Friday, October 20, 2006

Say it isn't so!

Rumours are reaching the Cave - and we emphasise they are only rumours - that the Diva will not be standing again for mayor. No less than half a dozen informants have contacted LawsWatch in the last 24 hours, breathlessly imparting the news (well, the emails read like they'd been written breathlessly, anyway).

Our informants claimed to have sourced their information from "business people in the know", to "someone at the Chron" to "my neighbour who works at Council". A variation on the rumour is that, while abandoning the mayoralty, he'll still stand as a councillor.

Like much of the information which reaches our ears, we're taking it all with a Dead Sea's worth of salt. We find it particularly difficult to believe that Emperor Mickey would be happy to become a mere courtesan in the court of, say, Queen Dotty. But then again, when he's made a mess of things before he's been smart enough to realise that he can do as much - if not more - by lurking in the shadows and pulling the strings of a figurehead too lazy or too stupid to do their own thinking (c.f. NZ First).

At least as likely are two other possibilities:
- our informants are as mad as Mickey; or
- this is a disinformation campaign.

However, given that we've now exceeded the usual trigger point for something to rate a passing mention - we've heard it independently from at least three reasonably credible sources* - we'll dutifully make mention of said rumours and leave it to you, dear reader, to decide whether you attach any credibility to it.

Being Friday afternoon, we're not averse to opening the odd bottle of Pinot Noir and speculating on a post-apocalyptic post-Mickey future. Like, what if an ambitious diVisionite decided that serving under Mickey's chosen successor was more than she could bear and decided to have a tilt at the top job? Would there then be two diVision candidates for the job? Would one be forced from the fold? And what would Dotty do if Mickey failed to endorse her as per their agreement?! A catfight in Guyton Street? Jelly wrestling in (enough! For the love of God, enough! - Ed).

* Credible sources: anyone who manages to correspond using complete sentences, avoids using ALL CAPTALS and, most importantly, puts their name to their emails.

Comments on this post are now closed.


Anonymous said...

Who cares ? He will be side-lined, and leave Dottie with all the problems ...

Anonymous said...

"Yeah Kate G was a firecracker and had a good relationship with everyone including the mayor."

How do you work that out? Kate G, like Sue D and Helen L before, is taken out of normal council circulation and shares an office space behind Ngaire the pitbull alongside ML. I'd guess that most WDC staff don't know what Kate looks like let alone have a relationship with her (good or otherwise). This new seating arrangement is ML's doing to keep them close enough to ensure that his soundbites reach the streets ASAP.

Anonymous said...

I say good on Kate for escapeing like all the rest!
Go Kate!

Anonymous said...

Are you all illiterate in here or is that just the inbreeding?

Anonymous said...

The ONLY person that counts when it comes to standing or not is the mayor himself. unless he says so publicly, I'd discount anything to the contrary.

Has he said so? Has he heck. He'll stand again but not because he needs the money, that's for sure. Because it's a game and that makes him even more dangerous.

Anonymous said...

Most of the people I speak to are saying they hope ML stands for Mayor again. I haven't had one person say to me they hope he doesn't. It will be a pity if he doesn't but I doubt if he will go back as a councillor.

Anonymous said...

From this news, Laws Watch, it would appear that ML's phone poll gave him a somewhat different result to that risibly claimed here by his alter ego at 10:33pm:

Anonymous said...

Who cares who stands, the public have had enough. Don't you read your own polls Michael?

Anonymous said...

Responding to 19/10 9:30PM's question about the original Splash Centre cost, it was stated in big, bold letters on the 05 referendum glossy that the cost would be $1.25m* in year 1 and $1.25m* in year 2. I have cut and pasted the footnote from said glossy. Here it is.

*The additional operating expenditure of this project will need to be borne by the Splash Centre and not the Council. Council's contribution is the capital funding and some projects may need to 'cut their cloth' as a consequence.

Anonymous said...

Mickey turned out to be a right jonah for the rugby team.

Poncing around at half time with his oversized gas-powered dork firing t-shirts into the crowd like Caligula at the races. What a wanker.

Anonymous said...

That last poster on the rugby is the real wanker.

The job of any mayor is to play 'booster' for their province on any and all occasions. everyone knows the guy is a rugby nut 9he's hosted his own show on the Rugby Channel for the last couple of years). He have a cicic reception for the team, travelled around the country to support them and was asked by the WRFU to play a role. How do I know that - because my partner works for the WRFU.

The team appreciated his support and so did most everyone I know. when the poster creep does anything like the same for Wanganui rugby then he can speak but until then he/she will just be what they are - a wanker.

Anonymous said...

I see the same guys referred to in the 'popularity hilarity' blog were parading at the rugby with a benner 'we love Laws'. that sort of proves the comments of the 'Fitzy for mayor' commentator.

Anonymous said...

What are the credentials of the architects involved with the Heart of Wanganui project? anyone know?

Anonymous said...

What does 'water guy' , Cr Brookhammer, 'the young new thing' and the mayor have in common? Answers on a postcard, care of the staff room at Gyton Street.

Anonymous said...

Well, all anyone could hear over the PA at half time was "mayor Laws...mayor Laws....mayor Laws etc ad nauseam"

Nothing about the team at all.

Meanwhile the little guy's spuffing T-shirts into the stands.

Tragedy, or comedy? Or high farce?

Anonymous said...

Responding to 8:29 on 22/10 the architects on the Heart project are well thought of and, I'm certain we're paying them accordingly. However, we might not be getting particularly good value for our money because instead of the usual give and take between architect and client what happens is that drawings are sent to Wanganui, then there is a long silence, then they are sent back with specific instructions about changes to be made.

Why is this not surprising? Ian Athfield was smart to jump ship early on in the process.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Responding to 8:29 on 22/10 the architects on the Heart project are well thought of and, I'm certain we're paying them accordingly.

The real interest on Thursday will be watching the body language as ML tries to keep these two individuals under control and prevent them telling the truth. To do that he'll have to show them his true (redneck) colours by suppressing any attempt by the audience to engage with them. They will not be impressed, even though no one in the audience will be surprised by anything the Little Dictator tries,

Messrs Bossley and Mitchell may be do his bidding so long as they're in Auckland and it's effectively just a paper transaction, but they won't roll over and play dead at his command in the Concert Chamber.

Anonymous said...

Face it, Mickey, “the media” (as opposed to your moronic radio bosses) thinks you’re a (sick) joke. The Listener Media column is not only amazed that anyone with an ounce of decency and humanity plays Mickey Mayor’s radio game but even manages to take the piss over the eyeliner”

“FROM OUR ODD GIVEAWAYS ON RADIO FILE, Radio Live has disposed of $20,000 worth of plastic surgery on Michael Laws’s breakfast show. Incredibly, the winner has decided to give the prize to a burns unit rather than opt for permanent eyeliner tattooing.”

Anonymous said...

The Listener are morons because Laws doesn't have a breakfast show. And what a great idea - $20,000 of cosmetic surgery to a burns unit. One wishes all giveaways were that altruistic - more points for the mayor for his incredible generosity.

Anonymous said...

Shit if laws has a 5 year contract with canWest then according to tonight's Tv news he's in the right place because they're making real money. He's done well for a Tech boy.

Bearhunter said...

"One wishes all giveaways were that altruistic - more points for the mayor for his incredible generosity."

If you took your face out of ML's arse, you might notice that the WINNER of the competition gave the prize away, not Mickey, so while it's nice to see some generosity of spirit in this country, whaddya know, it didn't come from Mental Mickey.