Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Don't cry for me, Whakatane

Since Dotty and the Dwarves meekly patted the Diva on the back, let him off the leash (and any other similies you can think of for "were utterly emasculated by") and allowed him to return to his less-than-complimentary ways following the Code of Conduct hearings, Watchers feel we ought to publish a list of places it's now unsafe for them to visit.

There's Raetihi, of course. And Stratford. Christchurch, and now Whakatane.

But unlike Wanganui, it seems these towns won't simply sit mutely by while swamped with a spray from the Diva. The mayor of Stratford suggested his Wanganui counterpart should pull his head in, pointing out that he's got a lot to learn about local government. A confrontation between the two on National Radio resulted in the Diva taking something of a pasting.

Then the Whakatane Beacon took him to task (on 30 November) over comments made about that town, only to find a distinct lack of willingness to support his invective with facts or even reasoned argument. For those Watchers who haven't seen the original floating round town (reproduced above) here's the text:

by Keith Melville

Wanganui mayor and Sunday Star Times columnist Michael Laws has declined to take up a Beacon invitation to come to Whakatane to debate his comments that our town is the "trash capital of New Zealand".

Commenting in the Sunday newspaper on the recent court case in which two Whakatane men with gang connections assaulted a two-year-old boy over a period of seven weeks, former MP Mr Laws said: "If Christchurch is the poor white trash capital, then Whakatane is simply the trash capital.

"It has more pond scum infesting its surrounds than algae in Lake Rotorua."

But the man who leads Wanganui has refused to justify his comments after an approach by the Beacon and will not even say when he was last in Whakatane.

Perhaps he has enough on his plate dealing with Wanganui, which is hardly free from crime.

According to a Wanganui Chronicle article published on Friday some central city businesses are considering quitting the city or hiring security guards to combat what they say is drug-fuelled thuggery.

Mr Laws, who seems to specialise in being outrageous , was asked by email last week whether he was prepared to front up to "the trash capital of New Zealand" to debate the issues he had raised.

He was also asked to back up his claims with statistical evidence and whether he accepted that his comments had probably damaged the work many Whakatane people had done to promote Whakatane as a safe place to visit.

The following email exchange took place with Mr Laws, who also dabbles in show business and failed to survive a recent Celebrity Treasure Island television series.

Mr Laws: "Who are you?"

Keith Melville: "I am a reporter."

Mr Laws: "Obviously not a very good one, given that you don't appear to have interviewed anyone prior to your email. Definitely a stupid one given your obvious mock-outrage."

Keith Melville: "Did you have a bad day in the council, Michael? Seriously, the invitation is still open if you want to answer the questions."

Mr Laws did not reply, but our invitation to see the many positive aspects of Whakatane remains open to a man who is particularly adept at talking trash.
A sidebar headed Who is Michael Laws? reminds Beacon readers of the Diva's unsavoury Parliamentary career and the "political scandal" that ended it.

Of course the Whakatane (and Christchurch and Stratford and Raetihi) slagging-off is exactly the sort of thing that formed much of the substance of the Code of Conduct complaints, yet Council effectively gave the Mayor permission to go back to business as usual, which he characterised at the time as "acting in the best interests of Wanganui". It's just a mystery why the poor simple folk of Whakatane (and Christchurch and Stratford and Raetihi) don't see it that way.

Meanwhile on the CoC there hasn't been another word about a review, though Dotty and the Dwarves promised they'd get right onto it as soon as the whitewash was completed. What gives? Surely they're not afraid they'd make total tits of themselves in light of all that's happened since, are they?

Code of Conduct - Investigation into alleged breaches of the Code - 27/06/05
Executive Summary
It was also recommended by the Audit and Administration Committee that the Wanganui District Council proceeds with the review of the Code of Conduct as already resolved by the Council at its meeting held on 21 February 2005.
Update (7.25 pm): The good folk at the Beacon have kindly sent us another story they ran, again on the front page, this time on 6 December. Seems the local iwi aren't impressed by the Diva either:

Eastern Bay of Plenty Maori are calling for Wanganui mayor and newspaper columnist Michael Laws to front up with an apology for comments they believe are racist and a slur on local iwi.

Commenting in the Sunday Star Times last month on a recent court case in which two Whakatane men with gang connections assaulted a two-year-old boy over a period of seven weeks, the former National Party MP said: "If Christchurch is the poor white trash capital, then Whakatane is simply the trash capital.

"It has more pond scum infesting its surrounds than algae in Lake Rotorua."

Mr Laws’ insults made headlines in the Beacon but he has since refused to justify his remarks or reveal when he was last in Whakatane – despite being challenged to do so by the Beacon.

However, Ngati Umutahi elder John Peri said Mr Laws was in Whakatane last year. Mr Peri is outraged by the comments, which he believes are aimed at Maori, and he is demanding an apology.

"You can see through the mist that he is actually talking about Maori," Mr Peri said. "That’s not fair and he’s not going to get away with it.

"Is he talking about the gang element? Well, that is just a small part of our iwi, if at all. Doesn’t he see what our people are doing and how they are right up there in New Zealand initiatives with steam and forestry. We are certainly not scum."

Mr Peri said under tikanga Maori, if someone in Whakatane took umbrage to remarks made by another person they would want that person to come and apologise.

He said there were a lot of angry Maori in the Eastern Bay, especially given the support they had shown to Wanganui Maori over the years in all sorts of issues. Ngati Hamua people living in Te Teko had a particularly close relationship with that area.

Mr Peri said Maori in Wanganui needed to talk to their mayor and bring him to Whakatane to apologise.

Alternatively, Mr Laws could make it clear what he was not talking about. "If he was not talking about Maori, he had better apologise to somebody else."
We particularly like the turn of phrase "you can see through the mist". So much more poetic than "you can see through the smoke a mirrors". If Mr Peri doesn't mind, we think we'll save that one for later. We hope Mr Peri communicates Ngati Umutahi's distress to Ken Mair, which should make for an interesting next Mayor/Mair meeting.

Comments on this post are now closed.


Anonymous said...

But unlike Wanganui, it seems these towns won't simply sit mutely by while swamped with a spray from the Diva. The mayor of Stratford suggested his Wanganui counterpart should pull his head in, pointing out that he's got a lot to learn about local government. A confrontation between the two on National Radio resulted in the Diva taking something of a pasting.


More Bullshit, LawsWatch. Play the transcript & you'll see it was Strateford admitting that 9,000 people constituting a council could be considered too small.
Do you wankers ever get any of your facts right? I mean there's not even an anti-vision candidate in the by-election.

Laws Watch said...

Tut-tut LawsWatch - taking it all out of context?

We're not taking anything in any way. Whakatane folk, and the local media, however, are taking the comments - portraying the entire town as "pond scum" and NZ's "trash capital" based on the admittedly disgusting actions of just three of its inhabitants - as an insult.

Anonymous said...

Well, Michael is certainly quick off the mark in having his two bobs' worth here at LawsWatch. He probably wishes he got the Spin Fairy onto the job with the Whakatane paper a bit sooner -- but then they're probably not push-overs like our own local rag.

He must have been on tenterhooks waiting for today's post to go up so he could spin his usually bullshit.

But the real question is, Why do you publish his pathetic rubbish, Laws Watch? Is that really what this blog is designed for?

It certainly is a gift to his ego to let him get this stuff off his chest. Surely anyone who wants to know what Michael Laws is saying will go to HIS website or the council's website, or just settle for the press releases in the chron and elsewhere?

Why don't you stick your job. After all this site is called LawsWatch, NOT LawsSpeaks, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Three residents?? The head of Police in Whakatane was quoted as saying they had a "violent gang culture" in BOP that had played a good part in the offending mentioned by the mayor.
And why would the mayor GO to Whakatane at the behest of some lathered journo? Who goes anywhere on that basis?

Anonymous said...

The Code of Conduct hearing made it unanimously & crystal clear that what the mayor says in his Sunday columns is his personal comments/views, and nothing to do with his official duties as mayor.

Anonymous said...

Why don't you stick your job. After all this site is called LawsWatch, NOT LawsSpeaks, isn't it?

8:08 PM, December 06, 2005


The phobia strikes again. The mayor has many supporters in Wangas and I'm one. I can't imagine he cares in the least what some rag in Whakatane thinks - in fact, as a columnist, he's had the desired effect of getting great reaction and coverage!
By the way, I got the column posted here off his website which was freely available to LawsWatch too.

Laws Watch said...

Why do you publish his pathetic rubbish, Laws Watch? Is that really what this blog is designed for?

In a way, yes. What he writes here hopefully tells people as much - if not more - about his attitude and behaviour than anything we write ourselves.

Anyway, most of the time he denies he's "anonymous". And some of the time, he's right ;-)

Anonymous said...

"The Code of Conduct hearing made it unanimously & crystal clear that what the mayor says in his Sunday columns is his personal comments/views, and nothing to do with his official duties as mayor."

Unanimously apart from abstentions that is. And now we're seeing the result: the rest of New Zealand thinks WDC's ludicrous "ruling" is bullshit, or mist if you prefer ;)

And what webilliterate posted Mickey's column instead of a link to it? Perhaps the moderator was asleep?

Anonymous said...

anon said...And what webilliterate posted Mickey's column instead of a link to it? Perhaps the moderator was asleep?

This commenter is right.

I don't know about the rest of the people who look at comments but I'm sick of wasting my time wading through self-serving posts that are obviously coming from the mayor.

Why not just appoint Laws as moderator and let him have totally free rein over this blog?

Better still, let him and his little spin fairy write the stories as well.

Laws Watch said...

Not asleep, anonymous, just busy in the real world with one eye on the blog. Here's the commenter's comment, edited to include the URL link rather than the text:


Tut-tut LawsWatch - taking it all out of context? Read the whole of the mayor's SST column.

Link to original article

Anonymous said...

Unanimously apart from abstentions that is. And now we're seeing the result: the rest of New Zealand thinks WDC's ludicrous "ruling" is bullshit, or mist if you prefer ;)


Yet again ... wrong. Name one.

Anonymous said...

There are some crybabies in here who don't like it when some of us advance the opposing view to all the negative crap. First you try censorship, then complain. Grow up - this is a democracy and everyone is entitled to their say even if they disagree with you.

Anonymous said...

LawsWatch - if the NBR is some bad business rag that praises this mayor & council for their vision & leadership, then how come you promote their news stories on your front web page? What's that about?

Laws Watch said...

NBR happens to be one of the only NZ media outlets that offers it's headlines via an XML feed for free (or indeed, at all). While we might disagree with some of their conclusions, we're happy to accept their service (which we're not paid to promote - LW accepts no favours) and allow our readers to decide which bits of NBR (or LW, for that matter) they agree with.

Laws Watch said...

Yet again ... wrong. Name one.

While we didn't make the comment at which you've taken umbrage, we'd suggest we just did post one such example. The people (and media) of Whakatane see the insults as having come from the pen of Michael Laws, Mayor of Wanganui, not merely from Michael Laws, desperate-to-be-noticed columnist.

We happen to agree the two roles should separate in people's minds but human nature means they never will be. That in turn means anything that comes out of his mouth derogatory to others is seen as demeaning Wanganui as a whole.

It's just as if Helen Clark, art lover, said (as any one of us might) "that performance stank". The headlines would be "PM slates performers". That's the way it is and always will be for public officials, and Mickey knew that when he put his hand up to represent Wanganui.

Anonymous said...

This white trash mayor is only being true to his white trash instincts.

My Daily Struggles said...

Greetings from the USA.

Anonymous said...

What's going on at the Sarjeant? Rumour of meeting last night and the library taking control.