Thursday, September 22, 2005

DIY referendum - Stage II

Since the polling service we used for write-in questions to the "Do It Yourself Referendum" was time-limited, it's now closed.

To be honest, we anticipated there'd be lots of burning questions you wanted put to the populace, but the idea of referenda just doesn't seem to excite many of you at all. So here are the responses, with our comments, and then a poll (duplicated on the LawsWatch polls site) to see what sort of support each (workable) suggestion has.

1. Do you want those who brought the code complaint against Mayor Laws kicked out of Wanganui?

What a good idea. We could send them, and anyone else who disagrees with the Diva, to special places where they'd spend all day learning what a great fellow he actually is. They'd listen in rapt silence to readings from "The Demon Profession" and "Dancing with Beelzebub" and then, to earn their place at this wonderful facility, they could do some back-breaking work in the fields. Eventually they'd emerge re-educated. What a splendid idea - one that has a long and proud heritage on which this suggestion clearly draws. And of course it's worked so well for the longevity of every other regime that's tried it.

Since that is not something Council can reasonably achieve (despite the Diva doing his best) it won't be included in the second stage poll. But thanks so much for the suggestion, Mr Pot. Or may we call you Pol?

2. Are you satisfied with council?

An interesting point for debate, and one which is, in fact, the raison d'etre of LawsWatch. But again, not an issue Council can respond to (Ritual seppuku at the next full Council meeting, anyone?). However, we have tried to interpret the sentiment of the person who made this suggestion correctly, and have re-worded the question to read: "Should this Council serve it's full term (or resign and call an election)?

3. Are you satisified with the Mayor?

Same problem as above. Since we're talking referenda and not opinion polling, the question needs to ask whether some action be taken, or not. So again, presuming to interpret the sentiment of the person who suggested this one, we've re-worded it to read "Should the Mayor serve his full term (or resign and call a by-election)?" Like he ever would, but LawsWatch tries to be democratic and someone wanted this one included.

4. Are you in favour of a referendum poll (especially for matters of policy)?

Here's one that asks about future actions, so we've merely altered the wording very slightly to read "Are you in favour of the use of referenda (especially for matters of policy)?"

5. Do you support the use of referendums for capital spending items?

Accepted with the substitution of "referenda" for "referendums" (yes, we are pedantic, actually ;-)

6. End referenda.

Not so much a question, we suspect, as a cry from the heart. We've turned this into a question and included it.

So, let's be clear what this poll is asking. We are not asking if you agree with the propositions put forward - we are asking if you would like to see each question included in the District-wide referendum along with the other questions Council has already chosen.

The list which will be submitted to Council explaining the level of support achieved for each question, and suggesting that Council might wish to consider adding some, or all, of these propositions to the referendum it's already announced, since the cost of adding additional questions is negligible.

By clicking the box beside any combination of the questions and clicking the "vote" button you are indicating that you support the questions you've selected being included in the referendum.

Do you support the following questions being put to Council to include in the forthcoming referendum?
Should this Council serve it's full term (or resign and call an election)?
Should the Mayor serve his full term (or resign and call a by-election)?
Are you in favour of the use of referenda (especially for matters of policy)?
Do you support the use of referenda for capital spending items?
Do you wish Council to entirely end the use of referenda?

Free polls from

A copy of this poll will remain on the LawsWatch polls site for as long as the poll itself remains open and may be accessed at any time by clicking the "LawsWatch polls" banner on the right of the main page.

Comments on this post are now closed.

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