Monday, December 05, 2005

My secret heart

I'll Follow My Secret Heart

Written by Noel Coward

Don't be afraid I'll betray you
And destroy all the plans you have made
But even your schemes must
Make room for my dreams
So when all I owe you is pain
I'll still have something of my own
A little prize that's mine alone
I'll follow my secret heart
My whole life through
I'll keep all my dreams apart
Till one comes true
No matter what price is paid
What stars may fade above
I'll follow my secret heart...

According to the Diva's latest e-column, the architects who assisted Council earlier this year - Ian Athfield, Patrick Clifford, Pete Bossley, David Mitchell and Tony van Raat - were "unanimous" on two points:

First, the Museum building is "a dog" and has little or no architectural merit and about the same functional use. Second, that the current configuration of Majestic Square is an abomination.
Did they really? Wanganui people will have to take the Diva's word for it, because Council are adamant they won't release the architects' conclusions and recommendations, despite LawsWatch's best efforts to obtain them:

Heart of Wanganui Project - Official Information Request

Further to our letter of 28 September 2005 and the letter from the Office of the Ombudsman dated 27 October 2005, the Council has reconsidered your request for release of the material prepared from the Architects Workshop held in February this year.

The Council will not be releasing the information at this stage as the material is in draft form and decisions have not yet been taken on whether the options suggested in the reports will be pursued or not.

The Council’s decision is based on Clause 7(f)(i) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 in that the release of the information will inhibit the "effective conduct of public affairs through
- (i) The free and frank expression of opinion by or between members or officers or employees of any local authority, or any persons to whom section 2(5) of the Act applies, in the course of their duty.

You have the right by way of complaint to the Ombudsman to seek and investigation and review of the refusal to provide the information. You can contact the Ombudsman at Level 14, 70 The Terrace, PO Box 10152, Wellington.

Yours sincerely
R I McGowan
Deputy Chief Executive Officer
While the soon-to-retire Mr McGowan is coy about telling the people of Wanganui what's going on, he's much more forthcoming in talking to the people of Palmerston North, since the Manawatu Standard has been told that ratepayers might be in for a $30 million bill:

"The feasibility study could be ready as early as April-May next year," project manager Ian McGowan said yesterday. "We are at a very preliminary stage at the moment, but the final figure for the redevelopment could be anything between $5m and $30m.

"It all depends on which option we go for - whether we settle for a simple refurbishing of the existing buildings or get into the construction of new facilities."

Yesterday, the council announced that it had set aside $110,000 this financial year to develop working concepts for the Heart project.
Meanwhile the Diva is clearly seeing the Heart project in terms of picking winners; in this case the library at the expense of other amenities:

My only personal preference is that the library leads the Heart rejuvenation. That makes sense as it is the city's most utilized amenity and needs to be closer to town. There are two realistic options: that it is re-located into the War Memorial Hall as proposed in the mid-1990s, or that it is housed in a new, purpose-built facility on the current site of the museum. If the latter option is chosen, then the question must be whether the museum is housed in the same building. That would seem to make sense.
If a new, purpose-built facility is "makes sense", then that would seem to put the cost of the project at the $30 million end of the scale, as indicated by Mr McGowan.

Without an independent assessment - like, say, the one ratepayers have already paid five architects to undertake - it's impossible to know whether such a solution makes sense or not. The Diva's wasting no opportunity to promote his preference - as he has every right to do - but in the face of that promotion, and without proper, unbiased information on which to base a decision, the eventual handing of the choice of Heart options over to ratepayers will be just another referendumb.

Comments on this post are now closed.


Anonymous said...

I don't think anyone would believe McGowan is really behind this piece of arrogant crap.

Like so much about this mayor who shystered his way to office banging on about openness, transparency and apple pie, this is another case of the ratepayers being given the mushroom treatment.

It obviously suits Laws better to keep the people in the dark about the architects while feeding them bullshit about his and CJ's grand plan.

Just like the River Queen premiere bailout, yet again on the confidential list for last weeks's meeting, and the Jimmy Barnes underwriting.

Openness? Transparency? Yeah Right!

Anonymous said...

Not so sure you're right LW. The mayor's preferences seem pretty OK with library going first, museum second, War Memorial Hall third, forecourt fourth, Veteran Steps fifth, Majestic Square sixth, visitor centre seveth, pie-cart eighth ... Sarjeant Gallery six hundred and eleventh in priority order.

Anonymous said...

CJ a mate of the mayor's? I don't think so - the mayor laid into the UK propert developer as a "bad corporate citizen" at his mayoral forum last week.
You can scratch that theory, anon (4.14pm). It's well known that CJ wanted to put the library and gallery on the cnr of St Hill and Maria and was given the cold shoulder - they were going to upstairs clients for Farmer's. The scuttlebutt is that CJ was shown the door not long after the Diva arrived.

Anonymous said...

Just like the River Queen premiere bailout ...

More misinformation. What bail-out?

Anonymous said...

John Martin is NOT a candidate for the by-election. Former Chamber head Mark Simmonds joins former Nat candidate Alan Anderson as confirmed starters.
Got to say that theres nothing likely to worry the mayor from the above lot - he'd probably prefer Wanganui Security's Simmonds as they do a lot of work for the council.

Laws Watch said...

More misinformation. What bail-out?

Refer to this post and this one, anonymous.

A $220,000 shortfall (even with the $150,000 already publicly pledged by Council), more secret meetings (this time with the Cooks Gardens Trust Board)... and Wanganui residents in the dark again. The Diva has already expressed "disappointment" and blamed "the business community" for the mess. And if they're not paying, guess who will be? That bailout, is, we imagine, what the other anonymous is referring to.

Anonymous said...

he'd probably prefer Wanganui Security's Simmonds as they do a lot of work for the council

Thanks Mickey - so just why does Simmonds firm holding a council contract make him your favourite for the buy election?

Anonymous said...

" they do a lot of work for the council."

Yes, like mopping up after the mayoral upraised digit, for example.

Anonymous said...

Ohhh....that bailout. Just for a second I thought Lawsmob had you there Watchers.

What disinformation? The disinformation present in so much of what passes for Council "information" these days. Not to mention so many posts by our anonymous friend here.

Anonymous said...

It makes no difference at all who does a lot of work for Council. Mayor Michael doesn't show favourtism based on that. You must know by now that Michael is a straight up sort of guy, nothing to hide and if he doesn't like you, well then you know it. Mark Simmonds would make a good councillor. Whether Michael likes him or not? Who knows?

Anonymous said...

Who knows?

Who cares?

Anonymous said...

anon ...You must know by now that Michael is a straight up sort of guy
6:57 PM

Pulease ... it's dinner time and we don't need this sort of crap dished up right now. Go and eat your dinner, Michael and stop telling big fibs.

Anonymous said...

Hell, I've had a gender change and didn't even notice.
No, I'm not Michael.

Anonymous said...

Laws Watch said...
More misinformation. What bail-out?

Refer to this post and this one, anonymous.

A $220,000 shortfall (even with the $150,000 already publicly pledged by Council), more secret meetings (this time with the Cooks Gardens Trust Board)... and Wanganui residents in the dark again. The Diva has already expressed "disappointment" and blamed "the business community" for the mess. And if they're not paying, guess who will be? That bailout, is, we imagine, what the other anonymous is referring to.

5:27 PM, December 05, 2005


SERIOUS misinfo, LW and who would have thought you would be so silly to fall so easily. Wonder if you'll post THIS, eh?
If Council said 'x' was what they'd pay ($150K) then how does that constitute a bail-out, stupido? That's what they'll pay max. A bailout would mean a budget that couldn't be reached & the council paying MORE than $150K. Simple math but beyond the LawsWatch collective.

Anonymous said...

For all his faults/virtues, Laws is straight out. If he thinks you're a wanker, he'll say you're a retard & you cant be fairer than that.

Laws Watch said...

Wonder if you'll post THIS, eh?

We're more than happy to post your endearing, if somewhat naive, faith in the Mayor, anonymous.

If Council said 'x' was what they'd pay ($150K) then how does that constitute a bail-out, stupido?

Mmm hmm? Would this be the same Council which said, on 26 April 2005 that "funding of referendum items would be based on the conversion of old Council assets to the new Council assets, therefore, for a referendum project to proceed the Council must first sell an asset to gain the funding required" but which then, at the Mayor's insistence, lined up to vote to borrow $2.5 million for new Council assets in direct contravention of their earlier assertion? Why yes, it it.

In short, what this Council says isn't worth the hot air it's spouted on if your hero stamps his feet and demands different

A bailout would mean a budget that couldn't be reached & the council paying MORE than $150K.

Why yes, it would. And with a $220,000 shortfall and the Mayor just as determined to get his moment on the red carpet, let's see how resolute Council is on the $150,000 cap, shall we?