Monday, October 03, 2005

Lights, camera, lack of action II

The organisers of the cancelled Wanganui Film Festival have responded to our request to put their side of the story as to why the Festival never got off the ground this year. As per our commitment to them, their reply follows, unabridged:

I have just had a look at your website, and am sickened at the talk emanating from a bunch of no-hopers that have done nothing for this city, but then choose to denigrate people who have made an effort. If they are so pissed off that we are not going to run another film festival at our loss (2002/3/4 cost me personally, upwards of $10,000), I would ask, where were they in February this year when the subject of a 2005 festival was being thrashed out in the Chronicle and the open Council meetings? They obviously have no idea of the time-line for putting any festival together, and probably couldn't run a raffle. Ask Yvonne O'Connor about the two years of hard yakker and huge funding required to get Wanganui Blooming Arts Festival prepared.

Thank you to Nygllhuw Morris who has attempted to put the record straight, but let me give some details that might fill the gaps.

[In] early January I consulted with the Mayor as to whether a festival was viable, considering our previous losses. He said it was good for Wanganui, and suggested that a mid-winter festival might be best. I put to the Mayor that we could not put a festival together without guaranteed funding - either from the council or from the NZ Film Commission (whose applications were to close the following Monday). Based on the cost of previous festivals, and innovations planned, it was agreed that $20,000 plus sponsorship of prizes would provide a workable budget.

We discussed the point that the 2004 festival had received some funding from the 2004/05 Community contract, and any application to the 2005/06, if granted, would not be paid out until after the 2005 festival.

The Mayor then said that our film festival was an important event, and he would see what could be done to find some support in council. He added that he would consider making a personal contribution, should council funds not be available. On this strength of this, I made a hasty application to the NZFC Festival Fund. (We had been unsuccessful on the three previous occasions, but felt we were in with a chance after having proved ourselves.)

Philip Shackleton was asked to investigate whether or not there would be another source of funding within council. Philip discovered that a $20,000 grant in the 2004/5 Community Contract was not going to be taken up, and he prepared a submission to the Economic committee.

The Rivercity Film Festival did not make this application; the first I knew of it was at the actual meeting, where I was unable to speak. This was the meeting where [Cr Barbara] Bullock had the opportunity to discuss and consider the merits of the festival, but chose instead to use her power vindictively, just to get one up on the Mayor. It was immediately after this meeting that Nygllhuw Morris resigned from the Film Wanganui Trust; this being the first indication of how the misrepresentation and manipulation of the facts would affect any outcome.

A couple of weeks later, the 'application' was put to a general meeting of council, that decided to pass it on to yet another committee that would meet in three weeks time. The following day, we received notice that our NZFC application had been refused, leaving us with no guarantee of funding from sources other than Council.

Time had run out for us. There was no chance of preparing for a mid-winter film festival based on the competition that required competitors to produce films from scratch and have them in for judging, selection, sending off to the NZ Film Labeling body (takes a month, costs $2,000 - $3,000), plus our own requirements for booking of venue, advertising, lectures, speakers, judges etc., and also renegotiating with our sponsors for prizes.

Had Ms Bullock weighed up the pros and cons of using the $20,000 surplus in the Community fund, and decided that the film festival was not worthy, that would have been fine. We could have gone back to the Mayor and put the hard word on him personally. However, as Bullock managed to hold up the process by big-noting herself at our expense, the delay before a council decision, yea or nay, was death to the Rivercity Film Festival.

The NZFC denied our application 'because of the need to support NZ culture'! Their criteria for funding is that competition and awards should be apply, that the public can see and discuss the films, and that the festival should show previous success. The inaugural Wairoa Maori Film Festival received $25,000, after having already received $80,000 for the event, from the Ministry of Economic Development.

Perhaps some of your 'loyal' citizens who are choking your website, should attack the real culprits who brought the Rivercity Film Festival to extinction.

Marion Campbell
Firstly, our congratulations and thanks to Marion Campbell for responding to public concerns and addressing them here. Especially considering the Rivercity Film Festival was essentially a private initiative (albeit one which sought public funding). It throws into stark contrast the accountable-to-no-one approach taken by other Wanganui entities, notably Port of Wanganui Ltd and, more recently, John Unsworth and his Splash Centre cheerleaders who've been repeatedly asked to explain what's going on.

Secondly, as some commenters predicted, the organisers clearly blame Council - and Cr Bullock in particular - for the fact that funding was not forthcoming.

While we don't dispute Ms Campbell's account, it does overlook a few points we think are relevant:
  1. Whilst the application was indeed stymied at the Economic Committee meeting on 8 February, it was raised at full Council a couple of weeks later, as Ms Campbell details in her response. If a majority of Councillors were behind the project, they could have dealt with it then, not kicked it to the curb as they did. So blaming one Councillor (and in fact it was Crs Bullock, Wills and Dhaya who spoke in opposition to the application on 8 February) seems a little harsh. Seems like they all dithered.
  2. As Ms Campbell states "...there was no chance of preparing for a mid-winter film festival..." but the impetus for changing dates to the middle of winter came from the Diva, tagged to his promise of sponsorship from the Mayoral salary. With the ongoing failure by Council to act, the way was open for the Diva to ride to the rescue and honour his promise (made in his "Cats Away" column on 21 February, and personally in January to the organisers) to make a donation. Why should it have needed the organisers to "[go]back to the Mayor and put the hard word on him personally"? When Council (for whatever reason) sat on it's hands on 8 February, the way was open for him to honour his promise. Having decreed the change of dates to mid-winter, it wouldn't take a genius to figure out that the Festival organisers needed the money then and there.
  3. And what on earth are the bureaucrats at the NZ Film Commission up to?! A film festival, with a proven record of success, refused "because of the need to support NZ culture"? Clearly Wellington's view of "culture" is somewhat narrowly defined.
Seems to us this is a tale of incompetence from go to woe - but not on the part of the hard-working organisers.

Comments on this post are now closed.


Anonymous said...

"The Mayor then said that our film festival was an important event, and he would see what could be done to find some support in council. He added that he would consider making a personal contribution, should council funds not be available. "

So, Michael said he'd find some support in Council. And then he did...nothing, or Council would have had a heads up about it before the meeting.

Another example of Mickey not backing up.

Anonymous said...

Okay, thanks Marion

It would be great if you’d now answer these yes/no questions:

1. Did the required switch to winter scheduling affect the outcome?
2. Did you take the mayor’s talk of personally funding the festival to be some form of “underwriting”?
3. Were you surprised to read on February 21 in the Chron that he was still considering putting up a personal contribution?
4. Did Michael Laws help you write the peerless prose that opened your response (because it doesn’t seem to fairly reflect the sentiments that have been expressed here) .. and your ridiculous attack on Cr Bullock?

And one more open-ended question:
Why do you think the mayor didn’t front up with a personal contribution which you say was on the cards “should council funds not be available”?

Finally, I have been following this discussion and I don't recall you being slagged off here. I for one would have been pleased to get involved if you had made some sort of public invitation for assistance instead of letting Michael's spin fairy tell the "story".

Anonymous said...

If that first paragraph is any indication of the way Marion talks, it's no wonder no-one supported her. On the other hand it explains why she's such good mates with Mickey.

Anonymous said...

Marion: "where were they in February this year when the subject of a 2005 festival was being thrashed out in the Chronicle and the open Council meetings?"

Marion, I was vaguely aware of the discussion at the council through the story in the Chronicle, particularly as I (and many others)was very concerned about the imperious way that Michael Laws seemed to have visited chaos on the community contracts funding process and I was aware that many very worthy organisations were in shock, really, at what was happening. Their prospects of being able to continue operating while the mess was sorted out were uncertain, let alone into the future under the type of criteria the mayor wanted put in place. We're talking about organisations like the City Mission here, remember.

No matter how "worthy" or urgent the film festival might have appeared (and the fact that the mayor was also insisting it be brought forward, thus apparently causing the "urgency") I would have been appalled to see it "jump the queue" in terms of being given uncontested access to that money.

Then a few days later, when I read that strange comment by the mayor after he returned from Tonga he seemed to be saying you had misrepresented his motives and I was left wondering just what was going on. But given that he also said he was considering funding the festival personally, I figured he was going to do the decent thing.

With the benefit of hindsight, we are a lot wiser as to the way Michael Laws operates now and I wonder how much other talk by him of donating his mayoral salary has turned to nought.

Matt Dutton said...

Why exactly was Barbara Bullock so pissed off at Michael? I seem to recall him making several remarks about the returned councillors at that time...

In any event, I also remember the debate around that $20k. The point was made by several councillors that the $20k should be shared out among various local worthy causes, not given to one. Laws' argument is that we should give lots of cash to several larger events, rather than smaller amounts to everyone.

Both points of view have merit. I can see the advantages of "selling" Wangas a bit more aggressively, and the best way to do that may well to have some whiz-bang events. It is Council's job to apportion community money without fear or favour, however, and by limiting the number of donations it makes, Council runs the risk of alienating large sections of the community. Indeed this has already happened.

In my view the mayor's job is to be a full-time fundraiser for everything the community wants to do. There are certain administrative roles he/she must undertake, like chairing meetings, and attending civic events as host, or community events as an invited guest.

Michael argues that by playing his various roles in the meeja, the exposure he brings Wanganui makes up for the lack of a full-time Mayor. But a full-time Mayor would have at least emailed all councillors the day after the meeting with Marion to say, hey let's do this...

A full-time Mayor would have contacted the NZFC himself in support of Marion's bid.

And if he'd put up that $20k on his own, he would have gone a long way to redressing some of the damage that attacking the arts has done to his image.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone considered the possibility that Michael didn't want the film festival scheduled for its usual spring slot because he thought the River Dog would be ready to premiere then (pity about Toronto, eh Michael) and he smelt a bigger celebrity kick-back from that than from Marion's much-loved festival?

Anonymous said...

The Variety slamdunk of River Queen mentioned in the Chron today also doesn't bode well for Dotty's grand vision of visitors flocking to the museum to see the props and costumes etc (and just where is the money for that coming from, by the way?)

... and the elaborate period re-creations often ring false -- the sets and costumes seem somehow too new and too clean.

Anonymous said...

It's vitally important that the Museum chronicle everything that goes on in Wanganui as soon as it happens, so we can look forward to the mayoral mile exhibition too, I expect.

Anonymous said...

Yet again your hatred of the mayor obscures the truth. First, it was HIS fault the festival was cancelled (a constant Dud Duttin refrain) but when the facts come out and it's not - it still is!
As for that dweeb Morgs Hunter - what have you ever done for Wanganui except fuck up the opportunity to Wanganui to have a youth council? Marion Campbell made that film festival work year after year after year and the thanks she gets from Morgs the Wanker is that she didn't answer her Qs! What a tool - an unpaid youth columnist who got sacked by the Chronicle demands accountability ... it's a joke.
The mayor always said he's underwrite the festival but the part that is hinted at by both Marion and Nygellhuw is that she was exhausted from carrying the organisation all herself. None of her critics have done half as much for this city over the years.

Anonymous said...

Interesting that the council skipped over Morgs Hunter, Jeremy Clarkson & Carla Dodson to set up their youth committee and took their $50K with them. What's WYCD going to do now? Simple: die.

Anonymous said...

Who's next to try and get along with Michael, do you suppose? :)

Anonymous said...

"when the facts come out"

Opinion is not fact. When Lawsmob can address the $20k promise without recourse to abuse, they'll have some credibility. Until then...

Anonymous said...

In the meantime, attack the messenger, there'll be another one along in a minute.

Anonymous said...

"None of her critics have done half as much for this city over the years."

Name one of her critics, then show how they've criticised her, then address the criticism. Except you can't, because no-one has criticised Marions involvement, liar.

Anonymous said...

anon ..."Interesting that the council skipped over Morgs Hunter, Jeremy Clarkson & Carla Dodson to set up their youth committee and took their $50K with them."

Um, last time I looked Jeremy Clarkson was flying around the Ferrari test track in a new, red rocket. I think you might mean Jeremy Loader, anon.

Anonymous said...

Laws is all mouth and no spine. He's never been any good at anything other than criticism and abuse.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear,

Isn't it cute the way Michael bursts in here straight after his morning ablutions, finds the points raised a little close to the bone, and starts hurling abuse at the first name he sees.

Sorry Morgs, it's just your turn today, that's all. It would be nice to say it's nothing personal, but then everything Michael does is personal.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, mate it wasn't the mayor who "hurled the abuse" - it was me, you ignorant tosser because i've known Marion for years and Morgs Hunter has done nothing for anybody.

Anonymous said...

You're quite right, Marion. They're a bunch of no-hopers in here & none of them have done anywhere near what you've done for our town. Congratulations & I hope to see the film festival resurrected in '06.

Anonymous said...

i have some sympathy with anon about Morgs Hunter. The guy hasnt earned the right to hold Marion C to account. Who does he think he is? My granddaughter was part of the initial youth gathering but has left it because she said a couple of older kids took over.

Anonymous said...

How quickly they turn on their own. Morgs, like Sue Pepperell just last week, is getting the Lawsmob treatment. Do you suppose Morgs' demise can be traced to that column he wrote about the WYCD presentation to Council?

Don't worry Morgs: you can wear an insult from Laws and the gang as a badge of honour. It's not even that exclusive a club anymore.

Looks like Marion is the new flavour of the month. Look out Marion: todays tool is tomorrows toilet where Mickey's concerned.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said... 8:59 AM, October 04, 2005
Name one of her critics, then show how they've criticised her, then address the criticism. Except you can't, because no-one has criticised Marions involvement, liar.

How can she name people who continually hide behind anon, But maybe you could find out who called marion a quitter in the previous post for not trying hard enough. 3 years work and a great festival is hardly quitting. A pack of sad morons here have no right to moan... oh wait thats the only thing you can do as none of you have done anything positive in your lives!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Laws friendly people really do like to attack anyone brave enough to put their name to this blog. Well done Morg. Just don't worry about these negative people who really don't want deal with the issue, just attack attack.
I also would have loved to see the film festival go ahead. Perhaps Marion just needs to look to other people for a fresh approach to funding.

Anonymous said...

Get real Laws-mob, stop having ago at the festival lady. She tried but it just looks like a fuck-up by council and Laws. He should have just coughed up the promised cash and everyone would have enjoyed a really good 'do'.

Anonymous said...

Have to agree. None of these people in here have ever done anything for Wangas, and they're not electable to any public position so let's add that up -
1. Don't help Wangas
2. wangas don't want them
= they're the negative whingers Chron editor John Maslin wants to leave town.
I mean what's Carol webb or Matt Dutton ever done for Wangas? Contrast with Marion Campbell.

Anonymous said...

Are you a blind cunt?
Marion Campbell didn't blame the mayor but Bullock AND condemned the whingers in here!

Matt Dutton said...

I'm not going to go into specifics but I daresay I can match Marion's $10k over the years.

As though it's any of your business.

Anonymous said...

Pottymouth said:

...Marion Campbell didn't blame the mayor but Bullock...

Then Marion needs to get her head screwed on right. Did Bullock offer her $20k of someone else's money? No. Did Bullock promise $20k of her own money if ratepayers cash was unavailable? No.

Anonymous said...

My take on that council discussion was that Cr Bullock and others were more concerned with protecting the rights of organisations like the city mission to be considered on a level playing field and of course they were worried about the implications of what seemed to be a “done deal” by McKinnon, Laws and Shackleton. As I recall that was what was implied in your letter to the Film Commission. Wasn’t that what ML was referring to when he claimed to have been “misrepresented”?

Anonymous said...

We all do our bit, for the city. Again the Laws-lovers just try and take this blog down to their level.

Anonymous said...

For newcomers, the film story so far...

Bullock - only interested in oppsing ML, couldnt give a rats about the festival - just a means to an end at a time of political change.

Marion - caught in the middle and being picked on by everyone

ML - promised and wasnt here to back it up.

(floor) Mat - broken record, says lots, achieves nothing (specifics would be nice!)

Lawsmob - too vocal minority blamed for every negative in this blog - but actually only 50% of the problem

morgs - enthusiastic and well intentioned (someone has to be nice to him as he is really a bit of a plonker)

Lawswatch et al- the other 50% just looking for another opportunity to have ago at ML

pip - really Carol

dan - really Carol

Summary - no film festival and no one really knows why it cant get funding and proceed especially as both sides (lawsmob and lawswatch) are saying they support it.

and now back to the main programme....

Matt Dutton said...

Want specifics, scriptwriter? Phone me, we can meet. I'm in the book. But would you bring your proof of the "true" identity of Dan & Pip?

Anonymous said...

Hi it's Pip, maybe I should just be another anon! So, no I am NOT Miss Webb. Sorry but true!

Anonymous said...

we are carolmattdelphineemmalawrencepip

Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

Anonymous said...

1st anniversary of the election of vision comes this weekend
can we see bloggers` views on what has been achieved over the last 12 months?

Anonymous said...

We've acheived division, in the interests of Michael Laws.

Anonymous said...

Where does one start?

It isn't a year since Vision (plus Rangi Wills) took over - they were sworn in late-Oct so didn't take control until then. Chas was still in his office all of October and drove the mayoral car until almost Xmas.

Achievements of Vision:

1. Exposed the "missing million" and the lies of the SGTB re outside funding;
2. Exposed the "even more missing millions" and the illusions about the council's forestry investments & dividends;
3. Revealed the true debt of council (20% more than publicly reported);
4. Sacked the WDC financial manager Dave Foster & commissioned an independent financial audit;
5. Had the SGTB board resign, leading to scraps with the SOS & COC mobs and the withdrawal of govt's funding of Sarjeant extension;
6. Saved the Wanganui ratepayer over $3m by not proceeding with the Sarjeant extension;
7. Struck a nil rates rises for 05/06 and 90% of Wanganui residents actually got rate decreases;
8. Hounded out incompetent senior managers;
9. Referendum '05 and now funding the top 4 choices (Splash extension, riverfront development, footpath renewal, airport terminal).
10. Creating new events like Jimmy Barnes concert, River Queen premiere, Mayoral Mile, etc.
11. Established Wanganui Inc;
12. Appt new CEO and new deputy CEO;
13. Established national profile for Wanganui - for good or ill;

Failures of Vision:

1. Upset the arts community - locally & nationally;
2. Upset the 'old boys network';
3. Perhaps sidelined certain councillors (Stevens not included becauses sidelines himself)
4. Wasted time & ratepayers dosh on Code of Conduct complaints;
5. No mayoral office on mainstreet;
6. Still lack of co-ordination with Wangas-based events & inadequate promotion;
7. Still shitty front-desk service at WDC (resource/building consents);
8. Mayor can stray from assertive to aggressive on occasion.

Marks out of 10?: Six or seven.
Heading in the right direction.

Anonymous said...

Failures of Vision: inadequate support for film festival after initial promise of funding.

Jimmy Barnes is the "embarrassing" Cooks Gardens Trust doing, not Vision's. The River Queen can hardly be touted as an acheivement: for a start it isn't even a certainty yet, and to many it looks like a $150k folly.

" Had the SGTB board resign, leading to scraps with the SOS & COC mobs and the withdrawal of govt's funding of Sarjeant extension"

You call this an acheivement? Lost $2.25M govt funding for Wangas an acheivement?

Less spin please.

Anonymous said...

failures of Vision: replaced the "old boys network" with nothing less than a "new boys network". When Nyg*lhlwl** stood up at the chamber of commerce 18 months or so ago and told them there's a new ruling set coming he wasn't kidding...

Anonymous said...

Re: the Film Festival, since we all (Mobsters and Watchers) want one, why don't we prove Marion wrong and reanimate the corpse? Nygwllhuw knows the ropes, how hard would it be Mr. Morris?

Or do we all just meet at the Bad Horse?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Where does one start?

A few corrections.

Achievements of Vision:

No 1.Only laws said it was a missing million.

No 2 The council already new the forestry wasn't going to be as profitable as hoped long before Laws arrived on the scene so no missing millions there.

No 4 Laws did not sack Dave Foster!! He left on his own accord.
Laws has no say over staff even though he would like to.

No 6 Lost Wanganui Govt Funding.

No 8 Total rubbish, refer to no 4. Council staff answer to the CEO not the Mayor.

No 9 Only the Mayoral mile is his.

No12 Totaly irrelevant to Laws, this was going to happen anyway and selection of CEO and Dep CEO was done by Council.

Failures of Vision:

Definately all nine listed

Failure by the Mayor,
Not enough time being spent at council
Promises money before it has been put throgh council.
Creates total havoc in Council building. Constantly changing meetinge etc.
Has little knowledge of Process.
Rude to staff.
Throws his toys out of the cot reguarly.
Spends Council money like it is going out of fashion.

My marks out of 10 one maybe two