Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Spending your bread on circuses

According to the Council's website, "the referendum topics that Mr Laws will put before the next Strategy Committee meeting will be:

Water Issues:

  • To fluoridate the city's water supply [Yes/No]
  • To 'soften' the entire city's water supply [Yes/No]

Representation Issues:

  • To change Wanganui's spelling to 'Whanganui' [Yes/No]
  • To create a separate Maori ward for Council [Yes/No]
  • To abolish the rural ward and create one district-wide ward [Yes/No]
  • To reduce the numbers of councillors from 12 to 10 [Yes/No]
Now, we've no problem with putting any of these issues to a public referendum. In fact, provided adequate and unbiased information is given to voters well beforehand, and they're given a forum in which to debate, discuss and ask questions (hint: use the Council's site for more than just self-aggrandisement, Michael) we're all for referenda.

But (yes, the all-important "but") we have a few concerns about the Diva's latest effort.

Search "fluoridation + 'pros and cons'" on Google and you'll get 786 sites. Search for fluoridation alone and you'll get "about 294,000". The majority of those are fervently for or against it. Many are alarming (searching "fluoridation +death" gets 66,400 hits - not that we're saying we believe there's a link). So how is the average person to make a rational decision on such an emotive, polarising issue?

Similarly, the "h" issue - emotive, polarising.

We'd even venture another adjective - distractive. Bread and circuses. And since it's your bread they're spending on this particular circus, it bears closer examination.

While people are taking up and defending entrenched positions for or against fluoride or the "h", they're not focused on other issues which might, if they were given the option, be as, or more, important to them.

We're certain, given the diVision teams' (now disappeared) commitment to open democracy, the distractive potential of these issues is purely coincidental.

But nonetheless, we'd like to give you all even greater openness. Tell us what else you think the Diva ought to put before the next Strategy Committee meeting - what should the referendum to end all referenda actually ask Wanganui?

Bear in mind that yes / no responses tend to work best in referenda, multi-choice less so, and answers requiring any degree of exposition are virtually useless, so phrase your questions accordingly.

Since the referendum is timed to go out with the by-election papers (now there's an issue!) we have a few months till papers are printed. So once your suggestions are collated here we'll create a poll and see what support they have. Then we'll release that to the media and send a copy to Council. Who knows, given their stated pre-election commitment to "literally, give power to the people... a real and direct influence upon all issues of local significance and a more effective input into Council decision-making" and to "create a genuine partnership between the Council and its ratepayers and residents", Councillors might be tempted to listen to you, and not just their leader.

We'll leave you with it. We have to go get some of those flying pigs off of the roof of our cave.

Comments on this post are now closed.


Anonymous said...

Are you satisfied with the performance of Council? Yes/No?
ditto the mayor.

Anonymous said...

Do you want a referendum or not? Yes /No

Laws Watch said...

Err... it's too early in the day for logical tautology ;-)

Anonymous said...

Should the council flag fly at half mast to mark the deaths of mad, repressive despots?

Anonymous said...

Seems Mickey's paid minions have got nothing better to do than harrass local media and dream up new lies to impress their boss. Go Spin Fairy and Fairy Godmother.

Anonymous said...

Yeah - new referendumb question

Should this council tolerate political appointments?

if so

Should said appointees get the boot along with their lord and master?

Anonymous said...

What do you mean by Laws' paid minions. Last time I looked the fairies had their snouts in the ratepayers' trough, even if they are taking their orders (and who knows what else) from him upstairs.

Anonymous said...

Fairies? There's more than one?

Anonymous said...

Fairies? There's more than one?

One godmothers while the other spins.

Anonymous said...

There's a gaggle of fairies I'm told. In a previous life they were known as shorthand-typists.

Anonymous said...

Apparently the flag at Guyton St has been flying at half mast but that's most likely to be due to the demise of Saint David. Or perhaps I've missed something and Michael's real hero, Beloved Leader Kim Jung-il has passed on.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Laws is desperately going through his little Red Book for names of poeple he's offended. That's going to take along time.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if the Diva was on his radio show this morning?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Does anyone know if the Diva was on his radio show this morning?

The airwaves were spared his spurious bullshit again today. Is the cat away again or is out out by ratings time?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Does anyone know if the Diva was on his radio show this morning?

He's probably too busy being obsessed with LawsWatch and rallying his troops into battle against all sorts of willo the wisps.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps Laws Watch could apply for a community grant to hire its own spin fairy. If you can't beat em ....

Anonymous said...

It's enough wading through all michael & helens spin without creating more!

Anonymous said...

Can anyone tell me why Helen or the RCP might lie for ML?

Anonymous said...

Has Helen denied talking to RCP?

Anonymous said...

Has RCP denied that Helen talked to them?