And in tomorrow's news...
Update: The following is satire, humour, whimsy, a pinch of irony and a dash of prestidigitation. It is not to be taken seriously.
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A shadowy group which gathers with but one purpose - to analyse, and occasionally mock, the reign of The Diva of the Ditch, His Worship the Mayor, Michael Laws. Fuelled by scurrilous rumour and innuendo, The Watchers shine the unblinking spotlight of scrutiny on the ambitions of the Man Who Would Be King, of Wanganui and beyond...
Update: The following is satire, humour, whimsy, a pinch of irony and a dash of prestidigitation. It is not to be taken seriously.
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Laws Watch
6:49 pm
It is said that power corrupts, but actually it's more true that power attracts the corruptible. The sane are usually attracted by other things than power. David Brin, American author (1950- )
Last time I saw, Helen Lawrence was still the mayor's press secretary. And, when you think about it from a professional point of view (& putting aside all politics) - doing one ace of a job. I admire smarts no matter from which quarter.
She actually scares the shit out of me. Saw her in action once. Not a lady to take prisoners. What's her background?
Yes, Helen does a good job. It must be bloody difficult finding something positive to say about Michael every day!
She used to work with (or close to?) Laws in Parliament. Not sure exactly in which capacity
Can we talk by-election?
I see its set for March 2006 - does anyone else realise that's six months away? A bloody eternity.
Let's have a poll on our ideal anti-Laws candidate. Please, LawsWatch, that's what we need - the ideal candidate to win.
Here's a sample.
1. Rob Vinsen
2. John Martin
3. Ross Mitchell/Anyon
4. Judith Timpany (Whanganui Foundation)
5. Margaret Campion
6. Emma Camden
We need to choose one and get behind them but they need to start campaigning now. A possible 7th would be Matt Dutton, but he says he's not interested. I'd go Carol [Webb] but is she as strong as the above?
How about Scruffy the dog, he would get great press coverage and would be assured the mob vote
That is correct. There are far better candidates than me, anyway.
Let's find out who's standing first, too. There might be a few surprises. No I haven't heard anything.
I agree that "we" should try and back one candidate, but I question the wisdom of putting up an "Arts" candidate. I don't care who we elect so long as their attitude is that we that Council is there to support all the residents of Wanganui. This emphasis on "my constituency" that populists make such a virtue of is dangerous, I think. It's not just Michael, incidently, there are returned councillors who take exactly the same tack.
The problem as I see it with this approach is that it leaves one utterly ethically compromised. I prefer a candidate to make up their own mind, listen to arguments on the table. With the greatest of respect, the issues are complex; voters have no chance of understanding all of them. I have a good understanding of Maths up to first year degree level, a degree in Industrial Design, and eighteen years of professional experience, and I've simply given up trying to understand all the things that go across the Council table. That's why we employ people to read those council agendae on our behalf. that's why it pisses me off when Michael makes simplistic nonsense of it for no good reason I can see.
As to referendoh, I can see the virtue in them, but if we're going to make civic projects the subject of them I think we have to do several other things. Firstly, I think Council should take submissions as to what questions to ask. Secondly, I think that clear distinctions should be made between yes/no referenda, and the "set the priority" referendumb we had already. 8% of the 50 or so percent who voted wanted the (ugly, sorry) Warren Mahoney extension. But we're talking about a poll that was boycotted on principle by, among other people, a senior partner in a law firm of my acquaintance, me, Ross, most of the artists I know, etc. etc.
The only credibility I need to bring my opinions to this debate is the direct debit for rates that I allow to flow from my coffers to councils. Die Sarjeant Gallery ist der besten Kunstgalerien in dem land. So says a German website. Kunst means Art, incidently. we must invest in our strengths; the key to any successful business is to do what you're already doing, more, and better. There's a lesson there for Council. They serve us. It's time they woke up to the fact that that means all of us, all the time.
I'd put John Martin at the top of the list, Rob Vinsen if Martin's not a starter.
Please, no one do or say anything to encourage Ross M-A to even think of standing.
LawsWatch, I think you're barking up the wrong tree. A Spin Fairy can only do so much with the dodgy material she's fed, ie silk purses and sow's ears. What the Diva needs is a FAIRY GODMOTHER to grant his every wish.
So what do we think his three top wishes would be?
Anonymous said...
Please, no one do or say anything to encourage
you just took care of that yourself
Kunst means Art, incidently.
It does? And for a second there, we had our hopes up, Matt. We don't know much about art, but we know what we like.
LawsWatch would be happy to run a poll of potential by-election candidates. Doing so might give people uncertain of their potential popularity the courage to put their names forward, and equally may discourage those who don't have a snowball's from entering the race and splitting the vote.
So, add your nominations below. Any names mentioned will be included in a poll to be run from tomorrow (Wednesday) afternoon onwards. Kind of like Big Brother but with extra democracy.
Late entries will not be accepted, because we're too bloody lazy to re-code it every time you come up with a new name.
Ross M-A would be great.
Oh goodie, this is just like a referendumb but without the Diva telling us what to vote for. My top three picks:
John Martin
Rob Vinsen
Margaret Campion
Michael will just nominate a new visionite and the voters will go with it...
and the bleating in here will only strengthen His arm...
I thought it was only Carol and Matt who visit this site. You can't have it both ways
Yes - those are the top three altho' Ross Mitchell-Anyon has been a councillor and would pose the greater threat to Laws if elected. Martin and Campion are bland and cyphers, Vinsen is spirited & has business support.
You really believe the Spin Fairy is doing the spin?
I thought - according to this LawsWatch - that she was leaving? C'mon - can't have it both ways.
Just to clarify - we are in no way implying that Helen Lawrence is leaving. It's Tuesday night, TV is rubbish, we're bored, we have Photoshop and far too much red cordial for our own good.
Apologies for any confusion.
Helen Lawrence worked for SOEs and Defence minister, Labour's Mark Burton. Also for the Nat's Nick Smith MP. No wonder she's running rings.
Yeah and she gave all that up to work for micheal.....hmm
Naughty, naughty LawsWatch. We expect breaking stories here, not pissed artifices.
So - one-up on the GK Taylor story
One-down on Helen Lawrence resigning.
But a creditable half for calling the Port of Wangas shit exactly as it was. There are times we despair of our so-called friends.
Anonymous said...
Yeah and she gave all that up to work for micheal.....hmm
Every Diva needs an understudy.
A Fairy (Godmother) story
One day after he returned from his run around the mayoral carpark, Michael stood before the mirror admiring his sexy running gear, especially his skimpy little tight lycra shorts.
As he sighed with pleasure there was a flash of light and the Fairy Godmother appeared.
Michael, she said, I’ve only got time to grant you one free wish before I have to fly away back to Castlecliff and earn some cash to pay for my rates increase. It’s really hard to make ends meet since you cut my Community Contract funding, you know.
Michael sighed. Well, Fairy Godmother, look at me. I’m just so darned handsome, I couldn’t think of any way to improve on that. And I’ve got the car of my dreams, not to mention the best parking space in town. What I would really like, however, is to be recognised as a great leader, in the style of the Winstons (Churchill and Peters) and of course the Iron Lady herself, Margaret Thatcher.
The Fairy Godmother shook her head sadly as she contemplated his lycra shorts in the mirror. I’m afraid I can’t help you there Michael, she said. They’ve all got balls.
Dear Anonymous, it seems you have been a victim of the dreaded shorts. Please accept my heartfelt condolences.
rumour schmumour.
Bob Walker, Alan Taylor, Graeme Adams, Stephen Palmer, Jodie Dalgleish (would she even stand?).
We need some out of left field too. Chas Poynter, Ken Mair, Paul Holmes.
Oh, and of course, Antoinette Beck.
Lawswatch, I understood you were joking. Still, in rumour-fueled Wangavegas...
And if we were pissed as someone dared imply, could we spell prestidigitation?
LawsWatch is chaste, temperate in all things, and in bed before midnight. We don't want that Fairy Godmother coming round staring at our equipment.
Congrats to LawsWatch on getting a poll on the best anti-Laws contender for the by-election.
But how about another one - with the General Election so close. On who we're going to vote for our LOCAL MP and then who for the PARTY vote. Might be revealing.
Jodie Dalgleish.
Now there is an excellent by-election candidate. Businesswoman, proven arts lover, respected in the wider community. And more intelligence than Martin, Vinsen or Campion.
I listened to Jodie's annual plan submission, and I've seen her in action at meetings. She's capable, practical and quick. If she wanted the job she'd do it very well. I'm not convinced her profile's sufficiently high enough, but it could be.
But there you go...that leaves me pretty conflicted between her & John Martin, who has reach across a broad range of demographics. And he wears a kilt, so unless there's some sort of blood feud between him and the McGregors, he and the Don should get on.
Massed pipers at Guyton St.
I don't agree that the poll should be for the best anti-Laws contender. Just put the names in and vote. That way, we can have a look at the relative popularity of the diVisionaries also. Sure, it'll be providing information to Michael, but why not?
Jodie has broader appeal than Martin. She is a woman, and what if Vision selects a woman candidate? Also she is smarter than Martin who tends to drift in debate (did you see his pre-election performance at the racecourse? Dreadful) and would be easily outmanoeuvred by Laws. In fact, if you watch him, he tends to agree with whoever he's speaking to.
Not so Jodie. Strong, articulate, understands art and would not be cowered.
The other thing about John Martin is that he doesn't have the common touch. Jodie does.
Your making a very good case, and I think you may well be right. Will she stand?
Her organisation work on the State of the Arts was great.
Would she split the arts vote? Would she have cross-over appeal?
The second question is more important than the first.
I'm pretty sure she could stand up to Michael's bullying.
Jodie Dalgleish does have cross-over appeal. Putting aside her arts hat, she can write (see the Chron columns on the case for the Sarjeant extension), she is a businesswoman and entrepreneur. Peple loved that in this city - businesspeople get a recognition & respect they probably don't deserve.
John Martin is retired. Full stop. Do we need another retired old fogey on council?
No, we need someone smart, sassy, articulate who will appeal to women, the commercial sector and so on. If we select her NOW then we have at least 7 months to get her profile raised.
If the pundits on this blog are right about the general election, perhaps Jill Pettis will be looking for a job. Now if anybody could shut ML up, it's be Jill. Have you heard her in the House?
Jill for Mayor!
Wanganui's going to vote National. Yeah right. Compulsory bulk funding for schools and troops in the Middle East. Uh huh.
Some of you anons are blinkered with the art thing...
look from the 'average voter 'perspective...
a heck of a lot of voters will avoid an arts background candidate...
having been turned off the lot of them by the carping of SOS...
"Wanganui's going to vote National. Yeah right. "
One thing Wanga's not short of is racist rednecks. They love Winston and Michael knows how to push their buttons beautifully.
Yesterday Don Brash came to town with an immigration policy designed to pull the rug from under Winston and win back into the National fold anyone who's starting to get uncomfortable with Winston's worst excesses. The TV coverage sure showed a bunch of blue-rinse Winnie mob types at the Brash show.
Chris Trotter opined the other night that Winston First's slump in last week's polls was a result of the wavering Labour voters running back to Helen for the same reason.
And everywhere I go I here the blue rinsers saying what a wonderfully smart young man that Chester is, he got a law degree by lunchtime, don't you know?
"And everywhere I go I here ..."
oops - make that hear
Here's the candidates who missed the cut in October (No doubt Graeme Adams-who-isn't-leaving-town would be sucking up to Vision with his Grey Power platoon this time round):
CAMPION, Margaret
DAY, David
ADAMS, Graham
Ratepayers Association 4837
Vision Wanganui 4772
Independent 4402
PALMER, Stephen Wade
Independent 4373
Ratepayers Association 3930
ratepayers Association 3560
Independent 3216
ANDREWS, Ormond Joseph
SMITH, Heather Marion
Ratepayers Association 2781
Ratepayers Association 2584
SMITH, Keely
New Energy Wanganui 1692
New Energy Wanganui 1566
HOWE, Shane
Independent 1344
DALZIEL, Frances
I agree about the "Arts" thing. I'm a staunch arts supporter and we need a broader based candidate. So does Wanganui. More people participate in Arts than Sports, so it shouldn't be hard.
Anon said:
"One thing Wanga's not short of is racist rednecks. "
So I keep hearing, but I never actually meet any. Are you sure there are as many as you think? Surely the level of popularity for Winston First is a good barometer: going down!
And why would a racist redneck vote for Brash anyway, with his "asian" wife? I think Wanganui has far more "average ratepayer" types than rednecks.
Well, Winston got 600 of them out a couple of months ago, Brash got about 200 yesterday.
If you want to find a racist redneck just walk into any sports club, bar etc and say the name Ken Mair - and be prepared to run for your life.
Sportsbar patrons as racists, eh? Could it possibly be that Mr. Mair is unpopular because of his politics?
I vote Labour, and I find the assertion that National party supporter are racists simply offensive. Deluded, pro-US puppets, yes, but racist?
You've descended to Laws' level.
It wasn't designed as a criticism per se, just real politik. And Brash knows it. Ergo, Orewa I and yesterday's echoes of Winston on immigrants being blamed for everything from rising property values, crime, and of course the obligatory spooky story about the Maori convert to Islam who supports bin Laden, immigrants who put their own cultures before becoming kiwis, etc I could go on. But his audience at the racecourse loved it all.
I just don't think there are as many of them as you aver. There are other reasons why people vote National.
So what is happening with the story that Laws has been talking to Winston about a place on the NZ First list?
Winston seems to be keeping any announcement till the last possible moment. Do you think perhaps Laws is holding back to see where they are sitting in the polls before casting his lot in with Winston?
I won't believe that Laws is back on the Winston First list 'til I see it.
But I hope he is, because of the inevitable further slide in Winston First's fortunes it would signal.
I like the idea of LawsWatch doing a poll on how people feel about Jill vs Chester. But also do the list vote question. Then if Laws does crawl out of the Winston First woodwork we'll be able to see what effect, if any, that has.
So, have we exhausted the list of names to go on the by-election poll?
What about Carla Donson. She stood last time and didn't do too well but she's pretty well known and well-respected for her community work. Would probably get her share of the female vote?
We're all being a bit optimistic given the lack of interest in the polls here.
I have a theory about that: people don't like clicking buttons online: html link good, button bad.
I wonder how many people who would otherwise be candidates will have been put off by Laws' presence. A relatively influential local "name" has been heard to remark: "Talking to Michael Laws is a waste of life."
Anyone with similar opinions would hardly want to have to work with him.
At least one person who would be an excellent candidate is planning to leave town for a couple of years because they've "had enough of Laws".
That sucks - why can't people realise that the correct response is to run him out of town, or at least back to Op-Ed gobshite.
We can't run him out of town, dummy. He won.
Elections have a funny way of occuring every 3 years. And what about an angry mob with dogs and pitchforks?
Any ideas who Vision might put up?
Vision could put up a 3 legged blind donkey and it would get in. Most multi issue Wanganuites appreciate their rates bill and dont give a monkeys who MLs is stirring up.
Fair point, Vision did that last time and Nikki and Muzza got home ok
I believe Dot's Dick would be a good option
I've heard two names.
Richard Moore is one.
Bob Walker is the other.
But I think Laws might be smarter than that and go with a Sue Pepperell type candidate.
Which is why ... Jodie Dalglish is the best candidate in response.
Sally Patrick
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