Wednesday, December 28, 2005

A bad case of gas

Watchers, having realised that defending one's opinions whilst wearing a silly paper hat fools not even one's own slow-witted relatives, have been enjoying a well-earned break. Now the last of the festive bunting has been swept from the floor of the cave, we can take a bleary-eyed look back at events of the past few days.

Yes, wasn't Jimmy Barnes absolutely wonderful? Now perhaps the Mayor would care to promote the flagging career of some other pop star with your money. Milli Vanilli perhaps? They'd be a hit amongst diVision councillors, since they simply mouthed the words of someone else. Or Vanilla Ice maybe? His music career fizzled after 9 months, which makes him one of the few people whose 15 minutes of fame were shorter than the Diva's. Last heard of in October 2004, similarly clinging desperately to the notion of "celebrity" by appearing in a reality TV show in the UK called "The Farm", where celebrities have to run a farm. Used to clearing up muck, Vanilla (or is it Mr Ice?) could moonlight as an ancillary Spin Fairy.

And it took till the end of the year for Watchers to find a Councillor Comment with which they could wholeheartedly agree, so silly paper hats off to Councillor Rhandir Dhaya in this week's Midweek, who writes (on the topic of the referendumb and the proposal to abolish the rural ward):

However, heaven forbid, if the ward system is abolished and the mayor and councillors are elected district-wide the results will be more than just interesting. It may well come to pass that some councillors will get more votes than the mayor. Now wouldn't that be a hoot? The cock rooster will become a clucky chook or a bull elephant with small ears!
While we're struggling to avoid certain unpleasantness with the mental images some of those terms conjure when applied to the Diva (given the penchant for lycra shorts, we'd have thought some analogy relating to smuggled budgies more apt, in any case) we can only applaud the first bit of independent Councillor thought to burst into print anywhere all year.

Alas, after over-indulging in festive cheer Watchers have, in common no doubt with many of you, a bad case of gas. Those readers similarly afflicted - particularly if intending to travel overseas for holidays - might consider the "In-Flight Comfort Pillow" pictured above, guaranted to "absorb odour immediately and last for up to 12 months. We guess the precise lifespan depends on just how awful the in-flight catering is).

Alas the gas that's been troubling us is much larger - Wanganui Gas in fact, and the odd war of words that's erupted over it.

Seems the Diva's puppet-of-choice Ron Janes hadn't read the diVision playbook. Newly appointed as Chair of the Wanganui Gas board, he burst into print on December 22 saying the busines was "quite high risk", not the sort of thing ratepayers' money ought to be at risk in, and that at least part of it would inevitably need to be sold off to meet the Council's need for cash".

Perhaps it was the latter part of this admission that caused the backlash that followed. After all, the Diva has stated (and re-stated the day after Janes's comments appeared) that "any decision on the future of Wanganui Gas will be made by the Wanganui District Council and the public of Wanganui" - presumably via yet another ill-informed referendum during which people are asked to choose between various coloured baubles (swimming pools etc) and an option they don't fully understand and about which Council has done nothing to educate them.

Craftily getting into the story the quote that "the finances that this new council has inherited are extremely poor" and just happened to mention that "both the last council and this had made decisions to sell land and property that were not returning a dividend". Quite a masterful piece of spin, really, completely overlooking the fact that it's this Council who, knowing full well the financial mess the district is in, just plunged it into $2.6 million more debt. And hinting that, sadly, more assets might just have to be sold. Wonder what that might include?

Janes clearly wasn't meant to have broken the cosy closed-meeting decision-making practised by the Diva and blabbed the plan in public right before Christmas, thus potentially raining on the parade of Mayoral Mile, Jimmy Barnes etc etc and jeopardising the chances of hand-picked diVision candidate Phillipa Baker-Hogan in the buy-election.

Just in case Ron hadn't got the message, the ever-loyal Muzza Hughes had a slap at him in the Chronicle this morning. Janes's "timing was poor", Muzza said. He even intimated that Ron, once the apple of the Diva's eye, was trying to shaft poor Phillipa, implying that a Vision-controlled council would "sell the family silver". Heavens no. Maybe just the gas heater that keeps poor old granny warm. Then she can sell the silver to pay the gas bill.

Bread and circuses before the vote, Ron, cold hard reality up them after. Try to get it right in future.

Surprisingly, Janes came back with some mist-dispelling points of his own, stating that "the debate is not about the [gas] company, it is about the numerous other demands on the Council". Precisely. Well, sort of - any debate on the sale of Wanganui Gas is about the company, but it's about what the Council wants the money for too.

As they say, we haven't heard the last of this.

Comments on this post are now closed.


Anonymous said...

Mickey the hypocrite's at it again.
He spent a fair amount of time slagging the Cooks Gardens Trust Board this year. How they've been "an embarrasment to Wanganui".

Now the populist has realised his opinion is unpopular, watch him change his opinion. Wanganui has been represented by these weathervanes for too long.

Anonymous said...

Mickey the hypocrite
Did U-turns
And promised some bread for a circus
He's using Wanganui when he goes for a dump
Dump dump dump.

The Prime Minister was calling
Far far away
He's full of shite
On election night
As she snatches his toys away

Mickey the hypocrite
Ran down town
Hoping to meet Andy Serkis
Red carpet celebrity chump
Chump chump chump.


Anonymous said...

Predictable that you'd sneer at the success of the Jimmy Barnes concert, Laws Watch. This blog criticised the council for underwriting it but it turned out brilliant, put Wangas on the map, made money and is likely to become an annual event. Dragged more people in than any art show ever will.

Anonymous said...

Maybe poor old Muzza is trying to tell us he thinks Janes is in cahoots with Simmonds.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Predictable that you'd sneer at the success of the Jimmy Barnes concert
Will someone please tell this single issue nutter to piss off.

Anonymous said...

Dragged more people in than any art show ever will.

It was an art show, you moron.

Anonymous said...

Someone should have told both Janes and Laws that old Blackfoot proverb:

Those that lie down with dogs, get up with fleas.

Trouble is, they'd still be arguing about which is the dog and which is the flee.

So far as Wanganui is concerned they're both parasites.

Anonymous said...

Typical isinformation from the anti-Laws faction ...
He criticised the Cooks Gardens board for not getting their priorities right and three of them walked. The mayor then handpicked their replacements and they put on the Jimmy Barnes concert. I know also from one of those trustees that council had the power to pull the plug at any time and it was the mayor who said they shpuldn't and backed it with the advertising spend.
Get your facts right, Laws Watch.
Morgs is right - you stray from cynicism to conspiracy in a heartbeat.

Laws Watch said...

council had the power to pull the plug at any time and it was the mayor who said they shpuldn't and backed it with the advertising spend.

And thankfully enough people bought tickets to make it a success. The point is, gambling on the success or failure of rock concerts is the purview of people called concert promoters who risk their own money, not that of a Mayor who risks other people's. The fact that this particular roll of the dice didn't come up craps does not alter that principle on iota.

Anonymous said...

LEt's see -- Cooks has the same chairman and the same CEO (who has now quit, no doubt because of the stress of being in the Diva's firing line for the past year).

So why doesn't Mickey cut the crap and stop claiming the credit for something that had more to do with the weather than with him.

Anonymous said...

So Laws Watch - you would have pulled the plug if you'd been mayor?
But wasn't that what Laws said he's do as mayor which was create events? He has three this summer and the first one was the bullseye. Wanganui will take that over spending $8m on a gallery extension.

Anonymous said...

When was Jimmy Barnes art?
Jimmy Barnes is entertainment.
There's a difference - one is popular & the other isn't.

Anonymous said...

An interesting thread on Cooks Gardens today which ML has added to in his column over on his site. I seem to remember a few of the former Cooks trustees being interchangeable with the Sarjeant trustees. There'll be much gnashing in certain parts of St John's Hill this new year.
I also read my Chronicle yesterday and there's the conservation columnist backing Leonie Brookhammer 100% in her clash with Horizons. Comments, Rob V?

Laws Watch said...

So Laws Watch - you would have pulled the plug if you'd been mayor?

No. Our hands wouldn't have been anywhere near the plug in the first place, unless, as private individuals, we decided to risk our own money in promoting a profit-making performing arts event. That's the point.

Anonymous said...

"There's a difference - one is popular & the other isn't."

Prove it. $3,200 Wanganui ratepayers (8%) supported the Sarjeant extension. More than that support the Gallery. Sounds pretty popular to me. The fact that you want to make a competition of it says something about you, and that's all.

"He has three this summer and the first one was the bullseye."

That's a lie. It was never his, he's been systematically undermining the volunteers that actually organised the event and had the idea and did all the work, but now he wants the credit. What a creep.

Anonymous said...

The mayor then handpicked their replacements

Another lie. Gerald McDouall wants nothing to do with Mickey's divisive agenda and has said so publicly. He said he won't rock the boat over it, but we know where the CGTB stands: Mickey, you fuckwit: they loath you.

Anonymous said...

Anon commented "I also read my Chronicle yesterday and there's the conservation columnist backing Leonie Brookhammer 100% in her clash with Horizons. Comments, Rob V?"
Peter Grant was'nt wasting his breath talking about "sandwichgate". He was saying that he agreed with Cr Leonie B's comments on rural environmental matters being funded by urban dwellers,and that he does'nt think that some of HRC's activities are necessary. I would like to hear Cr Leonie B trying to convince her fellow councillors that more " user pays" is a fairer
principle,and then identifying any unecessary activity, not just slagging them off as gluttonous gorgers. She will, of course, have to firstly attend the meetings, and then secondly , build some respect for her views amongst her fellow councillors, but it appears to me that she has so well and truly alienated herself that her continued representation of Wanganui's interests is a waste of time on her part and a waste of money on the ratepayer's. The situation is strikingly similar to that of Vision by election candidate Philipa Baker- Hogan's sister Erin in Christchurch - if you alienate yourself, resignation looms.

Anonymous said...

Wrong, anon. Michael Laws did handpick the CGTB replacements incl Warwick Stichbury, Angela Paul and Gordon Keelty. Mark Stoneman got the mayoral assent too - they all had to be personally approved under the CGTB's trust deed. Can't you guys get anything right??

Anonymous said...

The real point is that Leonie Brookhammer is right about Horizons, Rob, It is an urban subsidy of rural interests and as the conservation comment noted, how can Horizons treat their responsibilities as an economic advantage/service to farmers and not as a protection of our natural resources?
She is the first regional councillor for a long time who is being honest about regional council's deficiencies. All power to her.