Monday, April 10, 2006

The case of the missing appendage

It was nine o'clock at night upon the tenth of April - the most terrible April in the history of the world. One might have thought already that God's curse hung heavy over a degenerate world, for there was an awesome hush and a feeling of vague expectation in the sultry and stagnant air of Wanganui that night. The sun had long set, but one blood-red gash like an open wound lay low in the distant west. Above, the stars were shining brightly, and below, the lights of the shipping glimmered in the port.

The two furtive figures stood beside the stone parapet of the garden walk, with their heads close together, talking in low, confidential tones. From below the two glowing ends of their cigars might have been the smouldering eyes of some malignant fiend looking down in the darkness.

"Are you absolutely certain?" asked the shorter of the two, in querelous tones. "There can be no doubt, I'm afraid," said the taller man, noticeable not only for the deerstalker hat perched on an aquiline head, but for the large pipe he sported - nowadays almost always unlit lest Helen's Anti-Smoking Police offended his dignity with their accursed water pistols.

"It can't, of course, leak out to the public," said Dr Watson (for it was he). "It may already be too late," riposted Holmes (for it was also he). Almost everything Holmes said was a riposte. And let's face it, anyone who walked round in summer in a Harris tweed cape sporting a deerstalker and an unlit pipe had to have a riposte at the ready at a moment's notice.

"After all, the poor fellow quite clearly said, back in July 2005:

Mayor Laws has offered to lead the development of a group with the assistance of the Library Manager. It is envisaged that a structure, such as a charitable trust, will be set up. He has suggested that as well as seeking donations to add to the book stock the group could organise say two fundraising events per year; suggestions include a Masque Ball and a Celebrity Debate. Mayor Laws intends to launch the new group at a function to be held in the newly refurbished CouncilChambers.
and yet now he's simply handed Sally Patrick $1 million in the LTCCP. There can be only one explanation, and even the simple, docile folk of Wanganui will wake up to it sooner or later."

"Couldn't it simply be because at that time, Sally Patrick was just another lonely figure up on Queen's Park?" Watson asked his mentor hopefully. "I mean, in the last annual plan, there was $50,000 cut from the library's book budget. That was why the Mayor offered to head up a Friends of the Library group and fleece the town's socialites for zillions of new books by holding a masked ball in the first place. But now Sally has agreed to go along with everything he wants, she gets $1 million. They'll surely just be be fooled into thinking she's been bought?"

"Ah, my dear Watson," said Holmes, whose attempt to drip condescension from every pore was ruined by the subsequent coughing fit when he forgot his pipe was empty and sucked in a lungful of cold Wanganui night air. "You forget that the Mayor also promised similar extravanganzas to fund the Splash Centre, with him at the helm. Yet that too has simply been given a cartload of money - most of it borrowed - in the LTCCP.

"Docile the Wanganui folk may be, but they have strange limits and one must learn to observe them. It is that surface simplicity of theirs which makes a trap for the stranger. One's first impression is that they are entirely soft. Then one comes suddenly upon something very hard, and you know that you have reached the limit and must adapt yourself to the fact."

"You mean, they may figure it out for themselves?!" asked Watson, clearly aghast. "But so far most of them have done nothing, aside from these mysterious 'Watchers' he has brought us here to find." At the mention of the name of these dread figures, both men looked furtively over their shoulders. Was that a faint tinkling of gin glasses coming from behind the water tower?

"Well when their rates notices arrive bearing increased demands despite the fact they were happy to let our employer mortgage their futures, and those of their children, by borrowing, I expect they may put aside their morning propaganda sheets and start asking questions, yes."

"And they'll notice this carefully concealed change of fundraising methodology?" whispered Watson, knowing as he did so that it would pain his dear friend to have to answer.

"Elementary my dear Watson," riposted Holmes, remembering not to suck on his pipe stem this time. "This isn't the first time he has offered to put on such a display, yet he never follows through. Even the simplest Wanganui rube will notice that Mickey's Balls are Missing. You know what we must do, Watson..."

"Yes, Holmes," muttered his companion. "But Wanganui is damned cold at this time of year. Why does it have to be my socks we put in the lycra shorts?"


Anonymous said...

Maybe it's to sweeten the pill of any real progress of the Heart Project?

Anonymous said...

This is very interesting Laws Watch and it just goes to show that being nice to the mayor has its rewards, as Nigel Morris has found out to his delight.

But my guess is it won't be long before a certain anonymous visitor to this website is jumping up and down and accusing you of trying to steal books from little children and old ladies and trying to set Wanganui literacy back years.

But don't worry that's what that certain anonymous person whenever anyone questions the WAY he goes about things or worse, points out the breathtaking hypocrisy of WHAT he does.

Anonymous said...

Don't be silly Watchers. Everyone knows Council is way too cash-strapped to afford the team of lawyers it takes to screw Mickey's trousers on.

Anonymous said...

I can't imagine the mayor cares whay any of you think because he had the whole council vote for the plan!

Anonymous said...

Michael's minders must be shaking their head in disbelief at the growing list of public fights he's been picking over the last few months.

Today he's added a major property owner to the list of people he slags off. The last week's total is pretty impressive even by Laws standards.

In any other town (ie one not ruled by a celebrity hungry madman) a mayoral response to Peter Robinson's concerns about the earthquake standards issue might have been reassuring and conciliatory, ie let's work together on this and thanks for you submission.

But our mayor just opens up another front in his battle with Whanganui and sprays around words like hysterical, commonsense needed etc.

One almost feels sorry for the likes of Marty ... Nicki ... Dotty etc as they brace themselves for the next embarrassing outburst.

Anonymous said...

It was hysterical to insist that five heritage buildings are going to be condemned by the council. A self-serving piece of garbage from one of Wangas least favourite speculators. I get worried at the 'if Laws attacks them then they're OK' line by some posters here. Scumbags are scumbags.

Anonymous said...

Poor anonymous, got no friends. Even PR's a "scumbag". How did you let yourself become such a bitter little man?

Anonymous said...

Right on Mickey

Add scumbag to the litany of our mayor's abusive labels (but didn't he already use that one on the gangs?) Oh dear he must be running out of insults and is now having to recycle them. How will he last the distance till Whanganui calls him a lowlife scumbag and gives him the red card?

Anonymous said...

to call someone a scumbag is a bit rich when all robertson is trying to do is let everone know what could happen if we dont act.put your hand up and pay for it .easy to take cheap shots we you sit on the sideline and bugger all

Anonymous said...

Anon@4.12pm is right.
Having all these greenies in the Chronicle defending the 50%-plus rates rise of Horizons is embarrassing and plays straight into the hands of the mayoral office.

Anonymous said...

Things must be looking desperate for Mickey's Think Big "be and ambassador" scheme. He's now blowing megabucks adding a full-colour pamphlet to the council junkmail landing in every letter box in town.

It's even got a picture of the Sarjeant, purporting it to be some sort of lure for people to come to Whangas -- and of course the obligatory TWO photos of his own mug just to really put people off. Hww come he didn't also put his piccie on the certificates in case his adoring ambassadors aren't satisfied with just the mayoral signature.

Will we ever learn what all this door to door spin is costing ratepayers? And does this sort of stunt go before the council for approval or is it a cosy little private matter between Mickey, Ron and Nigel et al?

Anonymous said...

It's a bit rich crying poor then wasting all that money on marketing.

You have to have the product to back up the promotional spin, and when you've slashed the budget for the product while spending big on advertising you know you're already half way to asset stripping.

Economics, not even a proper science, and it's all you pillocks have got to justify this slash and burn "plan" of yours. Can anyone smell bullshit, or is that just Mickey's breath freshener?