Saturday, December 31, 2005

Is that a candidate in your pocket, or...?

While he's big enough to take care of himself without Watchers coming to his aid, we're a little puzzled by the amount of mud being slung at Morgs Hunter-Bell over his non-showing in the buy-election.

The crux of this particular matter, we believe, is that according to Morgs:

"Before The Chronicle saw, before LawsWatch woke up that day, Michael Laws read my announcement and emailed me offering to pay my nomination fee".
This tells us two things:
  1. Not content with having one official declared candidate in the race (Phillipa Baker-Hogan), the Diva was taking a keen interest in other candidates, particularly, it seems, those with whom he thought he could wield some influence.
  2. If he made such an approach to one candidate, chances are that similar offers of some form of support may have been made to others. It's time, perhaps, that all candidates made some sort of statement as to what, if any, assistance they have opted to receive from the Mayor.
Despite being, on his own admission, virtually penniless, Morgs turned down that offer and thereby lost a chance to run for office. He could have accepted and, as the rules stand at present, never disclosed that he had. He could also have kept silent about the offer even though he didn't accept. Given that we're about trying to bring some openness and accountability to Wanganui politics, we can only commend his actions. It's clear that the Diva agrees with some commenters that Morgs would have been a "clone" had he been elected (or he wouldn't have offered his support) but on the strength of his actions to date it's possible they're wrong.

But this isn't about Morgs. He's not a candidate and we wish him luck with whatever influence he can bring to bear with the various youth initiatives with which he's involved. It's about the way politics is played in Wanganui.

Of course the Lawsmob (or the Diva himself in one of his anonymous guises) will no doubt attempt to justify this by saying that increasing the field of candidates improves the choice available to voters. Or something. Which handily overlooks the point that if many of the people standing for election are in fact doing so with the implicit backing of the Mayor whilst failing to disclose that fact that's not aiding democracy, that's perverting it. And while all we're aware of at present is a relatively paltry $200, to someone without a job $200 is a lot of money. One can only speculate as to how beholden someone in Morgs's position may have felt, or whether any further support would have been forthcoming.

If a trainer wants to have more than one horse in a race, that's fine - so long as the jockeys wear their colours openly so people are aware of their connections. Otherwise the race is potentially open to fixing.

But this is the way politics is now done in Wanganui, and it's reminiscent of Hawkes Bay in the 1990s. Back then, the Diva decided to take his bread and circuses formula to the poor, downtrodden inhabitants of Flaxmere. He fixed on their need for a high school and set out to win their hearts and minds.

But the whole thing got caught up in education politics and the Diva found he "would need to revert to blackmail to secure the victory". On page 256 of "The Demon Profession" he explains how he successfully dealt with obstacles put in his way by then Education Minister Lockwood Smith:
My only regret was that I could not claim any public credit for fear of exposing the deceit, blackmail and general lack of good faith in my manoeuvrings. But a deal was a deal. And sometimes one must do evil to achieve good. In that one moment I had become entirely corrupted by the political process. All my public platitudes about honesty and accountability had been seared away by a mixture of self-interest and sentimentality.
The theme appears even earlier, on page 236 (dealing with how he decided to overcame his principles and stood for re-election under the National Party banner):
Dostoevsky was right, the ends do justify the means. That is the thing about politics. You can fake sincerity so plausibly because the first person you con is yourself.
Sadly, though, the con doesn't end there, as many of the comments on this blog demonstrate. We're often accused of being automatically against anything done by the Mayor, and let's accept for a moment that's correct. If so, that's far less a danger to democracy than those who unquestioningly accept every piece of spin from Guyton Street and fawn over their "celebrity" Mayor in public, in the newspapers (which in the case of the RCP at least, a leading lickspittle actually edits) and in comments to this blog. Because without close scrutiny even the fairest and most honest administration can make mistakes and even, possibly, become corrupt. And with an avowed believer that "the ends justify the means" elected to the town's highest office, the possibilty of that occuring can only be heightened.

We wish a Happy New Year to the hardworking toilers in the Chron newsroom, to the set-upon souls at Guyton Street and of course to all our readers, and hope that for some at least their resolutions will include that the scales fall from their eyes in 2006.

Comments on this post are now closed.


Anonymous said...

I think we should have a whip-round for Morgs at the next election. I can match Lawsy's $200, we can get a few others to pitch in, and then we'll truly have a candidate for everyone.

Remember the phrase "out of my personal pocket"?

Anonymous said...

And won't you get upset when Philippa Baker-Hogan streaks in!

Anonymous said...

You're so wrong Laws Watch - if the mayor was to pay the deposit (not the campaign, dolt, but the deposit for entry) of a penniless student to enter the polutical sphere and have the chance to promote the youth viewpoint, then HE'S the democrat.
Without Morgs there is no candidate under 40 years of age - most in their 50s - in case you've missed the point again.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"The real point is that Leonie Brookhammer is right about Horizons, Rob, It is an urban subsidy of rural interests"

If that is the case ,anon, the action plan for Cr Leonie should be to present a case for change, and to lobby her fellow councillors, especially her fellow Wanganui councillor Annette Main, for their support for a review of funding policies. Instead she sends press releases to the Chron slagging them for their " corporate gluttony". More power to her, you say, but in Cr Leonie's case, it's only low voltage.

Anonymous said...

To Anon @ 10:33 AM, December 31, 2005 -
She's doing more than you are to reform a system she sees as wrong and the lunch example was a case of petty greed. The speech she gave on Horizons shortcomings she's obviously shared with her colleagues. That she may be a minority of one doesn;'t make her wrong otherwise LW would pack up its bags tomorrow!
And the personal abuse is wearing thin too - it substitutes for debate & its not clever.

Anonymous said...

Hey Sean,
why don't you ask some of the other candidates standing if laws has had any contact with them? My guess is that some of their "friends" suggested they should stand. Thats just what happened to Chas in the last election, and guess what happened, he split the vote and allowed Little Mickey through the back door.

Anonymous said...

Hey, has any one in here seen 'The Rise and Rise of Michael Rimmer'?

Anonymous said...

This sandwichgate thing makes me laugh. Leonie gets given the task of filling the room with blather until Mickey turns up, and he gives her a "speech" for the purpose. He turns up, cuts her off in mid-sentence (well why wouldn't ya?), and gets his own rhinestone blather out instead. Rob Vinsen is right. If Cr. Brookhammer wants to be taken seriously, she should finish "her" speeches.

Anonymous said...

The speech she gave on Horizons shortcomings she's obviously shared with her colleagues.


Oh has she? Or maybe it was someone else.


Anonymous said...

Laws did not win through the back door - let's dispense with this myth now shall we? He won 43% of the vote and was upfront and obvious his whole campaign. He got 10 of 13 of his Vision candidates elected.
John Martin got 27% of the vote despite having the backing of the arts community, the church groups (who did split their votes with Chas) and the Chamber of Commerce. Mark Simmonds & Warren Ruscoe openly supported Martin's campaign - they wanted change but Laws scared them.
Chas got 20% of the vote. Ray Stevens 5% and Barbara Bullock 4% (running the worst campaign ever).
Even if Chas had not stood, it would have needed ALL his votes to go to Martin - and he would have endorsed either Bullock or Stevens, probably Bullock who ran on a pro-council line.
Then you have a look at all the other Laws-endorsed candidates - they took 4 of the 5 top-polling council candidates, had Leonie Brookhammer defeat a sitting councillor (Blaikie) and two well known businessmen in Rob Vinsen and Bob Walker; and then had the No 1 and No 3 candidates for the health board (Baker-Hogan & PJ Faumui).
That's the thing you have to remember about 2004 - Laws not only won the mayoralty but he had most of his candidates elected too and elected easily.
Can we make a pledge to each other for 2006? We'll deal with the facts from now on. If we run away from the reality we'll under-estimate how much support the mayor really has which is the reason none of us are running in the by-election if we're honest with each other.

Anonymous said...

Nice day for a picnic, folks:

If you go out with Morgs today
You're sure of a big surprise.
If you go out with Morgs today
You'd better go in disguise.

For every mayor that ever there was
Will gather there for certain, because
Today's the day the Vision bears have their picnic.

Picnic time for Vision bears,
The little Mickey bears are having a lovely time today.
Watch them, catch them unawares,
And see them lying on their holiday.
See them gaily spin about.
They love to rant and shout.
And never have any cares.
At meeting time their mommies and daddies
Will take them home to bed
Because they're tired little Vision bears.

If you go out with Morgs today,
You'd better not go alone.
It's lovely out with Morgs today,
But safer to stay at home.

For every mayor that ever there was
Will gather there for certain, because
Today's the day the Vision bears have their picnic

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Hey Sean,
why don't you ask some of the other candidates standing if laws has had any contact with them?

Good thinking, anon. Remember this comment from anonymickey before Xmas?

Anonymous said...
You've got Rana Waitai wrong - he and the Diva are good mates and saw them together last month. They were in the same Vic law classes and it was actually Laws who encouraged Waitai to stand They have a mutual relative too I've heard.

5:36 PM, December 23, 2005

Anonymous said...

Alan Anderson was told by Dot and Marty, they'd like to see him on council. Laws will always play dirty politics, get use to it Wanganui.

Anonymous said...

Im not sure exactly how appropriate it is to be discussing Horizons on this site but it seems some are interested, heres some background to Cr Brookhammers uninformed media releases and speeches at a Mayoral forum [ how was that relevant exactly to the occasion?]
Has she ever raised the issue of rating equity with her colleagues?
Has she taken part in the workshops where her fellow Wanganui councillor initiated a review of the current rating policies?
Does she realise that an initial analysis of costs indicated Wanganui and the Whanganui hillcountry is getting a fair amount of funding from PN based ratepayers?
Obviously not.
Is she aware that this years program includes looking at a new system of rating based on catchments rather than across the wider region?
Again, obviously not.
Did she raise any of the issues in her speech at any council meeting she was present at?
Did she support continued subsidisation of production pest control by urban ratepayers despite her fellow Wanganui Councillors determined pleas for costs to be met by those who directly benfit?
Was she present when the vote was taken to support her fellow Councillors efforts?
Did she help to eat up the lunch leftovers when employed by Horizons ?

an analysis of Horizons minutes make interesting reading for those with time to spare over the break.

Anonymous said...

Is it too late to change to the urban ward for the byelection?
all us rural ward voters would love to have the chance to vote for someone who might have a backbone, some of us have urban property as well so could register if possible.

Anonymous said...

"...the reason none of us are running in the by-election..."


Speak for yourself, anonymickey. I didn't run because I don't want to be a Councillor, or any other sort of elected servant, for that matter. Doesn't stop me being interested in, or participating in debate.

Nor do we lack good candidates.

Anonymous said...

Rana Waitai and Michael Laws have been mates since their National party days. They are also related through marriage. That said, Rana Waitai would be a good addition to the council table. That's the thing about this by-election: laws wins whoever wins.

Anonymous said...

The test of Cr Brookhammer is a) whether she's right/wrong in her observations on Horizons, and b) how she acts on those beliefs.
From talking to people and comparing our rates with the unitary authorities, I'd say that the a) part of the Q is that she's right about Horizons. Full of farmer types managing their farms problems on our money. As for b) she's spoken out about it as a whistleblower. What she does next has to be the issue. At least its a lot more lively than when John Blaikie and Bill Tolhurst toddled off to Palmy.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Snow for this insight.

Leo/Mickey obviously think they can get away with all their spin and b/s about Horizons because the Chron coverage of what goes on there is even more pathetic than what we get from Guyton St.

Someone who sounds a lot like Leo/Mickey has said they want to "deal with the facts from now on". This is a good start.

Laws Watch said...

With respect anon @ 7.24 pm, anon @ 9.17 am makes an extremely important and 100% accurate point.

This wasn't a "hanging chad" election. There were no dubious vote counts. Vision candidates won and for the most part they won handsomely. Understanding how they did that is vitally important if anyone opposing the Diva's candidates next time round is to have a hope of success.

Yes, vote splitting was part of the reason. So were other factors, including that Martin et al were amateur politicians facing a professional. Increasingly, even local authority races are seeing professional campaigns. Therefore, if you believe that Councils are better filled with "amateurs" (ordinary members of the community with the community's interests at heart) then the only option is to support them enough that they can afford to run a professional campaign against the "professional" politicians.

The last thing LawsWath would say of the Diva is that he's not an astute tactician. It's no good hoping to defeat anyone if you don't acknowledge their strengths.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Snow for telling it like it is. Regional Councillor Leonie Brookhammer is a waste of space, just like her current boyfriend.

Anonymous said...

Understanding how they did that is vitally important if anyone opposing the Diva's candidates next time round is to have a hope of success.


the grass roots are talking up Mark versus Margaret. Everyone associates Phillida (sp?) with Mickey, and won't touch her with 3-ply.

Anonymous said...

an analysis of Horizons minutes make interesting reading for those with time to spare over the break.

11:12 AM, January 02, 2006


Given that you've made them up - why not post them anon?
Simple - 'cos they don't exist. More lies.

Anonymous said...

Speak for yourself, anonymickey. I didn't run because I don't want to be a Councillor, or any other sort of elected servant, for that matter. Doesn't stop me being interested in, or participating in debate.
You didn't run Matt because you're unelectable. At least be honest with yourself! And you knew that no-one any of the SOS-zled mob would put up could be Baker-Hogan.

Anonymous said...

Hear, hear to Laws Watch @ 7.48pm.
It's been depressing have people put down 2004 to some aberration of the Moon because if that's the thinking then 2007 is already gone.

Anonymous said...

The last thing LawsWath would say of the Diva is that he's not an astute tactician. It's no good hoping to defeat anyone if you don't acknowledge their strengths.

How then does this city, that has been kidnapped for his own publicity, get rid of him?

Matt Dutton said...

Someone who clearly doesn't know me said:

You didn't run Matt because....


What a lot of nonsense. The best reason I have for not running is that I don't want to be a Councillor. There are other reasons, but (as though I need to say it again) the bottom line is I don't want to stand for elected office and I don't think I ever will. Do you not understand that I think politicians are pondscum? Especially the electable ones, "anonymous".

Everyone who knows me knows who I'm supporting in the buy-election.

Anonymous said...

Two anonymii commented:

an analysis of Horizons minutes make interesting reading for those with time to spare over the break.

11:12 AM, January 02, 2006


Given that you've made them up - why not post them anon?
Simple - 'cos they don't exist. More lies.


I wonder whether the first commenter would care to elaborate. Perhaps post some of the relevant minutes, or send them to the Watchers. Let's test this theory of "lies" that lawsmob are so free with. I've had a look for the minutes online and they're not there.

Anonymous said...

How then does this city, that has been kidnapped for his own publicity, get rid of him?

10:47 AM, January 03, 2006


You mean, now that democracy has failed? And will probably fail again in 2007.
Three options -
1. Revolution. The civil disobedience campaign of SOS had promise and then just fizzled away. I'd still like to know why that failed, why it ran out of steam. Your view, Watchers?
2. Find a bigger celebrity to run for mayor. In California the Democrats are talking George Clooney to take on Arnie. The biggest sporting celeb is probably Baker-Hogan and after her cyclist Gary Anderson. Another poss is Jill Pettis - she must be thinking retirement although she blotted her copybook by losing badly to Chester when the party votes of National and Labour were roughly the same.
3. Bribery. Or we could look to former disgraced Wanganui mayor McKay. Find a honeytrap or a nice juicy scandal that will outrage.

The problem with all these scenarios is that Laws & his team have 2 more years and looking at his website and press release today I'd say there won't be much left of Wanganui or council by the time he's finished. The real revolutionary is Laws.

Anonymous said...

Why would we want to get rid of him, Pip? He might be gaining publicity himself, but then, so is Wanganui and that's all good. And the bonus is that he is doing an excellent job as Mayor. We've got it all now, so why get rid of him.