Friday, December 02, 2005

Can he bash it? Yes he can!

What seems now like a very long time ago (but was in fact only last Thursday) LawsWatch made mention of the burgeoning mutual admiration society between the Diva and Rangitikei Mayor Bob "The Basher" Buchanan. Bob, you'll recall, came riding to the rescue with $5,000 towards the River Queen "premiere", and LawsWatch wondered aloud how he'd choose which fortunate Rangitikei ratepayers got to walk the red carpet square - because he surely wouldn't spend their money on his own self-aggrandisement, now would he?

Bob has quite a reputation himself, so it's easy to see why he's one of the few Mayors in NZ supportive of the Diva. Here he is in the Chron apologising after an intemperature rant over bullying at a Marton school:

No wonder Mr Buchanan said yesterday the answerphone message he left for MrSinclair was couched in strong terms to impress on the reporter the need for him to get in contact with Mr Buchanan and obtain an "official" mayoral comment before the programme went to air. The comment that Marton School "has no more bullying than any other school in New Zealand" was ultimately included toward the end of the item.

But Mr Buchanan said he was "most concerned" that a comment made in what was intended as a private answerphone message was then used by Close Up in a way that indicated it was his official opinion. He said yesterday he should have been more cautious but certainly would not have made the offending comment if he had thought it would be aired publicly.

And this, from the Liberal Values site:

...The person who did this is a monster. Rangitikei Mayor Bob Buchanan knows the solution. He wants the death penalty. He even suggested that the execution need not be a humane one...
And a letter in the Chron from one Mike Smith of Marton:

No one is taking Mayor Bob Buchanan's ranting too seriousy... Earlier this year he called for the lynching of old age pensioner Mona Morriss' murderer... he was all for getting tough on some of the town's youngsters, too, after a couple of kids busted Cr Nick Eddy's nose. For days he walked the main street wearing a stetson and dark glasses. At heart I think Bob the mayor feels he's really Bob the Marshall.
With his sights firmly set on a populist programme of public floggings for the pimply youth at McDonalds who fails to follow his customers up the street collecting their discarded wrappers, it's no wonder the Diva dreams of the Basher riding shotgun up Guyton Street. But it was not always so. Here's the Diva in May 2004:

I had known of this drama for some months and, I must admit, was unsure what to make of it. Any number of organisations in New Zealand - regional councils, district councils, schools - have governance/management clashes. More often than not, it's the innocent bystander who ends up the victim. In this case, the ratepayer. It was a similar situation in Rangitikei last year. Mayor Bob Buchanan fellout with CEO Dave Christison and the final bill would have totalled over $200,000. That was a simply surreal encounter.
The Diva kindly revealed Bob the Basher's fate in a later column published in the Chron on 14 July 2003

"Wanganui, for some unknown reason, seems to be negative." Such was the explanation of Port of Wanganui Ltd director Tuffy Churton last week in launching this city’s latest attempt at one-shot salvation. According to the press report, Mr Churton was explaining why none of the Port Wanganui directors actually come from Wanganui.

Most reside in Marton. Which made me smile, given all the madness over there in recent months. Including a mayor who’s been banished to the local library. Poor old Bob Buchanan – relegated to the fiction section by some scalded civic bureaucrat – he’ll be in the kiddies corral next. So forgive me, but Rangitikei riding to our rescue has a touch of the surreal about it.
Surreal in July 2003, a godsend in November 2005. With friends like Bob...

Meanwhile, this has got Watchers wondering aloud again, this time what Wanganui Librarian Sally Patrick would think of running a sort of mayoral dog pound up there at her establishment?

Comments on this post are now closed.


Anonymous said...

I remember the Rangitikei ruckus and ML was probably too generous in his then appraisal. From memory -
- the CEO Christison banned the mayor Buchannan from the council buildings
- Cr Heath and others tried to get the Local Govt minister involved but Carter refused
- Heath & others moved a vote of no confidence in Buchanan but he refused to accept their motion
- the Audit Office ruled the council's payment of the CEO's legal fees to be illegal
- Buchanan taped a key private meeting with a couple of his councillors and they raised it at the council meeting ... and so on.
They paid out Christison in the end plus his legal fees and Cr Gordon (npw their Horizons councillor) said the whole mess cost the R'tikei ratepayer $150,000-plus. Buchanan got re-elected but so did his opponents (Heath etc) so nothing happens very quick over there.

Anonymous said...

This post perhaps highlights an issue that I think Rob Vinsen touched on the other day, which is this:

How can small towns (Whanganui, Marton, etc.) make effective long term plans with cowboys like these?

The LGA provides for such planning in the form of the LTCCP. We have all heard Mickey's contempt for our plan, in fact for the LGA generally.

The needs of celebrities are diametrically opposed to the principles of good governance.

The LGA needs bigger teeth. Local politicians should be nothing more than managers, servants if you will, of the local spend.

Michel Laws is diverting Wanganui's scarce funds and using them for self-promotion and, some suspect, to help build a new National Socialist party out of the ashes of Winston First.

Anonymous said...

Who needs working journos when there's a plentiful supply of Spin Fairy press releases like today's masterpiece on River Queen?

I just wish Mas would do the decent thing and give her a byline though.

Anonymous said...

What would Sally think?
She'd love it given that she and her library are the clear favourites of the Heart promoters. It used to be that the gallery held sway in Guyton St but the library seems to have taken over the prime-cultural role.

Anonymous said...

This is surely the Kiss Of Death for Sally and her library.

She needs to know that you have to earn your stripes in Wangas and sucking up to the mayor-de-jour is no magic fomula.

Anonymous said...

Yeah right. Sucking up to the council that provides her with all her library's cash - or a few misanthropes here. ooh. Hard choice.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
What would Sally think?
She'd love it given that she and her library are the clear favourites of the Heart promoters. It used to be that the gallery held sway in Guyton St but the library seems to have taken over the prime-cultural role.
9:20 AM, December 03, 2005

It’s sad to see the mayor talking like this when he and the council are charged with responsible governance of Wanganui’s cultural institutions.

In his mind he seems to see the institutions and particularly their staff as being in some sort of reality tv show with him as the judge, picking favourites and treating the “losers” with contempt.

It’s time he grew up.

Anonymous said...

"It’s time he grew up."

Arrested development, inadequate potty training. I'm afraid it's too late for Michael.

Anonymous said...

Pity you identify the mayor as being the poster, when it was me. Would give you a name if it wasnt so complicated so its easier to be anon. The mayor does a great job of razzing you "smellies" (according to his Sunday column you people don't wash. Whasthatabout?) up so that's entertainment in itself.

Anonymous said...

(according to his Sunday column you people don't wash. Whasthatabout?)

We're too busy having sex.
