Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Life in the firing line

It’s safe to assume council staff won’t be popping the corks to celebrate the end of the first year of the Diva’s reign at Guyton St.

For many of them, the attacks began well before the election as the Chronicle published weekly tirades and threatened exposes, allegations of over-inflated salaries, over-staffing and IT scams, and a regular diet of Information Act requests - all of which Mr Maslin and his happy team mysteriously seem to eschew post-election.

Since the election Council staff have, for the most part, stoically coped with the daily roller-coaster ride and irrational outbursts that characterise life with the Diva and a bunch of inexperienced, largely inept councillors cutting their teeth on committee responsibilities way beyond their abilities.

Not all have stayed the distance. In the 12 months since October 2004 the senior staff line-up has been drastically rearranged with the loss of Richard Munneke (Environment Manager), Dean Taylor (Public Utilities), Dave Foster (Finance and Information) and the pending departures of CEO Colin Whitlock and his deputy Ian McGowan. Members of a new Praetorian guard have taken up duties after being recruited from outside or promoted from within.

LawsWatch hasn’t backed off from criticism of senior staff where our Watchers feel it is warranted, but we share the widespread concern around the city and in local government circles about this drastic loss of accumulated knowledge and understanding of what makes Wanganui tick.

In particular, we share the outrage of many staff at a recent series of unwarranted and untrue comments about staff to this blog that appear to be either inspired by, or the work of, the Diva himself.

Things reached a new low with a breakfast-time posting today claiming Laws "had incompetent managers pressured to leave (Foster/Munneke)". This followed an earlier comment claiming Laws had had Dave Foster sacked and another suggesting other senior managers are in peril as the new CEO sharpens his axe.

As many watchers will know, Dave Foster left the WDC after a prolonged period of personal and professional attacks by the Diva and was immediately hired by the Manawatu District Council. Shortly thereafter he was recruited by the Audit Office as a Local Government Sector manager, where his qualifications and 16 years experience in council financials are being put to use. This speaks volumes and puts the Diva’s hysterics firmly into perspective alongside his other smoke and mirrors sideshows.

Environment manager Richard Munneke was another big loss with his departure to Horizons Regional Council. He has won national recognition for his knowledge and work in an area of crucial importance in the age of the Resource Management Act and growing awareness of local authority responsibilities in the wise stewardship of resources.

Public Utilities Manager Dean Taylor has also gone, at a time when the demands of the city sewerage project are building to a peak. Taylor was also well-regarded, having been - amongst other things - the first recipient of an Association of Local Government Engineering (now Ingenium) Award for overseas study back in 1999.

McGowan and Whitlock are just a couple of months away from their farewells and the former has been coping with a huge, Diva-induced workload as the key council support person for the Sarjeant Gallery and now with the task of salvaging planning and consultation for the Heart of the City.

The Diva has gone quiet about Whitlock’s post-retirement book project but it’s hard not to feel some sympathy for a CEO who has devoted a huge part of his life to serving his town and its people, but now finds himself in the midst of an administrative maelstrom.

New CEO Dave Warburton has his work cut out restoring morale among remaining staff and giving them confidence that he will be able to teach the Diva the difference between governance and management. We can only wish him well and hope he succeeds in stemming the haemorrhage of valued Wanganui citizens.

(Our thanks to the Watcher who provided this piece)

Comments on this post are now closed.


Anonymous said...

This might help soothe some of the anguish being felt at all levels in Guyton St, thanks Laws Watch.

Anonymous said...

Beware the Michael Laws my son
The eyes that wander
Jaw that flaps
Beware Michael's coming wrath
Upon the public servants, staff
At Guyton St the foe did meet
His match

So draw thy pen oh Watcher brave
And welcome to the honoured seat
Of public enemy number one
At least down Guyton Street

Snick snack
Snicker snack
The watchers pen drove through and backed
A truck through Michael's arguments
For once there's someone talking sense
Of management and governance
The self-control he lacks.


Anonymous said...

When will this man realise he needs to stop trying to control everything and everyone in our fair city?

Anonymous said...

Dave Foster: incompetent fool responsibl for most of City Hall financial revelations
Munneke: loathed by Wanganui business & criticised by council before resigning for incompetent Horizoons
Taylor: fundamentalist Christian who saw the light in Q'land
Whitlock & McGowan: retiring age.

LawsWatch must be morons if they ae defending incompretence but then, they are!
On behalf of the average Wanganui ratepayer - the clean-up was long overdue and I hope it isn't over.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I can see insurrection in every motion that council passes and the unanimous support for this mayor's plans.
You see that's the point LW can't get: that there are no concerns being raised around the council table about the clean-out.

Anonymous said...

You know the great thing about this mayor & this council. They have two more years, at least. If you think they moved this past 12 months, imagine what they have in stote for TWICE that time period!
Go Lawsy.

Anonymous said...

LawsWatch is talking out of its arse, and obviously doesn't/didn't work at council if they think the departure of finance manager Dave Foster is lamented.
The guy directly cost the Wangas ratepayer $35,000 for the late filing of last year's Annual Report; didn't tell the last council about their worthless forestry investments; said that the Sarjeant extension funding wouldn't come from rates (but it did indirectly thru asset sales & a special div from Wg Gas); didn't have a debt control policy according to new finance manager (if the FA agenda I got last week is right); and underestimated the WDC's debt by at least 20%/
If that's competence, I'd hate to see LW's definition of incompetence! Jeez, Carol.

Anonymous said...

I'd like council staff to comment because they were closest to the action. Was Dave Foster a good fuinance manager or not? None of us out here know - we only read this blog or the 'papers.

Anonymous said...

Laws Watch wrote:

"a bunch of inexperienced, largely inept councillors cutting their teeth on committee responsibilities way beyond their abilities."

So which ones are those???
And how have the returning councillors performed - McGregor, Dahya, Bullock, Westwood and Stevens?
Would you have preferred Campion, Palmer and Mitchell-Anyon to have been re-elected?

Anonymous said...

"a bunch of inexperienced, largely inept councillors cutting their teeth on committee responsibilities way beyond their abilities."

Let's see ... how about Higgie, McKinnon, Pepperell ... and the Diva himself.

Anonymous said...

Is that the annual report that was apparently buried in the mayoral drawer for far too long?

Anonymous said...

Yeah right, dork. Read the Audit Report and Mitchell Reports - the blame shunted home directly to one D Foster, the favoured champion of Laws Watch.
Yet again hate facing facts don't you: read ALL the above transgressions.
Come on Carol - you know the score. How can you defend the indefensible?

Anonymous said...

Is that the annual report that was apparently buried in the mayoral drawer for far too long?

9:24 PM, October 11, 2005


This is the kind of entry that has discredited LW in the eyes of the mainstream media. An allegation made without any evidence & when investigated found to be untrue.
Is that why the Chroncicle, Dom-Post, Herald on Sunday & RCP are now ignoring your calls, Carol??

Anonymous said...

My take on this is that Laws Watch is pointing out that Foster was snapped up by the Audit Office, and before that by Manawatu. That suggests there's a bit more to this than the mayor is prepared to admit. Let's face it, he had it in for Foster well before the election and was looking for some early scalps to impress the dopes who voted him in and ran with him.

Laws Watch said...

This is the kind of entry that has discredited LW in the eyes of the mainstream media.

So you're saying the mainstream media is so dumb they can't differentiate between a LawsWatch blog post and an entirely anonymous comment?

In fact it's not unheard of for commenters to deliberately post stupid or inflammatory material (not that we're characterising the comment you criticise as that) just to distract other commenters and try to discredit the blog.

But most mainstream journos are smarter than you like to think. Unfortunately, in Wanganui it's not smarts that's lacking but editorial cojones.

Anonymous said...

I'd like council staff to comment because they were closest to the action. Was Dave Foster a good fuinance manager or not?

Who cares? he's gone, move on

Anonymous said...

Who cares? The remaining staff, concerned that they too will become targets for slander next time Mickey needs a scapegoat.

Anonymous said...

I heard Dave lost some of his own, good, staff before he left himself. Staff who couldn't stand to see how he did things. Of course there will be some concern among staff at council when a new broom comes in. So there should be. So they need to earn their (our) money now - good one. A shake up is long overdue.

Anonymous said...

Laws blames the previous finance team for "letting it slide".

What was Whitlock doing?

Laws can say anything he like because he knows Council staff aren't allowed to talk to the media. I imagine the real situation was a bit more complex than he's pretending.

Anonymous said...

And you're right Marion, they're getting a shake-up. But when your boss calls the newspaper and discusses your job performance with a reporter, in the private sector that's sometimes called "constructive dismissal".

There are ways of dealing with performance issues in the workplace. Grandstanding is not one of them.

Anonymous said...

By commenting on individual staff members Laws is undermining the CEO.

Anonymous said...

Here's another example. Cooks Gardens: the "problem child" of council says Mickey. And that's it: the only word of explanation for their perceived financial difficulties.

But when you call your children an "embarrasment to Wanganui", is it any wonder that they develop problems?

It's ironic that someone with such a manifectly juvenile outlook talks about a "problem child".

Anonymous said...

"Cr Don McGregor asked why that was and why council hadn’t heard about the debt before."

says the Chron.

This is from the 2004-2005 annual plan:

Current assets:
Debtors: 2,794,000
Inventory: 200,000
Cash at bank: 3,960,000

Total: 6,954,000

So Council not only knew about it, they signed it off in 2004.

This from the 2005-2006 annual plan:

Current Assets
Cash 1,819,000
Receivables and Advances 6,680,000
Inventory 360,000

Total: 8,859,000

And they signed that off too.

Anonymous said...

Correction: Sue Westwood voted against the annual plan, saying, in essence, that as Council had ignored the LGA, the annual plan is an illegal document.

Anonymous said...

I would have expected better of (Gentleman) Don McGregor than putting a council officer on the spot by basically inviting him to slag off his predecessor.

It seems the poison is seeping right through the ranks.

Anonymous said...

“Why haven’t we been actively monitoring it? Was the previous financial officer not doing his job? If you hadn’t picked up on it, we wouldn’t know,” Don said.

Mayor Laws continued where Harkness wouldn't go. Perhaps Julian was being polite, more likely he knows that witchhunts are useless, and would only be pursued by the incompetent.

“I think it’s fair to say that the previous financial team hadn’t kept an eye on the ball and let it slide – how much was a revelation internally and around the council table.” said Michael.

Since none of them had read either of the last two annual plans. No, wait a minute...

Anonymous said...

As Colin Whitlock explained, in a muddly kind of way, it's debtors, Jim, but not as we know it.

There's a big chunk of money that got on the books as part of an unknown arrangement with the old polytech, and lots of loans given to people to help pay stormwater separation costs that is "steadily being repaid".

But don't let the facts get in the way of a good rant, will you Michael.

Anonymous said...

In other words, credit levels are high because of extraordinary lending coinciding with stormwater separation projects. So Mickey jumps on it as an opportunity for slander. What a wanker.

Anonymous said...

...part of an unknown arrangement with the old polytech...


Anonymous said...

If Cooks Gardens is the problem child of Council now( Mayor Laws todays Chron)imagine the disaster that it would have been without the dedication of a succession of volunteers over the last 9 years. .
Through these people Wanganui ratepayers have had this redevelopment built for them on the cheap, if the WDC had done it it would have cost millions more.
It's time for the WDC( wanganui ratepayers) to front up to it's responsibilties to provide and maintain this civic amenity.
I dont understand why the volunteers on the Cooks Gardens Trust simply dont tell Laws to shove it - he's only using them as a whipping boy.

Anonymous said...

Correction: Sue Westwood voted against the annual plan, saying, in essence, that as Council had ignored the LGA, the annual plan is an illegal document.

8:03 AM, October 12, 2005


The Annual Plan 2005/06 was UNANIMOUSLY endorsed by all 12 councillors plus the Mayor (read the council minutes) & they were all pictured in the Chronicle (SW included) having a celebratory bottle of bubbly.

It's not the SUM of debts that's important so you can't blame either this council or the last for not spotting this from the Annual Plan/Report.
It's whether they are current, 90 days, year, 5 years old. Nowhere was that reported.
Foster was incompetent and everyone at council knows it. Let's move on, As Julian Harkness said.

Anonymous said...

Let's move on, As Julian Harkness said...

The problem is that you, Michael, never move on. You carry your grudges and vendettas with you like a suicide bomber and it's just a matter of time before one of them blows you to pieces.

Anonymous said...

No the problem is that YOU, anon, misidentify the posters here.
If I was the mayor, I'd be a lot more brutal than this one. That he hasn't sacked the incompetent Cooks board is amazing and that they get my money to balance their books and not run the shows they're contracted for, stuns me even more.
The problem is YOU, Carol.
You asre such a negative woman you can't see that this council and this city needed the Extreme Makeover it is (hopefully) getting!
And that you spend all day near/in/writing this blog is tragic.

Anonymous said...

I would still like Carol, Laws Watch, whoever to admit they ###### up over Sue Westwood and the debt issues, but they won't because they're not rational people.

Anonymous said...

Sue Westwood said at draft time that she'd be voting no. Obviously she changed her mind.


"Recently appointed chief financial officer Julian Harkness has reported to council that council has debtors of $3.1 million of over 90 days"

Is this the sum total of Council's debt? It would seem that there'd be some under 90 days, so the true debt is more.

2004-2005: Debtors: $2,794,000
2005 - 2006: Receivables and Advances $6,680,000

That's an increase of $3,886,000 during the current Council's term, assuming "debtors" and "receivables and advances" are the same thing...

So the situation is more complex than meets initial scrutiny. How much of the "letting it slide" was due to the new broom sweeping a little too clean during that 12 months? One thing's for sure, abuse isn't going to answer these questions.

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile, following the other megalomanic loony...

"Peters refused to talk to the media, instead performing for television cameras with two walkabouts that led nowhere.

Peters first set camera crews following him down Lambton Quay when he popped out of his Bowen House offices for a sandwich.

Smiling for the cameras, Peters told reporters he had nothing to say and suggested they request an interview with his press secretary.

He declined to say whether he would grant any requests. Asked how negotiations were going with Labour, Peters said: "I'm not going to discuss important matters such as that on the streets of Wellington."

Two hours later, Peters again left his Bowen Street offices, crossed Molesworth Street, went in to the Backbencher pub, left the pub again, walked down the street, hailed a taxi and sped away."

Anonymous said...

Not to mention what the whakapapa is Tariana doing? Has she been sipping pinot noir with Winnie?

Laws Watch said...

I would still like Carol, Laws Watch, whoever to admit they ###### up over Sue Westwood and the debt issues, but they won't because they're not rational people.

Why would LawsWatch admit an error in saying Sue Westwood voted against the Annual Report when we didn't say it? That would surely irrational.

As for any error we've made on debt, what is it that we've got wrong in your opinion? Other than the attribution of blame, which people are debating here. The figures we've quoted were from Council itself. We then went on to discuss where the fault lay. That's a difference of opinion, not a mistake.