Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Rubbish, Michael

Litterbugs are a perennial problem for any Council, and there are all sorts of innovative ways of tackling the problem. In Hong Kong, you'll find yourself HK$1,500 poorer if you drop litter, put up a poster to advertise an event, or allow your dog to do what comes naturally (no, not the thing you have to put a stop to with a garden hose, the other thing that comes naturally).

In Missouri they've found the need to have a specific law prohibiting people from putting "any dead animal, carcass or part thereof, the offal or any other filth into any well, spring, brook, branch, creek, pond, or lake" - an offence for which they can pay anything from $25 to $500. And frankly, to have them cart away that used rhinoceros for $25 is cheap at half the price, we feel.

In the UK, a dog which doesn't pop into a Portaloo will cost you £50 (around NZ$126) while stubbing out a cigarette in Thailand will set you back 2,000 baht (around NZ$70, but remembering the average wage in Thailand is a little over 100 baht a day, so being fined a fortnight's wages for every butt certainly makes those nicotine patches a worthwhile investment).

Alert Watchers will see a common principle embodied in these laws. For those a fraction less alert, we'll spell out what it is - the litterer pays the penalty of his or her (or their dog's) actions.

But Wanganui dares to be different (again). According to the Diva, it's the retailer who should shoulder the burden. After all, they're mostly the people who are paying for the "nil" residential rates rise, so they've had practice in paying up so that others don't have to.

Yes, McDonalds, Burger King and KFC ought to be penalised for what people do with their wrappers after they leave the store. As will the likes of Glasgow St Dairy and Takeaways, Jabie’s Doner Kebabs and 24/7 Dublin St Fish Supply, none of whom seemed willing to step up and accept the responsibility that's so obviously theirs when contacted by the Chron.

What is wrong with these people? If they're not prepared to shadow their patrons down Victoria Ave, pouncing on them if they look like discarding that filthy wrapper where it may stick to the Diva's shoe, they're simply not being the kind of upstanding citizens we want in Wanganui.

Guyton St will no doubt soon have it's very own CSI unit, carrying out spectrographic analysis of chewing gum and dog leavings to determine whether the bill should be sent to Mr Wrigley or Mr PK (we suspect this may be an alias), to Mr Champ or Mr Chum. After all, it's their fault what the consumer does with their products after they leave the store.

In fact, civic-minded citizens ought to litter just so they can pay the fine, and thus fill the dwindling Council coffers to help pay for the Mayoral pork-barrel fest. Come on, Dr Warburton, it's time for signs in every park, aimed at dog walkers: "Do a s**t for Splash" (meaning, of course, their dogs. There are limits to Diva devotion, even in Wanganui).

Comments on this post are now closed.


Anonymous said...

was this proposed at his `state of the nation` address at the start of mon`s meeting?

Anonymous said...

What, in those heady five minutes before he remembers he's not ranting on the radio anymore? Perish the thought.

Anonymous said...

very little coverage of yesterday`s meeting and a very low-key coverage of whitlock`s farewell
nostalgia says a photo of chas would have been nice,too

Anonymous said...

Why a photo of Chas? Hey, he was in the photo, in the background.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, pretty low key. `The Chron should do a Saturday two-page feature this week of Colin's retirement, and put some of the photos in that were in Colin's farewell display. There were some beauties. Nothing wrong with a bit of nostalgia and he has done well. Chas got a good spread, Colin certainly deserves one.

Anonymous said...

marion-we agree for once!

Anonymous said...

just been reading mayor michael`s latest press releases and articles--it could be me but they come across as particularly perturbing!
comments,please--on it,not me!

Laws Watch said...

You're talking of the latest rubbish about rubbish (mentioned in this post), anonymous? Or something else?

Anonymous said...

I like Michael's mention of "also to lift the profile of Wanganui events for our own citizens" in the Trilogy of Events press release. It is excellent that local events are being promoted locally and would be even better to see Wanganui people get excited about local events. If locals get excited, we've got a good chance of exciting visitors.

Anonymous said...

mianly rubbish but also the huge mailout re the xmas trio of events---has council voted to spend money on this?

Anonymous said...

That's a good question. Is the money for this stuff coming out of Wanganui Inc, do you think?

Anonymous said...

it is quoted as being council-supported
and printed by kiwiwebs

Anonymous said...

Clearly the man is grasping at straws. Anyone who runs for mayor should have been aware of the fiscal situation in wanganui - high debt,big expenses coming up, already over taxed rate payers. Not news to anyone. So when you promise nil rates, you do so with your eyes shut. User pays does not count as a rate increase - yeah right. Being Melbourne cup day, how about a sweep stake on the increased % of expenditure for next year. My guess is 10%.

Anonymous said...

Chances are they will make some staff cuts at council with a new CEO and that will save some dosh.

Anonymous said...

Yet more Wangas mayoral scandal and Sarjeant Gallery notoriety on the tele just now ...

Only this time the Diva didn’t get a look in … it was about the Charles Macky scandal circa 1920 that featured on Jeremy Wells’ Unauthorised History.

Anonymous said...

Plus ca change:-)

Anonymous said...

A $12k car is to be raffled off to raise funds for the Splash Centre, says the Chron. John Unsworth is quoted as saying this is "the teams first major fundraising initiative".

What's the bet they don't get 12k for it?

Anonymous said...

Lovely editorial in the Chron. today. Mas tells us we should all be doing our bit to pick up litter. I thought we were, by paying rates, then council cut the budget by 5%. Funnily enough Mas doesn't even mention that.

Anonymous said...

C'mon people, Surely you can see that this litter issue is just the Diva's way of getting into the national news again. Hey, it's free publicity for him and all he has to do is stir people up and cause them stress.

Anonymous said...

Yes, but then he can't be seen to be verbally incontinent, his ego forbids it. So off he goes and wastes council time and resources, and ratepayers money, having his bullshit investigated and voted on. Remember the $50k in the annual plan for vigilantes? Perhaps they can pick up litter while their on patrol.

Anonymous said...

Oh, good on him. Every time Michael is in the news, Wanganui is in the news. And most of the time it is for the right reasons. Like him or not, he is often right. But whatever, Wanganui is getting a high profile and that's not a bad thing.

Anonymous said...

Often right, Marion? When his Council has acheived something beyond what was already planned (given that it has wrecked at least one thing along the way) you'll be able to make this claim. The 'nil' rates increase wasn't, for Castlecliff or businesses, and the shortfall in funding is to be made up out of user charges. And for what, so that home owners can pay a little less for the services being provided. Being "right" as you put it, which in itself is debatable, is irrelevant unless it translates into Wanganui as a better place to live. So far it hasn't.