose by an irate subeditor.

Anonymous said...

Might be worth tuning into Close Up on TV1 tonight for Dr Warburton's and Mickey's Shaggy Dog Story. Sounds like this one really smells!

Anonymous said...

sing with me
Who let the dog out

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Might be worth tuning into Close Up on TV1 tonight for Dr Warburton's and Mickey's Shaggy Dog Story. Sounds like this one really smells!

4:53 PM, February 07, 2007
Sounds like a scoop for Lawswatch.
The question is will Micky front or will he send in Wobbly Warby to make excuses for him.
Further more, are we about to see the new old boys club exposed for the first time... and on national telly

Laws Watch said...

Bearhunter, thanks for pointing that out. A Watcher happens to know Steve Rickard and will be sure to point out Mickey's unfortnuate defaming of the poor fellow.

Anonymous said...

Chicken!!! Laws runs a mile when it's not so good for him and he leaves it up to his pal The Doctor. The council looked sad and slightly doggy ..oh sorry meant dopey on this one.

Bearhunter said...

Bearhunter, thanks for pointing that out. A Watcher happens to know Steve Rickard and will be sure to point out Mickey's unfortnuate defaming of the poor fellow.

Hahahaha, oh man that's cheered me up no end....Defaming a wrestler....

Anonymous said...

At least today's DomPost has the guts to say what Close Up and the Chron wouldn't in the dangerous dog story:

... "Mrs Jones ... believed the council acted as it did because the owner, Dot Pleasants, was the wife of local RSA president and Wanganui ambassador Graeme Pleasants."

ie he's Mickey's pal who helps makes Mickey look good (if you like that sort of thing) on Anzac Day and even signs up and pays up for Mickey's mad schemes with diVision luvvies Nigelwho Morris and Dorothy Symes.

No wonder canine-hater Mickey's suddenly become a dog's best friend!

Anonymous said...

PS You can watch Warbuton wriggle and wobble and wink at Mickey on the Close Up programme at TVNZ's website (or go to and search for Close Up)

Anonymous said...

You people have to realise that local dignitaries (the ones who are Mickey's friends, at any rate) are Übermensch. "Real", as the Deputy Mayor would say.

Corruption comes with it's own built-in advantage. Haven't you poor saps figured that out yet?

Anonymous said...

Tee hee hee ...
According to Mickey's latest butt covering spew on the council website:

# The media is biased
# The reporting is shoddy
# The law is an ass
# The injured woman does herself no credit.

Face it, Mickey, there's more dirt to come on this one. So why exactly were you reported as saying that something must have caused the dog to attack, thus taking your mate's missus's side in this preposterous allegation?

Oh that's right, it's your mate's dog, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Lots of barking and biting on the WDC website. So Dr W's let MadDog Mickey off the leash after all ... or did he just jump the fence while his "owner" wasn't looking and savage everyone in sight.

Anonymous said...

I have to say 'buying' three years of glass education with ratepayers money was a good move for the mayor and more importantly Wanganui. For a as little as $120 thousand per year they put 8 students through... I actually agree with this move. maybe he's leaning his lesson's, we can only hope.

Anonymous said...

Good on the mayor for:
1. Saving the glass course
2. Posting the legal opinion on the dog attack
What have you whingers got to say in reply now?

Anonymous said...

anonymickey said
What have you whingers got to say in reply now?

Oh gosh, that IS a hard one ... Um let's see ... oh, I know, how about, "Bugger off Mickey you little wanker"?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Good on the mayor for:
1. Saving the glass course
2. Posting the legal opinion on the dog attack
What have you whingers got to say in reply now?

7:16 PM, February 08, 2007


1. It was the ratepayer's money that saved that course.

2. That dog has not been put down yet as per Mickey's statement regarding dangerous dogs.

How's that bonehead?

Anonymous said...

The intellectual content of LawsWatch summarised in an exchange ...

anonymickey said
What have you whingers got to say in reply now?

Oh gosh, that IS a hard one ... Um let's see ... oh, I know, how about, "Bugger off Mickey you little wanker"?

7:58 PM, February 08, 2007


When you gutless creeps stand yourself and do a better job than ML and his team? and will all those glass people who co-operate with city hall in getting things underway be regarded as traitors too??

Anonymous said...

Mickey tries once again to take all the credit for the enormous amount of work that's been done by all and sundry. You know who you are, thankyou all. Mickey, well, whoo hoo, you did your job for once. Pity you ruined it by ignoring other contributions, and as for the Santa comments, mate, book into Te Awhina.