Oh what a tangled web...
Yes Watchers, that sound you can hear is Guyton Street's spin whirring to a halt as the Spin Fairy leaves the building. Long time Mayoral apologist Helen Lawrence apparently didn't receive an apology for allegedly being referred to in exceptionally unpleasant terms by His Worship at a recent senior managers' meeting, and yesterday walked in and cleared her desk.
She wisely chose a Mayorless day to do so, lest she suffer learning first hand what her former employer thinks of people who exhibit any backbone when confronted with unacceptable behaviour.
Mindful that anyone of any age can read LawsWatch, and thus of our self-imposed PG rating, we won't repeat the comment that led to the walkout. Suffice it to say that had it emerged from the tattooed lips of one of the town's notorious bikies in Majestic Square, the rattle of dropped latte cups would have been heard in New Plymouth.
Unfortunately for the Diva, a close personal friend of the Spin Fairy happens to be amongst the senior management team. We don't know what he thought of the comment, but we do know it was passed on to her, and she was understandably not impressed.
Counselled to take some leave and consider her options she apparently did so. We would imagine she also awaited an apology from the author of such potty-mouthedness, but alas she waited in vain.So yet another outburst from the Mayor - this time very much in his official capacity - is likely to cause strife for Council. If Ms Lawrence does decide her humiliation and lost employment is worth being compensated for and brings in the lawyers, it won't be the first time the Diva's treatment of employees has ended up costing the ordinary person money. His treatment of staffers in the NZ First office when he was left in charge for a few months cost the taxpayer at least one five figure settement - an amount virtually unheard of at the time (and of course Winston went on to wrongfully dismiss another employee all by himself, but managed to avoid socking the taxpayer with the bill that time. We can only wonder what the Diva did to warrant such a large payout). Any settlement over this incident would come not from the Mayor but from Council - which means you, dear ratepayer.
And if she (or any other witness to the comment) wanted to, they could bring a fresh Code of Conduct Complaint. Even given the fact that Dotty has taken mindless sycophancy to new heights, we can't see how she'd help him wriggle out of this one.
And the fallout doesn't stop there. A senior manager now has, we imagine, divided loyalties. And Council has lost the services of someone who was very good - in fact far too good - at her job.
Lawrence was a former private secretary to a Cabinet Minister and was Land Information NZ communications co-ordinator when lured away by the Diva just over a year ago (late February 2005, to be exact), who said at the time:
We are very lucky to have her. Helen is widely regarded in Wellington and it is fantastic that her lifestyle decision to relocate to Wanganui has coincided with this vacancy. She will play a key management role in improving council communications – both internal and external.She certainly kept her part of the bargain - the spin coming from Guyton Street was insistent and often impenetrable. Albeit aided and abetted by a press that is either lacklustre (yes, we're talking about you again, Mr Maslin) or fawning (and ears must be burning at the RCP about now) Ms Lawrence did a sterling job of keeping the Mayor's - and often only the Mayor's - opinions in front of the public. Unfortunately for the Diva, the internal communication system worked a little too well.
Who will replace her we wonder? Our pick: watch for the return of Antoinette Beck, the only employee not to have parted with the Diva on bad terms.
Comments on this post are now closed.
Everything he touches turns to, altogether now...
You forget to mention the spin fairy's job of sending out bilious mayoressy press statements slagging off Horizons.
Presumably that responsibility will now fall into Jenna's lap along with the 3-ply custodial role and round the clock LawsWatch monitoring and contributing.
Such a lot of responsibility, surely, for such young shoulders. How will she find time for god-mothering duties?
Well done Laws watch.
not one word of your latest verbiage is true except that Helen Lawrence resigned. Of course you can't repeat the phrase (because you made it up)! Caught out on a lie again.
As a WDC lifer I'm not sure that the Watcher who reported this got their facts straight because the mayor does not meet with senior management. Senior management would like to meet with him but I'm told he insists that his staff contact is with the CEO.
Just when you think the stinking cesspit of corruption in which the rotten corpse of this council floats can’t get any worse …. Here’s Item 3 for tomorrow’s meeting to rubber stump Mickey Mayor’s Splash Centre vote buying binge:
3. Budget and financial implications
And the reason for this latest cloak of secrecy?
“Discussion of politically sensitive issues that will really piss people off and we get our sorry arses kicked out of here at the first opportunity.”
Sadly not. It’s actually the well used old favourite for papering over every crack and gagging non-Vision councillors:
“Discussion of commercially sensitive issues and industrial matters.”
As a WDC lifer I'm not sure that the Watcher who reported this got their facts straight because the mayor does not meet with senior management.
Huh? since when. Look at attendees of Council minutes. Workshops. Internal committees
Just a word on comments on this issue. While the Mayor may or may not have said it, we won't be repeating the word that was allegedly used to describe Ms Lawrence, in posts or in comments, even if you replace most of the letters with asterisks.
If it was used about her, it only increases the hurt. If it wasn't then there's even less excuse.
Please avoid our having to re-type comments with expletives deleted, as we've done for anonymous @ 5.56pm below:
Word has it that he has [used the insult] on at least one occasion and reduced her to tears several times (take at face value as this came from a friend of a friend!). It seems that Laws has a habit of dictating press releases then afterward forgetting they were his own words or changing his mind. Either way Helen received the abuse and was referred to as useless, usually in ear shot of others. Poor girl, I hope she takes him to the cleaners.
Similarly, unless it's particularly relevant (such as when the Mayor appears to be writing the speeches of our Horizons rep, who just happens to be his wife) we're going to keep personal relationships out of it.
Seems a few of you know who Ms Lawrence's close personal friend is, but their relationship is their own business.
So sorry, anon @ 5.59 pm, we'd like to be a fly on the wall the next time the Diva and the manager concerned meet in the hallowed halls of Guyton St too, but we'll avoid naming names at this stage.
It's no secret round the ocuncil that the mayor has been topping up Helen's salary. Wonder if he'll do that for the next one in the hot seat.
Divided loyalties? The loyalties are divided between, in the red corner, Michael Laws, and in the blue corner, the City of Wanganui, and the competent governance of same.
Only morons would be rooting for the red corner, and the tragic thing is that Wanganui appears to have elected six of them.
Forget about earthquake vulnerability, this council seems to have a bad case of leaky building syndrome if comments here are any indication.
Time to bring in Bob (Walker) the Builder who strangely has been very subdued of late.
But then it hasn't been a good month for real estate peddlars prone to personal abuse, has it?
This is the last thing the new CEO needs right now as he tries to cope with the messy business of slicing $500,000 off the corporate budget. The man is obviously feeling the stress. How many Wednesdays before he sneaks in and clears out his desk, do you think?
Wouldn't it be great if all the women at Guyton street, and that means you too Dot and Sally, made a stand and showed some support for Helen.
He has no right to treat people like that and don't have to stand for that sort of behaviour
Anonymous said...
As a WDC lifer I'm not sure that the Watcher who reported this got their facts straight because the mayor does not meet with senior management. Senior management would like to meet with him but I'm told he insists that his staff contact is with the CEO.
If you are a lifer at the council and that is what you know/believe then you have wasted your life.
Maybe your job should go to help Micky save some of the $500,000 from the council's internal budget.
Time for another Vision supporter spelling b. More words to test the visionaries with:
What a load of rubbish. But then why let the truth spoil a good story. I can tell you none of this is true, apart from her close personal relationship with one of the managers. And tell us why would a junior events co-ordinator who doesn't have an office at WDC take over a senior council press statement role. Where do you get all this rubbish LW? How about some real news.
C'mon LW, not long since you were slagging Helen Lawrence off. Now it suits you to be her best friend. And you call ML sick. Does anyone know that he has treated her badly. We haven't heard why she left. Was she doing her job properly. How about some facts, some TRUTH.
Dollars to donuts LW that there's no PG. The lady told everyone that she was not happy in Wanganui and that we were too provincial for her tastes. So did serving a Tartar finally get too much.
C'mon LW, not long since you were slagging Helen Lawrence off. Now it suits you to be her best friend. And you call ML sick.
Yes, we've been highly critical of Helen Lawrence in the past. We believed (and still believe) that she shouldn't have leant on the local press to publish only material approved by Guyton Street; that she should have done more to counsel her boss against spinning quite so hard and fast that the truth becomes obscured; that she should have acted as a conduit for information to the people of Wanganui rather than as an agent of cover-ups and deceit.
But those are criticisms of her professional behaviour. That doesn't mean she deserves to be personally abused by anyone, let alone her employer.
But then so many supporters of the Mayor can't tell where the political/professional ends and the personal begins, as evidenced by their comments here.
Where do you get all this rubbish LW? How about some real news.
The Mayor's closest staff ally walks out, reportedly as a result of his behaviour, and you try to claim it's not news?
We take it this is your application for Ms Lawrence's job, anon? Next please...
Where's the proof she was personally abused? None of this has been substantiated by the people who would or should know - the mayor, HL, the staff that work there. It is true that HL was unhappy in Wanganui and had been for months. She told me she regretted leaving Wellington one night because Wangas had no culture. I was flippant (she would remember) and said that she hadn't looked inside my refrigerator then!
But I was pleased for her that she has found happiness if not at work, and so say all of us.
Where's the proof she was personally abused? None of this has been substantiated by the people who would or should know - the mayor, HL, the staff that work there.
She got a mouthful. She requested some leave to calm down. She was telephoned so some more abuse could be delivered. She came into work and tendered her resignation "effective immediately" and did her best to get out before 12 when ML arrives at work. No doubt your theory about disliking the provincial lifestyle is spot on!
Wouldn't it be great if all the women at Guyton street, and that means you too Dot and Sally, made a stand and showed some support for Helen.
Ditto the men. In fact, isn't it Dr. Warburton's job to ensure a secure and safe working environment?
I'm pretty sure I'd get banned from the building if I talked to staff there like that. Why should shitsack Laws be any different?
There's some BS being spun here esp by Anon at 11.32pm - is that whot cocoa does at that hour? Eveyone knew HL was unhappy with her job, Council and Wanganui because she told everyone for months. There was no incident - she returned from 10 days leave and resigned. The mayor is not at Council on Wednesdays because he is in Auckland recording his TV shows.
Why did she get a mouthful? There must have been a reason. Was it a case of a boss sounding off because he was unhappy with her performance? Anything wrong with that? This is all a bit one sided. And it is our business because?
Anon 11.32
can you substantiate this. Sorry, but there is so many lies in this blog, it is hard to know what to believe anymore without some sort of proof. I heard she wasn't performing and it was a mutual decision.
C’mon Laws Watch. Spare us your crocodile tears for Helen Lawrence. She wasn’t some innocent who’d just landed from another planet and saw an advert to help the dynamic blah blah new mayor bring democracy and transparency to a picturesque but sleepy little town with cheap grazing for her horses.
If anybody knew what she was coming to and for in Wangas it was Helen Lawrence. Remember, she had the unique perspective of watching Mickey do his silent (and noisy) killer act in Wellington. If she didn’t actually help mop up the blood from the floor of Parliament, she sure was part of the chattering classes who shared, and still share, horror stories about how he operated and what happens to his loyal lieutenants when he decides they’ve past their use-by date.
She was knowingly recruited to play a key role in managing his attack on Wanganui and she showed no qualms about acting as his spy and agent provocateur in Guyton St. That won her no friends outside the mayoral suite and neither did her constant bleating about Wanganui being a provincial backwater.
Mickey and Helen: a marriage made in heaven. Too bad if she woke up one day and found it had turned into her own private hell.
Presumably Helen’s new “friend” will now be running scared and wondering if he’ll be disestablished in the coming Guyton Street massacre (vengeance is mine, saith the mayor).
But that would be a political mistake for Mickey as he would be well advised to keep this man hostage, axe poised. After all, he’s already made one big mistake making an enemy out of the one person who knows better than anyone where the bodies are buried. He’ll now be out to make sure she doesn’t dig up any of those bodies and invite her mates in the national media around for the exhumation party.
Hate your job?
Looking for a nice 5-figure sum to sweeten your resignation?
Try new! Improved!! Mayoral Abuse!!!
Just push Mickey's buttons and let the lawyers do the rest.
*cue jingle*
Huh? since when. Look at attendees of Council minutes. Workshops. Internal committees
6:30 PM, April 27, 2006
There are no 'internal committees'.
It's factual that ML doesn't have meetings with senior management thereby suggesting the speculation earlier is incorrect. Senior staff (apart from CE) are only present when the Mayor is present at committee meetings open to public.
The Chron need to get to work on this story!
I see ML's on the re-election trail again with the splash centre .... watch out Whanganui! The question is who will stand with him.?
Why did she get a mouthful? There must have been a reason. Was it a case of a boss sounding off because he was unhappy with her performance? Anything wrong with that? This is all a bit one sided. And it is our business because?
Is it wrong for a boss (any boss) to abuse an employee in front of other employees? Errr... yes. The correct method of dealing with non-performance is a private discussion, not a public tantrum. If the employee fails to respond and isn't re-trainable, then a mutual parting of the ways may be in order. But that process shouldn't involve the utterance of expletives by either party.
We can only hope you're neither an employer (for your employees' sakes) or an employee (for your own sake) if you think that the situation detailed here constitutes good industrial relations practice, anon.
And the situation is doubly complicated here since the actual employer is Dr Warburton, as it was Parliamentary Services when Mickey's last experiment in human resources management imploded in everyone's faces.
Guess it's easy to be bombastic when it's not your own money that's on the line.
Anonymous said...
There's some BS being spun here... There was no incident.
6:59 AM, April 28, 2006
...he was unhappy with her performance?...
7:10 AM, April 28, 2006
...she wasn't performing and it was a mutual decision...
8:03 AM, April 28, 2006
Oh come on Mickey. Can't you at least get your lies straight? So, there was no incident, but the incident that did occur was ok because Mickey was unhappy (poooor Miiickkeeeyyy), and she said "I'm outa here" and he said "good riddance".
Thankyou for confirming the LW story in every detail.
Would you like a spade?
This morning’s sequence of comments between 6.59- 8.03 will ring a bell with any parent who’s ever walked in on hair pulling, pinching name-calling scrap between the bully of the family and one of his sisters.
First, the denial: I didn’t do it … it didn’t happen …she’s making it up … you’re making it up … you’re always picking on me and I know you hate m. So there!
Second, the justification: ‘She deserved it … She started it … I’m the biggest so I can do what I like to her … it’s none of your business.’
Third, the cover up: ‘We were just having a play fight … she doesn’t mind … she was being silly … I didn’t really hurt her … she doesn’t really mean it when she screamed’
There are no 'internal committees'.
It's factual that ML doesn't have meetings with senior management thereby suggesting the speculation earlier is incorrect. Senior staff (apart from CE) are only present when the Mayor is present at committee meetings open to public.
WDC Referendum working party members:
Greg Tichbon, Jay Paterson, Sue Westwood, Ian McGowan, Randhir Dahya, Stu Hylton, Mayor Michael laws, Kevin Ross, Helen Lawrence, Don McGregor, Dot McKinnon, Murray Hughes, Noeline Moosman
So would you mind pulling your head out of Michael's arse, anon?
Anonymickey (fresh from playing the pious prat) said... on Tuesday
A very big Dawn Parade today and a very interesting mayoral party which was the RSA president, ML, the CEO and Chester Borrows MP all very matey.
10:15 AM, April 25, 2006
So is this how he was entertaining
old mates do you think?
"Hey me old cobbers, let me tell you our chaps didn't go off and lose their lives to let stroppy wimmin rule the world, eh? Let me tell you, mateys, I really stuck it to that stroppy sheila in my office. Didn't I Dave, old china. Good Lord, I told her she was a useless ---- and then I told her she was an even more useless ----. And buggered if she isn't threatening me with a bunch of poofy lawyers. Well, I'll show her and I'll show them. I'm telling you, they don't like it up 'em. No siree."
I wonder if Helen is reading lawswatch these days. Hell maybe she even contributed and supported Mickey.
Wonder how she feels now as the Laws supporters turn their guns on her.
Careful Mickey, she might just want to spill some beans
would like to hear the voice of reason i.e. rob vinsen`s take on all this
Seems like a good time to refresh a few memories re the Council's Code of Conduct. Yes, the very same one that Mick and Dottie demonstrated so much respect for in 2005.
Now folks, even though anyone who followed the hearings last year may be forgiven for believing otherwise, the Code hasn't changed since Mick took the reins.
I think in the light of events at Guyton Street, it's worth posting this section of the Code. This is lifted direct from the Council's website, incidentally.
Take a deep breath and start reading,
The effective performance of the Council also requires a high level of co-operation and mutual
respect between elected members and staff. To ensure that the level of co-operation and trust is
maintained, elected members will:
• recognise that the Chief Executive Officer is the employer (on behalf of the Council) of all
Council employees, and as such only the Chief Executive Officer may hire, dismiss or instruct or censure an employee;
• make themselves aware of the obligations that the Council, through the Chief Executive
Officer, has as an employer and observe those requirements at all times;
• treat all employees with courtesy and respect (including the avoidance of aggressive,
offensive or abusive Conduct towards employees);
• generally contact only the Chief Executive Officer, Corporate Planning Manager or the
appropriate activity manager for information and advice;
• not do anything which compromises, or could be seen to compromise, the impartiality of
an employee;
• avoid publicly criticising any employee, especially in ways that reflect on the competence
and integrity of the employee;
• raise concerns about employees only with the Chief Executive Officer, and concerns about
the Chief Executive Officer only with the Mayor or the Audit and Administration Committee.
Failure to observe this portion of the Code of Conduct may compromise the Council’s obligations to act as a good employer and may expose the Council to civil litigation and audit sanctions.
I rest my case.
What about incompetent staff? Why is there no Code about them?
In fact, isn't it Dr. Warburton's job to ensure a secure and safe working environment?
Yes it should be, however I know of a case when a female WDC employee went to her boss about another staff member slagging her off to all newcomers, almost to the point of workplace harrassment. And was told they couldn't do anything.
What about incompetent staff? Why is there no Code about them?
It's called an employment contract (or sometimes an Award), occasionally supplemented by SOPs, KPIs, JDs and other HR acronyms. In short, there's plenty of control over employees' behaviour in any workplace. We're beginning to wonder, has no one here ever been employed or employed anyone else? 8-\
has no one here ever been employed or employed anyone else?
Mickey would have to be the obvious candidate: he's never done anything honest at all, let alone a day's work.
What about incompetent staff? Why is there no Code about them?
Red herring Mickey: the point is that you're incompetent. It doesn't matter how many people join you down there.
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