Wednesday, April 19, 2006

How to keep warm

As the hours, days, and weeks tick by towards the submissions deadline for the LTCCP, anxious ratepayers are said to be camping out by their suburban mailboxes in hopes that a paperboy or postie will deliver some hint from Taupo Quay, or even Guyton Streeet, of just what it all means.

Dedicated Watchers, having surreptitiously passed around well-thumbed, dog-eared copies of the three-volume tome in the underground pubs, clubs and galleries of Visionville-on-Sea, are now using them to mulch their gardens or turning them into cheap pseudo logs to keep their fires burning through the long winter of discontent ahead (like the Watchers pictured above at a recent local government retreat).

Others of a more technological bent have crashed their computers scrolling up and down through the hundreds of pages of LTCCP posted on the council website
( under the ironically titled invitation to “Have your say”.

With the Diva now on record as declaring the most senior survivors at Mr Maslin’s withered organ to be illiterate in matters financial, it seems likely that the Chronic’s copies of Vision’s Mein Kampf have been piled against the inside of the editor’s door to prevent newsroom staff entering the hallowed space and asking why they’re not allowed to write stories that might upset the mayor.

With just 22 days left till submissions close LawsWatch urges its loyal readers to get down to 101 Guyton St and pick up their very own copies of the three-volume tome. Chocolate mice with large ears will be awarded to anyone able to:

  1. Figure out just how much ratepayers’ cash is going to be spent on spin (aka communications) in 2006-07;
  2. Figure out how a city that is in a “perilous financial position” can contemplate building and running a gold-plated swimming pool; and
  3. Get past the mayor’s opening salvo without gagging and reaching for the gin bottle: In many ways, this LTCCP is all about correcting the mistakes, misrepresentations and omissions of the last LTCCP published in 2003.

The Diva’s determination to keep the public and what passes in Whanganui as the Fourth Estate away from any discussion about how ratepayers’ money will be spent over the next decade probably came as a relief to the understaffed toilers at the Chronic, and passed without editorial demur. However, in a brief window of openness, democracy and transparency, Mary Bryan was invited in to witness a nice little local government tableau as the council voted to adopt the draft LTCCP with no one seriously challenging the mayoral spin.

All we learned was that Don McGregor had his kilt in a twist over the plan to abandon community and rural halls, Barbara Bullock was disappointed $62,000 had been cut from the community contracts for sport, recreation and environmental groups, and Sue Westwood said the plan was economic driven and took little account of the overall well-being of the community.

A big oops!! had held the plan up while the mayor’s money boys tried to placate Wellington Watchdogs who quite reasonably, and as required by the Local Government Act, insisted on a balanced budget. This appears to have prompted tantrums from the boy mayor and in his latest e-coli he throws his toys in the direction of the Audit Office and the Office of the Auditor-General who “seem as inefficient as the very organisations they are seeking to hold to account. Perhaps it is time to audit Audit."

That said, LawsWatch salutes the toilers of Guyton Street. While the mayor conjured up daily media distractions in a vain attempt to boost his disastrous radio ratings, the finished LTCCP represents months of dedicated midnight oil burnt by staff trying to meet deadlines on an ever-changing playing field.

He ensured they were constantly distracted by a barrage of mayoral demands including gang patch bylaws, a yoof council set-up to rival the worst excesses of the United Nations and last but by no means least, the $500,000 axe of unspecified cuts hanging over their heads.

Should any similarly beleaguered ratepayers feel the need to prepare submissions in the 22 days available, our advice is Don’t Mention the Swimming Pool. In fact, the Diva wasted no time making clear the futility of attempting to engage with this council in what the Local Government Act calls consultation. Here are his first (and last) words on that subject:

"Any submitters to the annual plan – who want the council to spend more money on their particular interest (ie non-Vision interest - ed) – should note that the only way to achieve their preferred spending is by lifting rates."

Meanwhile, for some winter’s evening entertainment, we recommend Watchers curl up with the remote and watch Wanganui’s part-time mayor being relentlessly skewered and outsmarted by a bunch of his fellow has-been minor celebs. The lure of Prime’s dollars is apparently sufficient compensation for him to don a Vision tee-shirt and line up to be outsmarted by Mike Hoskins (for heaven’s sake) and outwitted by Paul Holmes. Last night Mr Holmes suggested that as a part time mayor, the Diva would be a worthy recipient of a long distance pen with which to carry out his long distance Wanganui governance duties.

Comments on this post are now closed.


Anonymous said...

STOP PRESS!! They're switching off out there, Mickey:

From a NZ Herald story titled "New radio station out of tune with listeners"

Star-studded newcomer Radio Live has been the big loser in the latest battle for the airwaves.

The latest radio ratings show Radio Live fell from 116,000 listeners nationwide in the November survey, to 104,000 for the past six months.

Radio Live was launched with a massive marketing campaign and a high-profile line-up of presenters in April last year. But it has failed to capture talkback's imagination, falling behind niche stations like Radio Sport and George FM.

In Auckland, the main battleground, Radio Live was stagnant, falling slightly from 2.1 per cent of listeners to 2 per cent. In Wellington the network pulled in only 1.9 per cent of listeners.


Anonymous said...

To paraphrase what Bill Ralston said about that other Laws vehicle, Prime:

Despite Brent Impey's desperately fake orgasm over the Radio Dead result he's probably seriously considering pouring petrol over himself, and losers like Laws, and organising a mass jump off Auckland's tallest building right now.

Anonymous said...

You're right, Laws Watch, about the computer-crashing potential of trying to find needles of information in the haystack of hundreds of PDF pages of LTCCP posted on the council website.

After all the praising and preening that's been going on in IT at Guyton St (over things like referendum management) would it be too much to expect a bit of time and attention to be put into making big documents like the LTCCP accessible and user friendly?

Surely someone could have transfered it into html and indexed the thing with dynamic links to the relevant sections?

Or am I correct in thinking there's not much stomach for providing information in anything but superficial spin format?

Anonymous said...

How many days/weeks (at rate-payers expense) would you like them to spend producing an html version complete with hyperlinks?
And how is document creation considered "IT"?

Anonymous said...

How many days/weeks (at rate-payers expense) would you like them to spend producing an html version complete with hyperlinks?

Oh, a bit less than the production and distribution of grandstanding mayoral press releases and pamphlets, and a tad more than is spent on the production and distribution of grandstanding mayoressal press releases should just about do it, thanks.

Laws Watch said...

Sorry, persistent poster at very short intervals throughout the day;

LawsWatch is beta testing a new software filter called MBD Lite (for Mayoral Bullshit Detector). It represents a significant technological breakthrough by the Cave’s techies and we are pleased to report it identified your comments as content conforming to the rules for Mayoral Bullshit, and has auto-trashed them accordingly.

Furthermore, The Techies are working on Version 1.2 which will identity which computer on the first floor mayoral suite of 101 Guyton St/Porritt Place these transmissions are emanating from. We will keep you posted. Thank you for your interest.

Anonymous said...

Mayor orders inquiry into Taunoka court case - 20/04/06 [Council website]

Anonymous said...

Council's failure to claim legal costs in the Taunoka logging row is a direct example of why a part-time mayor is a waste of space.

What was Mickey doing when Council should have been doing its job properly? Jabbering gobshite on Radio Lifeless to 0.2% - 3.8% of the population.

Now he'll try and lay the blame on Council officers. What a jerk.

Anonymous said...

How many days/weeks (at rate-payers expense) would you like them to spend producing an html version complete with hyperlinks?

In view of today's shock horror probe revelation about the ratepayers' dosh that went down the gurgler chasing yet more headlines for the mayor, perhaps a tiny fraction of that $30K would have gone some way to taking the council's website into the 21st century.

Anonymous said...

LawsWatch, you might like to check out the latest “pinks” for little gems like what Muzza Hughes had to say at the last council meeting about the mayor’s pet, Monster Inc …

“Cr Hughes said he was concerned that the council was spending $42,000 on Wanganui Inc directors’ fees and also undertaking tourism development through the MRI. He believed there was a duplication of function and that Wanganui Inc should be under the council’s chief executive’s umbrella. He said that at a Major Regional Initiative Board meeting he had been told that Wanganui Inc was interested in tendering for the MRI’s administrative role currently being undertaken by the council’s economic development manager.”

But not to worry, that champion of the free market Dotty leapt into the breach and plastered over this unsightly little crack in diVision unity … “Cr McKinnon opposed the suggestion that Wanganui Inc be under the control of the council’s CEO and said the agency should be given a fair go and time to prove itself.”

Oh and does anybody know why Rangi Wills found it necessary to declare an interest in the Winc contract for service discussion?

Laws Watch said...

It seems the prolific commenter between 8:01 and 8.13pm yesterday lacks an appreciation of irony, but in lieu of that is endowed with a disturbing propensity to become incandescent with rage... leading to all sorts of misguided and unwarranted accusations and personal abuse. And all in the guise of someone who is concerned at what is alleged to be “censorship” and unfairness in the administration of this blog.

May we suggest that said anonymous poster would be on stronger moral ground if the ratepayer funded WDC website was open to critics of all stripes and councillors of all persuasions to freely and anonymously heap opprobrium on the perpetrators of the abuse of democracy and transparency in this town.

So, Mr Mayor, in the interests of openness and democracy isn’t it time the council’s website became a censorship-free forum, funded by and open to all ratepayers?

Just a thought.

Anonymous said...

Council's failure to claim legal costs in the Taunoka logging row is a direct example of why a part-time mayor is a waste of space.

What was Mickey doing when Council should have been doing its job properly? Jabbering gobshite on Radio Lifeless to 0.2% - 3.8% of the population.

Now he'll try and lay the blame on Council officers. What a jerk.

You got that right, Anon. Why should he blame Council officers, after all why should they do their job properly. Save the ratepayers money and sack the CEO and senior management, it makes perfect sense ML should be doing all their jobs as well as his own.

Get a grip.

Anonymous said...

If you have been getting nasty postings Lawswatch, maybe someone's under a 'wee' bit of stress!?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said: Council's failure to claim legal costs in the Taunoka logging row is a direct example of why a part-time mayor is a waste of space.

What crap! is it the mayor's fault if there are incompetent managers or lawyers? Good on him for not hiding the mess away like the last mayor would have done (like the forestry) You'll have him responsible for crime next.

Anonymous said...

So, Mr Mayor
I'm confused, I am neither the Mayor nor the author of any abusive comments yet my last 3 posts seem to have vanished into the ether.

One comment I made was that your looking into "outing" watchers within WDC was flawed. Regardless of whether you thought I had originally missed the irony or the joke I thought it important to point out this was not possible (assuming WDC has even the most basic security measures in place) in the hopes that your words did not discourage WDC employees (Mayoral or otherwise) from commenting.

I'm sorry that you saw my comment as a 2 fingered salute to your hunt-the-Mayoral post witchunt.

Perhaps if yourself and other anons stopped accusing people of being the Mayor just because they do not post "I agrees"s then all those that don't come here anymore might consider returning.

Anonymous said...

What crap! is it the mayor's fault if there are incompetent managers or lawyers?

The buck stops on his desk. It's a long-accepted matter of civil service that the master is responsible for the mistakes of his servants.

Especially if they can point to twenty other things they were having to do at the time as a result of Mayoral Micromanagement.

Anonymous said...

Headline seen on xtra news page:

"Council prepares for microchipping Laws"

For a moment there I thought sanity had prevailed but then I realised they were talking about dog control, not putting Mickey on a leash.

Anonymous said...

Here are three good reasons to microchip Mickey:

1. He's not to be trusted.

2. A sure way for Council staff and ratepayers to track him down when he's absent from work - a most important feature since he's never there.

3. All other dogs have to have one.

Anonymous said...

How can you say he is never there, I work at council and he is there. When he is not he is in constant touch, he works from out of the office, and does a days work in a few hours anyway. The man is a grafter.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
How can you say he is never there, I work at council
Gosh, anon, as the lone member of the Mayoral Fan Club (Guyton St branch) it is to be hoped that the object of your affection has put your name is on the protected species list of rare and otherwise endangered critters, to be preserved at all costs when the $500K “unspecified” cuts cull those staff with more discerning tastes..... Or perhaps the nature of your "work" at the council is more in the nature of being an elected personage and therefore a matter for the ballot box rather than the ravages of budget cuts?

Anonymous said...

"...does a days work in a few hours anyway..."

...and then he walks on water and changes sugar into cocaine.

Does that shade of brown lipstick come off easily with 3-ply?

Anonymous said...

The eight celebrities who have dared to pair up with New Zealand's slickest professional dancers to raise money for their chosen charity are: Christine Rankin, Angela Bloomfield, Beatrice Faumuina, Lorraine Downes, Rodney Hide, Danyon Loader, Steve Gurney and David Wikaira-Paul.

What? Passed over again?? For Rodney Hide???

Past your use-by date, Mickey Mayor?

Anonymous said...

Speaking of the budget cuts, time must be running out before Dr W takes the club to the baby seals.

Anonymous said...

As another Guyton St staffer (so I'm doing this from home) the guy IS ever present. I've worked under four mayors (not all in Wanganui) and this one is the smartest and the staff around me have all lifted their game. Some of us even enjoy working here because we are doing something constructive:)

Anonymous said...

Constructive, you say? That narrows down the field so much that you ought to be careful about being too easily identified. By a process of elimination that means you are not involved in any of these non-constructive activities, to name a few:

1. Rushing about like a blue-arsed fly trying to draw up an unworkable, grandstanding anti-gang bylaw;
2. Figuring out how to help the mayor let the council loose on boy racers;
3. Writing mayoral spin-releases and flogging them off to gullible media;
4. Playing “hide the bad news” in official council documents like the LTCCP;
5. Riding helicopter posse after bad-guy loggers to ensure they don’t profit from their dastardly deeds;
6. Taking part in witch-hunts to find out not only why the bad guy (see #5) got off the hook, but why this Keystone Kops misadventure cost the ratepayers $30 grand;
7. Figuring out how to sell a rates rise as a Not rates rise;
8. Flogging off remaindered copies of the laughable “be an ambassador” mayoral masterpiece;
9. Ensuring adequate stocks of 3-ply are always available;
10. Pretending that the Yoof Council is the biggest thing that happened to democracy since Bush tried to install a government in Iraq;
11. Trying to cover arse over the earthquake policy because the council failed to do its job in notifying affected building owners;
12. Trying to cover arse over the earthquake policy because the council has been sitting on said arse for months before letting loose this big smelly fart on downtown Whanganui;
13. Well, that’s just a sample.

So, anon, please enlighten us and especially the real council toilers (for whom this site is required reading) about just what it is you really do?

By my reckoning that narrows the field down so far that you could fit in the mayoral dunny and still have room for the entire Vision team.

Anonymous said...

As a former employee of the WCC and WDC my observation is that the staff I keep in contact with say that they have never been busier and that they want to work in the private sector where they can have a loaf again.
The mayor does not set the work load; that is the CEO's role.

Anonymous said...

So, anon, please enlighten us and especially the real council toilers (for whom this site is required reading) about just what it is you really do?
I'd like to know too!
I know of no area/dept that is not feeling the pressure brought about by unworkable policy and unreasonable demand. The 4 Mayor bit is a red herring - you MUST be the spin fairy.

Anonymous said...

A very big Dawn Parade today and a very interesting mayoral party which was the RSA president, ML, the CEO and Chester Borrows MP all very matey. Again the mayor did not wear the mayoral chains and I can't recall any public occasion on which he has worn either chains or the mayoral robe. Chas wore them all the time, especially the chains.

Anonymous said...

So, according to one brownlipped sycophant, he's away a lot, but that's ok because he's "in constant touch", and according to a second arse-licker he's always there.

I think you're both full of shit. Your boss is a low-life, so what does that make you?

Anonymous said...

I think you're both full of shit. Your boss is a low-life, so what does that make you?

2:08 PM, April 25, 2006

Given up sensible debate have we? The worst abusers here are those that condemn the mayor, not those who support. Isn't it time some of you evolved?

Anonymous said...

Mayor's Chain:
Has he lost it? The media MUST ask.

Anonymous said...

'Again the mayor did not wear the mayoral chains and I can't recall any public occasion on which he has worn either chains or the mayoral robe. Chas wore them all the time, especially the chains.'

Lets flog them off too! Paintings, land, gas companies, and silly old community buildings! Sell Sell Sell!

Anonymous said...

Good letter my Rob yesterday, Dot will not be very pleased with her mate.

Anonymous said...

Employed, hard working and happy. Not at all like you, Anon.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

How can you say he is never there, I work at council and he is there. When he is not he is in constant touch, he works from out of the office, and does a days work in a few hours anyway. The man is a grafter.

6:55 AM, April 24, 2006

This must be the same person who loves him in his Lycra tights and listens to his talkback while suposedly working.

Anonymous said...

As a former employee of the WCC and WDC my observation is that the staff I keep in contact with say that they have never been busier and that they want to work in the private sector where they can have a loaf again.
The mayor does not set the work load; that is the CEO's role.

9:48 PM, April 24, 2006

It's quite obvious that you are a former employee. You have no idea of the confusing workload Mickey creates. His unreasonable demands and his constant late changes.
Maybe you only have contact with those who have do not direct contact with Micky, you should talk to some of the others.

Anonymous said...

Here's Mickey Mayor on the Splash Centre:

"On Monday I sat down with the senior management of council to review the research they had conducted. At an initial glance it would appear that the increased operational expenses of an enlarged Splash Centre are easily containable – the $800,000 per annum myth-making of some critics proving well wide of the mark."

But no actual figures, Mickey? You must realise that everyone will assume you're lying until you produce a number. Many will assume you're lying after you produce a number, granted, but you're not doing yourself any favours.

Anonymous said...

Given up sensible debate have we? The worst abusers here are those that condemn the mayor, not those who support. Isn't it time some of you evolved?
While your "mayor" continues to insult and abuse anyone who disagrees with him, his only weapons will be turned back upon him and used against him. What did you expect, that people would simply accept his foul-mouthed attacks? Now you're upset at being on the receiving end, but while you continue to support the potty-mouthed flip flop flim flam, you can't complain.

Anonymous said...

Employed, hard working and happy. Not at all like you, Anon.

So, you answer my insult with an insult. Don't you get it? Have you got nothing but Michael's effluent between your ears?

Laws sets the tone of the debate to "gutter abuse", then his supporters bleat in horror when it stays there.

Michel Cullen once asked of Parliament "What is the point of Michael Laws?" To this day not a single intelligent answer has been received.