Monday, October 24, 2005

Oink if you're happy

After venting about all manner of sexual proclivities from chastity to masturbation in his latest Sunday rumination, the Diva gets onto a subject about which even we acknowledge his deep and abiding expertise - pork barreling:

And there's nothing better for an errant MP than pork-barrelling. It's like returning from a night out burgling and sharing the ill-gotten gains with all your mates / electorate the next morning. You become a mini-godfather, I discovered. All manner of individuals and delegations flood your office seeking special favours.
Good for the errant MP and even better for the errant mayor, it seems. For the Diva is not above doling out the porcine favours with the best of them if he thinks it can win a vote or three. Plenty of this went on in Hawkes Bay, but since we're advised to forget the past, pretend the Diva has a clean slate, to move on, to forgive and forget (enough - Ed) then perhaps it's time for a brief history lesson just of the last year's pork barrel promises, made good and otherwise:

  • The "nil" rates rise (delivered for some but not for others)
  • The Film Festival (a personal $20k promised but never delivered)
  • The River Queen premiere (just where is all that outside money?)
  • The whole referendumb farce - swimming pools, footpaths etc (promised but, in the main, not delivered - yet, anyway)
  • The main street Mayoral office (yes, that again)
  • Jobs for the girls (Spin Fairy, Fairy Godmother) and boys (Nygllhuw Morris at Wanganui Inc, buying Rangi Wills with a Wanganui Inc seat etc)
  • Cash splash at the bowls opening - and no doubt others (while he donates some of the Mayoral salary to such things, pork barreling it is nonetheless).
  • And so on... (Watchers may care to add to the list in comments)
With a by-election handily scheduled to coincide with a fun-fest of concerts, the Mayoral Mile etc., it seems the smell of bacon in the air isn't solely from the breakfast grills of Wanganui's many fine cafes.

Meanwhile, could there be any connection between Dotty's promise to "find somewhere else" to store the large Vision sign that's appeared outside the Mayoral office and her determination to supervise Guy Fawkes bonfires at Castelcliff? Surely not.

And as commenters have noticed, could there possibly be a connection between the lack of off-topic, irrational and just-plain-abusive comments and the Diva's reputed absence overseas? Again, surely not.

Comments on this post are now closed.


Anonymous said...

Dear Lord
We A-L-L know that you are just a bunch of L-O-S-E-Rs and here you are, suggesting that I, who am def. N-O-T Michael Laws, am resp for comments to this pathetic hub of unsubstantiated rumour and innuendo by those arty farty dole bludging L-O-S-E-Rs. Yes, LawsWatch, you know who you are dearies. A-N-D – dear lord, you seem to know who I am too. Still, other mayors will be jealous and I DO have my mega celebstupidty salary SO you have got the mayor you deserve and anyway, if I chose to fulfil Piggy Muldoon’s famous quote about raising the IQ of both nations by spending a few days in Oz, I can’t help it if your pathetic L-O-S-E-R blog has been robbed of its most prolific commenter. B-U-G-G-E-R, I didn’t mean to say that. What I meant to say was … Um I was talking to the mayor of Brisie just the other day and he said how J-E-A-L-O-U-S he was because no-one has ever called HIM a D-I-V-A … anyway I need to get away now and let D-O-T know just what I think about her P-A-T-H-E-T-I-C performance in my absence. In fact, I might even write a column for my F-A-B-U-L-L-O-U-S website (well, Nicki told me so) and call it, “When the C-A-T’s Away”. So take that, Losers.

Bring me another XXXX, will you Leo!

Anonymous said...

I can think of a place to stick the Vision display.


Anonymous said...

see those pesky Chron letter writers keep asking on Sat wondering where the referendumb questions come from ...
Tell us Mickey ...
how did they come ?

Anonymous said...

"We were not just elected to represent the ‘majority’…we were also elected to represent the ‘minority’" - Sue Pepperell

For all the finger pointing on both sides, ie LawsMob and LawsWatch, this single paragraph by Sue P seems to sum up the problem with Vision. Can she really be the only one to realise it though?

Anonymous said...

...this single paragraph by Sue P seems to sum up the problem with Vision...

It's not a problem if you believe, as Laws says he does, that it is better to destroy opposition than compromise. Mickey wrote an article in the SST about populism recently, which makes it quite clear that his "policies" are not intended as improvements to the status quo, but are simply designed to keep the incumbent "popular" and in office. In this contect it would be extremely foolish to try and represent anyone other than the "majority".

Anonymous said...

Fairy Godmother. What the hell is that.

Anonymous said...

Have you taken that proper-gander poster down yet Dot?

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Dotty realised that "deputy" means "person who runs around behind me with a bucket of warm soapy water and a scrubbing brush" in Lawspeak.