Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Miscalculations all round

Seems fundraisers for the Splash Centre are pleased with Wanganui's response to a raffle for a RAV4, with 12,000 tickets snapped up in six weeks. Well done the organisers, the many local businesses who helped out, and the people who bought tickets. The Splash Centre will benefit by $21,650 from this magnificent effort.

That only leaves $1,478,350 to be found. As Keith Hindson pointed out back in September, the funding shortfall between the Diva's dream and the fiscal reality requires fundraising of $20,000 a day, not every six weeks.

Meanwhile, faster than the Chron's subeditors can come up with new headlines, a new horse enters the buy-election race, forcing them to start headline recycling. No sooner had "Seventh start for by-election" been forged in lead (they don't actually do that any more - Ed.) than they were relighting the furnace to cast "Eighth hopeful for by-election".

The seventh candidate is Heather Smith, who stood on a Ratepayers' Association ticket at Council election and is a member of Democrats for Social Credit (formerly the Democrats, formerly Social Credit, formerly the Social Credit League, formerly the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (better check that last one - Ed.)).

On the plus side, Ms Smith also had a go at a council seat in the 1990's in a bid to stop the sell-off of public assets and is pledged to oppose any sale of Wanganui Gas. She may be one of the few people who actually understood what Major Douglas was on about, since she has a degree and a post-graduate diploma in economics and is economics convenor for the New Zealand National Council of Women.

Latest entrant is local beautician Chandra Osborne, whom the Chron coyly notes is 25. Oddly enough we wouldn't have a clue how old the other candidates are, not even the redoubtable Mr Hunter-Bell.

She's the owner of Cleopatra's Nails, Beauty and Body Piercing, apparently. We're not sure if back stabbing counts as body piercing, but it would seem she's ideally qualified for a seat at a diVision- heavy Council. And if that's not enough, she served four years in the Navy including a spell in East Timor. No indication so far of where she stands on the issues.

We'd remind all the candidates that the Buy-Election Blog will be up and running soon after nominations close (the exact date to be determined by the amount of Christmas cheer consumed by Watchers, which we suspect will be inversely proportional to motivation levels. That's it, Mickey, send a seasonal carton of Pinot Noir round to the cave and you'll buy some postprandial peace). All the candidates will be receiving by snail mail a formal invitation to contact LawsWatch via lawswatch-at-hotmail-dot-com to arrange their spot on the blog.

And now to Muzza Who (sorry, Hughes), who has obliged the candidates with a column in Midweek showing what not to do when you're elected:

First I will cover representation and agree with the comments of the Mayor (now there's a surprise - Ed.) that we have too many elected representatives. Not only in Wanganui but the whole region. In the Wanganui, South Taranaki, Ruapehu and Rangitikei area there are four mayors, four CEOs, over 70 elected representatives and over 60 senior staff, plus Horizons Regional Council. Amalgamating into one Unitary Authority with a Chairperson rather than a mayor, rural and urban representative from each region, one CEO and say 10 senior managers would produce significant savings but I doubt it will happen.

As for Wanganui, I believe eight councillors would be sufficient. I have served on boards with six directors administering companies with revenue 10 times greater than our City's. My observation is the difference between a well-functioning board and Council is that generally a board will quietly and efficiently work to achieve the best result for the company and stakeholders without all the necessary consultative processes a council must legally go through. Fewer meetings and less debating /arguing could result in a lot more being achieved with ratepayers getting better value.
Ah yes, democracy is so damned inconvenient, isn't it Muzza? Far better that the peasants leave it to those, like you, of clearly superior intellect, to run things for us without all these annoying meetings and all that messy consultation with the rest of us. Sorry, Muzza, we'll just shut up while you spend our rates. Apologies for having inconvenienced you. And of course the boards of our major companies are run so well, and pay their CEOs and senior management such reasonable salaries, we can relax in the knolwedge that following that model will certainly result in those savings you promise.

This brings me to what savings could be achieved by having fewer elected representatives. True, the total salary pool set by the remuneration authority would stay the same unless all those elected unanimously agreed on a reduction. One would hope this could be done but, if not, the savings could be used to better remunerate the Rural Community Board who could be given greater powers as direct rural representation on Council is likely to be reduced to one seat.
Right, so if the turkeys don't vote for an early Christmas, income-wise, we'll achieve these promised savings by paying rural community board members more.

Muzza then goes on to tell us all what we need to do if we're to profit from the Rugby World Cup. We're not too sure what that is, exactly, but we're sure that on the strength of this column, local businesses will just hand over their profits to Muzza and let him sort it out. It's more efficient that way.

Comments on this post are now closed.


Anonymous said...

It’s strange that the published mayoral salary breakdown includes a sum of $4738 for “mayoral entertainment”. I’ve always found the best mayoral entertainment in this town is free and doesn’t cost anyone a cent, beyond an internet connection to tune into LawsWatch.

Like when he puts his foot in it, literally and figuratively (ie getting caught out with Big Porkies like the Auckland City Council 200% rates rise, dumping on his CFO and then trying to wriggle out of it, etc etc).

Anonymous said...

From today’s Chron:
“Approval of the Mayoral Mile trademark paves the way … says Mickey.”

Does that mean it’s set in concrete, then Michael? (as BM-A might have said)

Anonymous said...

Wet concrete make running hard
No English tea-party without a hostess
Seek solace in spin

Anonymous said...

I heard Bob's written the B-S (sorry B-H) Vision campaign song for the buy-election:

Row row Mickey’s boat
Vision’s up the creek
Bob will bail but you won’t float
‘Cos Vision’s sprung a leak

Anonymous said...

With interest rates up and a slow down predicted in building price increases, looks like WDC picked the perfect time to look really stupid borrowing for the Splash Centre.

Anonymous said...

The "redoubtable Mr Hunter-Bell" is 19 or 20 as far as I know

Anonymous said...


Panic has allegedly set in at Lawsmob HQ. In unconfirmed reports, a mass exodus of Vision voters bound for Cronulla has Mickey and Bobby in a spin. We caught up with one emigre, baseball bat in hand, as he boarded the next flight. "At last, mate, a place where people think just like us and boy do they get things done!"

Laws Watch said...

Thanks for the hot tip on Morgs's age, anon. We're sure he would have been only too happy to have told us, but the point we were trying to make was that the Chron seems to think age is factor worth mentioning only when the candidate is young, female, and attractive. We don't know how old the other lady candidates are, either, and nor do we care (and we're far too polite to ask) - and nor should anyone else.

Anonymous said...

Looking back on 2005 and a turbulent year in the River City, the biggest mystery remains unsolved.
Whatever happened to SOS?
This was their mission statement: I invite you to match their deeds with their words.


Outline of the SOS mission statement:

Wanganui needs a strong and unified voice to speak out in defence of the arts. SOS aims to:

*Ensure there is no further erosion of gallery-allocated funds
*Fight for the integrity and maintenance of the Sarjeant’s collection
*Ensure the expertise of Sarjeant staff is recognised & supported
*Profile works in the collection and in exhibitions and enhance appreciation of them
*Ensure the Sarjeant’s needs are treated with high priority in any funding and redevelopment decisions as some works in the collection are deteriorating faster than in other Queen’s Park buildings
*Research & rebut rash and inaccurate comments, especially about gallery funding and artists’ position in the community
*Help focus on the positive aspects of a lively and progressive arts sector

SOS contact:
Emma Camden


Did SOS lose interest?

Anonymous said...

...losing interest?

The only people losing interest are going to be the ratepayers of Wanganui once you lot flog off Wanganui Gas. Who'd've thought Rogernomics was alive? Ron Janes is an unfortunate throwback.

My Daily Struggles said...

Greetings from the USA. Have a good summer.

Anonymous said...

I’m not SOS but to me the great unsolved mystery of the last year was why Michael Laws so single-mindedly pursued his maniacal quest to destroy the Sarjeant, its people and the arts community in general.

I say was because it has become clear in the last week or so why he embarked on this mad business. (I think only a shrink specialising in congenital psychiatric disorders would be able to explain why he has continued to pursue it with such vigour long after the immediate need had been satisfied). It is now clear that:

Well before ML announced his candidacy he convinced Sally Patrick to Dance with Beelzebub. The bait, which she leapt at, was simply the promise that she and her library would be the winners in the mayoral facilities and staff beauty contest. Once she was along for the ride ML’s primary need was to destroy the extension plan because if that went ahead and soaked up the government funds plus the council contribution, the Sally/Michael monument would not stand a chance.

Of course, leaping about in the national media lying and abusing people had inevitable collateral spin-off in what our No 1 freak would see as opportunities to promote the ML brand of reality TV-redneck radio freak show. That, along with his all-consuming need to hate and destroy, is what has sustained him.

Sally has now got at least part of what she wished for but it seems unlikely that she’ll enjoy the hate stuff as much as he does, nor that she will have the stomach to stick it out with him for the long term.

Anonymous said...

Lots of nice happy family photos of little lucy's birthday on the mayor's website. Hope all the guests enjoyed it too.

Anonymous said...

Why isn't there a place to post comments on the Mayor's website?
just not big or democratic enough to deal with it I suppose.

Anonymous said...

There's probably no comments area on the mayor's website because that's what this blog is for...

Anonymous said...

Hey Mickey,
I have to agree with anon 10.01. Why don't you provide a link to this blog on your site? Come on Mr democracy, put your politics where your mouth is and let the people have their say. Or maybe thats just a little too much democracy for you.

Anonymous said...

The River City Press has named Mayor Laws as its 'Person of the Year' today and lauds him as making the most signficant contribution Wanganui over the past 12 months. Reaction, Laws Watch??

Anonymous said...

There are actually not one but 4 mysteries this year with regards to anti-Laws forces. It's not just the disappearance of SOS, but COC, the parliamentary petition to wind up the council AND the lack of a by-election candidate from that set. Laws Watch is a poor substitute for direct action, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Only an informed populous is able to make democracy work. This is even alluded to in the Vision Wanganui manifesto. And yet here are Vision supporters dissing this blog, the only media outlet in Wanganui that provides for debate. Shows how sincere their commitment to democracy is, doesn't it?

Mickey still doesn't know who our buy-election candidate is. Keep up the word of mouth, and watch the campaign develop.

Anonymous said...

No wonder RCP thinks the sun shines out of his lycra shorts.

Mickey's main contribution to the RCP this year has been seconding the Spin Fairy to write most of the "copy" for this pathetic rag. So much so that "super scoop" Trev McKay now has so little to do there that he's spending a couple of days a week writing peerless prose for Mr Maslin.

Wonder if Debbie got invited to little lucy's birthday bash?

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to our Mayor.
I guess it goes to show that money can buy you love