Monday, August 15, 2005

De(press)ed freedoms

The need for LawsWatch has been brought sharply into focus today. While commenters have argued we're "not part of the media" (a view not held by Rupert Murdoch, among others) we've maintained that blogs play a vital role, particularly in any situation where mainstream media cannot or will not fulfil the functions of the Fourth Estate.

Wanganui, it seems, is such a place.

The River City Press has refused to accept any further advertising for the LawsWatch website from our anonymous benefactor. Yes, anonymous - we don't know who it is. We were contacted via email from an anonymous address and asked if we had any objection to the advertisements being placed. We did not. We'd encourage anyone with spare time or spare money to promote LawsWatch in any way they like.

Here's the sequence of events today:

  1. Following accusations in comments on the blog that the advertisements were placed by Carol Webb, claiming to have received such information from River City Press themselves, the person who actually did place the ads contacted the RCP this morning to question them as to why they would:
    1. Say that someone placed an ad who had not done so.
    2. Discuss the identity of an advertiser with someone who had no business to be asking in the first place.
    He (yes, the donor was male) said he wanted RCP to organise to put the record straight with an official posting on this blog.
  2. The person who dealt with the advertisement alternated between denying she was the one responsible and saying she'd only told one other person, the "editor".
  3. Now she says the council has told them "they are not happy" with the ad, used the old "potentially defamatory" line and threatened to pull Dot's column (gee whiz, that would be a loss).
Our benefactor has now been told RCP will not run any further ads for LawsWatch "because we don't want to be the meat in the sandwich". A copy of the advertisement, and it's handy placement right next to Dotty's delerious Diva-esque ramblings, can be seen above. We realise it's a bit hard to read. What it says is:
Join The Watchers at Laws Watch
Council Comment
that counts
Have your say NOW on Wanganui politics

See anything "potentially defamatory" in that? Of course not. To use the potential of defamation as an excuse not to publish an innocuous advertisement is yellow journalism.

Well, here's something that is potentially defamatory: The River City Press is a gutless ad-rag with it's head clearly so far up the status quo that anything it publishes is immediately suspect.

We're not in the business of censorship. We've edited one single comment from hundreds that have been posted here these past months, to remove an irrelevant comment on someone's appearance, and have deleted only spam. We're happy to have people visit and leave comments supporting the Diva, and criticising us and this blog.

If you'd like to see the River City Press follow the same policy of open debate, write to them at and let them know.

Update: Just for fun, here's Goebbels on why it's wrong to listen to the BBC, with the words England or BBC substituted for LawsWatch, references to Germany substituted for "Wanganui", Fuhrer for "Mayor" and the boring military bits removed (original speech can be found here):

LawsWatch... want to cause unrest in the Wanganui population through their enormously exaggerated figures. We cannot reply to their lies, since we want to provide only accurate figures, which simply are not available at the moment.

Aside from the criminal nature of such behavior, does it really pay to read LawsWatch? We have to read them for professional reasons. Cross our hearts, we would be delighted if we were free from this unpleasant duty...

If our radio and press are silent, it usually means operations of truly gigantic scope are being prepared. It is the duty of each Wanganui citizen to wait with confidence — a confidence, by the way, that is justified by countless historical successes. When citizens secretly read LawsWatch, they are being played for fools by our most bitter enemies.

That is not only criminal, it is absolutely unfair. The Mayor and his political staff are working day and night, and not for themselves, but for the people that mean everything to them. Just before the great successes, they often hold their breaths, wondering if everything will work, if things will really turn out as planned, if perhaps somewhere unforeseen problems will surface. Then they are delighted to once again announce a great victory to the people, compensating them for the long period of silence.

Meanwhile, some citizens sit at the computer reading LawsWatch. That is thankless, contemptible, and vile. It lacks even the most basic respect for the work and responsibility of the leadership...

We know well enough the terrible consequences anti-Laws propaganda had for us in the Hawkes Bay War. We do not want to run the risk of that danger a second time...

Does not such rumor mongering deserve not only prison, but also the contempt of the entire people? We cannot excuse it on grounds of stupidity. We are fighting for our lives... If Wanganui's citizens do not have enough brains in their heads to see that... one may not read the enemy, then they must receive exemplary punishment

Comments on this post are now closed.


Anonymous said...

I bet the Chron. won't take the same line. Mas won't be bullied like that. Or will he?

Anonymous said...

Who from Council? According to which resolution?

Anonymous said...

Well, Carol - if you hadn't accepted money from an anonymous benefactor then you wouldn't be complaining now. If you honest, open about LawsWatch's identity then we might have some sympathy.
Oh, and if you didn't have such a sad life that you record all council meetings. That's not obsession, that's way weirder.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, LawsWatch knows Laws like I know Paris Hilton. Although I'd like to:)

Anonymous said...

Rivercity Press made an appropriate call given that they were advertising a bunch of anonymous dweebs who lie. That's not censorship, its responsibility dickhead.

Laws Watch said...

That's not censorship, its responsibility dickhead.

Someone anonymous calls us dickhead and accuses us of lying, yet we don't censor the person. Congratulations on completely undermining your own argument, dickhead.

Laws Watch said...

Yeah, LawsWatch knows Laws like I know Paris Hilton.

An interesting thesis, anonymous. Two spoiled Divas: differences and similarities. Discuss.

Anonymous said...

"The River City Press has refused to accept any further advertising for the LawsWatch website"

Ah, don't you just love the sound of jackboots pounding down Taupo Quay.

Anonymous said...

Bullies like to feel so in control, don't they? Who from Council called the RCP? I'll find out eventually, you know that don't you? Then I'm going to tell everyone who to call when you want some censorship organised.

Anonymous said...

"The size of the lie is a definite factor in causing it to be believed, for the vast masses of a nation are in the depths of their hearts more easily deceived than they are consciously and intentionally bad. The
primitive simplicity of their minds renders them a more easy prey to a big lie than a small one, for they themselves often tell little lies, but would be ashamed to tell big lies."

Well this quote IS from Mein Kampf but it seems to nicely sum up the philosophy and ethics of Herr M Laws. Now and his fellow nazis have added the big lie about this being Carol's blog to the nil rates rise, etc etc.

Keep sticking it too them, LawsWatch. They'll soon be down in the bunker with the capsules.

Anonymous said...

The old commie leaders used to be so afraid of poets and writers (artists in general, actually) they imposed strict controls upon them, often interning them with or without trial. The first president of the Czech republic, Vaclav Havel, was himself an ex political prisoner poet.

Keep up the good work Watchers. Don't mind the bullshit Carol.

Anonymous said...

but its not Carol :)
maybee we need a poll on who it is :)

Anonymous said...

We are Carol. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.

Anonymous said...

Of course it Carol. Aided and abetted by Matt. I'm a supporter and I KNOW that. So what?

Matt Dutton said...

I don't have the html skills. You're confusing support with ownership.

More on this later.

Anonymous said...

So Helen,

Exactly which part of the LawsWatch report card on Dotty is it that you find so disquieting that you're moved to wield the censor's sword on behalf of your lord and master?

Anonymous said...

Helen, if it was you, I hope you had permission from your boss (that's Colin Whitlock).

Laws Watch said...

Exactly which part of the LawsWatch report card on Dotty is it that you find so disquieting...

Oh, we very much doubt it's Dotty they're trying to protect. The ad didn't point people to COuncil Watch (although there's a link to there from here). And the comments on Dotty and reasonable, and some are quite supportive.

After all, Goebbels never cared too much what they said about Rudolph Hess, did he? His job was solely to protect the image of the Fuhrer.

Matt Dutton said...

Right then. I've stated publicly that I am not the "owner" of Lawswatch. Neither is Carol. However, I intend to start supporting the Watchers by paying for the odd advert here and there. I wouldn't want to be accused of fibbing, so if financial support implies an interest, then I'm interested.

Anonymous said...

Laws talks endlessly about democracy, I wonder whot area does 'censorship' come under, in his brave new world? What are the Lawsmob afraid of? It's heathly to have two sides to the story.

Anonymous said...

Wanganui uber alles
Guyton Street is where it's at!
Mayor Michael's got the wobblies,
Watchers everywhere, the cads,
River City,
River City,
River City Press for shame,
Run the advert,
Thumb your nose at him,
Do not play these spinners' games!

Anonymous said...

It's obvious why there is to be no proper debate on issues before referendoh. If there were, people might vote for the wrong things.

If I were Laws I'd drop the bullying and embrace the debate. Didn't he once win some sort of debating prize or something?

Anonymous said...

Here's the bit I don't get - so explain it for me. Why would RCP run ads from anonymous critics who slag others? Self evident that youre cowardly tossers.

Anonymous said...

Laws' choices will win the referendum.

Anonymous said...

Does Helen really think she can silence Lawswatch? She may be good at keeping the Diva silent .. but trying to control freedom of speech on this blog site... for get about it.

Anonymous said...

Ross M-A is right: anonymous attacks are worth squat.

Matt Dutton said...

Not anonymous. My experience of bailing my elected representative up about an issue was being told to leave town. That's a direct threat, in my book. My experience thereafter has been one of a general level of most affirming personal abuse. I lap it up because, like the Watchers said, I "like a good stoush." But others are more sensitive, the anonymii, judge them by their words.

Anonymous said...

Anon said
Here's the bit I don't get - so explain it for me. Why would RCP run ads from anonymous critics who slag others? Self evident that youre cowardly tossers.

Like to give us your name then? I'm sure you dont consider yourself a cowardly tosser. I think its more an indication of the climate and style of politices we are having to deal with. At least here everyone can have their say. I dont see any of MLs supporters naming themselves. Who cares about names, lets enjoy the debate

Anonymous said...

Does this mean the Vision team and Helen read this site? Welcome on in everybody

Laws Watch said...

Why would RCP run ads from anonymous critics who slag others? Self evident that youre cowardly tossers.

Cowardly tossers who let you exercise freedom of speech to abuse us anonymously.

Centuries of debate have brought Western democracies to the conclusion that there can be no justification of suppression of free speech beyond protecting life or property. And yet you'd set that aside to protect your idol?

Refer to our first-ever post for a rationale, wherein your beloved Mayor quotes liberally from the Bill of Rights to defend his right to speak freely. A right we support by the way, as he makes extensive use of this fora.

Anonymous said...

yay. Defend it to the death Watchers.

Anonymous said...

There's one critical difference that you tossers ignore.
The Mayor exercises his right in the open and he owns his opinions -he doesn't skulk or cringe like you lot.

Anonymous said...

So what? Why are you so obsessed with identity?

Anonymous said...

being called a tosser by a coward is like being called a nutter by Michael Laws.

Laws Watch said...

A test for you, "anonymous with no sense of irony".

Without looking it up, name the editor of the NZ Herald. Name the editor of the DominionPost. Of TVNZ News. Of TV3 news. Now name the actual program editor who decided what went in the bulletin you watched tonight.

And they wouldn't even let you ramble on and on calling them tossers in the Letters to the Editor. Aren't you lucky we do.

Anonymous said...

Why would the Vision people direct Helen to put pressure on the RCP when only a couple of weeks ago, ML himself said in the Chron that he liked this blog.
Maby he underestimated the watchers
Too much information, too many sources and you cant controll any of it can you M

Anonymous said...

You're a blog. Tosser.

Anonymous said...

Are you upset? Good.

Anonymous said...

Upset? Shit,we've never laughed so much at such inadequacy ever. I LOVE that you're obsesssed, Do I make you horny, baby??

Anonymous said...

Sexy Anon said:

Do I make you horny, baby??

Yes you do. What's your name? Can we meet?

Anonymous said...

If you're a girl.

Anonymous said...

Sure puppy, send the watchers a photo & I'll think about it.

Anonymous said...

Let me see what you look like first. you could be a dog.

Anonymous said...

What's black and brown and looks good on you? A doberman.