Queen for a Daze
The breathlessly touted WangaVegas premiere of Vincent Ward’s trouble plagued flick Drama Queen is looking increasingly like a bad bet for the Diva and Dotty.
The headline in today's paper, "Council begs for premiere funds", which will probably be picked up on the news wires, is not a good look for Wanganui. The Chron and DominionPost have already pointed out that a key early review in Hollywood Reporter is less than fulsome.
What's missing from Sean's story, in which Dotty reiterates the Council's "commitment" to spending $150,000 of our money on this particular bunfight, is that once a upon a time the Diva had insisted that not a cent would be spent without his having first sighted a report demonstrating adequate commercial spin-offs.
Well certainly the signwriting industry will be getting a boost. "As people enter Wanganui they'll be greeted with signs saying 'You are now entering River Queen country'. It's very exciting," gushes Dotty. We trust there'll be a small-print explanation for those unfamiliar with WangaVegas's brief moment of fame, lest unwary motorists fear being flagged down by battalions of damp female impersonators.
And why is some outfit called Verve organising the event when the city employs (and pays handsomely) an events officer? What can be keeping Ms Lees so busy that she hasn't the time to organise what the Deputy Mayor thinks is the biggest knees-up WangaVegas has ever seen?
Obviously, a desperate dose of spin and distraction is called for and an undercover Laws Watcher has found, carelessly discarded in the mayoral dunny at 101 Guyton St, a proof copy of Women-in-a-Daze featuring an exclusive interview with the Diva.IT’S YOUR DAZE
MICHAEL LAWS tells Women-in-a-Daze exclusively how Life on Trash Island made him a better man.
Women-in-a-Daze has been granted an exclusive preview of a full-length StupidStars of Trash Island feature put together by Wanganui’s maverick mayor Michael Laws.
The film, which contains gorgeous out-takes from Michael’s wonderful time on Trash Island with his fabulous fellow stupid stars, will have its world premiere at Committee Room 2 in Wanganui on January 23, the day before the screening of "some irrelevant movie starring some people, none of whom are me," Michael explained. "I expect this to be a much bigger event, and have negotiated an exclusive coverage deal with the River City Press in return for their printing this entirely independent review prepared beforehand by my Spin Fairy. Oh, and for providing the sausage rolls and L&P."
His winsome Worship explained that he'd done away with the hors d'oeuvres and champagne for the same reason he trashed the idea of giving native saplings to new citizens and instead gave them All Black scarves: "It's more kiwi, somehow. Went down a treat, though I really must find out what 'Vous, monsieur, êtes un imbécile complet' means. Some sheila muttered that as I slung her a scarf. A vote of thanks, I'm sure."
Michael said he was moved to arrange the screening to help assuage the disappointment suffered by his loyal subjects when Toronto snatched the River Queen premiere from Deputy Dot’s grasp and those Hollywood types pronounced the flick a River Dog.
"I just couldn’t stand by and see my people so upset," he told Women-in-a-Daze, his lovely fiancee by his side and a smelly nappy in hand. "And anyway, Leo, the love of my life, had already bought a slinky black little number for the River Queen do and she was giving me such a hard time about not being able to walk down the red carpet in it," Michael laughed.
"Some single-issue nutters complained that because I was sent off StupidStars of Trash Island after only a couple of episodes, I didn’t deliver on my promise to really put Wanganui on the map. Little did they know how hard I worked to make a complete plonker of myself, or how upset I was that all that wonderful footage ended up on the cutting room floor."
Now, all will be revealed in this exciting new feature film and Michael says he fully expects that Committee Room 2 will be filled to capacity with all his fans and friends to see what really happened. "Bog Walker has said he'll be bringing all his friends," Michael gushed, a momentary cloud of doubt crossing his face. "Though I'm not sure the advertising manager at the RCP and letters page editor at the Chron have actually said whether they're coming or not".
He even shared with Women-in-a-Daze some of his favourite moments that didn’t make it into the TV show:
Suddenly Michael put his finger to his lips. "That’s all I’m going to say, now," he whispered. "I don’t want to spoil all the excitement."
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With the movie a critical (and no doubt commercial) disaster, associating the Wanganui brand with it at this late stage would be sheer stupidity. Absolutely dotty, in fact.
It's a shame; all those actor types seemed quite fun.
Since Council is proposing to donate $150,000, how much are the film's publicists contributing?
They wouldn't be the "lead" sponsor, surely.
Funny, Dot doesn't mention how much they're stumping up...
And what's happened to Mickey's report?
Envious aren't you Carol and your fellow inbreds that no-one takes you seriously enough to put you on national TV (or pay you). Weep, dearies.
Dot McKinnon
To Carol Webb:
I don't understand your need to put everything that is Wanganui down - especially the River Queen premiere - just because the mayor may be involved with it in some capacity. It shows not simply immaturity and spite, but a hatred for Wanganui and its citizens.
If you don't like it here, and I'm told you've been here only for a year, then leave. Go back to somewhere where your spite is regarded but it is utterly counter-productive in Wanganui.
Well, the difference between what you read in your Dominion Post this morning, WangaVegas, and what we read in the Dominion Post and Chronicle about a week ago probably lies in the amount of input from Michael's and Dotty's Spin Fairy vs the independent opinion of experienced US film critics.
Perhaps you have seen the report that Michael demanded, justifying the spending of ratepayers' money on this exercise, because no one else seems to have seen it.
"Weep, dearies."
Yes Michael, a lot of us who come to this blog do weep for the way you and your team are making this city a laughing stock.
Anyway, since you're here among us, please help us understand some of the questions raised here, like why the council's events manager apparently isn't up to the job and presumably ratepayers money will be going to Verve while we still keep Ms Lees on the payroll.
" In my 'Dominion-Post' this morning I read a lovely piece about the River Queen premiere, and it showed both Wanganui and Dot McKinnon in a very good light."
You're right, it is "lovely" and it is almost word for word taken from the press release the council spin machine produced. Just keep taking your Diva Devotion pills, won't you, love.
It would be nice if someone could explain who Sue May is and whether she is being paid by the council. Or for that matter, how much the film's "owners" will be contributing.
I'd suggest that if WangaVegas likes to stick to a diet of Diva-inspired spin he/she can save the cost of buying newspapers and just read what he puts on the council website. It's all lovely there, in DivaVille.
Laws is caught between a rock & a hard place here. He's on record white-anting Dot's River Queen party (catering by??) but now the Watchers are asking questions and he can't be seen to be siding with them.
I mean, would he really choose Dotty? *smirk*
Sue May is "the film's publicist".
Come on, Dotty, how much are the people who will keep any money River Queen earns putting up for your hotel catering benefit, oops I mean publicity piss-up?
Very funny Laws Watch, well done guys!
"We learnt a lot from Tim about the processes they have put in place for their premiere. We'll be able to use this knowledge to help make the River Queen premiere a major success for our region."
So, what you're saying, Dotty, is that you had no clue how to do this until Tim filled you in. You've been working on this for how long? What an asset to Wanganui you are. Regards to the caterers.
Mike, everyone knows Lawrence is your real name ;)
And go the Don on Council's website.
"Having fewer councillors would mean no savings at all. It would simply mean that each councillor would be paid more and there may be a need for extra full-time staff – at more cost to the ratepayers."
So, trade off your desire to keep that off the referendumb, with S.P.'s desire to keep the 'h' off it, and you might have a deal, Don boy.
Since WangaVegas is such an astute media commentator she might like to give us the benefit of her views on Michael's radio talkback presence, especially the diatribe on Monday about how he prefers blond Swedish hitchikers like the one killed on the Coromandel to their German counterparts like the one murdered in Taranaki last week.
Does that meet your critical standard for "lovely", WangaVegas?
You see, the problem with Michael and Dotty is that when they forget they're the ruling class of spin city, they do tend to say the most unlovely things.
I don't mean to sound negative, but I think Wanganui is going to look a little like it's trying too hard for what is going to be a smaller art house film.
There is only one movie made in nz that nz cares about this year. It's about a bloody big monkey, and it will absorb all the mainstream publicity.
Even Tims movie down south will get more nation wide publicity. It's already had better reviews than the RQ.
I don't mind if they want to have the premier here but it's alot of money your spending Dot, and it's not yours to waste.
It's funny how Lawsmob keep screeching for "proof" of Laws' foul psychotic outburst. Do they think so few people listen to him that it would be a secret? It wasn't an off-the cuff one liner, either. He kept it up for a while. Still, defaecation by mouth is Michael's signature, isn't it?
I think I make make one prediction.
More people will see River Queen than will go to the Sarjeant Gallery. The premiere is costing ratepayers $150K and the Sarjeant $750K a year. Films over art galleries - the council made the logical choice.
So It should. the River Queen is a one off event, the gallery isn't.
I also think it will cost more than 150k
"More people will see River Queen than will go to the Sarjeant Gallery. "
Gosh, by your logic then if it turns out projections are that more people will see the movie than will visit the splash centre, stroll along the river bank, walk on certain sections of below-standard footpath, then the council must immediately withdraw all funding "commitments' from these favourite projects and pump even more into the premiere.
Don't lie. Laws made clear he was talking about his preference in hitchikers and he said it in a "lull" beetween callers.
Don McGregor is entitled to his view and Sue Pepperell is entitled to hers, and the Mayor is entitled to his. That they don't always agree with each other is refreshing and is a part of any functioning local body.
What I really appreciate is that this mayor has given me and all the rest of Wanganui to say what WE think on the referendum issues, and to set policy based upon the results.
Now you lot can boycott it again like supposedly a few did last time - Ross Mitchell-Anyon never did have that ballot burning he promised - and that's great because myself and my friends will influence Wanganui's future, and not you.
You can't complain if you're provided the opportunity to vote and then decline to use that opportunity.
The referendum is going to happen LawsWatch so what are you going to do? Not vote? If so, great because my vote will basically be worth double yours. So much for your by-election chances as well!
"Don't lie. Laws made clear he was talking about his preference in hitchikers and he said it in a "lull" beetween callers."
5:53 PM, September 28, 2005
No, he didn't - THAT is the lie because I was listening too. The conversation was pretty much as Wangavegan desribed altho' I remember him saying that Heidi Parkonnen was very attractive and the disappearance of her & Urban Hoglund had gained enormous publicity because they were both clean cut attractive young kids.
There's a simple test though & that's to post the transcript. Those making the claims should provide the proof or desist.
Hell, more people visit the CEMETERY than go to the Sarjeant! And that's a cost-recovery destination:)
one of your wittiest articles so far,lawswatch-my whole family giggled!
i really don`t think k.sutherland equates with anthony hopkins as a draw card -tim s has a bigger event all round on his hands
our premiere is basically another populist piece-please let the other predicted ones do better(!)-and i wish councillors could be allowed to get on with more pressing matters and leave the events to people like yvonne o`connor who is to be congratulated for her `blooming arts` w/e-a success
Yvonne O'Connor? You're joking - not even third rate. You people live in la-la land, there are no decent events organisers here and thank God the council employed somewhere professional from out of town. Blooming Artz was a blooming disaster - ask the people involved.
You also don't know much about film do you? Verve organised the LOTR premiere in Wellington and I know that because my daughter worked for them.
The referendum is going to happen LawsWatch so what are you going to do? Not vote?
Absolutely not. Noe would be counsel anyone else to do so either. Anyone entitled to, but who doesn't vote, whether they are victorious or defeated, relinquishes the right to complain about the outcome.
"there are no decent events organisers here"
So why, exactly, are we ratepayers forking out the salary of Jenna Lees, so-called events manager to the WDC?
Or is she there because she's rated a "decent" godmother to little lucy, do you think?
At least she will be able to hock off the used-only-once red carpet and left-over sausage rolls on Trade Me.
Dibs on the sausage rolls. Spreading "hatred for Wanganui and it's citizens" is hungry work :-D
Blooming Artz has been an embarrasment since the open studios broke off from it.
Is the Events Officer a friend of Mr Laws? Surely you employ the best person for the job, why are they now spending more of our ratepayers money? However, I do think even an 'art house' film will be good for the town, make outsiders think we're an 'arty' sort of community. GREAT! Thanks council.
" ... make outsiders think we're an 'arty' sort of community."
And do you similarly thank Laws for his assinine and very public attacks on the arts, arts community, gallery etc ... that sure was good for the city's image as an "arty" sort of community, wouldn't you say?
MO said...
Is the Events Officer a friend of Mr Laws? Surely you employ the best person for the job...
Lucy's godmother may or may not be the best person for the job, but technically she's employed by Colin Whitlock for WDC. Her role would be to coordinate between Verve and Council, I suppose. Why aren't Fox paying for them? Why aren't Fox sending their own events management team? Why can't Keifer Sutherland get decent movie work? Is it because he's Canadian? What was Cliff Curtis thinking?
Oh, and how much are Fox stumping up to help their new senior partner, WDC?
Come on guys, from an outsiders view point ( NOT Auckland so please refrain from calling me names ) you all spend too much time slanging each other off. Just try and keep to the issues, like how much will this film cost Wanganui and weather or not it will bring good publicity to the town in need of a face lift? Or will it bring more publicity to your over exposed mayor.? ( well that's only my view)
Come on Peter, everyone knows your real name is Mike ;)
You're right about the abuse though. Wonder how that got started!
None of which (the questions that is) are likely to be answered here, esp given that the RQ stuff is all taken in confidence by the council. On the other hand, they've been upfront that $150K is the max exposure for the impoverished ratepayers.
Actually it COULD work and that's why we all shouldn't be so quick to condemn. By contrast Wellington spent $3-$4m of ratepayers money on LOTR and Invercargill reportedly is getting any change from $500K and Anthony Hopkins isnt going to be at their premiere.
I know a bit about film - for this council to be involved at all is a miracle and rather than rubbish them we should support.
On Blooming Artz - couldn't agree more. An utter and complete embarrassment.
...the Sarjeant $750K a year...
Looks like money well spent to me. If it's publicity for Wanganui as a tourist destination you're after. Smart to be going after the "cultural tourist" dollar, too.
Wellington spent $3-$4m of ratepayers money on LOTR
And Wanganui has more of the locations within easy day-trip distance...doh!
I wonder what the impact would be of spending the $150k on promoting river canoe trips, which might tie in with RQ imagery without the need to give local caterers the pork barrel treatment.
Mickey Mayor might have a point! Where's that report on the benefits against spending the money elsewhere in the tourism budget?
"$150K is the max exposure for the impoverished ratepayers."
Oh yeah? How much have they already spent investigating the "benefits"? Danger Will Robinson danger.
The worrying thing for most of us is that the arts in Wanganui (& the Sarjeant) can't quantify our economic value in cold hard dollars to the Wanganui community.
I was very surprised, a horrified, that the indoor bowls tournament generated more economic activity in Wangani than the two Artists Open Studios weekends put together [Enterprise Wanganui research].
However I support this council on making a splash with the RQ premiere because it puts us on the national stage more than anything else lately(except the mayor!). Let's get behind it in any way we can because all publicity about Wanganui has the potential to assist the arts by attracting more people to visit or stay.
In the great scheme of things, $150,000 is not a lot of money. I also don't want us to get offside with the wider community who are starting to talk positively about the premiere.
On the events officer job, it's an open secret at council that it was advertised and the prime candidate was Masters Games administrator Anne Corbett. Jenna Lees was on the short-list and another, I've heard. But Corbett pulled out at the last moment (there were rumours of an artistic difference between Masters chief David Penn & her) to return home to Canada leaving Jenna Lees the only likely candidate. All above board.
Met Jenna a couple of times when she was working with the Chronicle - she's more a nuts-and-bolts girl than big picture person & reports to Philip Shackleton, I'm told. That's as much as I know, sorry, can't be more helpful.
There's been no dissent around the council table about the RQ Premiere which probably indicates that it stacks up. If it didn't we would have heard by now including on this blog because upset councillors could post anonymously.
Shall we move on, LawsWatch? This is a non-issue and not as important as the Council Report content that went out. Has anyone read it and is it only me who thinks that this mayor has just signalled his real agenda?? I would appreciate your views on that.
Anonymous said...
Mike, everyone knows Lawrence is your real name ;)
5:18 PM, September 28, 2005
Anonymous said...
Come on Peter, everyone knows your real name is Mike ;)
8:29 PM, September 28, 2005
Hells bells you sad lot of wankers. First Mike is Lawrence and then amazingly Peter becomes Mike.!!!
Grow up you lot. Lawrence is Lawrence (my given name) and that is me. I don't use any other name. Get used of that fact and stop trying to shit stir.
What is your real name?
Too bloody scared in case somebody will guess who you realy are. Suckers.
Isn't the $150k just the start of it, don't they need much more? But it's still a good idea, just needs to be run well.
No Bullock tried to pull the whole RQ thing back, so they could find how much it might really cost before going ahead however she got voted down again.
anon 9:05 said "....important as the Council Report content that went out. Has anyone read it and is it only me who thinks that this mayor has just signalled his real agenda?? I would appreciate your views on that."
ok where can this be seen and would you like to expand on your view of it please ?
Lawrence, you're more than welcome here and we believe your name to be as you say it is. The motive of the posters above is, in fact, to defend you after you were ludicrously accused yesterday of being someone you're not, and to highlight the paranoia of those who come here and, with utterly no sense of irony, leave such comments as "anonymous".
Yes, Harold, us too. The report is here (large pdf file) and while it mentions numerous issues which have been alluded to here in the past, including mention of asset sales, there seems nothing particularly alarming. Would anonymous @ 9.05 pm care to elaborate on his or her specific concerns and we'll investigate further.
Exactly that- Asset sales - the mayor has openly raised it and has made the case for them and is obviously going to get away with it. Can you imagine if Chas & the last council had said the same thing?
It's utu cried Vince
And I figure that since
Dotty has struck,
I don't give a f--k
And Laws is making me wince
A director's lament:
My Queen is sunk
First the weather, then Sam
Then Cliff on the lam
Now Laws, the vile little skunk
Anonymous said...
A director's lament:
(sorry a lost line last time)
My Queen is sunk
I'm in a blue funk
First the weather, then Sam
Then Cliff on the lam
Now Laws, the vile little skunk
Lawrence said:
Lawrence is Lawrence (my given name) and that is me.
Sorry Lawrence. Just my little joke at the expense of Lawsmob: for a while here everyone was accused of being Carol. Didn't mean to upset you ;)
Gosh darn those fiendish asset sales. Laws has been saying he wants to take "under-performing" assets, which presumeably are only making a bit of a profit, and sell them to build the Splash Centre extension, which by definition, since it will cost an extra $800k plus to keep it open, will be a liability.
Sell assetts to fund a liability. Might run into the LGA there. Still, Mickey can just say "The Splash Centre's an asset" and all of the numbers will miraculously change, won't they? Or is there some voodoo economic way to make a money pit look like a profitable enterprise?
RQ: a critical disaster. The only positive note: "mist-shrouded mountains and shimmering rivers" (not sure "mist shrouded" is going to attract anyone but photographers...).
So it sounds like Whanganui te awa came off quite well. As usual. Just so long as we don't look like a bunch of star-f***ers. Where's that report?
Anyone seen State and Main?
Anyone seen your brain?
How could any sane person argue that Wanganui shouldn't try to lever promotion and publicity off a film made by Vincent Ward on the Whanganui River?
If the price is only $150K then I'd say not only did the council et a great deal, but so did the inhabitants of your city. I am amazed that there are such negative people living there, or maybe I'm not. Wanganui is hardly known as a place for excitement or expansive minds. I wish your mayor luck!
Emma Camden bleating away in the Chron this morning - Is she a NZ citizen yet? And yeah, she so loves Wanganui that her & her partner refused to participate in this year's Artists Open Studios. Thanks for the 'assistance' Emma - those of us who made the effort don't need to be lectured at by you.
I was pointing out that the River comes out looking good. Hence we can probably leverage some good publicity for Wanganui out of it.
Not sure why this merits such abuse. perhaps it was the remark about "star-f***ers". Whatever.
A bunch of vitriol at Emma Camden. I doubt very much than anonymous has done anywhere close to as much for Wanganui and its international profile as Emma and David have. If anon really is an artist who opens their studio each year, which I doubt, then it's a pity that it has left them with such a closed mind.
Emma's citizenship has nothing to do with it: she is an active citizen of this community. Has anon donated $1000's of dollars worth of art to local causes? Doubt it. With anon's bigotry, I doubt their art has any market at all.
Can this particular anon who's got such a downer on Emma possibly be related to Michael's boy on Wanganui Inc, do you think?
Actually, this is typical. Attack the messenger, you fuckwit. There'll be another one along presently.
Anonymous said...
Lawrence said:
Lawrence is Lawrence (my given name) and that is me.
Sorry Lawrence. Just my little joke at the expense of Lawsmob: for a while here everyone was accused of being Carol. Didn't mean to upset you ;)
7:00 AM, September 29, 2005
Cheers anon, I guess all of us who are accused of words that are not ours get cheesed off.
Thanks for the apology and I retract my comments to you.
Anon said:
Met Jenna a couple of times when she was working with the Chronicle - she's more a nuts-and-bolts girl than big picture person & reports to Philip Shackleton, I'm told.
And about as popular by all acounts!
It could be worse. She could be as popular as Carol Webb! or David Murray ... hmmm.
Sorry only read every few days now due to lack of interest, but have just read the attack on Emma Camden (by a fellow artist???) and also the comments on how long people like Michael and Carol have lived in Wanganui.
I too am not a New Zealand citizen or a Wanganui native, but it doesnt stop me calling Wanganui home or having pride in it. I dont think how long you have lived here is relevant at all.
I have said it before and repeat it again, until blog users learn some tolerence you will never get the same tolerence of your own viewpoints. Debate the subject not the person. OK Michael being the Mayor and a figurehead for the city it is likely you will debate the person, but debate his comments not his family.
As to the Anon of a few days ago, I have never described myself as "An Informed Collector". I have a strong passion for Wanganui art (like many others), like collecting it when I can afford it and envy the skill of the artists whose work I am fortunate to own. I have no problem with supporting Art and also supporting other groups I work with including Vision, Chamber, Enteprise Wanganui, Destination Wanganui, UCOL, Powerco Trust and others. All have different agendas and opinions and being able to work at bringing some direction to any of these is immensly rewarding. It is doing something positive.
Just ask people like Dot and RQ, Rob V and the Tram, Joan and Theatre. They will all tell you that the value of self worth you get from doing something positive is quite cool, even if it means you have to take flack from people who lack the ability to do be positive themselves.
we could all follow lawrwnce and nigel-and be a lot more gracious
as for emma-we are so bloody lucky to have her and david in wanganui-even if the diva insists they are elitist!
I'd be more impressed by Emma if she stopped telling the rest of us how to live our lives, while not participating in Open Studios or being a NZ citizen. Her contributions to Wanganui have been in support of her industry, not the wider community.
How do you know Camden is not a NZ citizen, and how is she telling you ( whoever you are you brave person) how to live your life?
If your going to have a go at people, fair enough but dont hide behind "anonymous" , because that makes you a coward.
...I'd be more impressed by Emma if she stopped telling the rest of us how to live our lives...
She has done no such thing. Telling lies like this about someone is called "when did you stop beating your wife". It poses a red-herring that you look bad answering and bad ignoring.
So, anon, I think you're gutless manipulative individual, just like Michael Brian Laws.
Not just a coward, a coward and a racist. Come on Anon, show us your proof, your credibility is on the line
...telling the rest of us how to live our lives...
ffs, dickwad, have you read one of Dotty's columns recently?
Unfortunately, this is the new politics for Wanganui, attack people who oppose you.
Try to embarrass them personally and make them go away.
Emma your the coolest, you rock girl
Bereft of ideas and unable to put together a cogent defence of their multi-faced flexible ethics, Lawsmob have no better tactics than to follow the leader by attacking the messenger. Unfortunately for them, his verbal diarrhoea leaves them no actual ground to stand on, in the shifting sands of expediency that pass for policy.
So let me get this right:
It's OK to denigrate Michael Laws and make up rumours about him & his family, but it's not OK to suggest that Emma Camden should participate in Open Studios?
I haven't involved myself prior to this post, but the hypocrisy of Joan Street and others in here is breathtaking. What a poisonous lot you are.
Don't look for logic in here, anon.
It's like visiting some Victorian mental asylum - just savour the sights and praise the Lord you're not similarly afflicted.
Emma makes glass bricks ... now watch THAT stir them up.
Dear Lord!
Looking through the comments here it is apparent that Michael's problems with women he can't control are getting the better of him.
Must safer with little lucy, the various fairies, stand-by-my-man Leo and the new boy network, eh Michael?
Anonymous said...
Anon said:
Met Jenna a couple of times when she was working with the Chronicle - she's more a nuts-and-bolts girl than big picture person & reports to Philip Shackleton, I'm told.
And about as popular by all acounts!
While this thread spirals into nothingness I'd just like to say that Jenna has an awesome rack!
Phoar!! :)
"...it's not OK to suggest that Emma Camden should participate in Open Studios?"
It's not OK to claim that opening a studio means you "support Wanganui" more than someone who doesn't. It's not Ok to turn any attempt at debate into a personality contest.
But that's not really what you're here for, is it, "anon"? Debate? I suspect you'd rather eat dead rats, Michael.
I think Michael is a dead rat. Well her certainly has all the charm of one.
I don't see what all the fuss is about River Queen. Why do we even need the movie to be set here: why not just pick an existing successful movie with an appropriate theme. "Caligula" would have to be a shoe-in. Little Boot made his horse a senator, Michael made Dotty deputy mayor...
If your all so worried about Emma being a citizen or not why don't you just Google her and find out? What that has to do with her letter in the Chron today is beyond me.
It only has to do with it in that Laws and the gang would do anything rather than discuss an issue. Emma, along with many others, is concerned about how the pork barrel is being rolled out, and to whom. There are two Visions - the one shared and the other not. we'd like more info on the "shadow" vision. Who knows, we might even support some of it. Open and transparent government anyone?
See what I mean, anon.
One post & they bit like radid piranha. Fun, eh? I come here, shoot a few rats & leave because its a better pastime than shooting pool. My mate calls them Pavlov's hogs - hahaha.
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