Monday, September 05, 2005

Illusions shattered

The Watchers' ceaseless vigilance doesn't stop with keeping tabs on the Diva and his fellow council members and staff. Aware of the treasure trove of late modernist civic architecture of which Wanganui rightly boasts, LawsWatch today starts a series of occasional pieces examining how these important buildings are faring under the Diva's regime.

We've always particularly admired 101 Guyton Street, built in the style of those other architectural treasures the Memorial Hall and Wanganui Gas offices - and with the trademark concrete grid intended, no doubt, to add to the sense of drama and intrigue about the daily lives of our chosen leaders and their staff.

So it was with mounting alarm that our team of Civic Building Watchers found a distinct modification to the facade of the building, behind the grid and in the front glass wall of that most important of all rooms ... (no not the dunny) the Mayoral Office.

We wonder if the Historic Places Trust was consulted before a large-ish sheet of MDF board was put across part of the glass pane?

What could have brought about this modification? A touching gesture of empathy with the residents of the Pepper Block over at Wanganui East? Or the start of the diVision-promised public artworks programme?

Note to Sam Hoyle: There's a theory of law'n'order known as "Fixing Broken Windows". It worked very well in New York under Rudy Giuliani, and we're sure the Diva would want you to consider it's introduction locally. In essence, it holds that people who go round doing naughty things such as breaking windows are likely to go on to commit far worse indiscretions, so you've got to crack down on them, hard, as soon as the first window is broken. We leave it in your able hands.

Comments on this post are now closed.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for this, LawsWatch. This really shows the benefits of having ever-vigilant Watchers and Listeners on patrol. Perhaps we could save the city the $50K for the Dad's Army patrols and help cut the vandalism rate.

Anonymous said...

Obviously a bout of mayoral criticism. If only the downtown office was finished it might have been caught on CCTV.

Anonymous said...

How did your window get broken, Michael?

Anonymous said...

Someone has just pointed out to me what our mayor, who presumably would have a significant role in dealing with any disaster that might hit Wanganui (as opposed to causing one)said in his Sunday newspaper column yesterday that the victims of the New Orleans tragedy seemed more in need of Jenny Craig than of food parcels.

This was his contribution at a time when we are all shocked and uncomprehending about the failure of government systems to deal promptly with the New Orleans crisis, and there is speculation that it's because the victims mostly poor and block.

If disaster strikes Wanganui will we be waiting while Michael sits on relief money and his patrols go around with bathroom scales to determine which residents are eligible for assistance?

This made me ashamed to be a Wanganuian but I'm just thankful I don't also have to deal with it as Vision supporter.

No doubt his councillors have heard about his radio attack on them last week and are also struggling to deal with that.

Anonymous said...

So we have a broken window - who cares!
So it was broken by someone in Council - who cares!
So it may have been broken by a fax machine - who really cares!
So it may have been broken in a tryst of sexual jealousy - No proof - however this may have my interest.

Ultimately there is only one question! How do I get invited to these sort of parties?

Also Bill Clinton and JFK are considered two of the best presidents the US has ever had, the two Bushs are not. This blog really is a bunch of no-hopers (me included) tossing conspiracy theories around in the hopes of becoming a Fox Mulder. In the meantime we have a good mayor who is getting things done.

Anonymous said...

LawsWatch, you dickhead!!!
That board has been there since October 2004 when ... wait for it ... the internal air-conditioning unit (with its outlet) and its never been painted over on the outside. I have seen that every day for months & wonder when they'd fix it.
Do you apologise???

Anonymous said...

There was never a window there. It was a wall with the AC outlet that I presume was removed a while back.

Anonymous said...

Can Laws sue you now for defamation?
I think so.

Anonymous said...

You hang outside & take photos of the Mayor's office. That's stalking!

Anonymous said...

It's good to hear that Jimmy Barnes is coming. That should liven the place up a bit.

But does anyone know what's happening with the Cooks Gardens Trust Board? And whether the ratepayers are going to be stuck with running the place?

Anonymous said...

"said in his Sunday newspaper column yesterday that the victims of the New Orleans tragedy seemed more in need of Jenny Craig than of food parcels."

I read that yesterday and I just can't believe that the paper lets him get away with that sort of stuff.

But his own council says whatever he says and no matter who he abuses or insults, it's fine by them. I wonder who they feel though, if that's right about him attacking councillors on his radio show.

Anonymous said...

LawsWatch - why don't you give an address on this blog for service.
See how BRAVE you are.

Anonymous said...

He didn't attack his councillors on his radio show, dickhead.
Why do you lie?

Anonymous said...

Yes, the illusion that LawsWatch tells the truth. The word is that Ross M-A contacted the Chron to also tell them that its a disused air conditioning unit, and not a repaired window.

Anonymous said...

Is that the same Ross M-A who told us all in an inspired letter to the Chron that Laws had asked him to stand for Vision?

Matt Dutton said...

Well, that's that cleared up then. What a storm in a teacup. I hope now we can get on with debating some of the issues, like, where's the money for our new swimming pool extension (No.2 priority on my list) coming from?

Anonymous said...

So when are we going to see the Mayor in his downtown office?
I hear Council staff are out there using others less obvious to check out the possible purchase of a suitable heritage building, lets hope the buiding inspectors dont find out and trigger the same change of use nightmares the rest of us are having to deal with.

And how is the WDC spending $150,000 on a one night screening of River Queen and one assumes'a piss up'going to benefit Wanganui long term.I can see it will bring some media to town for the event, but wasnt the mayor quoted some time ago as saying all the media was interested in was how much free booze they would be supplied at these types of events?
The movie might be set on the river but it wasnt even filmed in the district, so any one wanting to visit the sites will go to Ruapehu and Rangitikei where it was filmed.Guess thats why we are in a regional partnership with those two districts, so we pay and they benefit.

Anonymous said...

Look, I'm on your side on this one. I voted for the splash centre but I have to admit I didn't really think about where the money would come from. I guess there was just so much hype from ML that I thought it was taken care of.

Anonymous said...

"Guess thats why we are in a regional partnership with those two districts, so we pay and they benefit."

This is an interesting one, and probably worth considering for an information act request to see just how much the WDC delegation spent at the Chateau for the kick-off of the tourism deal.

And does that bill get paid out of the government money or the ratepayers?

Matt Dutton said...

The whole idea that any of us are on "sides" is ridiculous frankly. What are we, the People's Front of Wanganui and the Wanganui People's Front? Divided we fall, in population, in budget, and all we'll have here in the end is a government funded art collection. Bitch at me all you want, "Bob", (you don't mind if I call you that, anon, do you?), but when it comes down to it we have to invest in our town.

So, the finances are stuffed. Where's our civic commitment, 'cos "nil" rates increases won't cut it. Council had a plan, some of it was good and some bad. Now, they're all over the place like a mad woman's crap chanting "movies good, paintings bad." Well, I've got news for you: the Sarjeant Gallery just gave a regional arts prize to a locally produced and directed and financed movie, you Hollywood starfu**ers. Stop bursting bubbles and get down with what's going on in your own backyard.

Matt Dutton said...

/impassioned rant mode off

Matt Dutton said...

Just to emphasise the "bursting bubbles" metaphor: when you blow soap bubbles, most of them burst on landing or in mid air, but every once in a while one catches the wind and gets blown out of sight. That's a very good metaphor for investment. You have to keep blowing bubbles, though. And it's important not to run around bursting the ones you have.

Anonymous said...

Blow them with your own money, dull Dutton.

Matt Dutton said...

I do blow them with my own money, Bob. Ask around sometime.

I also pay rates, as much as you do, Bob. And I have the same number of votes that you do. One.

Dull? I think you're projecting.

Matt Dutton said...

Thanks Joan, but please, don't worry about Bob. He's a troll.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Look, I'm on your side on this one. I voted for the splash centre but I have to admit I didn't really think about where the money would come from. I guess there was just so much hype from ML that I thought it was taken care of.

Well, I voted for it #1 also. But it did'nt need a $50,000 referendumb to tell us that its a much needed amenity- the last Council had already allowed $1.5M for it this year. Laws has fudged the real cost though- Keith Hindson's report to Council back in December( I have a copy) quoted the increased cost to ratepayers as going from the current $335,000 pa to $865,000 pa. He said that the current community facilities rate of $300 will increase by $54. When I asked Laws at his public meeting why he did'nt reveal this to voters in the referendumb, he lied and said that the figures were inflated by the promotors of the project and "he would'nt allow it to happen". It is an interesting stat when you consider that the increased running cost of the Splash Centre is almost the total annual cost of the Sargeant Gallery. I believe the effect of the Splash Centre extension on rate demands should have been revealed prior to the referendumb..I am most disappointed that not one of the current councillors has gone public on this, and that the Chron never reported this meeting of the Economic Cttee in December where the Splash Centre project was presented by designer Denis McGowan, Danny Jonas ( Pool Manager) and Hindson.

Anonymous said...

see the comments with the latest posting for this (though I fear we are pissing in the wind if we expect an honest answer -- or even an honset question -- on any subject from Laws)

Anonymous said...

So when is lawswatch going to post a clear addendum to the original post stating that they accept the image shows a removed air conditioning unit and not a broken window?

Surely they dont care about stating this as they are impartial and only hear to help stimulate debate.

Laws Watch said...

So when is lawswatch going to post a clear addendum to the original post stating that they accept the image shows a removed air conditioning unit and not a broken window?

When someone produces a work order or other document showing the work was done either a) pre-dating the present Council (and thus outside our timeline of interest) and/or b) was necessary to patch up a hole left by an air conditioning unit.

Till then, we will continue to ask - what is an ugly bit of MDF doing patched on the outside of a public building? Though it probably couldn't get any uglier if completely covered in the stuff, we suppose.

Anonymous said...

Well Bugger me - the saga of the broken window seems to be solved. But what about the equipment that landed on the floor of the Mayoral office on that fateful Thursday?

Before all you head-in-the-sand Laws supporters start your abuse - DO SOME HOMEWORK!!!!! :-)

Anonymous said...

Nothing landed on the floor you ignorant tosser except your credibility.

Anonymous said...

Nothing landed on the floor you ignorant tosser except your credibility.

Well bugger me it didn't long for the abuse to start 5.41am. Like I said DO SOME HOMEWORK.

As for being a tosser well the old saying must come into play here. "IT TAKES ONE TO KNOW ONE"

Anonymous said...

Hang about, Lawswatch. You said you wanted to see some proof of the history of the not-so-broken window before you capitulated on your muck-raking rubbish. So where is the proof of "equipment on the Mayoral floor"? You find someone - anyone - to come forward in person and say that they saw, heard, or witnessed anything. A council requisition for repair or replacement of any damaged items from the Mayoral office would suffice. Use the OIA. Otherwise the "information" you spread is merely worthless lies.