Wednesday, November 09, 2005

How to shag a sheep (farmer)

When our National Radio watchers heard the Diva was talking to the Federated Farmers national council about how local councils could achieve a nil rates increase we expected he’d been giving them tips on how to mislead the voters, screw the ratepayers, bully councillors, and pull the wool over the eyes of everyone within spin distance.

What the cockies got instead, however, was a kind of I Have a Dream speech in which the Diva shared his vision of life under The Right Honourable Michael Brian Laws, Minister of Local Government.

"I would improve local government overnight if I was Minister of Local Government by abolishing council salaries and allowances", he ranted.

The average local councillor would spend no more than 10 to 15 hours a week doing their job, that’s all it required - if they are bright. I’m sorry but there are plenty of people working in the local voluntary or welfare organisations who provide that sort of impetus already," he thundered.

"Local government isn’t a job. It’s a service that you provide, a community service," he raved.
And while he was at it, the Diva rubbished the fact there were "so bloody many" local authorities and put Stratford councillors and staff on notice that under Michael Brian Laws they’d be gone by lunchtime.

It just keeps getting worse for farmer Cr Don McGregor who only this morning got beaten around the ears by a mayoral press release masquerading as a Chron(ic) lead story for having the temerity to suggest the Diva was getting a bit carried away with his own importance.

Cr Don has of course been a staunch advocate of paying councillors whatever the remuneration authority says they’re worth, and has stood tough against the Diva’s plan to slash councillor numbers.

"He looks like a sheep shagger to me, Dolly".
"Well, he's not going to pull the wool over my eyes, Polly"

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Anonymous said...

I heard Laws talking to Mary Wilson on Checkpoint and he showed again that he has no idea of the value of councillors as members of the community (listening and feeding back) rather than diVision commissars.

Anonymous said...

Who was it said that Mickey is the perfect definition of a cynic - he knows the price of everything but the value of nothing. It's justifiable criticism, and goes with his innate negativity.

Anonymous said...

Mickey's mouth has revealed him again. The chances of the thrice-failed flim-flam becoming minister of local govt. are slim indeed. Perhaps these are words he intends to put into a duller student's mouth. Nominations on a postcard, but would he really choose Dotty?

Anonymous said...

It's a bit strange to be electioneering this far out, but that's what the speech sounded to me .. but what party would be mad enough to have him? Vision party maybe? Now That's an idea!

Anonymous said...

Just looked at the polls, looks like John Martin a clear favourite.

Anonymous said...

John Martin is a definate starter in the bielection race - does anyone know whether Jodie D is ?

Anonymous said...

Vision party maybe? Now That's an idea!

I've been thinking the same thing; the maggots that feed on the corpse of Winston First will need a new host before long.