Thursday, September 29, 2005

Lights, camera, lack of action

While we're on the subject of films, a topic that's been raised from time-to-time in comments - just what did happen to the Film Festival?

Back in February things looked optimistic. On the 8th, the Economic Committee discussed an application from the Festival Trust for $20,000. At that time, Councillors were a little shocked to find that the Diva had apparently tripled the Council's commitment to the Festival without consulting anyone first. Festival co-founder Marion Campbell was quoted as saying that the Mayor "wanted to see Wanganui on the map, with a significant annual film festival".

Crs Bullock, Wills and Dhaya weren't impressed with the Diva's off-the-cuff generosity, the latter saying it "wasn't cricket". And with the Diva being bowled a googly in Tonga, Ray Stevens absent, and Dotty forced to stand aside due to a conflict of interest (the Festival Awards usually being held at her place) that left a committee of only three councillors, who decided to let the application "lie upon the table" (i.e. to do nothing about it).

Fast forward to May this year, and the Festival's collapse is given the Spin Fairy treatment in the Chron on the 10th of that month, with Helen Lawrence saying "the basic reason for the cancellation was that the Trust had run out of time".

Now why would a group of people who'd successfully run precisely the same event in the past suddenly "run out of time"?

  • Was it because the Diva tagged his unauthorised promise of $20,000 with the proviso that the Festival be run in winter, and the planning period was thus foreshortened?
  • Was it because their request for $20,000 "lay on the table" without an answer due to the Diva's quest for fame taking precedence over Council duties?
  • Or were the organisers truly so inept that they simply let the whole thing slide by not getting it ready in time, as the Spin Fairy claimed?
  • Or some combination of the above?
Why are these questions important, you ask? Let's turn to the Council's own Minutes for 21 February this year:

Impact of not funding the event for 2005

If the 2005 Wanganui Film Festival planned for 2005 does not proceed the impact of this can be summarised as follows:
  • The New Zealand Film Commission will not honour the $15,000 requested to support the Festival.
  • The French Embassy, the Italian Consulate and the Australian Film Commission will be advised of the cancellation of arrangements to use their films.
  • Loyal sponsors will need to be advised that the film festival in Wanganui will not be going ahead. They are: Sony New Zealand, Kodak New Zealand, Atlab New Zealand, Oktober (a division of Silverscreens Films, e.g. River Queen), Stebbing Recording Centre, DVT (Digital Video Technology), Focal Press, Citizen Watches, New Zealand Writers Guildand Te Mangai Paho.
  • Local sponsors will be advised: Coull Battell, Radio Works and Noel Leeming.
  • Festival supporters advised: Peter Jackson, Alun Bollinger, Gaylene Preston, Whetu Fala.
  • Advice will go to the Duncan Family Trust that supports the Cameron Duncan Memorial Award.
  • Business will be lost for the following local businesses: Embassy 3 Cinema, Royal Wanganui Opera House, Cooks Gardens Function Centre, Avenue Hotel, Tearaway magazine.
  • A retraction will need to be advertised in Film Magazine.
  • Creative New Zealand will also have to retract an announcement they have made re the upcoming festival.
  • 500 New Zealand High Schools are in the process of being approached to submit Films to the 3rd year of junior shorts competition. This would cease.

Conclusion: The application being considered has had to be dealt with outside of the Community Contracts process. It is unusual in that should Council approve the application, it will mean the District Council will provide funding twice to an event in the same financial year. However, the timing of the event is unusual as well in that it will fall at a time when Wanganui traditionally has difficulty attracting visitors and it takes place the year of the release of River Queen. There is good evidence that shows the economic benefits to Wanganui not only in the short-term but longer term as the festival’s reputation builds.

If indeed the Festival collapsed for want of $20,000, leaving egg on Wanganui's face with all of the above organisations, media and eminent persons, it raises some serious questions about the way the Council (and the Diva) does business.

And if we could have received the above benefits for $20,000, will we get 7.5 times more benefit for the $150,000 that's being spent on the River Queen premiere-that-isn't?

Update (11.30pm): We've just looked up the Diva's infamous "When the Cat's Away" column, published on 21 February, in which he says: "[Marion's] estimate was that $20,000 would be required – plus the usual sponsorship – and that seemed reasonable. I was looking (still am) at devoting some of my Mayoral salary to that aim and also sourcing other funds. Lord knows how that has been interpreted as short-circuiting the community contracts process. Strange stuff."

So was a dollop of Laws's largesse duly delivered? If so, why was the Festival seeking the $20,000 from Council if it was to come from the Diva? Did they in fact want $20,000 plus the Mayoral contribution? Or were they seeking the money from Council because the Diva didn't deliver? We've emailed the organisers to see if they'll answer these and other questions.

Comments on this post are now closed.


Anonymous said...

Once again blame is one-sided here.

The festival organisers wanted "three times" as much as usual, and somehow it's odd that the council didn't just pony up?

There is no way that this can be the sole reason for cancellation - could they not just run the same scale event as the past two years, instead of asking for more money for grander things? Apparently there's no way they could apply for any funding from elsewhere to cover their usual costs either.

They list so many terrible things that would (and have) happened as a result of cancellation, you'd think they would be committed to making sure that they don't have to cancel.

Nope, Film Wanganui are quitters. Instead of driving for it, they gave up. As of March 2005 (not even a month after their meeting with council) they ceased to exist as far as any practical concerns go. Their website is completely blocked off except for "We're closed. Email us with questions". I'd like to know about all the OTHER ventures they were supposed to be involved in outside the festival. Apparently they simply don't care about any of that.

Why am I acting surprised though? We are talking about the same group who wanted to have a film school then decided to give up when they couldn't use the inhabitable Purnell House.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like good analysis, but it does beg the question: if they were so flaky, why'd the Diva offer them 20k in the first place? Nygwllhuw, you were on the committee at one point. Anything to contribute?

Anonymous said...

Marion and John spent many voluntary hours running the festival and while it gained good exposure, I personally, as a trustee struggled to see (and have no evidence) that it contributed as much to Wanganui as say Whangani Open Studios or the recent Indoor Hockey Tournament. To merit $20,000 worth of ratepayer funding it should be returning a significant profit to the city.

In fact this was the basis of my resignation as a trustee. When I couldnt in all honesty make a case for this much funding, was potentially liable for funding amounts I found out about through the newspaper and as I supported what I felt were more worthy events, I was forced by my own beliefs into resigning and letting the side down. We did have some fun times at the Rutland though and it is still one of my major regrets in that we were unable to secure funding for other Film Wanganui initiatives like RCTV (community television) and a Film School.

Marion and John are visionaries (if you will pardon any work with Vision in it). They have concept ideas and required others to step up and assist with turning these into a reality. Maybe if more people spent time doing instead of knocking in blogs this would have been possible. Anon - Calling them quitters is a compliment because at least they have tried! Identify yourself and tell us what you have done recently.

Likewise I have no problem with John and Marion expecting to gain some return for their efforts. The budget was minimal and they were not making anything. Why should they continue for no return? Likewise they deserve no criticism from do-nothings in this blog for choosing to regain 2-3 months of their life back each year.

As to Michaels role as guest speaker one year, and a supporter of seeing the festival made bigger. This appears to be a negative here? However had he been against the festival this blog would be critising him for this too, so he is stuffed whichever way he went. Probably why i would never go for public office - you can never win. (Never be voted for either?)

Personally I feel this is a dead issue, but if this blog wants to ask Marion and John for their opinion, go for it. The major success of the festival organisers was to recognise the talent of Cameron Duncan before his tragic demise with Cancer. Marion worked tirelessly to promote Cameron to the likes of Peter Jackson and others. It is through the hard work of Camerons mum and Marion that at the academy awards Peter and Fran openly tributed Cameron and his work. I am still in awe of this young bloke who when I met him retained such positive ideals in spite of what he knew was only weeks away. I continue to host a tribute site to him and have promised his mum to do this for as long as my company exists.

In conclusion, they say in business that for every great idea there are ninety-nine failures. They are not necessarily bad, just it wasnt their time. I see the festival as being one of these. it was no-ones failure - it was a positive and rewarding success for its duration, but it is not the nail in the coffin that this blog continually seems to be looking for.

Matt Dutton said...

Good on ya Nygwllhuw, and thanks.

" in this blog..."

if you're talking about the anonymii, Nige, how can you tell they're do-nothings?

No-one does nothing.

Laws Watch said...

Ngyllhuw wrote: This appears to be a negative here? However had he been against the festival this blog would be critising him for this too, so he is stuffed whichever way he went.

Thanks for the background and analysis, Nygllhuw. It's when people with something to contribute other than "get a dog up ya" add to the debate that the blog really starts to be of value to Wanganui.

To answer your comment above, we posited several possible reasons the Festival fell over, including the fact that Council tabled the issue and didn't follow up on the Mayor's commitment. Whether the Mayor had the right to make that offer without Council approval is another question, as is whether having made that commitment he ought to have ensured it was honoured.

Anything that adds to the cultural, sporting, social or indeed political life of Wanganui is to be applauded and, where possible, supported.

So, no, we're not having a go at him for supporting it, just for not following through on that support, and at whoever it was who allowed the whole thing to fall into a heap.

Anonymous said...

If you contact Marion Campbell you'll find out the $20K was to come out of the mayor's pocket if the council didn't front. She wrote a very critical letter (of Crs Bullock & Westwood) that was circulated around the council. I saw it and so did most councillors and staff - see if you can get a copy.
The mayor is the only blameless individual in this charade which seems strange I know, but there you are. He was the one who wanted to turn it into a national event and Marion C got upset when council turned their back while he was away in Tonga.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
If you contact Marion Campbell you'll find out the $20K was to come out of the mayor's pocket if the council didn't front."

Reality check, reality check!

So just where is Laws' cheque for $20K then - or more to the point, just where is the festival?

Anonymous said...

So, you're saying that Marion Campbell was upset about a couple of councillors trying to ensure due process is followed when ratepayers money is at stake, but apparently didn't accept the Diva's kind offer of a personal cheque??

Anonymous said...

Sounds like spinto me. Or if you prefer, blatant lies.

Anonymous said...

Good on u Nygllhuw. I'd vote for you if u were ever silly enough to go for public office. Keep up the great work ....being normal, egoless and respecting others. People that matter respect that.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said;

Sounds like spinto me. Or if you prefer, blatant lies.
I can assure you, having seen the letter that it is not. To reveal my name would out me and I don't owe you that (and I could lose my job) but it exists. Why not apply for it under the Official Information Act - council would have to give it to yu. Marion Campbell's letter.
Westwood & Bulock's motivations I do not know but they are known to automatically oppose the Vision leadership but have sidelined themselves or been sidelined, I don't know.

Anonymous said...

Good idea. Onto it, Matt.
How have the other OIA requests turned out?
I didn't vote for Laws but if Bullock was the alternative, I'd stick with the devil we know. For all his faults, this is a bright mayor.

Anonymous said...

the Diva's Design?

A Mac or three
Is what I see
And Nige is a guy
That I might buy
Just watch him follow me!

Anonymous said...

Nigelwho egoless? Yeah right. Just a post ago he was boring us all silly with his myriad claims to being part of the boys' network.

Now there's a thought for you, just how did he alone survive the transition from the old boys to the new boys?

Anonymous said...

Please lets all be reasonably nice to each other .. tonight!

Laws Watch said...

How have the other OIA requests turned out?

Responses are due any day now. And since a LGOIMA Act request was made some time ago for all documents relating to Council and the Festival, and the letter referenced here is mysteriously not amongst the reply, we have contacted the original enquirer to suggest that they may like to give Mr Whitlock one more chance to come clean before going to the Ombudsman.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
Good on u Nygllhuw. I'd vote for you if u were ever silly enough to go for public office."

Hey look, guys, at least the Diva can spell Nyg****'s name right.

Anonymous said...

Yes, he is a "bright" mayor isn't he?

Laws Watch said...

Pip said: Please lets all be reasonably nice to each other .. tonight!

What?! Your name probably isn't even Pip! It's probably something like... oh... Agnes! Yes that's it! That sounds stupid! Come on everyone, let's insult Agnes here and completely divert attention from the issues at hand, thus allowing Michael to escape unscathed!!

Then we'll all post self-congratulatory messages to one another marvelling at how clever we were to have thought up unique witticisms like "wanker" and "loser". With any luck, when we tell Michael, he might smile at us! You know how we go all soggy when he does that!
Sorry... we just wanted to see what it was like to swap sides for a moment :-D

Anonymous said...

You ARE on my side, grasshopper.
Your Diva xxx

Anonymous said...

I can confirm that a letter exists from Marion Campbell that went to councillors, explsaining why she cancelled the film festival. I saw it and it may not be in LawsWatch's best interests to et it or publish t because it points the fingers at our council hero[ine]s, not the mayor. Drop it.

Anonymous said...

"Lawswatch's" interests?

Marion may well have blamed Bullock and Westwood, but that doesn't mean that's where the blame lies. Laws promised the $20k. outside of the normal council funding round, then totally failed to back his own promise. When Marion fronted the meeting, it was the first councillors had heard of it. Where was Mickey? "Promoting Wanganui" on Tv.

It was left to Philip Shackleton to explain the Diva's plan, even though Deputy Dotty was also there.

I think the festival fell over for a number of reasons. One of them was that Mickey let his gob run away with him then didn't honour his words. But then honour was never his strong point, was it?

“To be brutally honest, I was a bit pissed off that the film’s producers had promised us the the media, of the Toronto release. Given our council’s assistance to the producers, we deserved better.”

"... we have only obligated ourselves to $150,000 of expenditure and intend on getting maximum bang for our bucks..."

Where's that report?

Anonymous said...

"...if we can get Tem Morrison, Cliff Curtis, Vincent Ward and the young child star then we will have done pretty well."

If? We haven't even secured their attendance yet? Better spend some more of that $150,000 securing them, Mickey.

'Cos $150k is out "total contribution", isn't it?

Anonymous said...

"it may not be in LawsWatch's best interests to et it or publish t because it points the fingers at our council hero[ine]s, not the mayor. Drop it."

Leave that letter alone, Watchers! Nothing to see here, move along move along. The letter has already been subject to one OIA request. Now we know of its existence we can ask for it specifically. Or the ombudsman can. Then we'll see what Marion really wrote. Perhaps the above anon is spinning. "Drop it"? Yeah right.

Not to mention the illegality of not providing a copy the first time it was requested.

Anonymous said...

Is Dotty insane? No don't answer that. She actually wants the museum to go ahead with the prohibitive expense of a River Dog exhibit. And what do we do when they make a good movie here, Dotty? Build another wing?

Anonymous said...

I would venture to say that River Queen has the sum total of zero historical significance to Whanganui, river or town. If Fox want to promote it let them. We can use it to promote the river. A museum piece? Get real Dotty.

Anonymous said...

DottyMichael has been very quiet about the government money they were expecting to get, especially from Tourism NZ.

I heard they also went cap in hand to the government itself, perhpas the associate arts minister the Diva gave the famous one-digit salute to and told her to keep out of his/Wanganui's business.

Is it possible they in turn were given the appropriate message, do ya think?

Anonymous said...

Well, when they said "this is Wanganui's party", didn't you realise that meant no-one else is coming?

Anonymous said...

That's right: Wanganui $ for Wanganui people.
Don't you people like film? Toocommercial? Too successful for the diet of losers that visit here.

Anonymous said...

I love movies, you pillock. RQ is not living up to the promise delivered by the strong team of actors, but may yet provide Wanganui with an opportunity to promote the river.

I am not convinced that a big party is the best use of $150k if we're trying to promote Wanganui as a tourist destination.

If we're trying to make Vision Councillors feel important, and help them show off like their celebrity leader, go ahead.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, watch Sue P. steal the show!
She could get Cliff Curtis to say a few words about the 'h'. Or perhaps about the Sarjeant collection.

Anonymous said...

"That's right: Wanganui $ for Wanganui people"

So, is that official confirmation, Michael, that no-one else will touch you with a barge-poll? I bet we'd get government funding for the event if Mickey wasn't involved.

Anonymous said...

you guys may hate the mayor, but i bet he loves you. Loves having enemies like you becauase youre so easily riled. you're sport.

Anonymous said...

Riled? lol

All the angry words are coming from one direction: yours.

Doesn't it alarm you at all that as the number of blog contributors grows, your bile will come to be seen as the Vision attitude? :)

Anonymous said...

Will anyone re-kindle the film festival fire, though? Mickey's on record as "thinking about" providing a $20k funding kickstart out of his own pocket ("Whan the Cat's Away"), but get it in writing, eh? ;)

Laws Watch said...

it may not be in LawsWatch's best interests to get it or publish it

What do you think we are, Spin Fairies? The only "best interest" LawsWatch has is the truth.

We will always offer interpretation and opinion based on our view of events to counter, where necessary, the Mayor's fulltime spin machine.

But in order to debate the issues we (being the broader public) need to know exactly what they are. So we'll keep digging.

We're seeking the letter and we'll publicise it's contents. And if the contents criticise other councillors, that's too bad. Once it's public, readers can judge for themselves whether or not the criticisms are valid.

Anonymous said...

But ..But your supposed to be Laws haters. That sounds democratic and open minded, like the Vision team are supposed to be

Anonymous said...

I hate Laws' anti-democratic methods, not his person. Seems like a decent enough bloke socially and all that. Just he thinks he can rule, and he was elected to serve.

Anonymous said...

"Seems like a decent enough bloke ..."

I disagree, anon. What you call Laws' anti-democratic methods are simply an extension of a personality that is serious flawed and scores top marks on the psychopathy scale.

Dishonest, manipulative, abusive --these are personal problems writ large in a role which gives him a far greater public arena than your average psychopath, and power which makes him more dangerous.

This behaviour is simply an extension of that which Hawke's Bay and Wellington suffered, and all that stopped him doing even more damage there was the fact that he was a mere councillor, a mere MP. That meant he didn't have the majority that now reinforces his natural proclivities as a liar and bully.

Anonymous said...

Items in the Hare Psychopathy

Glibness/superficial charm
Grandiose sense of self-worth
Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom
Pathological lying
Lack of remorse or guilt
Shallow affect
Callous/lack of empathy
Parasitic lifestyle
Poor behavioral control
Promiscuous sexual behavior -
Early behavior problems
Lack of realistic, long-term goals
Failure to accept responsibility for own actions
Many short-term marital relationships -
Juvenile delinquency
Revocation of conditional release
Criminal versatility -

Anonymous said...

You're way out of date, anon, it's all neurobiology these days :)

Anonymous said...

Lets have a game.
How many factual examples of M Laws behaviour can we link to the Hare Psychopathy Checklist ?

I'll start
Impulsivity........ 'lll give 20k to the film Festival"

Anonymous said...

Pathological lying

You could ask Antoinette Beck about this one - if you can find her

Anonymous said...


Gives Nicki Higgie a committee chair (according to GK to reward high achievers of the first six months) and sets her up to be the saviour of the Sarjeant then white-ants her at every opportunity.

Anonymous said...

This blog is unbelievable. There are some seriously sick people in this world.

Anonymous said...

"There are some seriously sick people in this world."

Yes, and amazingly enough one of them has got to be mayor.

Laws Watch said...

speechless said: There are some seriously sick people in this world.

Goodness, nurse, sounds like a clear case of biploar depression to us: Infectious humor ceases to amuse...everything is now against the are irritable, angry... uncontrollable, and trapped.

Bring us 10ccs of Diva Devotion Potion, stat!

Anonymous said...

No wonder only a very few people post on this blog, repeating their hatred ad nauseum. Most people would take one look and stay well away.

Anonymous said...

This is your second posting Speechless, looks like you don't take your own advice and at 6.45 in the morning, go on you know you like it ; )
This is a robust forum, it's also the most honest and open one we have in Wanganui media at the moment for both sides to express their views.
Laws watch in my opinion is doing a fantastic service for this city.
If you don't enjoy it here then leave.

Anonymous said...

Most people have left.

Anonymous said...

MICHAEL SAID: "Most people would take one look ... "

Yes, Michael but you're not "most people" are you?

Anonymous said...

I think the rot set in with the Film Festival when Laws made his (though of course he presented it as the council's) support conditional on the festival being moved to winter.

His delusions of total control progressed to the $20K lolly-scramble, but then a couple of stroppy female councillors persuaded the rest that not even MichaelDotty had the right to subvert the community contracts process.

Like everything else, he has to show he's in control, especially when he's dealing with women, who much to his dismay have long played a signifcant role in organisations that get things done in Whanganui. Submit or be abused is the way he operates.

He staggered into the Jazz Festival a year ago, fresh from the inauguration party, and in a rambling and mostly-incoherent rant announced that henceforth he would make the festival great. Next year, he decreed, it should be in the Opera House. Watch this space.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Most people have left.

Have a peek at the 'polls', they are still going strong. Not everybody likes to blog, darling.