Thursday, December 22, 2005

Give someone the boot this Christmas

Seems the Running Cowards Press are so eager to end their symphony of sycophancy to the Diva on a high note that they've had to invent a hitherto non-existent "Person of the Year" award so they can give it to him.

The idea is, of course, an entirely unimaginative lift straight from the pages of Time Magazine, who've been doing it since 1927. This year they handed it to Bono - a longhaired musician whose contribution is apparently to foist angst onto others - and Bill and Melinda Gates, who have made lots of money through the sale of software that is riddled with bugs and security flaws and is thus responsible for the promulgation of every worm, virus and autodialler on the net (and much of it's spam, which relies on security holes in Outlook) but who endeavour to mitigate the searing hatred of most of the world's PC users by giving away a portion of their riches. Not enough to affect their lifestyle, of course.

Still, at least these three people have wrought some change for good, albeit at no real personal cost. Previous "People of the Year" have included Adolf Hitler, Ayatollah Khomeini, Joe Stalin, John Foster Dulles, Richard Nixon (twice!), George H W Bush and George W Bush (twice!) about whom the same can hardly be said.

So the Diva enters a pantheon of dictators, tyrants and dimwits, only Time seems to have overlooked him so he has to be content with the local birdcage liner. No public votes were cast for RCP's Person of the Year, so it has less cachet than a Womans Daze People's Choice Award at the Quantas Television Awards (from which a Game of Three Losers was stunningly omitted from mention).

Thus we hereby open the LawsWatch People's "Choice, Eh Bro" Awards, wherein you get to choose not only the recipients but the title of the award they receive. The person receiving the most nominations will be granted the singular honour of becoming the inaugural recipient of the LawsWatch Golden Gumboot.

Speculation on the RCP's 2006 "Person of the Year" is also welcome. We'd like to get in early and nominate Frog, for services to the Wanganui/Manawatu horticultural industry.

Comments on this post are now closed.


Anonymous said...

That's a hard call. Both Leo and Dot are likely to get the Diva's golden gumboot anytime now for their excruiating contributions to our local media so I suggest they have one gumboot each. Two left feet would do.

Anonymous said...

petty petty petty. Don't you hate it that no-one on LawsWatch has ever won anything.

Anonymous said...

For desertion in the face of fire:
Awarded to SOS.

Anonymous said...

Memo LawsWatch

The LawsWatch Cave Xmas Party is a great idea. Is it true it’s going to take the form of an English Tea Party? If so, who’s making the cucumber sandwiches? And who is going to be officially welcoming the guests as they fly in?

BTW: Please ensure the new concrete floor for the Cave is poured in good time so no-one puts their foot in it on the night.

Anonymous said...

Don't you hate it that no-one on LawsWatch has ever won anything.

How on earth would you know?

Anonymous said...

Bush Smush ... you forgot Joe

As Mickey, that avid student of history and tyranny surely knows, Uncle Joe Stalin was twice TIME's Man of the Year, for 1939 and 1942.

"Now, wouldn't South Spit make a lovely Gulag for all those malcontents, whingers and petty nihilists, Dotty? The could shovel the snow off the airport runway whenever I pop in to Wangas."

Anonymous said...

I heard Mickey Mayor had awarded himself Jumped Up Little Prick of the Year. Congratulations on that one, Mickey.

Anonymous said...

WDC Cr Murray Hughes and Horizon's Cr Leonie Brookhammer parrot the philosophy espoused by Mayor Michael Laws that local body amalgamation is the way to go. They always use the analogy " why have 4 CEO'S, 60 senior staff , 70 elected rep's etc etc, it will save you money without them" but I have never heard those that espouse this view to explain why for instance South Taranaki people whose District Council is cash rich with $80M in the bank, would want to amalgamate with a Wanganui Council that has a $35M debt, or why we as Wanganui ratepayers would want to take on the 100's of kilometers of country roading and the internal warfare that is the Rangitikei district. The " less CEo'S etc etc" theme is simply politically populist, but thin on realism. Many rural people still believe that they were better looked after during the County Council days.

Anonymous said...

Why aren't you standing for Council?

Anonymous said...

That's easy. He's unelectable.

Anonymous said...

There was a good letter by Rob Vinsen in today's Chronicle. He's right about the need to earn respect but that's in short supply right now for this Vision party and especially the mayor.

He's just so good at putting his foot in it that he can't really expect ordinary working people to look up to him - it's more like the more he shouts out about who he is, the more they look down on him.

Anonymous said...

He's just so good at putting his foot in it that he can't really expect ordinary working people to look up to him - it's more like the more he shouts out about who he is, the more they look down on him.

4:07 PM, December 24, 2005


When Vision wins both by-elections, what will you attribute that to then? Democracy??