The naked truth
Watchers were shocked - shocked, we say! - to see this robust picture of virile manhood (well, not the actual manhood... but you know what we mean) brazenly displayed in recent days, particularly given it's somewhat ironic placement within the pages of Mr Maslin's withered organ:
Quick as a flash, one G Fugle, a regular letter writer, fired off a letter to the editor suggesting the Chron makes a naked Sean going about his duties around town a page two regular feature. Clearly, Wanganui is a town devoid of excitement, at least insofar as G Fugle is concerned.
A much less horrifying idea of Mr Fugle's was a caption contest based on the photo, which he kicked off with: "Slow down Gaylene, you're wearing out my pencil".
We're sure Watchers can see Mr Fugle his caption and raise the stakes...Update: An alert Watcher has just pointed out the startling resemblance between the gentleman above and the one on the right. We wonder: might they be related?
Further update: Another alert Watcher noticed that Dotty's column in last week's Midweek thoughtfully reminded her avid readership to put their clocks back at the weekend. Sadly, in Diva World we're not only to be scolded for punching above our weight, but we're instructed to be permanently behind the times.
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So, I said to Mas: You think I can afford clothes on my salary?
I practicisng for when I interview Bob Clarkson.
Should be compulsory for Sean to come to council meetings like this. Would liven up the proceedings.
You mean putting his best face forward for a change????
So, who said council reporting is a load of bollocks?
"Should be compulsory for Sean to come to council meetings like this. Would liven up the proceedings."
I don't think poor Michael could stand the competition for the limelight.
The sight of Sean is quite a vision
As off he heads upon his mission
To expose the lies,
Pies in the sky
That make up Michael’s division
Sean told Gaylene: Strewth
I’m no callow youth
I’m onto Laws
I’ll reveal his flaws
I’ll expose the naked truth
So I said to Michael, Look
You pathetic little crook
I’m twice the bloke
And you’re a joke
And no one gives a fook
Seriously though ... the Chron managed to send a fully clothed reporter (not Sean)
to both Wednesday's harbour meeting yet there hasn't been a word about the River City Port presentation which should have been a HUGE story.
What's going on, Mr Maslin?
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