Thursday, October 06, 2005

Head of Heart announced

Seems none other than highly respected Aucklander David Mitchell, (pictured at left) 2005 winner of the New Zealand Institute of Architects Gold Medal, is to head up the Heart of Wanganui project.

There's no doubting he's one of NZ's foremost architects, though LawsWatch is caused some fleeting concern by his profile in the
Listener which includes the comment, "The mind of the architect is a foreign country. If David Mitchell is a representative example... it is perverse and seemingly committed to discomfort". So they've got someone designing the thing that thinks like the Mayor?!

Tony van Raat seems to have bowed out – wonder why? He doesn’t even rate a mention in Ian McGowan’s report to Tuesday's Finance and Administration Committee, and there’s no sign of the long-awaited concepts and drawings that emerged from the top-level architectural think tank that van Raat masterminded back in February. And that the Diva promised in February would be revealed "to both the council and the people of Wanganui by late March". Perhaps he meant late March 2006.

Mitchell will likely have his work cut out dealing with a working party which, if the Diva has his way, will comprise the Diva (surprise, surprise) and Visioners McKinnon, Hughes and Wills plus Randhir Dahya.

The brief? "To overview the development of concepts and plans for revitalisation of the Queens Park Cultural Precinct to give it prominence as the cultural heart of Wanganui."

McGowan suggests they will need to select an option, review the costings, develop and monitor a programme for the project, resolve the extent and format of consultation, monitor expenditure, etc etc.

Meanwhile John Maihi has written on behalf of Te Runanga O Tupoho asking for a cultural centre at Moutoa Gardens which may house some taonga from the Te Awa Tupua exhibition at Te Papa.

Comments on this post are now closed.


Anonymous said...

I wonder how Mickey's going to sell the new Sarjeant extension design.

Anonymous said...

David Mitchell's ouvre includes Auckland's New Gallery. We can assume he's not going to be very amused by Michael's philistine anti-gallery rants ... but who, apart from JohnB, is?

Anonymous said...

Oh god he's not an artytect is he? Funny how creative people get all the fun jobs :)

Anonymous said...

If he was all that upset, he wouldn't have accepted the brief!
Exciting development though and when you think that brief includes reshaping/reconfiguring the library, art gallery, museum, War Memorial Hall and forecourt then most architects would salivate at the opportunity.
putting all politics & personalities aside, this is incredibly exciting for Wanganui and puts the Sarjeant extension to shame.

Anonymous said...

You mean the iwi support the Heart concept too?? Is there no end to the EVil One's influence? He is certainly very pally-pally with Ken Mair and that has caused a lot of resentment within council who remember what Mair & his mates did to Chas.

Anonymous said...

To pay for the heart
I'll sell all the art
With Richard & Bob
And the rest of LawsMob
Call in the clowns and we'll start

Anonymous said...

I've noticed that too - Laws has courted the younger Maori and next generation after John Maihi and they are working a lot closer and behind the scenes. Often see Ken Mair and company heading off to the mayor's office and its caused a few eyebrows around council.

Anonymous said...

When are you going to break anything, LawsWatch??
Been nothing new for ages and it seems you're just writing out screeds from council minutes and agenads. Boring.

Anonymous said...

Taihoa... don't be conned into thinking iwi, including Ken are conned by the mayors modern day offering of muskets and beads....
and if you read John Maihi's letter from Tupoho you will see they are not supporting the Heart concept, but asking for their ideas to be taken into consideration. Surprisingly or not as the case may be, there is no recommendation put in front of the committee which even acknowledges the request or suggests a response.
Meetings there may be in the Mayors office, but cosy they are not!

Laws Watch said...

Kia Ora Snow. We'd like an official Iwi input into LW as that's a perspective that seems to be missing from much of the discussion on a lot of things (and not just in this blog). As with Morgs, Marion and anyone else we've invited, the offer is for an unedited say (provided the length of the item is kept reasonable). So if you have any influence, perhaps you might suggest those with representation rights make contact.

Anonymous said...

Yeah right. And now we know 'Snow' is Carol as well as LawsWatch. Must be hard having so many multiple personalities, Sybil.

Anonymous said...

I know who Snow is and it's not Carol, loser.

You're obsessed

Anonymous said...

"And now we know 'Snow' is Carol ..."

You nothing and you're a fool.

Anonymous said...

check out the mayor's new column -

Anonymous said...

Snow white snow bright
Snow is falling in the night
Speaking truth and casting light
On things Mike don't want you to know
Kia kaha, kiaora Snow.


Anonymous said...

I read the mayor's column - who says the Watchers have no influence - parts of it could even have been lifted straight from comments here. And probably were.

Thanks for the compliment of answering some of our questions, Michael. Even if you don't name the source.

Anonymous said...

"The ‘liberation’ of Wanganui-themed art works from the Sarjeant Gallery to public places."

The Sarjeant Gallery is a public place. Tucked away in Council, Michael, these works are unavailable for study by school groups etc. Or would it be appropriate, do you think, for 30 high school students to arrive to make some sketches on the stairs at Guyton Street?

Anonymous said...

"to give council management a clear steer on policy priorities for the next ten years."

You don't set policy priorities, Michael. According to the LGA, the people you serve do that.

Anonymous said...

Good column from the mayor with good discussion of issues and none of the abuse you get here. You could learn from him.

Anonymous said...

His supporters are the ones dishing out the abuse.

Anonymous said...

It wasn't that long ago that Mickey was abusing all and sundry on the Chron. front page. This new charm offensive won't last.

Anonymous said...

"You could learn from him."

What, you mean we could post anonymously, refuse to engage in civilised debate, and instead engage in abusive intimidatory behaviour?

No thanks.

Anonymous said...

I predict Mickey's charm offensive lasts 'til February 12th.

Anonymous said...

"You mean the iwi support the Heart concept too?"

How can anyone support something they haven't seen, that doesn't appear to have any costings attached?

At this point the Heart Project looks more & more like an expensive red herring, gasping for air in the rarified atmosphere of Mickey's ego.

Anonymous said...

And yet another first person who would change the "mayor". He's clearly a arty farmer.


Anonymous said...

Everyone is entitled to their viewpoint, Carol.
Even you.

Anonymous said...

But, you prat, it's wasn't Carol who posted that comment. Poor Lawsmob, deluded and sad.

Anonymous said...

Sue Westwood has been trying to push a rating review for years. Now that Mickey's jumped on her bandwagon we can probably expect a lot of froth and bullshit before we can get on with it. Laws will confuse the debate making simplistic press statements out of complex issues, and probably find some way to imply that anyone who doesn't agree with him is stupid.

Here we go again.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1.53 pm
A rating review has been carried out in every term of Council that I am aware of. The only constant is that no matter whether you use capital value, land value, or uniform charges one can always point to someone in the district that appears to be treated unfairly. Land values penalise large landholders, capital values penalise investment, uniform charges penalise low value properties. Auckland City had an interesting system, RENTABLE VALUES, I presume they still use it.
Because of all the pro's and con's council's usually end up with a mix of values. Mayor Laws e column seems to suggest that rate setting is affected by location. Hard to believe this one, the Annual Plan shows the rate setting exercise and clearly there is no differenciation between suburbs.

Anonymous said...

So more spin from Mickey. Thanks Rob for adding some salt to the demystification stew.

Anonymous said...

There was an interesting submission to the annual plan by Robert Bartley:

• Requests that the funding policy be reviewed because the use of the capital value of a property for roading and footpaths, city water fire fighting capacity and storm-water disadvantages some ratepayers. It is suggested that a uniform annual charge be used instead.

Mr Bartley noted that some Wanganui properties, per square metre, were the highest
residential sections in New Zealand. He gave examples of high priced residential
properties in Auckland paying significantly less in rates than Wanganui properties.

Anonymous said...

They're howling with pain in North Shore City where rates are based on the estimated sale value of properties, because a billion dollars' worth of infrastructure upgrade will see them faced with 6-7 percent annual rates rises for the next 8 years.

It will propel the average household rates bill to around $2,500 a year.

Perhaps we should send Mickey up there to show them Vision's "nil rates rise" party trick ... 5% service cuts until the end of time (or at least the end of services).

Anonymous said...

Vinsen is wrong - as he usually is. Upping parking charges would drive shoppers away - that was his latest cry & thats turned out to be bullshit too. My aunt pays higher rates than me and she lives in C'cliff but my Springvale property is worth more and thats because her land (which is only part of her property) is worth more.
Jesus people, Laws is right. Can't believe you'd argue agst a review that might things fairer. Oh shit, what I'm thinking - cause I can because the mayor said it.
You bunch are like Pavlov's dogs.

Anonymous said...

Scoop: (overheard at lunchtime but is that close enough?)
Alan Anderson (ex-National candidate)is standing for Vision at the by-election.

Anonymous said...

"Jesus people, Laws is right. Can't believe you'd argue agst a review that might things fairer"

has anyone argued against a review? No. Where does that leave your statement?

The formula for setting rates may well be manifestly deficient; the last thing we need is your "mayor" adding spin to the mix.

Anonymous said...

It's a risky business letting a madman loose at City Hall.

Never fear, the council's new risk management system covers risk factors including Community Unity.

One would expect that to rate a red alert.

Anonymous said...

"Jesus people, Laws is right. Can't believe you'd argue agst a review that might things fairer. Oh shit, what I'm thinking - cause I can because the mayor said it.
You bunch are like Pavlov's dogs."

Where is this drongo coming from? Imagine, just for a moment, being this person: he or she takes time out from their day and surfs a political blog, in order to abuse people for wholly imagined transgressions. Talk about a wasted life. Most here are keen for a few facts beyond what Council and the Chron. offer. We like a bit of analysis with our spin, and it's well known that LW has a pro-Wanganui bias.

Drongo, here, otoh, bitches constantly. What a picture of misery. Poor Drongo. We should feel sorry for him/her, I guess.

Anonymous said...

Anon 3.19pm

Your comment is the classic example of the quandary faced by Councils. Mayor Laws tells us that he sees an inequity between his St John's Hill rates and an 83 yr old Castlecliff residents rates. But Robert Bartley is a St John's Hill resident also, and he says the opposite to what Mayor Laws is suggesting. It is irrelevant to compare rates to other cities by property value. Council's decide the quantum they need to collect, and values are only a tool for distributing the burden. Incidentally the NIL Rates Increase claim is a spin. Mayor Laws says he defines a Nil Rates Increase as " collecting the same quantum of rates as last year" yet the Annual Plan says they have collected $200,000 more. It has been the $300,000 new growth in the rating base over the last twelve months that has given this council the opportunity to collect more but still make the claim. But I totally support them on the 5% budget cuts.

Anonymous said...

OK, Rob, the 5% budget cuts: Should they be made in services or admin? Where can Wanganui withstand them? I have heard anecdotally that we're over-staffed on the admin side, but understaffed on the service delivery side. Any thoughts?

Anonymous said...

It's service delivery that we pay for and care about, not admin.

It's said that they (local govt.) spend so much time preparing reports for Wellington that they've barely time to do anything else.

Anonymous said...

Now mates of mine say
When they're looking my way
(Which they usually do on the skew)
That I'm tricky conniving hopelessly vain
But funny and charming to boot
They'll tell you
"Always look for the lie
In whatever he says"
Or you'll find yourself somewhere sticky
But who is this rogue I hear you all cry
Why of course I'm your mayoral friend Mickey.


Anonymous said...

Alan Anderson standing for Vision?

Isnt he just a little bit old to fit the team profile?
Still a little eyeliner, a touch of make up here and there just might do it!

Seems to work on others perception of themselves as ageless.

Anonymous said...

That's hopelessly ageist, Snow. Mickey Mayor is only 50, or something ;)

Perhaps in time he too can grow to know wisdom.

Anonymous said...

Michael said:


Michael, would you mind not breaching your daughter's right to privacy so shamelessly? Some of us here who have children are horrified at the way you use your familial relations as currency.

Anonymous said...

It's called Playing the Lucy Card....

you've got to know when to hold them,
know when to fold them
know when to walk away
know when to run ...

Anonymous said...

At least Little Lucy is too young to know what's happening. You couldn't say the same of the step-children who are only too aware of what is going on.

Anonymous said...

That's right - now criticise the mayor's kids. Pavolv's dogs ARE smarter.

Anonymous said...

I've just read Rob Vnsen's entry and agree with a previous poster that the guy just can't get his facts right it seems.
Rob even a non-council type like me can see that Laws/Vision kept their promise over a nil rates increase.
What you haven't factored in is that the annual plan of 2004/5 predicted rates to be 'x' but the reality was that growth happened during the year and so the total rates was 'x plus $200K'.
The new council presumably took that point as their reference and there was no rate increase from 2004/5 to 2005/6. Simple maths, Rob. Comparing the annual plans wouldn;t give you a fair comparison - you need to compare actual.

Anonymous said...

Also Laws is right in unfairness in rates because of the skewed bias given land rates versus capital rates. That can end up, like he said, with the crazy situation where someone in Castlecliff is paying more rates but their house and property is worth less. That happens because of Wanganui's fixation upon rating land not capital value.
By the way, I heard the Allan Anderson story at the pub tonight.
Vision put up Joan Street, Bob Walker and Murray Hughes and they;s be in their late 50s/early 60s. Allan is a pretty fit60-something and has done great work at Bushy Park. he also chewed out MP Jill Pettis over her claiming credit & did it publicly just 3-4 days before the election in the Chronicle.

Anonymous said...

"What you haven't factored in is that the annual plan of 2004/5 predicted rates to be 'x' but the reality was that growth happened during the year and so the total rates was 'x plus $200K'.
The new council presumably took that point as their reference and there."

Thanks, anon. I always wanted to know how that worked & you've explained. Mucho apprecio.
And who would have thought Rob V would have supported the 5% cuts?
Be sure to let Bill and the Sarjeant staff know next time you're up there.

Anonymous said...

"That's right - now criticise the mayor's kids. Pavolv's dogs ARE smarter."

What do we make of this person? No-one has criticised Leonie's kids, or Michael's, but at least we can spell Pavlov.

Anonymous said...

Re Anon 5.26pm
My observation is that, as long as I have observed, the WDC has always operated within a budget surplus of $200,000 to $300,000 each year. I have always believed that the opportunity was there to make this saving at the budget setting time, and not ask ratepayers for it.. What is supposed to happen is that these unspent funds are supposed to be credited against the following years corporate management costs. In reality though most councils have used the funds , or at least part of them , for special projects. This Council , for instance, used $100,000 to renovate the Council chambers.No councillor really knows where there is fat in a budget, and ,I believe, that the across the board cut was the best way. As for "service or admin" cuts - it is always politically popular to seek to slash admin costs. I thought the same, and while on Council ( six years ago)I initiated a Corporate Management review. The late Cr John Lithgow and myself were appointed to a review committee, and the end result was that the costs had increased by less than the rate of inflation over the previous 8 years. This information took the wind out of our sales a bit. The new CEO,as would be expected from any new broom, will have a review. While it is always simple to focus on admin costs, the less understandable multi million budgets such as roading, water services, wastewater, are rarely touched, and I hope that the new CEO wont just focus on the easily identifiable. Some of the contracts that Council enters into , involving hundreds of thousands of dollars, could do with more political perusal.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Rob

Just out of interest, what is your view of selling assets to pay for one-off projects that will be enjoyed by discrete sections of ratepayers (ie the splash Centre) rather than using the proceeds to help keep rates in check for all?

Anonymous said...

Damn, when I saw Michael talking about a rates review I thought that it would be like the Sarjent extension review, ie abuse the very concept of rates and everyone ever associated with it and then nuke it. Though of course he could just put it on a referendumb (Question: Do you think you should have to pay rates any more?) where it would be a sure-fire winner.

Anonymous said...

It's Alan Anderson, not Allan.
Farmer, Anglican lay preacher, National party candidate 1987 (he fell out with David Cairncross and Denis Woods when they backed Cam Campion in 1990, Bushy Park chairman. It would be a surprise if he put his name forward but I think he's stood before in either 1988 or 1991 - someone will know. I was thinking the Vision ticket don't usually pick past failed candidates but then remembered that Marty Lindsay and Joan Street had missed out before and they picked them in 2004.
Alan would be a lot like John Martin around the council table except he's not as bright and unlikely to have much influence. I'd still pick Jodie Dalgleish as the ideal candidate or Carla Donson. Younger, fresher, more arts-oriented and they wouldn't fall in behind this current mayor. Alan and John would although if Alan is the Vision candidate then he already has!
On councilors and the next 2007 election, I think the mayor will get his way in reducing council numbers from 12 to ten and the rural ward will go. So it will be a logjam for 2007 and the smart person would tand at the by-election and get elected to get 2 years of profile.
Your thoughts, everybody?

Anonymous said...

To Anon 10.38 am

Firstly, it's a pleasure to exchange political views with someone on this site who does'nt involve personal abuse. I just ignore those types.
I have always made it clear publically that I favour asset sales. I have never understood the logic that we keep assets that return less than the cost of borrowing. If citizens and councillors are genuinely concerned about the debt level of the WDC, it is inconsistent not to support asset sales. Proceeds from any major asset sale such as Wanganui Gas should be used to repay borrowing. I support borrowing for projects though, as it is inequitable to ask the current ratepayers to fund 100% - borrowing spreads the cost over the generations who benefit.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Rob. I agree with the use of asset sales proceeds to repay debt though I would need to be convinced (perhaps an independent report by a "Big 6" type consultancy that Wgi Gas should go.

Re: Allan (if you google that I think you'll find there's two "ls" - one for "L"aws, maybe?) - I think he'd be too "rural" and too "old white middle aged male" for Vision. After all, Don McGregor seems to have crossed over to the dark side on everything but the councillor number issues, and they have Rangi Wills firmly in the tent. And Randhir Dahya seems to be in the process of being bought -- Heart of the City, Port, etc.

My money would be on Philippa Baker-Hogan, who I've heard rumours about from some good sources.

Young, sporty (after all it's the Sports Guy they're looking to replace) ... as Sue Pepperell looks less and less convincing as a reliable Vision bet for the remainder of the term she'd be pretty attractive, don't you think?