Monday, October 17, 2005

Pianos above, squirrels below

The Diva's speech notes from Council's weekend retreat - despite their sparse, bullet-point form - give an insight into his thinking. For those not familiar with the peculiar mix of half-formed ideas (some of which aren't too bad, if only he'd resist the temptation to abuse both people and process in trying to get them implemented) brewed in a soup of vitriol, rant and cant, the following may be considered instructional.

Like a class of university undergrads attempting a post-modernist deconstruction of an obscure text, let's go through some of the highlights (or lowlights, if you'd prefer) of the Diva's thinking.

After characterising Wanganui as amongst the "lesser rank of provincial cities" he then goes on to list the problems facing the district, all of which seem eminently sensible, at least from the perspective of the LawsWatch cave.

It's to be hoped that some of his more... errr... robust followers weren't present to hear the next bit, though, as it appears from many of the comments sprayed round here from time-to-time that the merest whiff of socialism is enough to have at least some of the Lawsmob baying for blood:

Need to reject the hands-off, the market-will-determine model (a recipe for further decline/disintegration)
Then we're treated to an insight into Wanganui BD (Before Diva):

  • Dreadful market failure in terms of promotions/events
  • Can’t rely on volunteers to pick up pieces (aging/skills)
So those people who've organised events in the past, hang your heads in shame. You failed to live up to Mickey's exacting standards. And you volunteers - you decrepit, unskilled bunch of yobbos, be off with you!

Prioritise (development/amenities) & publicly explain
Explanations! After a year of being treated like the proverbial mushrooms, we're sure Wanganui will be looking forward to those. Next up for careful consideration is Council itself:

End of 'Gliding On' staff mentality
Yes, we've noticed the outbreak of woolly cardies and grey zip-up shoes at Guyton Street. Time to lift your act, people! Lycra bike pants will be handed out at reception, and an annual award will be given to the staff member who does the best impression of a squirrel stuffing away it's nuts. Female staff members will be issued with a squirrel on request. We're sure that staff will be highly motivated by being publicly compared to characters created purely for their comedic value, designed to be gently mocked.

Flatter management structure
With, no doubt, the Diva at the top, micro-managing every aspect of operations, senior staff flattened beneath him (watch out for falling pianos, Dr Warburton) and Council staff the foundations upon which this teetering pygmy pyramid rests.

Monthly all-in meetings between councillors & senior management
If in doubt, hold more meetings we've always said. Not a bad idea though, depending on who'll be doing the talking (ranting, raving, posturing...)

Councillors taking individual responsibility for issues/areas
Oh yes, it's working so well for Nickie Higgie, for instance. Power without responsibility for the Diva (there's always spin and the Lawsmob to save him) and responsibility without power for everyone else.

  • Involve community in decision-making (not just Comm Outcomes 2003)
  • Let community take ownership of choices & priorities- "community" is not lobby/interest groups
Debate has already commenced on the latter pronouncement, we note. Leaving aside the obvious fact that interest groups are a vital part of a healthy, vibrant community, and that their "interest" is what motivates them to give freely of their time to whatever community activity they feel passionate about; and even leaving aside for the moment the "divide and rule" mentality this conveys, let alone the contempt for passion, the democratic process, the activities represented by such interest groups etc etc... just how does a community "take ownership" of choices in Wanganui PD (post-Diva)?

We suspect the answer from Guyton Street would be... well, unprintable... but roughly translated read "with their shiny new referenda". So no need to engage, no need to discuss, no requirement even to even become informed, just relax, focus on the spinning press release, and tick the little boxes we tell you to tick...

Then we move on to more pragmatic matters - police numbers / River Road / Health etc - till, buried near the end, this piece of logic:

Splash/Riverfront/Footpaths – priorities interesting (not Sarjeant/art)
That's right people, it's footpaths or art - you can't have both. Curse these artists and their raucous insistence we have a duty to preserve gifted art, their elitism is damning us to walking on unpaved kerbs!

That the best cities in the world have art galleries and footpaths (and swimming pools and a vibrant waterfront) doesn't matter when there's a chance to divide and conquer and call it prioritising. After all, faced with a choice of footpaths or art, who wouldn't opt for the former?

Comments on this post are now closed.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Watchers. I wonder how the full specch played out. How was it received by Council officers and staff? Anyone other than Michael prepared to give us their version?

Anonymous said...

Wanganui proritised, not the mayor.
To remind you how democracy works ... 54% turn-out (national average for 2004 local body elections was 49%).
Splash Extension - first
Riverfront development - second
Footpaths upgrade - third

Sarjeant Extension - second last (13th)
Public Art works - last (14th).

No wonder you don't like referenda LawsWatch. They prove that the majority of Wanganui people think YOUR priorities (& that of the arts bleaters) is crap.
Sorry but that's the rule of the majority for you so perhaps you could go found a commune somewhere. Ahu Ahu is vacant.

Anonymous said...

Agree with anon 5.12pm -
You're missing the point, Carol.
The council is almost broke and has to prioritise its spending. It asked the community and the community said "these are the 3 most important to us".
It's nonsensical to say the council can afford ALL these things because it can't. Democracy decided the Sarjeant extension was not a priority and thats fair enough, surely? How can anyone argue agst that?

Laws Watch said...

No wonder you don't like referenda LawsWatch.

It so happens there's mixed feelings amongst Watchers about referenda. Some oppose it, others are in favour. But even those of us in favour are acutely aware of the dangers inherent in referenda which are not backed by a proper information campaign.

Wikipedia has a very good discussion of the pros and cons of referenda, including this line:

The main objection to direct democracy is that the general public is an a poor position to judge the appropriate actions of government. The public is not as interested or informed as their elected representatives. Much of the public only has a superficial understanding of most political issues and is likely to be swayed by a charismatic yet irrational argument.

And when you're dealing with the Diva that, in a nutshell, is the problem.

Anonymous said...

You've just critiqued democracy, Carol.
It's not a perfect system as the UK Winston once said, but it's better than anything else.
If you don't like referenda, by implication, you don't like elections because - to quote you LW - people are "likely to be swayed by a charismatic if irrational [individual]".
Yeah, but only the Watchers here think Laws is irrational and they had their chance in '04 to say why. Wanganui voted him in nonetheless. Now he is sharing decision-making, you don't like that either.
Why not just machine-gun all the plebs, you Sarjeant-huggers, and have the despostism of yourselves as a substitute??
Admit it guys & girls - you hate democracy/referenda because it might produce a result that you disapprove of.

Anonymous said...


Two mutually exclusive concepts but we're supposed to love them both? Your populist jism might excite Dot & Bobby but it won't cut it here Mickey.

You've betrayed every constituency you've ever had, so don't get high and mighty about representation either, you charlatan. Pimp of disdain, your cred's all used up along with your original hair colour.

When elected to office, Michael has a history of abusing it. Like his phoney polls of old, Wanganui referenda will have no results beyond Mickey's vision, which is inward.

Anonymous said...

This prior commentary is why no intelligent person visits this blog anymore. If you defend the mayor you're accused of being "Micky" and abused. You really need to get over this bitterness because its destroying this site but also its participants.
And you didn't provide a rational answer to the points raised earlier either. No wonder Mr Laws runs rings around his opposition in Wanganui if this is the level of that opposition.

Anonymous said...

You've betrayed every constituency you've ever had, so don't get high and mighty about representation either, you charlatan. Pimp of disdain, your cred's all used up along with your original hair colour.


Admit it. you're in love with him.

Anonymous said...

It could be lust.