Thursday, January 04, 2007

Fools' Paradise

Some excellent additional awards suggested in response to the previous post. One of the most pertinent must surely be:

Best example of why the entire council should be thrown out in October:

The appalling decision to chop flood protection works from the long term plan and put Wanganui at risk (and the Chron for doing such a good coverup). Still who needs stopbanks when you've got aging rockers at Cooks and water slides.

10:43 AM, January 02, 2007
Indeed. And who needs constituents, when they don't measure up to Mickey's whitebread well-off view of the world, as his latest ill-tempered bout of thinly disguised racism in the Chron this morning demonstrates.

How dare poor unemployed people live in, or even near, Mickey's idealised world, especially if they happen to be cheeky darkies. One would have thought that their willingness to live together well outside the city limits would have met with his approval. After all, leaders of Mickey's mindset have always favoured those "g" word solutions - ghettoisation, gulags and, if all else fails, genocide. Perhaps it's just the fact that the government-imposed works programme which will see the resealing of River Road means more tourists might accidentally stumble upon some brown people. What Mickey needs to realise is that not every white skinned person reacts to that prospect with the same level of distaste as does he. Heck, some tourists have even been known to come to New Zealand for the specific purpose of seeing brown folk, strange as that may seem.

Of course as anon above points out, by the time the drains are buggered and the stormwater is washing away the underfill not only in River Road but probably in Victoria Ave as well, Mickey will be long gone. Or perhaps sitting on the DHB, finding ways to blame Maori for their own appalling health statistics.

The award for best award (we think we've just won an award ourselves, for worst tortuosity of 2007) however, goes to this comment. We couldn't have said it better ourselves, anon:

The Real Heroes of 2006:

Those Council staff who managed to survive at Guyton St without licking the mayor’s arse (ie most definitely NOT his old school chum Kevvie) and got up every day and went to work amid the perilous dysfunction and low staff numbers, and did their best for the ratepayers of Wanganui despite Mickey’s madness and abuse, and the toxic terror of the vile and incompetent Dr Warbum. Thanks, guys, you’re the real heroes.

5:17 PM, December 31, 2006
P.S.: Don't forget, the well-deserved Cheeky Darkie Award, and footage of the Kahui "joke", can still be seen by clicking here.
Comments on this post are now closed.


Anonymous said...

LOL...Oh darn..I missed the Awards post. Well, this post is in relation to what I was going to present.

The Number One Pest Award.

Goes to....(drum rolls).....Mayor Mickey!

In honor of the common house fly.

In that Mickey represents the house fly because he eats shit and bothers people.

"Tell Mickey what he's won, Johnny."

A life time stay in the Nutter Ward at Wanganui Hospital, in the finest Rubber Room and a new Straitjacket.

The good Maori people might not be able to do anything but, I'm sure the crime rate could rise to keep anyone from wanting to come to Wanganui let alone stay.

The first step in cleaning the filth out of Wanganui is to get rid of that big piece of shit mayor.

In October this year. Everyone needs to remember this excerpt out of the Code of Conduct decision where the council mentioned....

" In respect of the overarching issue of whether the Mayor acted in the best interest of Wanganui the
Committee accepted Mayor Laws’ submission that he had illustrated in a number of ways his
passion for developing Wanganui to its full potential and that

*** his provocative leadership style had
been well known before he was elected Mayor of the Wanganui District.***

The Committee did not,
therefore, consider this to be a breach of the Code."

Anonymous said...

Jingle Bells, Mickey's made of shit,
Spewing racist crap,
Oh what tosser voted to put this low life on the map,
Jingle Bells, racist jibes, when I think of it,
What a waste of space Laws is,
Let's throw him on the tip.

Anonymous said...

Love the cartoon, Lawswatch. At times like this it's important to remember that it's Mickey who's the laughing stock, not really Wanganui (despite his best efforts).

Anonymous said...

The Chronicle editorial today backing up the mayor's comments. Not surprising given that he is right about the state of settlements up the river with even the new Chronicle editor calling them "third world".

If that is how others see wanganui then the mayor should be commended for telling the truth.

Anonymous said...

On the evidence of this morning's Chronic it looks as it Mickey is moonlighting as editorial writer --now that's real economy. The editor just prints his crap statements as-is or gets Mas to have a chat to his old mate and make them even more offensive, then Mickey gives them a bit of a rejig and Ms Ed calls them the editorial.

With the Chronic set to lose its only halfway-decent writer any day, the way is set for Mickey's takeover to be complete.

HE can now add editor-in-chief of a third rate newspaper to his third rate radio and tv media credentials.

Anonymous said...

Who's the "half way decent writer" leaving the Chron? surely not Mary Bryan??

Laws Watch said...

If that is how others see wanganui then the mayor should be commended for telling the truth.

Absolutely, anon. And he should also be commended for the brave, forward-thinking, groundbreaking and inclusive plan he has to improve the living conditions over which he's so outraged. Oh, wait...

Ah, we get it! They're all going to be resettled at the Splash Centre and in the new underground carpark!!

Anonymous said...

Retards like Mickey Fuckwit can do no better. His handicap can accurately be described as incompetence. When it comes down to it, Michael Laws' condition is just another form of autism. It's harder to recognise, because, unlike classic autistic behaviour, he seems outgoing. The pathology is the same however: a complete incomprehension of basic emotions and values that the rest of us know are self-evident. Mickey is a cripple, an emotional cripple. Regional Councillor Leonie Brookhammer deserves our sympathy, but then, she seems as crippled as he is.

Anonymous said...

the mayor should be commended for telling the truth.

Right, because otherwise he's just going to keep on making shit up like an incompetent loser. If Mickey Mayor knew what truth was he'd realise what a retard he is, and his vanity would give him a total schism. Forcible removal to a psychiatirc institution might be a good idea, but it would be more appropriate to simply destroy all evidence of his tenure after he's been goaded some more. I like the sport.

Anonymous said...

OK folks, lets have some fun.

According to Jim Anderton’s Press Release posted on 30 June 2004, I submit the following excerpts from that press release…”Minister for Regional Development, Jim Anderton, welcomed Transfund’s decision to place the long sought-after proposal to strengthen and seal the Whanganui River Road onto its road construction priority list.”

“”It is a victory for those at the coalface, Wanganui and Ruapehu District Councils and local iwi and hapu, who had the foresight, time and patience to put together and then articulate a sound business case which has now secured the backing of the operationally-independent Transfund board”, the Progressive leader said.”

So if one employs a timeline, and factors in that Mickey was elected as mayor on October 2004, it’s obvious that Chas Poynter and his Council, should get the credit--NOT--Mickey and his blind Vision Council.

A LTNZ media statement on 15 Dec. 2006 states primarily that….”The sealing project is essential to improve the safety of the road….” and “The project is expected to take about six years to complete.”

Funny, in all that time before 04/01/2007 the condition of the settlement’s “cosmetics” for the sake of tourism, is never mentioned….Hmmmm.

Anonymous said...

If the logic of LW (such as it is) can be followed then the "untrustworthy" and complicit partners in crime with the mayor and his Vision team are;

1. The editorial staff & management of the Wanganui Chronicle
2. The editorial staff & management of River City Press
3. The news team & management of both local radio stations
4. Crs Westwood, Wills, mcgregor, Dahya & stevens;
5. All the senior management team at the WDC.

Left anyone out? Yes -
6. The "dumb" public of Wanganui who voted ML and his team in and reaffirmed that commitment in 2006.
7. Anyone involved with the Splash Centre project;
8. Bushy Park's Alan Anderson.
9. And so on ...

Ever thought it might be this blog and its inhabitants that are the paranoic and pathologically challenged ones?

Anonymous said...

To continue on with my 7:07 PM, January 05, 2007 comment. LOL..I write to much.

It's clear that Chas was keen on the matter of the Whanganui River Road issue. Below is a webite by NoAura Productions, 23 July 2003.

Titled: "Aotearoa: Wellington to Wanganui, and onwards."

The webpage is a firsthand account from an American tourist that drove up the Whanganui River Road, while visiting Wanganui after their two week stay in Wellington.

The webpage address is:

Now, after reviewing my 7:07 PM, January 05, 2007 comment and this comment, you can put "2+2 together" and determine that the Chorn's 04/01/2007 article was a Mickey racist remark about Maori and the Chron's 05/01/2007 article was Mickey "Damage Control" for Mickey's trash talk about Maori. To my Maori friends, don't let Mickey get away with what he said.

Anonymous said...

Ever thought it might be this blog and its inhabitants that are the paranoic and pathologically challenged ones?

9:14 PM, January 05, 2007


LOL...Nope, the thought never came to my mind since the Laws Watch crew can submit supporting statements. Where's yours?

Laws Watch said...

Gosh, anon @ 9.14, you have little understanding of pschopathology or of history. First, there's a plethora of reasons other than taking part in an evil conspiracy to explain why people go along with tyrants like Mickey:

1. Laziness, incompetence and, clearly, a genuine agreement with his ideology.
2. We suspect that the RCP would fulsomely report the uetterances of the Tooth Fairy, such is their level of naivete.
3. Local radio hardly reports the news, let alone interprets it. Thus those with the (publicly funded) PR resources get reported unquestioningly. Though having Mickey as a lackey and the boss as a councillor might just bias one station ever so slighty, perhaps.
4. We could comment but more to the point - and as we've said repeatedly why don't they explain themselves? That's part of their duty, after all.
5. Self preservation, plain and simple. Though clearly in Warburton's case it's complete support for Mickey - that's the sole reason he was hired, after all.
6. A mixture of genuine agreement, complacency, a naive belief in Mayoral propaganda... any number of causes, of which true believers such as yourself are a minority. History is littered with examples of the majority of the population going along with, or being indifferent to, various disastrous regimes till it was too late. We get the governance we deserve.
7. Right, like those turkeys would vote for an early Christmas and can the whole unafforable nonsense. Self-interest rules again.
8. A mixture of ideological agreement and a need for self-aggrandisement almost rivalling that of Mickey, we suspect.

So nope, no conspiracists in your list anon, with the possible exception of #4. Their justifications (if any) when they're grovelling for peoples' votes will be interesting.

Those whom we do accuse, without doubt, of conspiring with Mickey are the diVisionites. Already Sue Pepperell has realised that the first stagecoach out of Wangas is a better bet than facing the music - watch for more to follow.

Anonymous said...

Havent seen the editorial, but must question the statements made by your mayor and I understand now the editor of the Chronicle,which pronounce the existence of so called third world conditions along the Whanganui River Road, hindering the development of tourism.
Where is the evidence that visitors are turned off by these factors?
How condescending and completely lacking in understanding of the lives and values of the people who call this area home these comments are.
One unfinished building project at Pipiriki and a closed DOC information centre are disappointing to see but each have a story to tell and neither affect the overall experience of what the scenery and locals offer visitors to the area.
For lattes and high rise apartments stay in the city, Mr Mayor, the rest of us will continue to enjoy the valley that lets us remember the times when the world was a better place

Anonymous said...

An excellent letter in the paper today from a River Rd tour operator makes a lie of Mickey's latest rant.

Yet another example of the mayor actively and deliberately deterring people from coming to Wanganui to live, work or visit, ie the hospital specialists from North America and all those vacant council positions that can't be filled because no one wants to end up as a bit player in the reign of Mad Mickey.

Anonymous said...

1. The Chronicle sees balance as something to be achieved as an afterthought, in parentheses once lazy Mas has let Mickey write another article for him. It's no wonder they stand accused of bias. Mickey must think his dreams came true (except for the one about being covered in filth).

2. The RCP was up for sale from the start - Mickey pretty much bought the rag with the amount of advertising he sends their way. The way Lawswatch advertisers were treated demonstrated the rank hypocrisy in their advertorial policy.

3. The radio stations? How'd you figure that one?

4. The Councillors mentioned have supported Mickey's populist policies. Well duh!!! He has deliberately kept contentious issues away from the table: the so-called great debater can't get it up.

5. All the senior management team????? Are you for real? Most of them have been sacked and no-one wants to work there. Such a success. Now it's me who LOL.

6. 7. 8. Keep taking the pills. I hope you have a good supply of neuroleptics.

But don't take my word for it, Mad Mickey himself won't be standing next time, he says, because he "wants to spend more time with his family". Uh huh. I say stand for it all Mickey, and Wangas will humiliate you the way it did when you were at school here, Wairoa boy. Or perhaps you could organise another uniform protest ROFL.

Anonymous said...

The truly unbelieveable thing about the SST is that they're not only prepared to print Mickey's tired old racist shit, but that they're prepared to re-print the same old piece of racist shit over and over and over again. It's like deja vue.

Does this loser seriously believe anyone gives two shits about his boring "family"?

I can write your articles in future for you Mickey: here goes "Babies shit, teenagers rebel, I'm afraid of niggers". There you go.

Anonymous said...

The Real Heroes of 2006:
Those Council staff who managed to survive at Guyton St without licking the mayor’s arse (ie most definitely NOT his old school chum Kevvie) and got up every day and went to work amid the perilous dysfunction and low staff numbers, and did their best for the ratepayers of Wanganui despite Mickey’s madness and abuse, and the toxic terror of the vile and incompetent Dr Warbum. Thanks, guys, you’re the real heroes.


This is a very apt comment, but it neglects to mention one of the worst aspects of life as a council staffer who isn’t one of the mayor’s chums: the insidious, pervasive “Stasi” style network of informers and spies he has cultivated, headed by his PA. These people are prepared to do or say anything in order to ingratiate themselves further with the regime and this has destroyed the trust and collegiality that is essential for organisations like the council to function effectively.

Anonymous said...

To my Maori friends, don't let Mickey get away with what he said.

12:23 PM, January 06, 2007

"To my Maori friends"???? How condescending can you get!

Anonymous said...

Anon 12.21 Jan 07

'Informers and Spies'? You are so paranoid. I work there and it is no different to working anywhere else, except that the atmosphere and work ethic has greatly improved recently. As for ML's PA whenever I see her she has her head down working hard, making her living like the rest of us. I think you're way off base here.

Anonymous said...

...I work there...


Then I'd like to take this opportunity to say fuck off Your Worship. Alternatively, if you're not the mayor, I'd like to say fuck off Michael. Wanganui doesn't need scum like you.

Anonymous said...

How condescending can you get?


Poor mad Mickey. I wish the Watchers weren't so mean to the little unfortunate. He clearly is very unhappy, spreading his nasty bile around like a shitty toddler.

It's wrong to mock the afflicted, even if they are ludicrously incompetent and vain beyond belief.

How's that?

Laws Watch said...

Is it, we wonder, condescending to be concerned for Mickey's welfare in light of Council's firm and aunwavering adherence to it's policy of putting down the rabid in our community?

Anonymous said...

To anon @ 12.21pm -
don't worry: anyone who takes this blog and its demented crew to task is the mayor, according to the foul-mouthed cretins that inhabit here.

They now use both racism and the mocking of the mentally ill to criticise any supporter of the mayor or council.

It is also obvious that they don't know anyone who actually works at the council given the amount of confidential material any given staff member holds and that doesn't make it on this blog.

There is an old-fashioned description for the last blog entries. It is called hysteria and you can almost smell the spittle.

Anonymous said...

This is a good example of what i mean:

"A life time stay in the Nutter Ward at Wanganui Hospital, in the finest Rubber Room and a new Straitjacket"

No-one who has any sensitivity would comment in such a way. This blog has become what it professes to loathe. Bigoted, intolerant, fascist.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
To my Maori friends, don't let Mickey get away with what he said.

12:23 PM, January 06, 2007

"To my Maori friends"???? How condescending can you get!

9:17 AM, January 08, 2007


LOL...What's condescending about calling someone your friend?

Laws Watch said...

...mocking of the mentally ill...

What, when referring to dog? That's not even a straw, so we can't very well say you're grasping at it.

But do, please, explain how your sensibilities are so offended by this remark but not by mocking the deaths of the Kahui twins? Or can Mickey do no wrong, anon?

Anonymous said...

I can answer you Laws watch.

when this blog started it was political but witty and irreverent and it had excellent inside goss from guyton street. it broke stories that the mainstream media did not have and even provoked them to follow stuff up.

Now its all about abuse, negativism, mocking the mentally ill. How dare you say that casting the afflictions of genuinely hurt people as a criticism of the mayor represents valid criticism? THAT is insensitive.

It also does something I would not have believed possible. It now sets a lower tone (eg "fXXX off Michael Laws" to a poster) than the mayor sets!

Where are the respectable posters any more? Joan Street, Rob Vinsen, Nigel Morris, Morgs? That no-one puts their name to anything anymore means that this blog has lost its focus and its reason for being.

Give us posts that inform us, that tell us things we dont know. To suggest that ALL the Wanganui media are part of some Michael Laws-inspired conspiracy is not believable.

Anonymous said...

By the way: mocking the mentally ill by suggesting that their afflictions belong to the mayor is childish and wrong. It shows a hatred of the mentally ill that is unfortunate.

Anonymous said...

he new PR person a man? I think he came from a radio station ...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
This is a good example of what i mean:

"A life time stay in the Nutter Ward at Wanganui Hospital, in the finest Rubber Room and a new Straitjacket"

No-one who has any sensitivity would comment in such a way. This blog has become what it professes to loathe. Bigoted, intolerant, fascist.

4:05 PM, January 08, 2007


I thought the "A life time stay in the Nutter Ward at Wanganui Hospital, in the finest Rubber Room and a new Straitjacket" comment was pretty damn funny.

If you don't like it then, don't come back to this blog.

It's also called Freedom of Expression. The same BoRA 1990 Mickey likes to use.

Since you're for Mickey, you're against Laws Watch..So don't start any shit and there won't be any shit....LOL... have a nice day.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
To anon @ 12.21pm -
don't worry: anyone who takes this blog and its demented crew to task is the mayor, according to the foul-mouthed cretins that inhabit here.

They now use both racism and the mocking of the mentally ill to criticise any supporter of the mayor or council.

It is also obvious that they don't know anyone who actually works at the council given the amount of confidential material any given staff member holds and that doesn't make it on this blog.

There is an old-fashioned description for the last blog entries. It is called hysteria and you can almost smell the spittle.

4:03 PM, January 08, 2007


I thought Mickey winning the "Cheeky Darkie Award" was pretty damn funny too...LOL

Anonymous said...

The fact that Michael Laws is mentally ill is a legitimate subject for this blog.

Anonymous said...

A great deal of sense from the poster complaining at the tone in here.

To LOL: you are a moron. Please go and troll somewhere else that fits your IQ.

Anonymous said...

Dear LawsWatch,

Your routinely incomparable displays of brilliant wit, stunning graphical talent and cogent argument are frequently marred for the punctuation sticklers among us by your propensity to stick apostrophes in the wrong places, ie the contractive ‘its’ as well as the (correctly placed) possessive it’s. ie, from the last posting:

“All of which got us to thinking... it's time Wanganui had it's own awards.”

Just one apostrophe would have been fine, thanks. I would commend for your summer reading pleasure, the magnificent mediditation on punctuation, Eats Shoots and Leaves by Lynne Truss.

To paraphrase Ms Truss (p44):

“If you still persist in writing, ‘.. Wanganui had it’s own awards’ , you deserve to be struck by lightning, hacked up on the sport and buried in an unmarked grave.”

… Not until, however, we are all free from the scourge of M Laws and LawsWatch has completed it’s (oops spot the offence) good work.

Anonymous said...

Aren't the posts at 4.03, 4.05 etc. pathetic? Since his election, hypocrite Mickey has wasted no opportunity to insult anyone he chooses.

The point of difference is simply that Lawswatch commenters have told the truth about Mickey, whereas Mickey just recycles the same tired old lies.

Anonymous said...

Wonder how Mickey’s flunkey Rangi Wills will feel when he turns up for the next meetings of the Tupoho and other iwi liaison groups and cops an earful over the latest mayoral racist outburst? One hopes he’ll just say, “Well, I stand by my man, after all, I did my best for him in the Code of Conduct.”

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
A great deal of sense from the poster complaining at the tone in here.

To LOL: you are a moron. Please go and troll somewhere else that fits your IQ.

7:33 AM, January 09, 2007

LOL...When my IQ degrades far below yours, I will.

Laws Watch said...

anon @ 10.17: you deserve to be struck by lightning, hacked up on the sport...

What sport would that be, exactly? We're assuming fencing ;-P

Sorry, but in a comment that's self-admittedly pedantic...

Actually, we employ new Watchers directly from the local fruiterer, where they are highly trained in the advertising of avocado's tomato's, flower's and the like.

Laws Watch said...

anon @ 7.33 am: A great deal of sense from the poster complaining at the tone in here.

As others have since commented, it's a bit rich for those who support Mickey to complain about the tone of comments - until recently the abuse was entirely one-sided (i.e. from Mickey's side of the fence).

That having been said, we have noticed a deterioration in the erudition of anti-Mickey commenters of late.

As it has always been our policy to publish the (non-libellous) abuse of the LawsMob in order to illustrate that a good portion of Mickey's supporters are of the knuckle-dragging ilk, we're obliged to publish the non-libellous abuse from the anti-Mickeyites.

We would, however, urge commenters to think twice before submitting a comment which amounts, as someone pointed out, to little more than "#### Michael Laws". It does you no credit.

Anonymous said...

To the 7:54 PM, January 08, 2007 commenter….the Laws Watch crew has not dropped their standards of presenting posts, and their posts are still informative of the highest caliber.

If you read the Laws Watch description, you‘ll notice the words “A shadowy group” and “occasionally mock, the reign of The Diva of the Ditch, His Worship the Mayor, Michael Laws.”

So in essence, commenter that selects “anonymous” are the “shadowy group” and the Laws Watch posts, including some commenters, “occasionally mock” Mickey. So, no morale “rule” has been broken.

I don’t think it a “sin” for people to “let their hair down” sometimes.

The commenter that uses LOL (Laugh Out Loud) a lot must be enjoying themselves having a go at Mickey.

If you can laugh at Mickey and his abuse, you’re keeping a cool head. Mickey seems to abuse people to “push their buttons” because he knows it makes them upset and it'll distort their thinking. Once Mickey starts to distort your thinking, he “owns” you. Mickey loves to play "mind games". Therefore, I have no sympathy for Mickey or his supporters who consider some commenter’s comments as being vulgar.

Remember, Julius Caesar came into power because he got along with the upper and lower classes.

You cannot make the Laws Watch comment section into an “upper caliper section” only. That would be a big mistake.

Ask yourself, how many voters do you need to keep Mickey out of office should he change his mind and decides to stand for the mayoral election? You’ll need all the help you can get…it’s that simple.

Anonymous said...

LOL...Hey Mickey

You're racking up a lot of "Views" on the You Tube "Cheeky Darkie Award" video clip.

I wonder how many of those are overseas views that would also read that "spot on" comment about you.

Anonymous said...

Lucky old Chester Borrows has found a new cheerleader ... but won't Mickey be feeling unloved and spurned by his formerly prolific letter writer and adoring fan Bob Walker?

Anonymous said...

Hate to burst your bubble anon who LOL, but the multiple hits on Mickey's movie are poor Mickey himself unable to resist the temptation to look at himself one more time.

My only question is to Mickey himself and it is this: Your Worship, when you're looking at yourself in the mirror do you prefer oil or water based lubricant?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Hate to burst your bubble anon who LOL, but the multiple hits on Mickey's movie are poor Mickey himself unable to resist the temptation to look at himself one more time.

My only question is to Mickey himself and it is this: Your Worship, when you're looking at yourself in the mirror do you prefer oil or water based lubricant?

5:48 PM, January 10, 2007

LOL..That's funny

Anonymous said...

What River Road/Para Para Tourist initiatives have we seen under Laws and WINC? (or is that WANC?)
What has happened with the millions given to us under the Governments Regional Growth Initiative, and managed by someone who is supposed to be making a difference?

Seems like we have incapable people in influencial positions doing the talk and fobbing us of to me. Many concerns, many questions, like some answers -anyone got insights out there??

Anonymous said...

It might be interesting for the council to join other local bodies in getting a Standard & Poor's credit rating about now ... to see what effect Mad Mickey's Big Spendup is having on Whanganui's credit worthiness. No doubt the news would not be good.

Bearhunter said...

Anon at 10.17 wrote:

"Your routinely incomparable displays of brilliant wit, stunning graphical talent and cogent argument are frequently marred for the punctuation sticklers among us by your propensity to stick apostrophes in the wrong places, ie the contractive ‘its’ as well as the (correctly placed) possessive it’s. ie, from the last posting:"

Shouldn't it be the contractive it's (denoting the missing letter) and the possessive its? Sorry I'll stop being pedantic now and take a cold shower.

Bearhunter said...

Another point. If the road has to be upgraded to cope with the tourist influx, doesn't that kinda mean that there are plenty of tourists heading up there already? Or am I just being thick? Anyway. nice letter in the Dom this morning...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
It might be interesting for the council to join other local bodies in getting a Standard & Poor's credit rating about now ...

Their 'credibility' rating would be somewhere round ZZZ and given the bunch of incompetents whose only goal is to serve their leader's whims, their 'credit' rating can't be far behind.

Anonymous said...

Bearhunter said...
Another point. If the road has to be upgraded to cope with the tourist influx, doesn't that kinda mean that there are plenty of tourists heading up there already? Or am I just being thick? Anyway. nice letter in the Dom this morning...

1:59 PM, January 11, 2007


Hey bearhunter...

You're absolutely right...Plus, if you go to the website below, you'll see another reason:


Anonymous said...

Has anyone else notice how quite the WDC spin machine has been ? Nothing since the 4th, must be a record.

Anonymous said...

Good point by Bearhunter about the popularity of the drive up River Rd -- it's just that Mickey desperately needed a new racist platform to boost his sagging radio ratings and Mas needed a mayoral press release to stick his name on. So bingo! Whanganui ends up in the news again for all the wrong reasons.

You're right too about the DomPost letter ... and about that godamned apostrophe.

Welcome back!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Has anyone else notice how quite the WDC spin machine has been ? Nothing since the 4th, must be a record.


This is just a guess but, the "quietness" might have something to do with the upcoming WDC v. PoW litigation.

Or, their feelings might be hurt...LOL