Thursday, November 24, 2005

Nothing compares to U (turns)

Wondering why Gerald McDouall (chair) and Melinda Cade (CEO) of the Cooks Garden's Trust Board stayed behind after the public were kicked out at Tuesday's meeting, and just what Cooks events crisis was on the agenda?

Thanks to a search of the wastepaper bin in Committee Room 2, LawsWatch can reveal that they were helping rewrite one of that old rocker Jimmy Barnes' songs for the Boxing Day bash.

No matter how broke you are
No matter how far, how high the bar
Just call my name (it's Michael)
I'll get some cash in a hurry
You don't have to worry
'Cause baby,
There ain't no debt mountain high enough
Ain't no u-turn that's low enough
Ain't no spin fairy wide enough
To keep me from getting my pool

While Wanganui's credit rating burns, the Diva is determined to fiddle... and strum... and play the tambourine if that helps takes people's minds off the way things are. And if you can get Jimmy Barnes to accompany you, so much the better.

Just what did actually go on during the secret discussions with the Cooks board can't be divulged, as they were deemed "commercially sensitive". All we can tell you is that they were held under the heading "events". Meanwhile, Wanganui was notable by its absence from the national advertising of Barnes' summer tour itinerary.

We're purely guessing here, but if ticket sales weren't all they were predicted to be, a promoter might be tempted to leave the venue off the list just in case, and might say to someone - the local promoter, say, or perhaps the venue - that if they wanted the performance to go ahead, they'd need to provide some sort of guarantee; an underwriting, in other words.

And garralous over-excitable giggler Deputy Dot McKinnon is awfully quiet on one topic at least - finding the money to fund the River Queen extravaganza. An early softening up of ratepayers for more bad news can be found in the current Mayoral e-column, in which the Diva, torn tissue in hand, laments that:

It would be fair to say that I'm a little disappointed that the wider commercial community has not taken the best advantage of this national event – by getting involved in sponsorship and the like.
Oh, so when this goes pear-shaped, it'll be the community's fault. The commercial community no less - the ones who got hit with anything but a nil rates rise and so are already involuntarily contributing more than ever to the Diva's Romanesque fiddle concerto. And they were asked in advance if they'd be willing to fund Dotty's big moment on the red carpet when, exactly?

The poor Spin Fairy must be sweating over that incessantly flashing cursor, trying to come up with a palatable way of enthusing the long suffering ratepayers about coming up with more cash than the $150,000 "limit".

That was imposed back in September when Dotty promised that:
"Shortly, posters and hoardings will be going up around the city promoting the movie. As people enter Wanganui, they'll be greeted with signs saying 'You are now entering River Queen country'. It's very exciting."
If we're going to talk signage, might LawsWatch recommend a large "No U turn" be added to the portraiture gracing the Council chamber?

It would be too late to prevent the U turn on the pledge (recorded in the Council's minutes for 26 April 2005) that "funding of referendum items would be based on the conversion of old Council assets to the new Council assets, therefore, for a referendum project to proceed the Council must first sell an asset to gain the funding required" since the Finance and Administration Committee has voted to dig a $2.5 million debt hole and throw Wanganui ratepayers into it. Hopefully it'll rain, then they can put up a sign saying "Splash Centre Extension". But it might just stop long-suffering ratepayers being forced over the $150,000 limit they had no say in imposing in the first place.

So has anyone reached into their pocket for a marquee and a portaloo at the River Queen premiere? Gushes the Diva, tissue by now thoroughly soaked:
I was humbled by the Rangitikei District Council's support of $5,000 towards organising the RQ premiere. Our grateful thanks to Bob Buchanan and his team.
Yes, none other than the Diva's new best friend, Rangitikei Mayor Bob "The Basher" Buchanan, has - quite literally - decided to come to the party. We're sure he's busy organising buses for his ratepayers, since he surely wouldn't spend their money just so he and a few handpicked cronies could put on their best frocks. Watchers will recall the Diva used Bob as the cheap-option guest speaker at the retreat (from which all those councillors retreated).

The Diva/Bob mutual admiration society is a fascinating U turn in itself, considering the Diva was mocking his Rangitikei counterpart not so long ago - and, for once, with good reason. More on Bob the Basher tomorrow. (Note: Now postponed to early next week due to breaking news - see above)

Comments on this post are now closed.


Anonymous said...

You're so negative LawsWatch.
So much good is happening in Wangas - Jimmy Barnes concert is rockin' on, the World Jet Sprints, the RQ premiere, the Mayoral Mile, the A & P Show, Stayz' salsa spectacular, the attendance figures for Te Awa exhibition ... is it because there isn't an arts event? Except there is with the launching (by the Mayor no less) of a literary event at the library of Penguin's hottest star. What's happening at the Sarjeant? Nothing.

Anonymous said...

6:01 PM Troll.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah!

The mayor (no less)fronts at a L-I-T-E-R-A-R-Y event (no less). And all around Wangas people with brains fall about laughing and use big words like H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-S-Y and O-P-P-O-R-T-U-N-I-S-M and T-H-A-T L-I-T-T-L-E T-O-E-R-A-G.

Anonymous said...

wouldn`t most of these events/ideas have gone ahead without the mayor?
dot`s column in the r.c.p. today is all whizz--until the plea for funds locally for the premiere!!!
anyway who wants to watch the film on a big screen in the street whilst others considered superior,obviously,go inside over the red carpet and watch it inside?
reeks of `bread and circuses`-i`ll wait for the video,thanks

Anonymous said...

Yeah c'mon LW, this city is humming along at the moment. Love it. So much happening in good old Wangas. Leave your negativity at the door and enjoy the fun - see you all at the Jet Sprints on Sunday. And hey, Michael is excellent for this city.

Anonymous said...

It particularly sucks for Sally Patrick. She'd built quite a good thing there. Laws' ego will destroy it in a trice. Just as he did our Film Festival.

Anonymous said...

And what's happening at Cooks Gardens on Boxing Day? Nothing unless Council underwrites the gig. My friend saw about 5 bands there including Bic Runga for $20. Mickey couldn't organise a gig in the Glue Pot.

Anonymous said...

The mayor has written three best-selling books. How many have any of the so-called arts mob written? Z _ E _ R _O.

Anonymous said...

Yeah you are negative LW. You're giving out those vibes that you're pissed off because other people are doing things. As for the mayor - he doesn't give a shit. He just keeps on doing what he wants to do and that seems to have everyone else off-balance. You can rage, but you can't stop him.

Anonymous said...

wouldn`t most of these events/ideas have gone ahead without the mayor?


JB - no, because the last council wouldn't have underwritten a rock concert.
Jet Sprints - yes.
Mayoral Mile - obviously not!
A & P Show - yes
STayz salsa - no, mayor sponsored it.
Te Awa - yes.
Literary launch - yes but Chas wouldn't be launching it. Under Chas, Bill Milbank was the cultural favourite. Under ML, Sally Patrick obviously is.

Anonymous said...

"wouldn`t most of these events/ideas have gone ahead without the mayor?"

Yes. He truly is the anti-midas.

Anonymous said...

It particularly sucks for Sally Patrick. She'd built quite a good thing there. Laws' ego will destroy it in a trice. Just as he did our Film Festival.

6:59 PM, November 24, 2005


A stupid post because its been proven - ad nauseum and with film organiser Marion Campbell explaining it even here - that it wasn't the mayor who canned the festival but Marion. She said the mayor was supportive and slammed Crs Bullock & Westwood. Why do you allow obvious lies to be relayed here, LW?

Anonymous said...

I've never seen Sally Patrick so happy and Bill M so glum. Something is going on.

Anonymous said...

FYI - the Jimmy Barnes Concert is all go for Boxing Day Night.
The Council have provided a regional publicity drop advertising the event and contributed cash. Can't see Chas and his mates getting involved to that extent - Max Bygraves perhaps.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear, Michael, settle down Mate. This is doing your image NO good at all.

And don't drag poor Sally Patrick into your nasty little ego-trip. She's worked too hard to build a bit of respect for the library to have it flushed down the mayoral dunny with nary a piece of three-ply in sight.

Anonymous said...

anonymickey said: You can rage, but you can't stop him.

Yeah, Mickey but the lovely thing is you can't stop this blog. So you just obsess about it endlessly, monitor it round the clock, and post these transparent, ridiculous comments when you should be doing mayoral stuff or whatever it is you do when you're not here.

Anonymous said...

Poor Ms Patrick.

Being labelled the mayoral favourite is surely the kiss of death. Her credibility goes out the window and, like Cr Higgie, she is now regarded as a turkey looking forward to an early Xmas.

Anonymous said...

anonymickey says of the barnes concert" "The Council have provided a regional publicity drop advertising the event and contributed cash."

So when will the spin fairy tell the ratepayers how much they're coughing up to bail out this mayoral project? And will she wait for it to be ratified by the council?

Probably not.

Laws Watch said...

A stupid post because its been proven... that it wasn't the mayor who canned the festival but Marion... Why do you allow obvious lies to be relayed here, LW?

Because it's most likely the writer's opinion (as it is ours) that had the Mayor stepped in and honoured his promise of $20,000 to support the Festival, it might well have survived.

While Marion Campbell is correct in her assertion that Council failed to support the Festival, she
chooses to overlook the fact that the Mayor failed to deliver on his promise. Her, opinion, however, doesn't alter the facts, which are:
- The Mayor promised $20,000 and gave nothing.
- The Council promised nothing and gave nothing (or rather, chose to postpone a decision till it was of no use to the organisers if they had got the money).

Marion's opinion as to why the Festival failed is valid, interesting, and welcome. It's not, however, the only opinion possible.

Laws Watch said...

The mayor has written three best-selling books.

For the record, the Mayor has written three books, one of which was a best-seller (Gladiator, on Norm Hewitt). It went to number one on the best-seller list, in fact. Whether that was attributable to interest in it's subject matter or interest in it's author no one can know. But we know which theory we have our money on.

Assertions that they were all best sellers come solely from the author himself, in his own writings and in biographical data he's supplied to various organisations.

As for the success of artists' writings, we could start you off with a relative unknown by the name of Leonardo Da Vinci (whose works on anatomy, engineering and other subjects are still popular) and work forwards from there, but we suspect we'd be wasting our time.

Anonymous said...

"is it because there isn't an arts event?"

But there is. Even if you discount River Queen (and I do) there are arts events going on in Wanganui on an almost weekly basis, and have been for as long as I can remember. Even if you're only interested in painting there's something new to see something like three times a month all year and more so at certain times.

So get over it Lawsmob. Your jobs might be devoid of creativity, but at least we get to fleece you at gallery prices.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

You're so negative LawsWatch.

You just don't get it Laws-mates, WE"RE taking the piss-out of him .. this city will survive, it's been on the 'up' for the last three or four years. The only negative thing I can see is the rest of the country thinking we're all a 'wee' bit mad to have voted in a disgraced politician.

Anonymous said...

"It would be fair to say that I'm a little disappointed that the wider commercial community has not taken the best advantage of this national event"

Barnes is a national event ? LOL
The Cemetery Circuit certainly is but a washed out Aussie screamer ? nah

Anonymous said...

hear hear

Anonymous said...

As for the success of artists' writings, we could start you off with a relative unknown by the name of Leonardo Da Vinci (whose works on anatomy, engineering and other subjects are still popular) and work forwards from there, but we suspect we'd be wasting our time.

Yes, because as we all know, Leo is a regular blogger here and rags on the mayor oh-so much. I hear he's made some fabulous contributions of his time and efforts with the Wanganui Artists Guild, a truly outstanding citizen of Wangas...

Oh wait! Could it be the previous poster meant LOCAL and LIVING members of the 'so-called arts mob'?

Nice way to distract from the question though, I'll give you that. On a related note, apparently there have actually been WORSE political figures than that awful Diva! Shocking!

Anonymous said...

Mickey says Council will support three events a season, but then the first three events are all presented as Vision Party political messages. Not one of these events has any grass-roots support. Is this to be the pattern - rather than support the community's projects Council will invent its own?
Sounds like a recipe for a train-wreck. What's the betting Mickey puts himself on that red carpet?

Anonymous said...

What's happening at the Sarjeant? Nothing.

Another lie from Lawsmob:

Sarjeant Gallery
To 4 December Sampling Landscape: Peter Ireland
December Souvenirs of the New Millennium:
Leigh Mitchell-Anyon
December Return of the Hand
December Commodity & Delight
10 December Photographs of Urban Environments: Murray Hedwig

Amazing, considering their exhibitions budget took a 50% cut - the effect of the 5% overall budget decrease.

The staff at the Sarjeant continue their excellent work in spite of Council's mean-spirited response to it.

Anonymous said...

LawsWatch wrong as usual -
ML has written three books & all were best-sellers - Demon Profession was 8 weeks in the best-seller lists with a high point of #3, Dancing with Beelzebub 2 weeks with high point of #10, and Gladiator 12 weeks with highpoint of #1. When anyone else in Wanganui gets this sort of success for their books, be sure to let us all know.
Now there's a useful queston: when was the last time ANY Wanganui resident had a book published that reached the best-seller lists??

Anonymous said...

Vision runs Wanganui.
Long may that continue.

Laws Watch said...

An extremely dedicated commentator took time out of what may have been a baby feeding schedule at 3.02AM (no less) to upbraid an earlier commenter for "distracting from the question".

We can only applaud this level of dedication to the Diva's cause and note that LawsMob is now apparently on four-hourly night feeds involving deep drafts of Diva Devotion Potion.

Just what question was being referred to we have no idea, but it's instructive to note that within minutes of this LawsWatch post on U (turns) appearing late yesterday, it triggered a fevered outbreak of intentionally distracting spin and bullshit from our favourite anonymous commenter.

The questions raised in the post about council involvement in cash bailouts, guarantees etc for the Diva’s favourite events were not addressed by the insider commenter, whose adulation for the Diva nevertheless touched and moved us.

Never mind, even the best-managed cover ups and cock ups eventually feel the chill winds of what's left in this town of democratic debate. Thus it was that we now have a glimpse into the murky world of at least one event cock up, and the bones of a new post for Watchers edification and enjoyment.