Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Once, twice, thrice

Splash Centre, Michael Laws, Mayor, WanganuiAmidst the hoopla, fanfare, smoke, mirrors and carefully orchestrated patsy questions from the floor at tomorrow's meetings to reveal Mickey's plans for the Heart of Wanganui project, Watchers need to ask three simple questions. And keep on asking them, three times three times three times if necessary.

  1. How much will it cost?

  2. How firm is that figure and what measures are being taken to ensure cost over-runs don't occur?

  3. In the event that 1 and 2 above prove to be porkies, who foots the bill for the blow-out? The contractors? The architects? The Council (i.e. the residents of Wanganui).
If Mickey isn't gnawing on his own gavel by then, you might even slip in a fourth:

Will you reiterate your previous pledge that Council will not, under any circumstances, step in with our money to cover operating expenses?
In the interests of keeping everyone's minds focused on those simple questions, here endeth the post.

Comments on this post are now closed.


Anonymous said...

6 million, come on, what's 6 million between elections. It's one way to buy the 4000 votes from the people who put their tick on the poll papers.

Anonymous said...

this heart project is a bit of a puzzle for you drongo arties isn't it? They're all your institutions -Council would be better off getting a V8 track. Do you choose one of the options or boycott like Manyon or vote to do nothing as ML said you can last week?

Anonymous said...

"6 million"
Are we getting a swimming pool or a Disneyland?

Anonymous said...

"this heart project is a bit of a puzzle for you drongo arties isn't it?"

Seeing as the details aren't given until tomorrow, I'd say at this stage it's a puzzle for all of us.
Unless you are Flaws or one of his Dwarves and are a little previous with your argument.

Anonymous said...

Forget the arties( they we be happy with any bone you give them), the Heart project is great news for the opposition.

Anonymous said...

So Sally's vision has finally been revealed to the public, a library, a library, a library or another library .. go Sally! ( the Empress to likes of us) Unfortunately the little man she thinks will deliver might have his work cut out on this project. Go Diva!

Anonymous said...

did anyone ask the questions?
what was it like? did the architects say they were under mayoral riding instructions?

Anonymous said...

Great presentation at the Memorial Hall today. I was sceptical but it was great. Even earned a clap from all there. This will be great for Wanganui and everyone who can should get along to the meetings. Good one ML.

Anonymous said...

For those who missed the presentation today, the website for the Heart options is -

Anonymous said...

50 million!
$250 per annum per ratepayer!
Show me that "no thankyou" box, I've got some ticking to do!

Anonymous said...

Just came from the 'Heart' evening presentation. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$and more$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Interesting to note the one 'option' for the Sarjeant costs either the same or more(can't remember, still staggering from all the $$$$$$)than the Warren and Mahoney extension and does not pretend to fulfill the gallery's needs as I guess the Warren and Mahoney plan will be on the referendum as an option......or maybe not.