Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Can anyone spell...

C-O-N-F-L-I-C-T O-F I-N-T-E-R-E-S-T ?

Clearly not at Guyton Street, where the task of printing the 116,791* glossy events brochures which will soon be decorating the floors of dairies and nestling against bin liners throughout the lower North Island apparently went to none other than Kiwiwebs.

This of course is the company owned by sometime blog visitor, self-confessed Mayoral admirer and Wanganui Inc member Nygllhuw Morris. Nothing on the company's website mentions any expertise in print, instead boasting of being "Wanganui's largest web design and hosting firm, specialising in internet, multimedia, video and animation" and elsewhere says "it has expanded from solely web design, into e-commerce, web hosting, animation, cd and dvd production, video production, database development and e-marketing".

Which is not to say the company hasn't done a very nice job on the brochure, but some of the other 14 printers in Wanganui listed in the Yellow Pages must be a little puzzled as to why a production on paper went to a web design firm. The Mayor certainly didn't choose a printer to host his web site, instead opting for - you guessed it - Kiwiwebs.

While Mr Morris isn't an elected Councillor, the WDC's own guide on conflicts of interest, the Code of Conduct, is instructive. It says:

An elected member must be careful that he/she maintain a clear separation between his/her personal interests and his/her duties as an elected member. This is to ensure that people in positions of authority carry on his/her duties free from bias, whether real or perceived.
And the perception may well worsen in future, as the Diva says "Wanganui Inc will pick up this function in the near future – this is a trial run".

The Local Authorities (Members’ Interests) Act 1968 requires that a Council CEO seek approval from the Audit Office for contractual payments to elected members, their spouses or their companies that exceed an annual limit of just $25,000. Again, Wanganui Inc escapes this provision - it's a charitable trust not a committee of Council.

In politics, perception is everything. Mr Morris's company has undoubtedly done an excellent job on the brochure**.

But when you're an accountable entity like Council, charged with spending public money, it's surely better - to avoid creating the wrong perception - to avoid giving the work to your friends and associates, even when they're perfectly capable of doing the job.

Update (5.55 pm): A watchful Watcher informs us that Kiwiwebs did not do the entire publication, only the design elements. Warren Ruscoe of Meteor Printers mentioned printing the job at this morning's Wanganui Chamber of Commerce meeting. We stand corrected insofar as wondering why a printer didn't do the printing - they did. Our question regarding perceived conflicts of interest, given Kiwiwebs had a hand in the job, stands however.

* The 100,000 copies that will be stuffed into Monday's DomPost, together with one for each dwelling in Wanganui as per the 2001 census (approximate figure only).

** We're submitting an LGOIMA request to see if we can find out just how much was paid - though that's probably going to be refused as "commercially confidential" - and whether tenders, or at least three quotes - were obtained before proceeding.

Comments on this post are now closed.


Anonymous said...

Interesting to hear the follow up to the little bit of grandstanding by the mayor on National Radio today.

Gordon McLachlan rightly points out he'd be on shaky ground and Whanganui might well find itself being taken to court by any of the big fast food companies he wants to pick on.

Oh well, Dotty can just keep looking till she finds a friendly lawyer to advise them to go ahead and bugger the consequences.

Anonymous said...

An-out-of-town friend rang me while it was on air to say there must be something fishy going on Wangas right now because he figured Laws was dishing up another serving of red herrings.

Something fish, I said. Take you pick from our malodorous piscine smorgasord.

Anonymous said...

Kiwiwebs did not do the entire publication. Warren Ruscoe of Meteor Printers, one of the 14 (minus duplicates) printers mentioned printed the job, and took credit for doing so at this mornings Wanganui Chamber of Commerce meeting. Only the design element was undertaken by Kiwiwebs.

Laws Watch said...

Thanks for that info anonymous, it's good to have Watchers everywhere to help piece together the facts.

Anonymous said...

So does this mean the story is wrong... just like the port... just like the air conditioner... just like most other things...

Isnt the idea to ask first?

Anonymous said...

Motives for Michael to release red herrings:

Splash Centre - first major fundraising initiative to raise 12k out of $1.5M and it's December in 29 days.

Buy-election - raise profile by picking a fight with McDonalds.

Large coverage for little effort - perfect for the absentee mayor.

Probably won't require any actual action once the lawyers check the facts, then he can have a go at another "stupid" law.

Anonymous said...

I don't recall seeing any evidence produced here to show that what you call the air conditioner story or the port story were "wrong".

Anonymous said...

No it doesn't mean the story is wrong. Like it or not, and great web-designers they are, but graphic design? Kiwi Webs? Good on you Nygllhuw for branching out, but it seems weird to score work you don't even advertise for.

Laws Watch said...

So does this mean the story is wrong...

No. The question of conflict of interest is, as we've said above, still relevant. All that's been clarified is who did what.

just like the port...

No. We consistently said PoW didn't look competent and criticised them for being even less open than Council.

just like the air conditioner...

No, but we won't go into that here. Nice try at changing the subject to something contentious but ultimately far less important than the issues raised in this post, by the way.

just like most other things...

Many of the comments made here are less than accurate. Yours, for instance. But we can't be responsible for those.

Isn't the idea to ask first?

We did. Someone provided part of the answer. That's exactly the way the blog was designed to work.

Anonymous said...

Too much talk here about who the money is going to and not enough about where it's coming from, if you ask me.

Anonymous said...

1. Nygllhuw is a graphic designer and did a great job.
2. He spends 20% of his time on community projects (for free) and could well have done this for very little or nothing, as I have seen him do on numerous occasions.
3. He is not an elected person just a supportive one so has done nothing wrong and lots right.

Nice try...never mind...Dol

Anonymous said...

Nygllhuw is just as entitled to this contract as anyone. I hope council rotates its contracts around the available companies (assuming they're up to scratch). It would start to look bad if Winc directors started getting all the lollies.

It seems that to some people, asking questions is a form of disloyalty. Keep it up Watchers.

Anonymous said...

Nygllhuw must have done something wrong, or he wouldn't talk about skeltons in his closet ;)

I don't care, he's a top bloke, probably did the job for nothing, good for Meteor & H&A to have a little more competition.

I hope council tendered the job out, though. It's them under scrutiny here.

Anonymous said...

A said...
1. Nygllhuw is a graphic designer and did a great job.


But!!!!! It's just another piece of Micky's "New Boys/Girls club".

Micky complained before the election of the Council's having an "Old Boys club."

Whats the difference???? Micky has a new club.

Don't care, and I doubt that N is a professional graphic designer. He was once enployed by Council as part of the I-T team until some "Shit Hit The Fan" ...

Anonymous said...

Hi Lawrence....thats not worth a reply ...

Anonymous said...

Old news Lawrence.

Did Council tender the job? How many other jobs have Kiwiwebs tendered for? For all you know, Lawrence, this might be the first contract they've scored in 20 tenders.

Back to the issue though, what is Council's policy on tendering commercial contracts?

Anonymous said...

Well You just did.!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I hope council tendered the job out, though. It's them under scrutiny here.

9:27 PM, November 02, 2005

Anonymous said...
Old news Lawrence.

Did Council tender the job? How many other jobs have Kiwiwebs tendered for? For all you know, Lawrence, this might be the first contract they've scored in 20 tenders.


Don't know about Meteor But "H&A Print" were not asked to Quote. I have just checked that one out.

As I said before "New Boys Club"

Anonymous said...

tenders policy set out therein. It says the CEO chooses who gets the work. For tenders over $20k the tenders board has a look at them first, plus a few other criteria that don't seem to me to apply here.

So. How many tenders did they seek in this instance?

Anonymous said...

Opps, Mickys new Boys/Girls Club.

Anonymous said...

So. How many tenders did they seek in this instance?

10:02 PM, November 02, 2005

Tenders are advertised and are quoted for. The Lowest or any other tender may or may not be accepted. Was the printing of the circular advertised for tender?


Mickys New Bys/Girls Club.

Anonymous said...

One tender does not a club make. Meteor did one bit, Kiwiwebs the other. Display Associates got the bulk of the '05 referendumb work. What's your point, Lawrence?

I'm staunchly anti-Mickey, but I'm far more concerned about the fact that we seem to only be advertising his pets than who gets the work. Kiwiwebs maintain the Sarjeant Gallery site, too, and the info on our Gallery is a year out of date. Council doesn't give a toss about that, apparently.

Anonymous said...

Correction; the Sarjeant Gallery site is only a few months out of date. The year out of date info is contained on

Anonymous said...

Lawrence said:

"Was the printing of the circular advertised for tender?


But Lawrence, Meteor did the printing. Warren Ruscoe is part of the old boys club, isn't he?

Lot's of people get contract work from council. Are they all in the club? Big club.

Anonymous said...

Shit I'm confused!!!!!!

I thought Helen designed the brochure. I am now informed Meteor have printed it.

So where does Kiwiweb fit in????

Warren was part of the old boys club?

The Gallery is "only" a few months out of date. (Kiwiweb)

I think I need to go to bed.

Goodnight all. :-)

Anonymous said...

And the borrowing begins. Dotty and Mickey have done a u-turn. "Borrow the big money" says deputy Doh! "Borrow for the waterfront then sell assets to repay the debt" says Mickey. "Splash Centre comes first" says Bullock.

"Borrow borrow borrow" sings the Vision caucus.

Meanwhile, here's what they promised the dupes who voted for them:

6. Asset Sales
Vision’s democracy policy ensures that the Wanganui public has the final say – by referendum – on all “issues of significance”. That includes asset sales. No assets will be sold by the council without the prior consent of the Wanganui people.

Twelve months later they're just another bunch of pork-barrel populists.

Anonymous said...

Are the Vision team intellectually challenged? How could they imagine that they were going to be able to keep the voters happy with both a nil rates increase and capital spending bribes?

Even Muzza has noticed building costs going through the roof. This is not a recent phenomenon.

Did these people prepare themselves at all to do the jobs they were elected for? If you listen to their "debates" you'd have to say "no".

Anonymous said...

Perhaps the cash for the events promotion is coming out of the contingency fund, aka Michael's piggybank.

Does anybody know just how much of the $200K that was provided for "to cover unanticipated expenditure which may arise during the coming year" is actually left?