Monday, January 22, 2007

Lies, damned lies and transcripts

LawsWatch has a very open comments policy, accepting all sorts of opinion both in support of and against the actions and utterances of the Mayor. Mostly we let these pass without comment, as any innaccuracy is quickly seized upon by other commenters and corrected. But we were particularly intrigued by a comment added to the last post regarding the "Morning Report" item this morning looking at reaction to Michael Laws' comments on River Road:

Anonymous said...
Not even available on RNZ's website. i heard it too: he didn't get "roasted". He repeated the comments and said that they were accurate as did the Wanganui Chronicle in its editorial. there is some very subjective wish fulfilment fantasy going on in this blog. sad that no-one would have been listening given that its Wellington Anniversary Day.
2:05 PM, January 22, 2007
The blunt statement that the piece wasn't available on RNZ's website was quickly corrected. However, as that RSS link is likely to change tomorrow when new stories are added, here is the link direct to RNZ's mp3 file (2.6Mb).

Eventually though, that will disappear too. But as part of our role as archivists of Mickey's lunatic outbursts, we've preserved a copy for posterity here. So if the direct link stops working, use that one.

So having dispensed with the first lie (or inadvertent inaccuracy, if you want to be charitable) let's look at the more subjective, but much more insidious, claim: that Mickey "didn't get roasted".

Of course you can listen and decide for yourselves using the links above, but we've had a Watcher transcribe pertinent parts of the item. While by no means every word spoken is reproduced below, we have not excluded anyone from the transcript.

We should also add that names were transcribed as they sounded and were sometimes a little hard to hear. We apologise to anyone whose name is misspelled and will happily correct it if you let us know in comments or by emailing us (use the link on the right - "send us your scuttlebutt"). Actual quotes from the RNZ item are in blue; summarisation is in black. Emphasis is ours.

Rory Smith has been chair or deputy of the district's tourism organisation for a decade, but can't make sense of comments like this by Mayor Michael Laws.

(Mickey raves about River Road being like a "3rd world country")

Rory Smith says that's not the river he knows.

(Mickey rants about crime)

Tour operator Rory Smith is again mystified. "There's no targeting of tourists up the river, I can say that quite categorically..."

Len and Gillian Moorhouse (operators of a farm lodge on the road): "We never hear any bad words about it (from international tourists)".

The Moorhouses say Mr Laws seems misinformed about the River Road Community of 300 and what its visitors want.

Jula Teke (Ngati Pamoana): "They (tourists) want to see the people. They want to see Maoris".

Jula Teke says the Mayor is irrelevant. "I don't really like to give him much of anything... of any recognition because when people talk like that about a whole lot of people... what do they deserve? Nothing".

Mickey denies it's about race. "I'll say this one more time, slowly, so you can understand...")

The head of Jerusalem's Sisters of Compassion, Sue Cosgrove, says the Mayor's words offer nothing to her mostly Maori neighbours. "Sure, a lot of people are on benefits, but it only diminishes people to have such statements made without real knowledge of the people. And just to see a headline like that in a way it just sort of speaks of the Mayor".

Not counting the reporter, who seemed to like what he saw on his journey up the road, the entire cast of this short drama were critical of Mickey, including three tourist operators, a Maori spokesperson and a nun.

Roasted? Stick a fork in Mickey, he's done.

Update (6.30pm): Meanwhile in other news, the Mayor of a small town has been assassinated. The entire population are being treated as suspects. "He was an unpleasant man who ran this place like his personal kingdom. He made life difficult for most of us but for a select few he made life impossible," one resident said.

Comments on this post are now closed.


Anonymous said...

the Mayor of a small town has been assassinated. The entire population are being treated as suspects. "He was an unpleasant man who ran this place like his personal kingdom. He made life difficult for most of us but for a select few he made life impossible," one resident said.

Close this blog down You're irresponsible

Anonymous said...

That is not a "roasting" LW, you dickhead.
That's a disagreement and a debate and did RNZ acknowledge that the Chronicle and its editor also called upriver "Third World?"
You're a fuckwit LawsWatch. you can't get basic facts right about anything and you've alienated all local media who automatically ignore everything you print.

Anonymous said...

A dispassionate overview:

1. those with a stake already disagreed with the mayor. it would be surprising if they didn't;
2. the Sister didn't help by acknowleding most of her upriver neighbours were on a benefit;
3. the Chronicle's supporting aticle and editorial was not covered, so Qs as to the reporter's bias;
4. no-one listened. Anniversary Day - but even on that issue then today's newspaper supported the mayor;
5. Laws didn't foam, he came across as very laid-back, even disinterested.

Anonymous said...

The same nuns who ban women from getting an abortion?

Anonymous said...

I heard todays interview, I'm sorry Michael, you didn't come across very well at all, you really embarrassed yourself. Still, good for your ratings though, beating up on people must be fun.
Try this one watchers, an interview on Bfm (student radio in Auckland.)
It's an interview Mickey did during his Bloated Brown Slug days.
You sure do make yourself irrelevant to young people in this interview Mickey. You just sound like a snotty old man with a chip on your shoulder

Anonymous said...

Well done LW, you know when your hit a nerve when the first few posts come flying in from the Laws mob. SO defensive.!

Anonymous said...

Toasted not roasted.Another bad day for this city.

Anonymous said...

Ouch, this timely reminder of Mickey's madness seems to have hit a raw mayoral nerve judging from the outpouring of comments here.

But why on earth would he expect a respected news organisation and competent, well regarded reporter to treat the mayoral ass-licking of the Chronic as having any credibility at all.

Face it, Mickey, it was good old fashioned rout and will ring more alarm bells about the dangers of having a plonker for mayor, despite your desperate attempt to convince yourself that no-one would have heard it.

It doesn't matter who stands in the diVision colours for October, they're going to be tainted and tarnished by this, along with the rest of your mad publicity grabbing rants.

Anonymous said...

The panel discussion on National Radio yesterday afternoon also really put the boot in to our loser mayor with one speaker saying he’d be surprised if Mickey stood again as “he has done a worse job for the public perception of Wanganui than anyone I can think of.”

“He’s put it on the map but not in a way that anyone in Wanganui would be proud of”.

And they compared Mickey very unfavourably with Kerry Prendegast (“she’s made herself the public face of Wellington”) and Tim Shadbolt (“He’s done a great job”).

Now wait for anonymickey to slag them off for not getting Masand his PR hack (not to mention Ngaire) on the panel!

Laws Watch said...'ve alienated all local media who automatically ignore everything you print

When we started this blog that would have worried us, anon. We saw the media's role as questioning, probing, investigating and exposing (on any topic you care to name, not just Council).

But having had more than a year to observe the grovelling, shallow, just-plain-stupid and (in the case of the RCP) blindly greedy approach taken by "local media" it serves to reassure us that we're doing precisely what we set out to do.

Anonymous said...

You are a coward Laws watch. that is why no media take you seriously because you don't have the courage or integrity to put your names to your criticism when everyone knows you are the remnants of the SOS mob.

Anonymous said...

Some strange little Anon said @ 7.31,
and you've alienated all local media who automatically ignore everything you print.

Thats an interesting point anon.
So what your saying is the Chron is sensitive and upset at lawswatch for pointing out the questions they didn't consider and as a result see Laws Watch as a threat rather than a resource.
Mickey on the other hand buys them a bottle of Moet so that makes his opinion far more important
And I thought newspapers were supposed to be neutral!!

Bearhunter said...

Anonymous wrote:

"1. those with a stake already disagreed with the mayor. it would be surprising if they didn't;
2. the Sister didn't help by acknowleding most of her upriver neighbours were on a benefit;
3. the Chronicle's supporting aticle and editorial was not covered, so Qs as to the reporter's bias;
4. no-one listened. Anniversary Day - but even on that issue then today's newspaper supported the mayor;
5. Laws didn't foam, he came across as very laid-back, even disinterested."

1. "Those with a stake" as you say, know more about teh River Road than Mickey does. They're allowed an opinion.

2. So if a person is on a benefit their opinion is somehow less valid than yours?

3. Considering the amount of "reporter's bias" evident in the past few years' worth of the Chronic, I'm amazed you even brought this up.

4. No one listened? I did.

5. Of course he's disinterested. He always takes that tone when asked to explain himself by media from outside Wanganui. "I can't be bothered with this" - *click* - that is an actual response to one reporter's question.

And as regards the person who said that nuns prevent abortions, they don't. They have no authority to do that and I'd be interested to hear about a case where nuns dereed it to be unlawful and actually stopped it happening. They might LIKE to stop it, but they are incapabale of doing anymore about it than praying.

Anonymous said...

Just found this blog via David Farrar's blog ... extremely well done site, I'll revisit from time to time.

Anonymous said...

The scary thing is how much positive comment ML is getting on populist radio today over the Jayden Headley affair.

Anonymous said...

4. no-one listened. Anniversary Day - but even on that issue then today's newspaper supported the mayor;


What a desperate Laws' supporter, more people (like me) would have listened because we weren't rushing off to work!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
The scary thing is how much positive comment ML is getting on populist radio today over the Jayden Headley affair.
“Populist radio” where the average listener’s IQ is about equal to Mickey’s ratings, you mean? So tell us, oh anonymous bullshitter, just exactly what Mickey had to do with the boy and his grandfather turning up this morning … except use the case to try to lift his pathetic ratings?

Anonymous said...

Some poor misguided anon said

The scary thing is how much positive comment ML is getting on populist radio today over the Jayden Headley affair.

Er, thats Radio Live with an audience share of 2%, (I know it's less than that, I'm just being kind to the poor fool) as opposed to the two negative pieces on Laws on Radio NZ with a far greater audience share and intellect.

Laws Watch said...

"populist radio" as opposed to, say, popular radio, you mean?

Anonymous said...

National RADIO?
so bad it won't release its ratings against a station that picked up 17,000 listeners (fastest mover) at its last survey.
Another false call, LW - you keep fXXking up, no wonder you stay anonymous.

Anonymous said...

Radio ratings from Oct 2006 -
Radio Live: 121,900 listeners.
For some reason LW keeps censoring that info on this blog - wonder why?

Anonymous said...

Good to see that long after the bubbles have gone flat on the Bolly and the heady joy of the mayor's public praise have faded, ole Mas is still fizzing for Mickey with today's Chronic's desperate attempt to make a news story out of the talkback jock's latest ratings stunt.

Anonymous said...

Radio ratings from Oct 2006 -
Radio Live: 121,900 listeners.
For some reason LW keeps censoring that info on this blog - wonder why?


Wow I'm impressed.
That would mean the listeners in Wanganui went up from 24, to 26! well done Mickey.

Laws Watch said...

National RADIO?
so bad it won't release its ratings...

No, anon, iut's sadly so cheap it won't pay to be included in the surveys any more. Which is unfortunate, because the ratings that are released therefore can't provide a clear picture of listening patterns because they represent the share of a pie composed only of the commercial stations.

However anyone who knows anything about the industry knows that National Rates has a very high listenership especially in Wellington.

See this MediaWatch transcript:

Philip Hart director of the media agency, Kiwi Space: "The non-commercial stations aren't in the diary so people can't record their listening to it."

Russell Brown, host: "'s possible looking at the figures that National Radio is in fact Number One in the Wellington market." etc etc.

But then your spurious point about how many people listened to Mickey being made a fool of doesn't alter the fact that Mickey was made a fool of. Again.

And your clumsy sidestep does nothing to alter the fact.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

You are a coward Laws watch. that is why no media take you seriously because you don't have the courage or integrity to put your names to your criticism ..

It seems strange that we have this commenter in a perpetually apoplectic state of outrage and indignation about people who chose to remain anonymous, yet he screams his abuse and accusations from behind his own (not) discrete veil of anonymity and gets even more apoplectic when anyone suggests he's just Mickey in drag.

Well, whoever you are, please feel free at any time to have the courage of your convictions and put your name to your comments. Who knows, you might start a trend? Butdon't "do a Bob Walker" and use a non-existent name or address, will you.

Anonymous said...

I'm an occasional reader of this blog.
I agree with the lady (it sounded like a lady) who lost her rag at the anonymity of the attackers. Courageous this blog is not.

Anonymous said...

122,000 listeners. That is pretty bloody good - no wonder the mayor gets the big bucks.

Anonymous said...

I'm an occasional reader of this blog.
I agree with the lady (it sounded like a lady) who lost her rag at the anonymity of the attackers. Courageous this blog is not.

Interesting comment, and your name would be?

Anonymous said...

Any news regarding Mickey and the WDC taking the Port of Wanganui to court?